Which do you think is a better show Supernatural or Buffy the Vampire Slayer
By silvernutbar
@silvernutbar (904)
United States
November 22, 2009 4:44pm CST
Each show has its own merits. To be honest I could not see my self picking a favorite, despite the 'newness' of supernatural.
I adore anything Joss Whedon makes, but Buffy will always have a place in my favorites section above most of his other works.
Supernatural... it just gets me.. it has so much I enjoy in the genre, even if a few things piss me off 'The pagan gods always being evil monsters crap for the most part.'
Beyond that.. I generally love that show.
I am interested in your thoughts.
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13 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Nov 09
I have never seen supernatural but do enjoy the show Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I haven't watched the show in a long time but really enjoyed Giles, and also enjoyed his library assistant, Wesley? I believe. In any case, other then that Willow and Xander, and of course Buffy and Angel, and Spike and Drusilla. I generally liked all characters for whatever reason but didn't so much like Tara!
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
23 Nov 09
You didn't like Tara? Wow, that's.. wow. You are the first one I have ever run across that didn't like her. Is there a specific reason?
As for wesley, he was another watcher sent in to try and take over if he had to. Then he was relegated to an assistants position because no one really bothered to care about what he said.
If you watched 'angel' the buffy spin-off he eventually goes through a great deal of character growth, some good.. some bad.. and is an interesting character overall.
Giles was awesome.. I especially loved the episode where everyone found out he could sing and they were all shocked and stuff.
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
23 Nov 09
I'm a fan, a major one, but i'm not a fan that knows individual episode names and their first letters. lol. Mind helping me out?
As to being a Willow and OZ fan I totally agree! I wish Seth Green (Oz) had been in more episodes. He was such a cool character on there and it was nice to have a werewolf.. even if his wolf form was kind of weird.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Nov 09
Willow and Oz fan, lol, so I didn't like Tara. Oh yes That's Who Wesley Was, I remember now that you've mentioned it. As for the epsiode they found out Giles could seen I don't remember it. Was it OMWF?
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@k1tten (2318)
• United States
23 Nov 09
To be truthful, I can't answer this one fairly because I haven't really seen the Buffy show. At least I don't think I have fully and I've only caught a few eps of Supernatural. I've seen the Buffy movie though and of course that wasn't anywhere near the show.
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
23 Nov 09
Oh, I would have to agree with you about the show being better than the movie. The movie was interesting and fun, but the series was so much better that you can't even compare the two properly.
Supernatural compared to the buffy movie.. is like comparing a high powered NBA all star game to a pudgy kid trying to play a pick up game of horse in his backyard.
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
23 Nov 09
I liked the movie, but I did not 'love' the movie. If I saw it in a bargain bin for a dollar I might CONSIDER buying it. However, I might decide to buy a carbonated beverage instead.
I liked the cheesy humor, but i'd rather watch it for free when it comes on TV now and then.
The series was so much better that it isn't even funny to compare them.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Nov 09
I did not like the Buffy Movie. I watched the Movie after I had already started Watching the show, and I think the movie came out before, but either way they did a lot better by BUFFY THE SHOW.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
23 Nov 09
You've touched on two of my very favorite shows, silvernutbar! I like the premise that the heroes/heroines are in a constant battle against evil. In this way they are very similar. When they put one of my new favorite shows- Fringe - up against Supernatural I thought that was downright cruel.
I had to choose, and Supernatural won out. I am hoping they will rerun Fringe during the off-season, but it is doubtful.

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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
25 Nov 09
I agree that Supernatural is the best show of the genre around. I don't know what I will do until the new season starts in January.

@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
23 Nov 09
I know what you mean. It seems like the random networks do their best to screw us over when it comes to watching our favorite shows. You'd think they would work around each other to maximize everyone's profits instead of making people choose or buy a tivo or something.
I honestly think supernatural is my favorite TV show right now. It's a show I actually plan my life around as far as thursday nights go. Something I had not done since buffy the vampire slayer.
This is one main reason for this discussion thread!

