Woe Is ME.
United States
November 19, 2009 8:56am CST
i KNOW I TALK TO MUCH ABOUT MY FAVORITE GRANDSON & I'M SORRY if i bore u but i love him to death. Dec. 1rst , he is going to have his tonsils out. When he told me he called them tinsels instead of tonsils, god love him. What i need is for everyone to say a prayer for him. Thank u so much & god bless u to.
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30 responses
• United States
19 Nov 09
YES PRAYERS!!! HAVE u ever had yours out?? i have & it's not a whole lot of fun, believe me. 

@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
20 Nov 09
You have my prayers for the light of your life, after Jesus, of course. Scripture says in Proverbs.."The glory of a child is his father...of an old man his grandchildren."
God set it up that way! I know this to be true also, experientially, as I watched the special and unique relationship between my children and my parents. It was so warm and protecting as I watched their devotion and care.
And now, I have the privilege of doting over my angelchild, truly a gift from heaven.
My darling granddaughter is now 8 and is my true delight. She has ministered to me since she was a wee one and is a true epistle of love from the Lord.
She is pure of heart and of spirit, tender-hearted and innocent, pretty free from guile, still. You know children are a gift from God. Their purity only becomes sullied when the become adept and comfortable in the ways of the world and their worthlessness.
So, I digress. Never stop talking about your grandson! It blesses him and those of us who know the joy; so , we share in it.
2 people like this
• United States
20 Nov 09
Thanks so much for your sweet, kind response. I also thanks u for your prayers. I'm so glad u have such a sweet grandaughter. Aren't grandchildren just wonderful. I am so blessed to have mine. U have a great weekend.
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• United States
21 Nov 09
Thank u, u are very kind. Have a happy weekend.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
20 Nov 09
Thanks to you for your kind acknowledgment. Love on that grandson! He is a treasure, as are you.
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• United States
20 Nov 09
Thanks so much for your prayer. i'll be glad when it's done & he's on the road to recovery. I'll be sure he has plenty.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
20 Nov 09
Oh my I definitely will pray for him. How cute to say tinsels instead of tonsils. I have only one grandchild and she is 3 year old so I know exactly how you feel. How old is he and what is his first name. When praying for him I like to use his name in the pray. He will be just fine and I will pray for him.
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• United States
20 Nov 09
tHANK U VERY MUCH, I APPRECIATE YOUR PRAYERS. HE is 5 & his name is Ryan. Grandchildren are really special. thanks for responding.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
20 Nov 09
I will be praying for Ryan please let me know how he gets thru it. Have a great day!
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@marguicha (225344)
• Chile
19 Nov 09
I will, love!
Tonsils are an easy surgery but prayers will help. Take it easy and buy his favorite icecream for the first day.

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• United States
19 Nov 09
Thanks Marg, I appreciate your prayers & well wishes. Any time surgery is involed it is serious to me especially when it's my kids. Thanks for your responses.
@marguicha (225344)
• Chile
19 Nov 09
It seeems that everyone knows about icecream
. But not everyone knows about the power of many people praying
Everything will be allright.

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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
20 Nov 09
Yes I will keep your grandson in my prayers. At that age they do say the funniest things. You are not boring me by talking about your grandson you love him so keep talking all you want.
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• United States
21 Nov 09
Thank you for your kind response. I surely appreciate your prayers for him. He is a sweetheart.
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@eddiechoohn (340)
• Malaysia
19 Nov 09
I hope your grandson will be a useful person that will contribute to the goodness of all mankind.
Have a nice day!!: )
Happy Mylotting
• United States
19 Nov 09
Thank u so much for your response. I hope he will be to. He is the apple of my eye & ALWAYS WILL BE. u HAVE A GREAT DAY TO
• United States
19 Nov 09
Thank u so much for your prayers, Zandi. He's a good little boy if he is mine. Thanks for responding.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
19 Nov 09
You don't talk about him too much.....not as far as I am concerned...I bet if we got together we could have a good day or two of just comparing all the silly things they say and do to make us laugh! It would be a blast! I will say a little prayer for him......truly I will.....
2 people like this
• United States
19 Nov 09
i THINK WE COULD have a blast to.Thanks, Jill. I appreciate the prayers, i truly do. U are a 'good girl' in my book.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
20 Nov 09
Ohh! Sorry to hear that dear!
Anyway I know he can get over it by God's grace. Surely I will pray for your beloved grandson and many others will surely do. Let us all pray together for him. God is good and certainly He is going to answer our prayers. 

• United States
20 Nov 09
Thank u, i can always count on u & that's a very good feeling. I hope all is well with u & yours. Thanks for responding. Have a greatday.
• United States
19 Nov 09
Thanks jen, i appreciate your prayers for ryan. I just dread this sooo much for him. I bet he'll get whatever he wants if his bobo has anything to do w/it.
. thanks for your response.

1 person likes this
• United States
19 Nov 09
Thanks for the good wishes. He can't have anything for 10 days but cold food. I told him we would go to the grocery & get whatever he wanted. I have never heard of them doing this before but have not been around anything w/this surgery in a long time.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
19 Nov 09
That's a long time Aunty, 10 days. I don't remember it being so long and we're going way back. I had adenoids out at the same time but I don't think they do that anymore. Anyway don't worry and just remind him about the ice cream. Bravo for the box a bit higher up by the way. See you like a bit of an arguement too.

