Do you like animals?

A cute cat - A cat..Very cute..For this animal discussion
December 12, 2009 12:48pm CST
Hello myloters?The thing that poped out in my head today is for animals:) Hey everybody do you like animals?Do you have alergys?DO you have animals?What animals you are scared from?What animals you are not scared from?What you like most..Tell evrything:) Ill start..I like dogs,cats,snakes,parrots,mouses,guinea pigs,chickens(they are so funny),fishes,scorpions, and i have a parrot,a mouse a guinea pig,a cat and a dog..The parrot the mouse and the guinea pig live inside..The parrot and the guinea pig live in a cage and the mouse in a aquarium..The cat is living in my grandma s kitchen,and she sleeps there..The dog is living outsite because he can make thingys on the carpet:D The parror eats alot,and he sings like crazy..The guinea pig is scary and when you play with it it runs like crazy:P The mouse is calm and when you play with it it stays and sometimes bite your finger:) The cat is very lazy and you can only scratch her belly^_^ ..The dog is the most playfull thing in the house..It likes to eat very much,but its low kg because we run on the street,or somewhere else..Now starting with things i don`t like..I don`t like spiders,ants,and i cannot remember other..I`m scared of spiders because they are so strange..And they bite you(uh im feeling scare while writing this) ..I don`t have alergys to any animals..And like a small writing - I love animals,but not bugs like spiders:P Now its your turn,and if you want upload pictures of animals,it will make the discussion more fun:)
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20 responses
@xizhilang (106)
• China
13 Dec 09
Yes,I do.Animals are our friends.TO keep a friendship with animal ,it make us feel not lonly.I like many kinds of animals,such as dogs,cats.If let me choose one ,it must be dog.Dog is a kind animal of high intelligence.With the time going on ,we gradually realized that we can't live without the animals.
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• Bulgaria
13 Dec 09
Yes,some of us cannot live without animals,but there are some that can..But i think to keep friendship with an animal,you have to be good with it..Because when you feel lonely it helps you,and that brings it more joy,and creates something in the pet`s mind.. :) Yes i said in other comments,now you said it dogs and dolphins too are the most intellectual pets in the world :) Happy day - joro1best
@bharadwaz (112)
• India
13 Dec 09
hi joro.... yes i like the animals most.....yeah i have alergies with cockroches,lizards.....i was scared with lizards.......not scared with dogs,cats,etc.....i like my tommy9its my pet dog),fishes....thanx for raising this topic it makes me to think about the animals mean njoying with my pet and some other animals it was some of my sweetest memories.....and i like ur words that ur not having any alergies....thats good and great
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• Bulgaria
13 Dec 09
Hum scared from lizards?Only from big or from the small ones...I think from the big,because the small are like your finger,they cannot do anything to you..But i haven`t heard for an lizard alergy never never before..I heard for geko alergys but not for lizards..Scary huh..For now everyone except 1-2 people have dogs..Maybe because its fun,protects your house from strangers,intellectual pet :) Huh i watched fishes before,but now they started to die i don`t know why..Hum everybody has sweet or maybe bite memories with pets :D I don`t have alergies but i`m not sure for some of the bugs..But i don`t have alergys,because i touched fishes,gekos,parrots,hamsters,dogs,cats and many other things..Just don`t know for bees :S Happy day - joro1best
@dong88 (795)
• China
13 Dec 09
Hello! I love animals ,like dogs,as well as horse,previously at home ,I kept a good fem dogs,Oh,really fun.The horse has always been my favorite.Horse symbolizes the spivit,courage,success!See you soon!
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• Bulgaria
13 Dec 09
Yes like everyone dogs..I think many people like horses too,but the problem is they are free animals,and you cant keep them too much..Their freedom symbolizes the spirit,courage,succes and happynes..Wow but anyway if you keep fem dogs don`t let them outside or you can have more,more puppies..That happened with my dog :D I don`t need to tell the story maybe..But anyway see you soon! Happy day - joro1best
• Romania
13 Dec 09
the answer is Yes of course i love animal's expeciali dogs there such loving creatures and fun to play whit alwais happy alwais hungry :)) i play a loth whit my dog frome grandma's house my little REXY he is quite old about now 12 years old he has a very gray mustach ;)) old rexy 12 years ol that is about 84 dog years i found him when he was a baby and took care of him since he was 5 years old then i give'd him to grandma becouse he needed a guard dog.
