How often do you get sick?

@borg246 (539)
December 11, 2009 1:09pm CST
Hey mylotters, this question if related only to the sicknesses of: colds, flu, coughs, fever, diarrhea etc. Regarding myself, I unfortunately get sick arounf 2 times a month, normally these are colds or coughs, but sometimes I get diarrhea followed by a bad fever. In these fever's, my temperature would go up to 102 Farren Height. And because of this, I normally miss a lot of days from work because whenever I get sick, it always take 3 days or plus to go away. I currently do take pills for the immune system, put I still end up getting sick. My mother tells me that if you are negative, bad things will come to you such as you hurt or get sick. So my question for you is: How often do you get sick? and DO you think being a negative person is the source for all the bad things that happen to you (including sickness)?
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30 responses
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
i normally dont, specially cough and flu. its funny coz even if my colleagues nor family already suffering from flu and cough im the only one whose not affected. doctor says that i have strong Immune System thats why im not get easily affected. to the fact also that if i already feel the symptoms like itchy nose and throat instead of taking medicine like what other do, i didnt. instead, i squeeze orange juice nor lemon and drink it pure without adding some water or sugar or if you want you can make a lemonade out of warm water and avoid cold water. i keep on drinking it till the itchiness gone and of course just rest a bit. Everyone knows even doctor advise that drinking fruit juice or atleast eat orange a day will boast our immune system. and i always have oranges in my table and take 1 everyday. maybe thats why i have a strong immune system...
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Hi, borg246. I heard that being negative can make one cause themselves to be sick too. This happened with my mother-in-law. With her being so mean to me, sickness has came upon her body so many of times. I had the Flu in October. I was very sick. I could not talk at all. My voice was hoarse and I was coughing a lot. I am glad that I am not sick anymore. I hated being ill. I could not enjoy myself like I wanted to. I could not eat the foods that I enjoy. It was so aggravating.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I get sick with the Flu, every year. I may have slight allergies as the seasons change with the weather. But, normally, I get sick once a year.
@ryzach (1544)
• United States
12 Dec 09
I do not get sick very often, In fact I had just a slight cold this past 2009 so far. I don't think having negative thought have anything with catching a bug or virus. I have always believed it is not what happens to you that matters, it is how you react to it and deal with it.
@borg246 (539)
• Malta
12 Dec 09
How you deal with it can often be the case. But I respect your opinion. But there is one thing that I must point out. What happens to you matters a lot, especially if you have a really bad fever or flu, such as Swine Flue. It's true that reacting to it is also important, but you can't really "deal" with it, in my case I would hope for the best.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
12 Dec 09
Thank God I don't get sick that often at all. I may have been sick once this whole year. As for what your mom says yes I believe if you are a negative person you will get sick alot more because how you mentally feel has alot to do with your physical body. It all plays into it. So the happier you are the better you feel which will help your immune system to work better for you. I hope you get healthy real soon and stay healthy. Take care.
@borg246 (539)
• Malta
12 Dec 09
Yup, I knew my mom wasn't bluffing. It's very good that you hardly get sick, I'm very happy for you. Also usually, the less sick people there are on our planet, the less people will become sick. Yeah, thanks dude, I do hope that this fever passes away sooner or later.
@mtvmtv (600)
• India
11 Dec 09
Hi borg246, Of course,a person with negative energy may cause you some damage.Well,i don't get sick often.Because i am very careful about my diet and regular check up of the entire body with the doctors.Regular sleep and exercise also are important for good health so consider them too.
@borg246 (539)
• Malta
11 Dec 09
It's very nice that you don't get sick often, i'm very pleased about that. I'm also pleased that you agree with the "being negative" issue and is not just my mother who invented things up. I'm also glad that you do take regular check ups at your doctor, because it's good to have someone to help you.
• India
12 Dec 09
Hi Borg This is actually a very good discussion that you have brough to the notice of all about falling sick quite often specially cold, flu, fever and cough. I felt sick about 4 times in the past couple of months and I hate myself to be sick with the same symptoms. What your mother told you is one of the reasons but not necessarily always because it might lead to trauma and other such things with negative thoughts. However, the sickness which relates to flu and fever is more related to the resistance of the body which is the immune system. If your immune system is weak, the ability to fight the diseases will be less and that's when the foreign bodies will attack and settle inside the body. I personally feel that this is true. I have a less Hemoglobin count which is below the normal level and due to this I tend to fall sick very often. The only option to avoid such frequent sickness is good sleep and balanced diet.
