Do you like to drive or do you like to be driven by someone else?

@jugsjugs (12967)
November 30, 2009 4:00pm CST
If it is a place where i do not know very well i prefer someone else to drive,but if it is a place i am used to i would rather drive myself as i find it alot better.I do not like driving,but if it is some where i know i would rather drive myself.
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29 responses
• United States
1 Jan 10
" My first car was a limousine"Remember this line from Pretty woman? well that's my feeling about cars and driving. I never learned how to drive because as a ten I Knew I couldn't handle it. Now that I am so much bolder and Older, I still won't drive. Why? I don't have the temperament for it.Bad drivers and my hot temper aren't a safe mix. luckily I have good bus routes and my sister drives so if there is a place I can't get to by subway or car , she can take me.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
2 Jan 10
Some of the roads where i am were soo bad that there were alot of good safe drivers that never went out driving.I prefer someone else to drive me as that way i can be more relaxed rather than be in a panic which will then cause an accident anyway.This time of the year i like to be at home rather than out and about as it is soo cold as well as you never know what the roads are going to be like.
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• United States
3 Jan 10
Here the roads could be better but the drivers are real bad. I prefer not to drive. It is less stressful.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
20 Dec 09
I don't drive as I do not have a car. So if I go somewhere far, I have to take a bus or train for my trip. Usually if I go to the downtown for shopping, I ride my bike and sometimes I just take a walk there.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Dec 09
The way the roads are at the moment i would prefer someone else to drive as the roads are soo slipery.I am a person where as if i know the roads well that i have got to drive down then that is ok,but if i do not know where i am going i get soo stressed out that i feel soo ill.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
16 Dec 09
I don;t like to drive if I am unfamiliar with the area. But some of the people with whom I have ridden drive me crazy the way they drive. I would feel more comfortable driving myself and not worrying about how others drive.
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• Philippines
4 Dec 09
I don't know how to drive and I don't have a plan of learning because i have no car of my own. When I have in the future of course I have no choice but to drive all by myself. If someone will drive for me that saves my effort and energy, i will just get in the car sit there and wait till we arrived in the place I am going. I like someone else to drive me. I think when I drive by myself I will just focus on my driving and forget about to focus on the place I will be going.
@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Dec 09
If I am going someone away from home then I would rather be driven because I get panicky in heavy traffic or areas I am not familiar with. I also don't mind driving short distances but not long ones. I like driving for the most part and it gives a chance to listen to the radio and some good rock and roll.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
4 Dec 09
It really depends on the situation. I like it when my husband is the one driving me, but other than that, I'd rather drive myself. I have to travel to a city about 70 miles away once a month for my job, and a bunch of the girls carpool to go. I've done that once and it was enough for me. I wasn't very comfortable with the lady who was driving. From that trip on I decided that when I was going to go that I would be driving myself.
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• Canada
11 Jan 10
My husband and I are both almost blind, so we have no choice but to have someone else drive us to where we want to go. I have been this way all of my life, but he is just losing his eyesight. It was quite an adjustment to him not to be able to drive anymore, but in the long run he understood how much safer he'd be if he stopped driving.
@jugsjugs (12967)
14 Jan 10
That is a shame.There are now soo many people on the roads now adays and alot of the people driving are crazy.I prefer to relax and not drive as that way i am never stressed out by the time i have reached the destination.I hate it when i do not know the roads as well as you never know where there are shap bends as well as other things on the road that you are traveling.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
30 Nov 09
I drive a great deal every day. So it os nice when someone would drive me. When my ex and I were together, he always did the driving when we were going on holidays or on outings. I have to drive my daughter top school every day and return, which is one hour. Then I drive her to swimming training most days, which can vary from 30 mins to 50 minutes return. So I get sick of driving sometimes. My daughter has her Lerarners and I cant wait for her to get her P plates.
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@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
11 Jan 10
I do not like to drive because I self-admit that I am a poor driver. hence I'd much rather be driven around. I tend to drive very slowly and I tend to be not confident at filtering so I'd much rather someone who is good at driving specialise at that and do the job. I'd do what I'm good at, which is housework. I believe that there should be specialisation in duties. :)
@jugsjugs (12967)
14 Jan 10
I am a bit like you if the road is a road that i have not been on before as i tend to drive slower on it as i never know where all the bends and kinks in the road are.I also hate sat navs so that is another reason i prefer someone else to drive.If someone else drives then it is great as then i can relax as well as look at all the places we pass as that is hard if you are the driver.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I don't really feel comfortable being in the passenger seat of a vehicle. I like to be in control of where the car is heading. I don't mean the direction, but not a ditch or another car or something that could wreck the car.
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
1 Feb 10
i drive. and if anyone will offer to drive for me, i will let him to it. it will be fine for me to be a passenger, let someone drive for me, if it is a sedan, a car. but if we will talk about motorcycle, i will not let anybody drive for me. i feel safer if i drive my motorcycle.
@doormouse (4599)
1 Dec 09
i hate being driven,i like to be in control,i don't like anyone elses driving
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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I would rather drive myself when I know how to get where I am going. Now if I am going out of town and do not know how to get there I would rather have company with me and to have them do the driving there. Once I know how to get there than I might voluntary to drive back home.
@arulalmy (33)
• Indonesia
12 Jan 10
I prefer to drive myself because beside giving a different taste also made me know the areas that previously I don't know. If we ask someone else to driving, we usually don't notice the street remain impassable. So we don't know the area if one day we have to drive myself.
@jugsjugs (12967)
13 Jan 10
Even with a sat nav i still prefer someone else to drive me as i am a person that do not like driving much anyway.I prefer to know the roads that i am driving on as that way i am more relaxed if i know the route.I also hate it if there is a car right close behind me on a road that i do not know very well.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I love to drive and dont matter much if I been there before or not. not to hard to find with map and stopping to ask for tyhe address
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
1 Dec 09
Now-a-days the traffic is mad and people are not caring for traffic rules. I am a person who gets panicked and loose presence of mind. Hence I prefer to be driven by somebody than driving myself and jeopardise everyone's life.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
1 Dec 09
I'm pretty much the same as you. If I haven't driven to a place before I'd rather have my husband be the driver, otherwise I'd rather drive there myself. I prefer to be the driver for the most part. When I'm the passenger I tend to be a back seat driver, even when I try not to be. LOL Happy mylotting!
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
1 Dec 09
I only got my license when I turned 50 years old and I'm now 53 but I hate driving. Its just to nerve wracking for me. I know I would be different if I had learned to drive at an earlier age, but it is what it is. I rather be driven around then drive all because my nerves take over and I just get so nervous driving that I don't need to be on the road at all.
@bluray (408)
• Singapore
1 Dec 09
I like driving myself most of the time . but when I am traveling with my spouse or cousins , I likes them to drive as it gives me comfort and chance to enjoy the ride without the hassles of traffic and fatigue. you can mostly enjoy the ride in a car if you are sitting at the back and listening to light music.
@tatutino (107)
• Brazil
30 Nov 09
my dream is to drive motorcycles, that's why i prefer to drive. Here in brazil we are alowed to drive when we make 18 years old, next year ill take my driver's license, and then i will be able decide it.... i know that women are more afraid to drive then men. my father drives well since i know him, and my mother can't drive. she has the driver's license, but she never try to drive to somewhere...