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• Bulgaria
13 Dec 09
Cool story for rexy..How did u removed his wild "interests" ..Because creatures that are found wild,have their wild character at the end of their lives.Maybe because he was a baby..Good..Looks you take big care for rexy - 12 years dog old - very very good..Doogs don`t live more than 14 years,so wish 14 years live for rexy,or even more :) Huh gray moustage..Haven`t seen before..My dogs haved only white,brown or black moustage..Cool doggy :) Happy day - joro1best
• Philippines
13 Dec 09
Please don't get mad if I say I really hate animals. They are I guess annoying. Of course not all of them, but many of them. I don't like cats because they irritate me everytime they get some foods from our kitchen. I also have phobia with big dogs. I don't know why but I am really scared with dogs and other wild animals. I don't like chickens because they are noisy. I don't like pigs because they are dirty. I am not a perfectionist and I am not even perfect. I am sorry to tell that I just don't like animals. I do understand why you like them. People indeed have different likes and dislikes.
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• Bulgaria
13 Dec 09
No ill not get mad..Why to get mad..Every person is different..It depends on his character..Yes many people thing pets are annoying and lower than them..Its a knowed feeling..Our cat stealed food from the kitchen too..Huh she eated so much fight:D Just low fight:D Yes i have phobia with big dogs too..But not from all..Just depending on the collor,mouth..I`m scared only with wild,and guardian dogs..And many people are scared from wild animals..Because this inputs - tigers,spiders,hyenas and many other things that can eat you in seconds..Hoho pigs are dirty,but they are delicious:D Chickens are not so noisy..Only roosters are noisy because they sing in the morning..And we like animals only because we are creating fun with them,finding what is the reality of that creature,created by the world..:) Happy day - joro1best
• Nepal
13 Dec 09
There're numberless of animal in the planet. They can divided into two groups: Wild and domestic. Here, I'd like to discuss some character and quality of domestic animals, specialy "dog." The word of dog stand from "door of guard." Everybody knows dog is a best pet among the domestic animal and everybody keep the dog at their home because his/her duty is to bark when a stranger come. So his/her master knows somebody came or something happen around the door. I'm pretty sure that some dogs are trained and some are may not, but almost a dog keep at the door in every house. Most of the people like to keep a sign out of the door -"Beware of dog." That means: master want to say that my dog is dangerious. Why people are interest to keep a dog at their door? The answer is simple. A dog has a best quality to guard his/her master, because they give him food. There is a beautiful saying - "a god is better than a lazy master." I've a dog his name is Tiger. He is trained and stay at door. He is my best guard. I love him.
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• Bulgaria
13 Dec 09
First of all - marked as best response :) Lol small congrats..But you are very descriptive and you show feelings,some that shows a little thingy for all animals at the start...And you are very descriptive for your dog..And anyway your dog seems to be trained very good..Mine wasnt(my old one,now i have a new) but when she sees a stranger,or hears she starts to bark,and we can hear it..Even if she is in a cage..My new dog is not a guardian,but now we lock all doors..And nobody can steal something :) My grandpa choosed the new dog to be a small doggy,cute,and not a guardian,because our old dog attacked me twice and my hand was like a "brush" if you understand my..And something else - Tiger..Hehehe..Very perfect name for dog,if a stranger comes and you say tiger,maybe he will think this is a real tiger :D So fun..And for the sign for dog..We don`t but it because the people think the house is unprotected but when they open the door,something really fast attack..They say : mommy .. :D Happy day - joro1best
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
14 Dec 09
I do like animals. I think they are amazing. I think that it would be wise to be afraid of many wild animals. Of course not squirrels or bunnies, or even dear, and some birds, and snakes, but I think it is wise to be a little afraid of any other wild animals. I really love dogs. We don't have any pets at the moment but we will be getting a puppy soon. We had a dog and a cat, but they were both really old and we lost them both within 2 weeks of one another it was a very sad month. I do not have any allergies.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
12 Dec 09
I'm an absolute pet lover. I love animals, and I really enjoy having a pet around the house. I have to admit that I'm more of a dog lover, but I do love pets. I find that having a pet adds so much to a family, to a home. I feel a lot more comfortable having a pet around.