@borg246 (539)
• Malta
12 Dec 09
Yeah, dieting might prevent you from getting sick, as well as dressing up properly, not staying in drafts, not staying next to someone who is sick and so on. I think you are trying to say because of your low heamoglobin you have a poor immune system which lets more viruses pass throught your body. So in that case, I would recommend that you take natural herb pills to improve your immunity, maybe that might work for you. By the way, speaking of sick... I'm currently in bed with my laptop on my chest. I have a fever right now with a's pretty weird that I made a topic about sickness and I'm currently sick myself, just the day later.
@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
12 Dec 09
I've been very fortunate in this regard as I can't even remember the last time I fell sick, it must have been years. I'm grateful to GOD for blessing me with such tremendous health and I hope to grow from strength to strength. I used to train hard in the gym but have been focused more on my career of late, but the efforts at gym are still showing in my health. My immunity has sure improved over the years because in my early years I could get sick relatively often.
@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
i get sick very seldom. and most of the time, it happens when climate changes. like for example its christmas time and cold and then suddenly comes hot late january, expect me to have colds which often times causes my fever. being too emotional on things that lead us to being negative can sometimes cause illnesses i believe. medicines can help. being happy can be more effective though.
@nautilus33 (1827)
12 Dec 09
Hi! I get sick very rarely- maybe 1-2 times per year. And it's nothing serious- just a cold or a running nose
@umabharti (3972)
• India
12 Dec 09
Ofcourse being negative and thinking in the negative way gives us illness. May be this is one of the reason,but due to our negligence to wards healthy living also causes us to be sick.Dust around us,Food we intake.Water we drink ,every thing is to be cautiously taken.Preventing is better than cure.
• India
12 Dec 09
I get cold frequently. Whenever I get out in cold weather I get fever, cold or cough.
@evydabest (197)
• Malta
12 Dec 09
Yes i think being a negative person somewhat does effect your sickness. I take quite a lot of vitamins in order to stay healthy, especially with the H1N1 virus going around. However, i do get sick sometimes, but not that commonly. My sickensses always involved a simple cold, cough and sometimes a fever. I have not got sick that often this year. In the past 3 months i only got sick 2 times. I don't know if thats a lot or a bit. But for me thats the minimum that i get per 3 months or so.
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
hello... My daily dose of vitamin C and fruits keeps me away from colds, flu and cough. As to diarrhea, I often experience his after drinking milk. I am lactose intolerant but still I continue to drink milk when I hardly cannot sleep. As to the belief that being a negative thinker causes sickness, I agree. Sometimes when I do not want to go out with my friendss but my parents would ot allow me or perhaps I am not into the mood to go to work, it is as if I am getting sick. So I think our energies especially negative ones creates psychological reactions that makes us feel sick. =)
@xJaiiDK (163)
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
whoa. i feel weird. I do get sick for twice a year. i dont know. I aint expose myself to pollution. and i dont let my problems ruin my day. maybe having a good outlook on life everyday may help. or scientifically speaking, why not try taking vitamin C. maybe that'll help you boost your immunity. Less absences(due to sickness) = more earning from work.:)
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
In a month I would say not all the time. So I have to guess it would be twice or three times in a year that I get sick due to my tonsils. Whenever my tonsils gets hit by viruses or bacteria I get sick like anything that I end up staying in bed for a week. But other than that, I hardly get sick. So nowadays I make sure I eat healthy so that i do not get sick more often than I'm supposed to.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
For me ones a year but now I love to drink herbal food's medicine about two years old.
@BART78 (2927)
• Canada
12 Dec 09
hi borg! i think this year i only got sick 2 or 3 times and it is normal colds, i maintain good health and living so it's seldom for me to get sick...being negative person not exact source why your are getting sick but it contributes due to stress..
@mazghang (139)
• China
12 Dec 09
I usually got sick three or four times a year,usually caught a cold ,but I have never got a fever ! I always got sick in winter when the temperature is low. My body was healthy,I think ,just before . This winter, things go bad. My left shoulder hurts badly and I don't know why...I took some medicine, it worked !But today it starts again ... I have to see the doctor ! I read that you often get sick ,I suggest that you take more exercises and go to your doctor's regularly! Wish you fine!
@fsll518 (304)
• China
12 Dec 09
As for myself, I got sick about 5-9 times a year. I think I am quite negative, and it is at least an auxiliary source of health problem. I don't know why those pills doesn't help you strengthen the immune system. Maybe you can try some authentic Chinese herbs. It has very bad taste, but quite good to health. Also it is important to be less "negative", maybe just try to be more sociable with "positive" people, do some interesting things and make yourself feel better about yourself and about life in general.
12 Dec 09
hi Borg i used to only get sick a few times in the winter months but ever since i got pregnant last year i have constant colds that can last up to 10 days, and i would say im sick twice a month to, but my son who is now 11 months and was born premature never catches my colds event though im his sole parent. i do think if youre constantly negative bad things will happen but then if your a negative person something which you may construe as bad might actually be something positive to someone else, every cloud and all that.