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• United States
19 Nov 09
They are going to take ryan's adenoids to. I don't patricularly like arguments but i sure want back down when i think someone is being a jerk especially when it comes to my family & friends. I do so dread it for ryan, am sure he'll do fine but there is always a worry when surgery is involved on anyone for anything. Rest well tonight.guess it's getting close to your bedtime.
@JamesKYTan (1605)
• Malaysia
20 Nov 09
It is good to know that you love your grandson dearly.Tell him not to worry. Removal
of tonsils is a simple process. It is over in about half an hour. I have already said a simple prayer for him.
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• United States
25 Nov 09
I douby my son lets me go. i don't keep my cool to well when there is something going on serioly w/my grandson. we haven't talked about it but i doubt if i get to go. tHANKS FOR YOUR KINDNESS. hAPPY DAYS TO U.
• United States
20 Nov 09
Thanks James, i appreciate it so much. Have a great weeknd.thanks for responding.
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@JamesKYTan (1605)
• Malaysia
23 Nov 09
You are welcomed. Be by your grandson side when he goes for the tonsils removal. God bless you and your grandson.
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@greenfeathers (1206)
• United States
20 Nov 09
Please do not apology for doting on your favorite grandson..Afterall, is that not why Mylot is here, for us to talk, brag, fuss about what's important to us?
A prayer he has..Enjoy!
• United States
20 Nov 09
Thank u for your kindness & I really appreciate your prayher. Mylot is a good place to be. Happy weekend to u.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Nov 09
Hi Jo! Woe is you hell! You talk about your grandson all you want! Some of us love hearing about him and for the rest, to hell with them! lol If I had a grandson who is half as cute as yours, I'd be right proud of him too and want to brag about him too! So keep on bragging for you have bragging rights! lol I will keep the little fellow in my prayers. God love him!! He's going to be really sore for a while but he gets to have all the ice cream he wants! Hmmmmm, maybe it isn't so bad after all?! LOL
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• United States
21 Nov 09
GOOD MORNING CATS, Thanks for your response, your prayers & your kindness. U are a great friend & i appreciate that friendship very much. Hope u have a happy weekend. HUGS.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
29 Nov 09
It's OK to talk about your grandson all you like, that is grandparents privelage. I will say a little prayer for him. My daughter had her adnoids out and she had no problems what so ever. They made her slushies at the hospital and she was pleased as punch, and she didn't even have that much pain, and she couldn't believe she had actually had the surgery because she just remembered being wheeled in to the surgery room, and then waking up in the recovery room.
• United States
29 Nov 09
Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so glad your daughter got along so well. I hope ryan has an easy time like she did. Happy sunday.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
20 Nov 09
Oh i sure will sweetie. you can talk about that little cutie all you want. i love it.
what else do we live live for at our age
on another note. try not to worry to much. i know anything can go wrong and sometimes 1 in a thousand with a routine operation like that. i had mine out when i was six and ran a fever for a week. they had to keep me longer then usual, but that was 50 some yrs ago, and im still kickin'.
2 of my kids had them out when they were little and they both very healthy, no problems. actually i thought they quit doing that surgery unless they have them swell dangerously. you will see he will be fine, hon. hugs, Bon

• United States
21 Nov 09
Thanks Bon, u are a sweet friend. I'll be soooo glad when it's over & done can't help but worry about him. He is such a blessing in my life. Hope things are going well w/u. Have a great weekend.
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@eddify (412)
• Pakistan
25 Nov 09
Its perfectly alriht if u discuss him alot this shows your love for him and I beleive all the grand parents are like this.
I have so many nephews and neceis that whenever a guest is coming to my house I tell them u have to talk with them and if u are able to cope with them only then u can come over, otherwise I am sorry I cant host u.
• United States
25 Nov 09
Good for u, that shows how much u love them to. Children are soprecious & need to know they are loved. Thanks for your response. Happy days to u.
• United States
20 Nov 09
tHANKS QUITA, u are a good friend. I do appreciate your prayers. Have a great weeknd & get some rest. that's an order, lol.
@Apple3Cranberry (678)
• United States
21 Nov 09
Oh. I hope he has a good experience! I've never had my tonsils out and I am 26. They haven't bugged me so far. I've had my wisdom teeth pulled. It is the only operation that I've ever had. It went well. I didn't remember anything, and was konked out. It was weird waking up in the seat, because I didn't even remember anything.
I guess I'm glad that I had them pulled. I have no room for them in my mouth. So it is probably good that he is getting surgery as well.
Do they do this at a dental like office? Or is it a regular hospital? When I got my wisdom teeth out, I went to a specialist place. I think that that was all they did. My aunt took me. I don't know why. I don't know why one of my parents didn't take me. She must have just been in town or something. Then afterwords we went out for a smoothie.
It was at a place that doesn't exist anymore. It was called the Culture Klatch. But before this was called Koffee Klatch. I like the last one better. But it was a very "green" place. They served lots of vegetarian foods, hired aspiring musicians at night, and the walls and ceilings were painted really colorful. I got a very healthy smoothie, nothing with grass in it and green or anything!
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• United States
21 Nov 09
Thanks for your response. I am glad u have never had to have more surgery. Wisdom teeth can be pretty rough. a specialist [ears,nose, throat] will do the surgery. thanks for your well wished. Hope u are having a nice weekend.