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• Bulgaria
12 Dec 09
Hum..Not everyone likes dogs when he is a child but he starts..When i was small i don`t liked dogs because they bited me..But i discovered that its because i`m scared of them and i think they are pointless pets..But when i heard that dogs saved kids lives,from diving,or something else,i just started to feel something to those animals,and i discovered that they are very important part of our life :) Happy day - joro1best
• United States
12 Dec 09
I like all animals. I will start with my favorite. Cats! I love them they are so cuddly and playful and lazy too but they are all fun! I love dogs too big ones and small ones as well! I like the chinese pugs they are so cute! I like fish too! I have one cat she is a siamese/burnese mix and my daughter has a domestic house cat(a tuxedo!). And I have two fish tanks they are freshwater fish. One has 4 fish in it and the other has a lot of fish in it they are orange colored I don't know what they are but there very pretty and they do like to play with these shells we got at the pet store.
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• Bulgaria
13 Dec 09
Yes cats are one of the most cuttest animals,and dogs one of the smartest animals.. Do you know why cats are so cuddly and playful and lazy :P They eat too much..That makes them lazy..They become a little fat and that makes them so cute..And when their food is out of their stomach they want to move because they cannot use their 9 lives for sleeping :D Wow shells at the petstore i don`t think this will become soon in bulgaria..Because in the pet stores we have only - hamsters,rabbits,fishes,snakes,scorpions,spiders,cats,dogs, and sometimes guinea pigs .. Huh at the pet store at Lom we always have guinea pigs,but not in the other pet stores..Huh and anyway how do you keep two cats?Before my cat to die(oh i`m crying,it was so cute..A black persian cat..) we tried to make "friendship" with them but they always attacked and scratched..And when they see thay start singing miauuu :D If you understood me :D Happy day - joro1best
• Belgium
12 Dec 09
I love the animals very much. I had a dog till sometime back and he was the best buddy I had. It is so much fun. I do like other animals like cats and birds but I guess dog is the best pet.
• Bulgaria
13 Dec 09
All animals are "cool"..But you just have to find what of them depends on your mentality..I like mouses or hamsters..And dogs..Just they are so fun..And i like fluffy animals because they are looking fat and that makes them more cute :P But yes probally the dog is the best pet..Because it has intellect,he is a very fast animal,and can save you when in trouble..Its like a dolphin :) Happy day - joro1best
@nautilus33 (1827)
12 Dec 09
Hi! Yes, I like animals- dogs, cats, geckos, fishes, hamsters all kind of animals. From dogs I mostly like huskies- they are the coolest and the most unique dogs for me. From the cats I mostly like the British grey cat. The are very cute. I also like hamsters- when I was child, I have many hamsters and I even sold them, because they were too many.
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• Bulgaria
12 Dec 09
Yes hamsters make their babys in one month..You can make big bussiness from them..And i think the husky is an unique dog because its very intelligent..And the collors of it are so beautifull..When i sold a baby husky i was so happy because it was a little scared,but that maked it more fun..It walked with his butter because he was scared to show his head..And he was so flaffy..But anyway the cats are all intelligent..I think the persian cat is the coolest because it is with white collors - like an angel :P Happy day - joro1best
@crazybubu (230)
• India
12 Dec 09
Now i shouldn't say that I dont like animals,but yeah i dont like them to be my pets.I dont know why I have a general apathy towards animals,i dont even like dogs which is the most common pet.But its not that I hate them very much and I run away from them.....I just dont feel comfortable with pets around.
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• Bulgaria
12 Dec 09
Hmm..Yes i know many people that don`t like animals..They just feel animals like pointless creatures,and many poeple thing they are annoying..And that makes them to feel uncomfortable..When i was on 8 years i didn`t like animals so much,but i loved them when i discovered what is their real identity..If you understand me..But i know people that don`t like animals because only a dog bited them,or a cat scratched them..It depends on the person.. Happy day - joro1best
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
12 Dec 09
I am very much an animal lover. ^-^ I have always loved animals since I wa a little kid. I can never pick a favorite animal, but I do love dogs and cats, as well as a lot of sea animals like dolphins, whales and sharks.
