Do women feel that men are not respecting them enough?

December 10, 2009 1:17pm CST
Most of women seem to be unhappy about their men not respecting them enough. Is it true? Mylot women, what is your experience and opinion on this?
13 responses
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
11 Dec 09
I do not think so. Because most of the women are given respect and importance by their husbands, Only in some families men think that women are inferior to them and treat them like slaves, physically abuse them, burn them alive for not bringing dowry, beat them and orally abuse them with the choice of their words which makes the women think that men are not respecting them enough and it is natural.
• India
11 Dec 09
I differ from you in this vathsala. It is natural that men get more respect as he is the prime source for the income for the family. This trend is changing fast now all over the world. Soon women will become equal if not superior to men.
• India
11 Dec 09
I can't help laughing loud at your anger vathsala. It is true that women are earning equally these days. But what is that percentage? Women are the main income source in only a few families. But this is changing a lot now, I agree on that point. May be after 50 years woman may dominate men. They may become superior to men, who knows? I am talking about the present situation that exists all around the world.
• India
11 Dec 09
I totally disagree. Now a days women also earning equally or even more than the men. Our colony itself is the example and they are given a house, allowances and perks but their husbands are simply enjoying. When women can earn equally like men, how can we say that men are superior and main source of income. I think we have to change the statement like men are also one of the source of income. both are equally educated, earning and taking care of the children and house. But has extra burden of cooking and taking care of the children and household work plus listen to the abuses by the menfolk
• India
11 Dec 09
Yes, it is true and economics is at the root of it all. Generally people bend over themselves to respect the person who brings in the bread…traditionally men have been working outside to bring in the bread and women have been sitting at home, baking that bread and serving it at the table. While in many countries this stereotype has changed, sadly in india the situation continues to be of little respect for women. another reason could be the fact that since women who stay at home have very little outside exposure, their experience is also less than the men and hence the men don’t feel it necessary to consult them on anything worthwhile. Actually I have always thought of us Indians to be perfect hypocrites…while we worship the mother goddess, in our homes we treat our girls and wives with absolute ridicule and derision. The situation is slightly better for mothers in relation to sons but that again is a fallout of worshipping your mother for giving your birth and so on…for all practical purpose, few sons consult their home-maker mothers on life’s important decisions.
• India
14 Dec 09
Yes, they are but at a huge price for us women. I am working and earning and I get that respect both from my husband and my son on every matter...but its extracting a lot in terms of my health and my comfort. Its very very difficult to balance home, office and children and earn your respect. Women have always had a raw deal and even now, they are having to pay thru their nose to earn their rightful place under the sun.
• India
11 Dec 09
You are absolutely right sudip. Don't worry, things are changing a lot now.
• Philippines
11 Dec 09
My mother comes to a point were she was not respected by my father. This is because of the fightings and arguments that occur inside our house. She was a victim of domestic violence too. Even me and my siblings. My father done this to us. We speak out for her. We told my father that we are now grow ups and matured people, if he will continue doing this to my mother we will not have a double thoughts we were the one that will report to police what he is doing and we will sue him. That is why domestic violence are now minimal occurence at home. He can't hurt anyone of us, but the verbal abuse is still there.
• India
11 Dec 09
You handle it so beautifully and perfectly grecy, I salute you for that. There is a limit to tolerate abuses. Physical abuse can never be allowed.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
10 Dec 09
Hello dear brother, Of course,who will feel happy when she feels that her partner is not giving the respect that she truly deserves? Respecting us as a woman is what we needed the most in a relationship. Respecting our rights,our decision,our opinion and views with any matter. Some men,are taking woman for granted,or treating woman as an adorn,not allowing her to express her beliefs and opinion,becoz he feels that in a relationship he,being the man,must be the superior in everything.(egoistic manner) "A woman is like a glass,so fragile yet,so strong willed when it comes to expressing her rights.Like a raging waves from the stormy seas,that no superman can ever stop when it burst with anger"
• India
11 Dec 09
It is true that women should be respected equally like men. I am sure women will get more respect than man in future. That time men will have to fight for getting due respect from women, how is this jai?
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
11 Dec 09
ahahaha...that's great,i really like that idea dear brother,the,maybe by that time,men will realized how much does it worth the word "RESPECT" have a great weekend dear
@neelimaravi (1793)
• India
11 Dec 09
hi vijayanth.. i don't think so..because.. my husband will respect me alot. he supports me and he is the back bone of me..i am a house wife, almost i will takecare of everything for the house hold works... my husband also help me for this. in my experience.. i didn't affect anything. thankyou, have a nice day.
• India
11 Dec 09
I am very happy that your husband respects you a lot. In my family both men and women are treated almost equally.But exceptions can't be taken as the samples.
