What are you thankful for?
By dloveli
@dloveli (4366)
United States
November 26, 2009 2:42pm CST
I've been over and over the answer to this question in my head. I am thankful for my children and my health. I cannot say I am thankful for my family because Im not. The truth is they'd rather see you doing bad so they can have something to talk about. I thought about being thankful for my country. Am I? What has my country done for its citizens? NOthing unless you count unemployment, poverty, hunger and homelessness. As I said I am thankful for my children but am regretful for the bringing them into such a fake world. Then I realized what I was thankful for. For being able to have the freedom to have these opinions. They can take my job, my money, talk about me like a dog. They cant take my free will or change my mind. For this I am very thankful. Now I am able to teach my children how to deal. They will grow up strong, FREE minded women. This is why I am thankful. What are you thankful for? dl
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19 responses
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
7 Dec 09
Today i am most thankful for a husband who will stick with me through thick and thin, and that the stress in our lives makes us stronger, instead of pulling us apart. What's wonderful is that he has said that he is most thankful for someone like me, in the same way that I am thankful for someone like him. Life is a lot easier to deal with, now that we are together.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
7 Dec 09
They say Danish that a love like that is once in a lifetime. Make sure you hold on to it as hard as you can. I have had a love like this myself. We go thru some of the most trying times that make me think I should turn and run. Then it all gets clear as to why I am here. I know he loves me too. He has made some sacrifices that let me know he would do anything for me. I dont mean just money either. He takes me before him. I take him before me. That's love....real love. I think you have it. dl
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
27 Nov 09
Happy Day Toni! Its nice to hear that you have such a great family. I used to. I honestly dont know when it happened. I am happy that I have the chance to be a mother and show my kids my views on things. I hope you and yours have a great holiday season. Tell your parents how lucky they are to have a child love them so much. This I can tell you from experience is the best! DL
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
1 Dec 09
There are so many. I know that God did not gave what I want but just what I needed, so I thank him for all the blessing he has given and still to be receive. I am thankful that I still have my parents, although I am old I still depend on them on different matters in life and it is a big relief that they are always there when I need them the most. I am thankful to my two siblings, my older sister and younger brother. Age gap are far but we are close. Eventhough younger brother is pain in the butt sometimes, I am still thankful that I can still be able to make him feel that I love him. I am thankful that I still have a job, although the salary is low, I am still thankful that I have source of income. I am thankful that everyone in the family is healthy. We have food , shelter, clothes and money. I still have friends and there is always happiness despite of problems. and finally, I am still thankful that I am still alive to experience pain and happiness at the same time.
@visaseetharaman (232)
27 Nov 09
I am thankful for being born without any handicap and for the reasoning power god has given me.I am thankful for my two children whom god created in a perfect way .But I am thankful for the country I live in .I would prefer to live in a country like America with all riches .Ofcourse I am lkeast thankful for the business of my husband with which I cannot travel any where abroad .I am thankful to my parents for giving me a beautiful house .I am thankful for the ancestral property of my husband with which I was able to marry my children and educate them .I am really ashamed and unthankful for my life on the whole as I am helpless .
@Dianiss25 (15)
• Mexico
27 Nov 09
The same things that you my health, my family, for everething I've had and I have not, on matters of politics, religion or others, I am grateful being well, perhaps there will be many things I don't get, for always there si people that don't have anyting at all.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Nov 09
FOr family COuntry and fredom of speecjh so we can continue these discussions.
Its the goernment notthe country that we have to repair.
and if enough people voise thier opinion on how things are going nust maybe uit can get repaired.
LIke I liked all the pink slips that went to congrees 5 foot tall and they are waking yup!
@surfacesur (153)
• Denmark
27 Nov 09
I am thankful of the most of my life I think. There are some things I would change about my looks, but overall I am happy. I am also VERY happy of my friends and family. They are the best. I can not wait to spend christmas and new years eve with them.
@Aylward (198)
• Philippines
27 Nov 09
I am thankful that i still have a job. I wake up every morning. for good health me and my family have. There are things that sometimes trouble us but what we should do is look for the things that we should be thankful we have while others have worse situation than us. We should all be thankful on what we have and try to share to others who lack of it.
@Spartan217 (263)
• United States
27 Nov 09
I'm thankful I can sit around the table with my family and eat a thanksgiving dinner.
@Apple3Cranberry (678)
• United States
30 Nov 09
I am thankfull for:
TIME: I am thankful for time because it separates events. Also if you are poor then you can make money. Also because of time you can persecute an unfair person and follow them, given time you will have a case. Time makes us wait. And puts things at a distance. This is a blessing. Time frusterates people and makes some people go insane. They deserve this. They deserve this because they are ignorant.
IGNORANCE: I am thankful for ignorance because people don't have to know. If people don't know people will act stupid and then you can be friends with them easier. Not many people have genious friends all the time. Also, ignorance is good because you can make fun of people and appreciate them, because it lets you see the faults in yourself.
MAGICAL UNIVERSE: This I am thankful for because it follows me around. It keeps me honest. Also it moves things. Also I might have a chance at moving a tin foil with my mind someday, or bending a spoon.
*ORES: I am thankful for *ores because they relieve tension. Also if you are too stressed they will take away your stress so you don't go insane. We need *ores. Also, *ores are dumb and make me feel fruitful.
SCHOOL: This is good because it angers people. It makes them think, not of the material, but of justice because your stuck in an oven for how many years? Also school is good because you meet friends under pressure and you learn how to be friends with them.
MONEY: Money is good because it makes people happy. Also it relieves the world of stress. Also it makes the world more magical. You may not know this, but it does.
COMPLAINING: This is good because it is sooo entertaining. People who complain are often beautiful. They are also often smart. Complaining makes music so loud and fun. If you complain you may not know it!
@veshgreend (50)
• Indonesia
27 Nov 09
i must have thanks to my god for give me a life, give me healthy, and give me fortune
and i camt stop to thankfull to my god because i still alive...
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
27 Nov 09
I am most thankful for my friends in this life time, for the good health that myself, my friends and my family as well as our pets are blessed with.
I am so thankful for the power of choice and free will. We live in a free country, unlike some and I will be forever grateful.
I am also thankful for rainy days as without them, I would not know to appreciate the sunny ones.
I am thankful for this discussion. Well said. Thank you.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
27 Nov 09
I am most thankful for my daughter, my lovely 16 year old. She has been a constant companion to me, helping me when times have been stressful.
I am thankful for my country. I do believe that the majority of our leaders do their best for such difficult economic times.
I am thankful for the great education system our country provides, for without education, we would be ignorant.
I am thankful for my pet cats and dogs.
Like you, I am thankful for my freedom of speech.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
26 Nov 09
I believe that with the economy being as sour as it is this year that there are a lot of people that are struggling to find things that they are thankful for. However, I don't feel that this is the case for myself. I am very thankful for my family, including my mother and siblings as well as my husband and my children. If it were not for them I know that I wouldn't be the woman that I am today. I am thankful that through everything that we've been through we've always been able to bind together and get through any storm. I'm also very thankful that I have the freedom of choice.
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
27 Nov 09
I am thankful for my husband and my family. I too feel that it is hard to be thankful for my country because I am unemployed and am trying hard to get back in school. At least if I am in school I will be able to do something meaningful. It has been rough on my husband and I lately. We spend his very little paycheck on bills and food, but are unable to save money. I wanted a family by the end of this year, but with the bad economy our plans are put on hold. It is hard to share the holidays without children because I was always told that Christmas is for the children.