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• Bulgaria
12 Dec 09
Yes..I like animals from kid too..But anyway sea animals are the beautifullest creatures,but the problem is that you cannot have them,because they are free,and cannot leave closed,far from the sea or the oceans..But for dolphins they can live closed.You have to bring them love..Because they are very intelligent animals and they understand things such as poeple..I touched doplhins in big aquariums..And they were so happy..Thay started making some sounds and jumping..But anyway some sea animals are not the best..Like sharks..Aggresive..Like blood..Huh you understood what i wanted to say :P Happy day - joro1best
• United States
12 Dec 09
I love my cat lion so much. I have had cats most of my adult like. I love them to pieces as well. I like small dogs as well. Nothing I would keep in my home though. I like the thought of having a fish tank or bird as well. But,the bird making noise would bother me.
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• Bulgaria
12 Dec 09
Wow cat lion..Aren`t you scared..If i see a lion maybe ill hide somewhere or run..They are so big and they eat meal..Im not so scared but those animals could kill you..But for birds they don`t make so much noises..If you buy a little parrot you will not even hear it..They have so low singings..And they are so cute..But anyway from what time you watch cat lions,not cats ? Because i`m very interested in that :) Happy day - joro1best
@bingchen (1119)
• China
13 Dec 09
i dont like animals,although they looks very lovely,but i find that looking after them is very trouble.i remember that i have look after a little cat,when it come to my home,it could not be willing to eat anything which i give.finally it die after i find that i have good patience to treat them.i dont like them.
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
13 Dec 09
Hello joro1best this is checkmail and often do spend some time with animals when spare time avail.Even on net am searching for various animals pics and videos, it really makes mine mood.Overall i like all animals especially the big ones, like elephant, giraff, cow, buffalow, bull, horse, hippo, etc.But they are only avail to me in zoos, which i almost don't like it.I like to watch national geographic channel where they are free in the wild.Else am much in direct contact with Dogs, and cats mostly.Most of the time is spent with the dogs, whether an pet or stray i like them very much.Even play with them for some time, and enjoy myslef with them.I also find an good friend in them, they are no harm to us.Enjoy your life with animals and also share it with us.Happy Mylotting.
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@mkings (289)
• Germany
13 Dec 09
Hello joro1best If you so much animals that means you have a mini zoo or park.Love animal but not when there are so big like bears or elephants.I am very scared of snakes but dogs and cats are so cute.I do not own any animal but with time I will have a jorkie.
@rebaozi (100)
• United States
13 Dec 09
I do love animals,but not all of them.Puppy is my favorite.I don't like any hexapods like spiders,roaches,dragonfly ...They make me feel bad,and they look disguasting.Even just seeing them ,I feel I am going to be crazy.
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@umabharti (3972)
• India
13 Dec 09
Hello,yes i do like animals.yes i do have pets like cats and dog.both are friends.even previously we used to have a parrot.The parrot was always trying to play with the cat.Animals are friendly if we know how to understand their behaviours.i am frightened of the streetdogs .whenever i go to the retail shop i feel very frightened when they bark seeing any new trespassers passing by.I am frightened of the crawling creatures which are poisonous.Spiders ,lizards,feary reptiles really frightening.Ants are another little things which always try to destroy something.Dont know how they know the way to the food and try to carry away if we dont use lakshmanreka.
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• Philippines
13 Dec 09
I like animals.
• Bulgaria
13 Dec 09
Yes yes..How i said everybody likes animals..But say do you have an animal?What is it..Are you scared from some animal..Please be more descriptive..And i don`t think anybody cares but more description - more money..So make a new response,and in it be more descriptive..For example..I love animals..I love cats and dogs,and i hate rats(lol)..I have a dog..Its name is guitar(epic) :D ..And something for your pet..Just the others to see you have some feelings to the animals :) Happy day - joro1best