Do you buy or sell on eBay?

United States
December 15, 2009 9:10pm CST
Hello everyone, I was wondering who here on mylot either buys, sell's or does both on eBay? I personally love eBay it's a great way to find items you'd like or sell items of your own. I think it's one of the best websites to ever hit the Internet, it's a very popular website in the United States and other countries around the world. I've used eBay in the past to sell items of my own, and it's a great feeling to have great feedback with others, it helps you out when buying and selling on the website. I'm going to be starting a sports card shop on eBay, I love everything about sports cards including selling and buying, you can make a lot of money if you find the right cards or buy them at a cheap price and your able to make a profit. The only thing I dislike about eBay are the seller fees to list and if you sell something than eBay takes a percentage of money from that as well. I do understand they have to make money too so it's just the way things go. If I could change one thing it would be the seller fees, however that will never happen and everyone has to make money so I don't know if it would be that great of an idea in the long run. So who out there uses eBay and what do you love about it? Is there anything that you dislike about eBay or you would personally change if you could? I look forward to hearing from others on here.
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13 responses
• United States
16 Dec 09
I have a close friend that sells on eBay and does really great with it. He is even able to take a few months throughout the year and just live off of his eBay sells. We normally buy from eBay, I really like their lots on clothes..they are great for summer time or school clothes. We have sold some things on eBay but with their increase in fees it has gotten really hard to try and sell anything on there and make any type of profit from for now we are sticking with just buying
• United States
16 Dec 09
Wow! That's great for your friend that they do that well on ebay, some people do great but it all depends on what people are looking for when their on there and your feedback is a huge then as far as selling and the buyer's you'll attract. My best friends mom and her boyfriend sell antiques and things of that sort on eBay, they have a store and they do quite well but I know their seller fees run quite high every month but they do make a profit off the items they put on there so it's basically as if the fees pay for them self. I haven't sold on eBay in a while but I'm hoping to get the card business going as it can do very well but the seller fees do stink, they do have a promotion type thing going on where you can post 5 items a month for no fees. The only thing I hate about selling on eBay is the fees for listing the item or items and than when they sell eBay takes a percentage from the sold price, talk about ripping people off in a way as far as the sellers go. Your also not allowed to write in your listing anymore that the shipping costs include eBay and Paypal fees as well as shipping, because if the person pays through Paypal, Paypal takes a fee also, either way you can't win lol I do love buying there though, I've bought a lot of vintage baseball cards and other sports cards this past week and weekend and I've gotten some geat deals so that's one thing eBay can be great for is the deals.
• United States
17 Dec 09
Yes, eBay is definitely geared more towards the buyer more than the seller now a days... What type of cards are you looking to sell? Are they home made? I know of a few dofferent sites you can try out as long as you are in the USA...just send me a PM
• United States
16 Dec 09
I love ebay! You can find almost any product you are looking for at the lowest price possible. The only thing that kinda sucks is that its difficult to actually sell something on that site. Atleast for me it is. I have made a couple of listings that have gone NO WHERE! I would love to become a powerseller someday! And yeah I agree, the seller fees PLUS extra commission once the item is sold is a little stupid
• United States
17 Dec 09
Hi PSDirectory, Thanks for your response, it's appreciated, it's definitely awesome that you can find almost anything your looking for at a great price, some things are outrageous but it's because people list it at their value and not a low price because they what to make sure they get what it's worth. Sometimes that angle works but sometimes it doesn't, unless it's what someone is looking for because people always want a great buy on something and the cheapest they can get it for. I would love to become a powerseller one day also, it would be a great feeling! If you have any questions or want some tips about selling, please don't hesitate to private message me and ask as I've sold on eBay in the past and done quite well, it all depends on what the item is sometimes and if people are searching for it and it's what their looking for. If I know what some of the items are that you might be wanting to sell in the near future, let me know and it'll help me out more as far as giving advice.