@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
22 Nov 09
I will always have a special place in my mind and heart for buffy the vampire slayer. She created memories that I never thought were possible for me. Meaning it made me look at things differently in life especially in looking towards the inside of a person's soul rather than totally basing a relationship on the way a person looks.
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
22 Nov 09
Definitely! The dynamic between buffy and her 'mission' as well as her friends and their individual lives that are brought together as a part of it in one unique dynamic really kept me going.
The show had cool fight scenes.. demons.. etc.. but the real meat was in the way everyone was fleshed out characterwise. Even the monster of the week had a backstory worthy of notice.
It made me take a better look at people too.
The problem with me choosing between buffy and supernatural is that they are both shows with excellent central characters.. that deal with a lot of weird stuff. The show isn't ABOUT the weirdness.. it's about people dealing with it and how that affects their lives.
a few other shows tried to be like buffy or supernatural.. but it doesn't work for them.. they focused on monsters and cool special effects over character and plot.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
22 Nov 09
part of the other reason I liked it so much was the romance that went on between angel and buffy. it made you realize just like beauty and the beast did that there is beauty underneath the ugliness of the skin. also, the characters I could really relate to because they were in highschool and at the time buffy aired i was in highschool and could really relate to the issues they were dealing with even outside of killing vampires and fighting demons.
@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
22 Nov 09
I agree about the beauty and the beast angle. It was so strong a point in the series that I could not really see Buffy and Riley as a couple later on simply because he was a human being. lol.
I also, enjoyed how Xander continually attracted the hot demon chicks for various reasons. It must have been so hard for him to be the only teenage male in the gang.. beside Oz (for a season or two).
@x_Jo_x (1040)
22 Nov 09
I love Buffy! I have never seen Supernatural though! Buffy will definatly always be a favourite of mine! Theres just something special about it. The right combination of Action and Emotion i think. Great fighting scenes but also fantastic story lines to keep you captivated! Great Show
Joss Whedon is genious!

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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
23 Nov 09
Dollhouse has been canceled, and the remaining episodes will air beginning in December, as things stand now. I really believe they didn't give the show a fighting chance.
@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
23 Nov 09
That's more or less what I thought. That show was pretty good and had a lot of long term potential as far as I am concerned. The network is an idiot.. which is weird because usually the one that aired it in my area (Fox, not sure if that's always the same) usually gives shows at least a solid season.
Instead they were giving Joss Whedon grief from the start.
The cast rocks, the story is interesting and unique, and there is nothing else on television like it currently. They are idiots to do this to him. I'm sure some other network will end up buying the rights way the same as what happened with Buffy the vampire slayer.. and they'll end up making mad cash while the current network just scratches its collective head trying to decide what went wrong.
with Dollhouse missing and some of my other shows on other networks M.I.A (like Reaper) i'm not sure if there is anything else to watch.. well besides supernatural. vampire diaries.. and smallville.. but notice all of those are NOT on the network with dollhouse.
@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
22 Nov 09
Supernatural is an awesome show. It's got a great dynamic to it, not the same as buffy and crew, but there's a definite flow to it that makes it rock.
I agree about Joss whedon. I just wish the networks would stop screwing him over and let the man create. I haven't seen too many episodes of 'dollhouse' because i'm so busy on fridays usually.. but it seems like an interesting idea and it has eliza dushku ( she played Faith in buffy) as the main protagonist.
The show has a good fan following but the network will probably scrap it for some reason or other. It's why Joss Whedon is trying to do more stuff on the internet now.

