are you strict a parents,lapsed,open-minded parents?

parenting - strict,lapsed,open-minded parents
@amyson (3498)
November 29, 2009 1:59am CST
how parents manage their children.there are different types of parenting.some were very strict,other are lapsed, and other are open-minded mother brought us in strict way of parenting but we understand her because its for our goods.but there are times when were young we do not like of her type of parenting style.because sometime were just focusing on our studies and not allowing us to be with our friends and spending time at night.but we respect her so much because of the fact our studies should be priorities first.since education is very now we have our own family i come to think the being too strict is not also good for the children because they missed some of the enjoying part of there lives.other parents a lapsed parenting because they concentrate more on their jobs and other things forgetting to attend important events in their daughters school program and even graduation.i want to be open-minded parents and not too strict but i want to discipline my children in the right way and give them some freedom sometime.are you a strict parents or lapesd,open-minded and willing to embrace new?
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10 responses
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
2 Dec 09
My parent most of the times is open minded we treat each other like friends and sometimes they are close minded when they do not like what i am doing.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
good to hear that ..parents nowadays are more open-minded than i guess in the future they will be more independence to their kids and give them freedom to develop their personality mature.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
30 Nov 09
I think that my parenting style is a very good combination of many types of parenting styles. There are several things that I am very strict about when it comes to my parenting (the things that have to do with the safety of the children are the things that I am strict about). Then, there are many things that I am more lenient about such as play time and the way that they keep their rooms. When it really comes to being a parent, I am more of a democratic type of parent than anything else.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
30 Nov 09
yes democratic type is also good parenting style you'll let children play and give them freedom to enjoy games.being a parent is very hard to do.and i give two thumbs to all mother out there.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
I think you meant 'lax'. Anyway, my parents where really strict when we're growing up. But as teenagers, they were a little lax and now that we're older, they're open-minded. I think parents should be strict during childhood so as to imbibe good foundations of values and habits while the kids are still young. Then slowly withdraw the stiffness as they grow older. I like the way my parents have reared us. They really did their jobs well, I think. I knew exactly why they punished me when I was younger, and now that we're older, people have always commented good things about us. I think it also forms part as to which school they sent us, and how they have given us the chance to commit mistakes and grow-up instead of being fed a silver spoon. I don't know how I'd be as a parent though. But I'm hoping I could do the same. As always, our parents are the best parents we could have. Like most of the parents around. Only parents knows what's good for their kids. I'm just sad that there are a lot of immature parents now-a-days, who were obviously forced to becoming parents due to wrong decisions.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
yes lax.sorry about that.yes i think many parents nowadays force themselves to be parents even they are not ready for commitment.and i also think from having a mistakes or marrying early will teach them to be good parents even though they don't know what to do because the help of parents and others it wont be difficult.
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
i am not a parents yet, though i encounter my parents would sometimes have lapse mind because of their aging situation. they are not getting young and i need to keep my patience at high most of the times. my father have suffer stroke thus his mind is affected and very short temper. although i do good things most of the times i end up being scold and it frustrates me as i do nothing to let them mad at me. this trends continues on this day i just keep a cool attitude as i do not like to hurt their feelings. i still keep myself sane and respect them as most of the times if i reason out they may curse me which i do not like to happen. though, they may sounds strict but i have to keep my respect and serve them to be a caring daughter as my way to gives thanks to them for all the sacrifices they made when i am still young and helpless. i think it is now payback times and i do care, show them a lot of attention and feed them on time,including also keeping them healthy making family well supplemented with happiness to the core.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
yes neelianoscet you need to give 100 percent caring and understanding to your parents and the fact that they were old and have some lapses it is better to understand them a lot patience and always be strong and pray.
@Baluyadav (3643)
• India
29 Nov 09
hi,amy,we are not parents to our children,we behave just like friends and at the same time fortunately,they understood us well..and never misutilize the freedom...When i was a kid,i grown under strict rules,and that generation was different.. But,if you want to grow our children properly,we must have behave like friends,at the same time, we have to see that they are sailing in right track or this generation is different.. Have a nice time.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
good to hear from you.your lucky to have children that are so well not hard on parenting.being supportive is one good style of parenting.this generation is not conservative us our parents or grand parents lived in the past they were conservative and not us open minded us other do right now.
@beaty28 (15)
• China
29 Nov 09
maybe it is a good question.for me,now i am a worker and have no child,but i think some years later i will have my own parents are open-mind,they let me do things by myself,it ls a good temple,but when child do something wrong,parents also can strict,you know,if the parents always love their child,the child would afraid after do wrong things?
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
yes there are times for discipline and freedom for children they should be a balance between the two.many parents nowadays are embracing new style of parenting that is being open-minded and give some freedom to their children.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
30 Nov 09
My parents were the strict parenting as my studies always had to come first and then fun and games second. I was probably more open-minded when it came to my son even though I was strict when it came to his education.
@BART78 (2927)
• Canada
29 Nov 09
like you i grow up with conservative parents and kind of parenting has more cons for me, so if have my own kids someday i well have 40% consevative and 60% open minded parenting style..
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
29 Nov 09
yes bart i have 50-50 for its to be equal lol.parenting should be balance and that is glad to hear that you are conservative in some ways lol.
• Indonesia
30 Nov 09
hai amy, in my country a lot of parents is consevative type. they try protect their kids too much. my parents did too. So now, I try to not strict to my kids, maybe fifty fifty, depend on the situations
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
16 Aug 10
Am friendly but strict sometimes and an open minded parents . I am good friend to her!