• United States
11 Dec 09
I feel that most men do not respect women enough. At least half the time this is not their fault, but they do have the responsibility to learn how to respect women more. It is not an easy time to be a man. It used to be that a person's roles were dictated by the society and there was very little room for questioning those roles. These were easier for men because they knew what they were supposed to do and not supposed to do. These times were often bad for women however because they were not given as much freedom as men and were usually treated as second class citizens. There are 2 key parts that men need to realize in order to start learning to respect women more. First, men need to realize that the woman is a human being. They need to not over-emphasize the differences between men and women. Women need to have the same rights as men over their choices in all areas of life. Most men think that they do this however we are usually only able to see the areas that we are succeeding in treating others equally. It is much more difficult to see the areas where we are failing. One way to get better at this is to have open dialogue with women. Let your female friends and relatives know that you are wanting to treat them equally to how you treat your male friends and relatives and that you want them to tell you every time you treat them differently. You may be surprised at what pops up. Second, men need to realized that the internalized and systemized oppression of women is not over. Even if a woman is surrounded by respectful family and friends she still has to deal with discrimination, violence, and other inequities outside of her protective circle. Supporting the women in their choices is more complicated than supporting men in their because the whole system of society supports men's choices for the most part. There is a fine line for supporting women. On the one hand you want to treat them the same as you would men but on the other hand you want to compensate for the fact that life is not yet equal for them. Communication is key at this stage as every woman is different in her feelings and needs, just like all humans are.
• India
11 Dec 09
wow, that's a lot of details from you and I appreciate them. I agree with most of your points. I am sure things are changing a lot through out the world. Women will become equal soon if not superior to man in future.
• United States
12 Dec 09
I do not think that women will become superior to men. I think that equality will not happen soon. I think that we will be lulled into believing that equality exists while making excuses for the inequalities that permeate society. Women should not become superior to men. We should all be learning and growing at the same rate.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
26 Dec 09
life is very stressed and in happens at times that we feel like that...but then they explain (MEN) their special way...tha we can be like that to our own people only ...outside we have to be in limits and think what we have to say and when...but at home we are informal.....but sometimes that informal limit is crossed i think....
@shobhan51 (376)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 09
I feel that today, women are not subdued as they had been a few generations ago. This is due to better education and a knowledge based society as a result of globalisation. With all the networking and interaction, the world is no more isolated. Women in general have not much to grumble about now. They hold respectable position in government and administration and some have even gone where only men have ventured like outer space. Cheers and keep blogging Vijayanth.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
11 Dec 09
I agree that most men do not respect their wives. This changed for me many years ago when I went to work full time, and he took over the household chores. I'd like to say that he found keeping house harder than he thought. Not so. It was my paycheck that was larger than his retirement check that changed his attitude.. In his case, it was a matter of "show me the money".
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
13 Dec 09
I'm not a woman, but having seen many couples, I can say that men do not respect their women enough. Just the other day I saw what I considered to be very uncool. A man and his wife were sitting together eat, and he whipped out his video player, and started watching a music video with young scantly clad ladies on it. To be sitting there watching young loosely clothed girls, while your wife is right there, to me is massively dishonorable. However, to be honest there are many women that are horrible, and not worth respect. I met a couple many years ago, and the wife was the most rude unsupportive women I've ever met. Now, she wasn't rude to anyone else, just her husband. She routine put him down, and even called him stupid once, in public I might add. She didn't need respect, she needed a slap across the face. It's specifically because of women like her, that I don't want to get married. Last thing I need is a wife like a rope around my neck, insulting and berating me for the rest of my life.
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
11 Dec 09
I think that once the relationship starts to get older that their is less respect from both sides. I call this getting comfortable and forgetting what you have sitting across the room from you. So answer your question I do think that men do loose the respect for their woman. Also women have the tendency to do that too..I know with mine he has lost some respect as well and I have to get after him for Have a nice evening. Keep smiling.
• India
11 Dec 09
that is worth to get after him for it.You kept me smiling rose.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
13 Dec 09
Hello, my friend. :-) Women,like men deserve to be respected.However, the way we want to be respected is quite different from the way a man wants to be. Here's what I think about it and often it gives my partner a very big puzzle. I feel disrespected whenever my partner, talking to a friend we've meet, wouldn't introduce me to that person.If instead of protecting me from malicious thoughts, he'd rather fuel it more. Also, when I need a little rest and my partner seems not to care how tired I am by making too much noise. Here's the big deal, I feel very disrespected when I am being lied to....
@MJ_Dakota (126)
• United States
12 Dec 09
Heh! Show me the money is right! In my case, I work side by side doing home repairs. Although I put more hours into the business and make his tasks easier (Fetching tools, cleaning up, writing estimates, invoicing, phone calls, etc.)he feels that because he does the technical work he is more important. According to him, "I" don't earn the money, he does. I do all the cooking, his idea of fixing a meal is me calling for pizza and he pays. There are many reasons men do not respect women, some are the way they are raised and some are the way other women have treated them. The failure to respect is a two way street. Women are just more capable of enduring than men are. When they feel disrespected they will belittle a woman or walk away. Women will stand and fight for respect, even if it is subtle, they hope to teach. Techniques may not be productive though. : )