@Mayuko (1268)
• United States
2 Aug 11
I'm quite behind I'd say, as I haven't watched Supernatural yet and I just started to watch Buffy a couple of months ago. I'm in the middle of season 3 now.
I think by the end of the 2nd episode, I realized I loved this series. I love the comedy intertwined with the drama and action.
I wanted to watch the series Supernatural, but I never got the chance. Well now, TNT is airing it from the first episode I think this Thursday. So I guess I'll have to come back in one or two weeks to fully answer this question.
@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
4 Aug 11
You're in for a real treat with both shows. They are somewhat long running for shows of this type, so there is a lot to watch. I am always bummed when a good episode ends.. especially for the season. When Buffy finally stopped running it was hard for me to figure out what else I wanted to watch!
@LouieWpHs04 (4555)
• United States
22 Nov 09
I like the spinoff of Buffy, "Angel", way better then Buffy itself.
If I had to pick between Buffy and Supernatural i'm kind of going to say I would be backing Supernatural more. I like their humor better.
In an overall scale, I would go with Angel if it was even a choice over the two.
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
23 Nov 09
I can accept angel as a legitimate show choice because it exists in the 'buffyverse'. I do see what you mean about humor. I also heavily enjoy the rock and metal music that shows up in supernatural.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
23 Nov 09
Hi, silver. I would prefer to watch Supernatural over Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Don't get me wrong, I like Sarah Michelle G. But I would prefer to watch Supernatural. It is more realistic. Buffy is more about vampires. I like Supernatural because it has many segments about different kinds of demons. I like to watch different types of ghouls over nothing but vampires all day.
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
24 Nov 09
Yeah, Buffy did focus more on vampires.. but there was a lot more going on than that. After the first two seasons vampires pretty much became common cannon fodder, while more powerful and dangerous critters ran around.
Still, you're right, supernatural has a much more serious tone.. which makes the occasional comedy elements all the better.
@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
11 Aug 10
I did watch Buffy and currently watch Supernatural. It is hard to say which one I like the most. I think I liked Buffy because she was a strong female character that was tough. Supernatural has gotten better every year and I admit the two guys on there are great to look at! I think they both have great dialogue, but I think Buffy had the best lines and I know that had to do with Joss Whedon.
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
4 Aug 11
Oh, definitely Joss Whedon had a lot to do with why Buffy was so awesome. He's an amazing writer. The strong female lead concept in Buffy is primarily what drew me to the show in the first place, that and vampires getting staked.
@bossfortune (218)
• Philippines
22 Nov 09
to be honest i liked both shows though i am more interested in supernatural since it has more to its plot, but i would call it a tie
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
22 Nov 09
I know, it's hard for me to pick one over the other too. They have a somewhat similar premise but much different executions. My main issue though.. is that supernatural as the 'new car' smell to it still.. I'm not sure if this colors my judgment between the two shows.
At present.. I can't wait for thursday at my house.. between vampire diaries and supernatural I finally have a day of the week for MY kind of shows.
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
23 Nov 09
I can see that as a legitimate reason! lol.
Just to freak your mind a little though.. what if.. Sam and Dean had been born as Samantha and Dana.. and they were hot chicks? Yeah.. then what show would have been better! Ha!
@ghostcyrus (2)
23 Nov 09
well both are very good, but, i take kind into Buffy, she has been around forever.
She also has improved alot on how she goes about the "slaying". Im thinking that this should just be a preference. Both are great shows though.
@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
23 Nov 09
So, a definite buffy preferrence here. Alright! I agree her character grew a lot as the series progressed and she matured into a really kick-butt superhero type.
I'm still on the fence about which show is BETTER.. but it's more because supernatural hasn't finished its series yet. I probably won't be able to know for certain until the final episodes.
@katrine021 (39)
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
i will always love buffy the vampire slayer, it changed tv,or at least for me. the character gave a very big impact. like girls being on top,being the savior. they should bring it back to kill vampires ( twilight and true blood)..hahaha
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
4 Aug 11
I would love to see a crossover of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with any of those shows. I also think a lot of people wish we could see a Buffy/Supernatural Crossover!