• United Kingdom
16 Dec 09
I'm about to start doing this! I already buy from ebay and I think it's a great thing to get involved with. I have just purchased a digital camera and also some postal weighing scales so now I'm ready to start selling. I've had a seller's account for a long time now but have done nothing with it. I love the fact that you have this reputation rating system. Thankfully I'm at one hundred per cent and I haven't had any bad experiences on this site. Well, I wish you luck with your selling plans. I'm not interested on going major on the selling process but I will try and sell a few things that I don't need and hopefully I can make some reasonable money in the process. I would be interested to find out how you get on so perhaps you can create another discussion regarding that. Good luck. Andrew
• United States
17 Dec 09
Hi Andrew, I've been researching digital cameras on Craigslist and trying to find a good deal since mine just recently decided to die for no good reason and it was only a little over a year old. It would cost too much to send it out to get fixed through Samsung because it's not under warranty anymore. I'm hoping to do well selling on eBay, you never know how well you'll do until you give it a shot. I do have 100% feedback percentage which is great, the best you can have and right now I've only bought items since it's a new account but I already have dealt with 7 different people which is cool. I found some great buys on vintage sports cards and I can't wait to sort through them and price them. I will definitely keep you updated and I look forward to discussing eBay with others, it brings up some great discussions whether it's a positive or negative experience. If you ever need any tips if you start selling on there, let me know, I use to sell on eBay all the time but I had to make a new account, I had had issues with a previous bank account but things are fine now. Good luck too whenever you start selling : )
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Everything I get from Ebay looks like it was used even though people claim "new" on their auctions. I'm sick of Ebay and only buy from Amazon. Amazon has similar prices so Ebay isn't worth my time. The only thing I buy on Ebay are certain rare items you can only buy on Ebay.
• United States
17 Dec 09
Hmmm...I never had an issue as far as an item saying it was new and than it looked used, but I guess it can happen to anyone as it has happened to you. I've only ever bought a few items from Amazon but it was a positive experience and I would buy from them again. You can find some very nice rare items on eBay, it's one reason I do love to bid and use the buy it now feature on their website.
@katodos (25)
• Italy
16 Dec 09
I personllay sold one item, and bought several. great site.great idea.great feeling.
• United States
16 Dec 09
It's definitely a great site, I'm happy it's around, it's a great and usually always a safe way to do business with someone else. They have a lot of buyer and seller protection which is always great considering all the fraud and scams that go on now a days. I just wish the cost of seller would be cheaper but they have to make their money as do we.
@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
16 Dec 09
I used ebay four times already in buying electronic gadgets. Three items were good and one item is bad since the battery of my mp4 malfunctioned and I can no longer give it back to the seller because i'll be spending money for the two way shipment. And additional to that I already removed the product sticker on it. In the future I want to use ebay as a seller.
• United States
17 Dec 09
Hi maria1081, It's hard if you end up with an item that you want to return and it's too much of a hassle but I know most people don't have problems. I never did, thank god. I'm definitely looking forward to using eBay as a source of income and selling items on there, it should be fun and a great selling experience.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
17 Dec 09
i have been doing both and we are in Canada. the only problem i find is the shipping of the item. plus, you are right, the listing fees are really expensive! plus, the shipping costs that people charge are sometimes nuts.
• India
16 Dec 09
selling products on internet is one of the toughest work as i know. it is hard to sell even a single pin on internet. so, i never tried to buy or sell any thing on ebay website.i know persons earn a lot using eBay. they have experience in selling product but i don't have.
• United States
16 Dec 09
It can be hard but it's just one of those things where it's either going to sell or it isn't, it just depends on what people are looking for at that time too.
@checkmail (2039)
• India
17 Dec 09
Hello sahsports4883 this is checkmail and me too often do some buying on ebay with my friends online.Actualyl am not having an credit card, so when mine friends shop online am in to it.Mostly go for the tech gadgets things, they are really cool, advanced tech and low in prices compared to our markets.My friends even buyed some other types of goods also except the perishable one's.The thing i dislike about ebay is that it only accepts credit card and not direct deposits.I am trying to get it soon but till then have to sacrifice some of the desired item at ebay.Anyways Happy Mylotting.
@taraelocin (1138)
17 Dec 09
Ebay is quite a good website really. I don't sell a lot - I don't really have the time and once you take the fee off, I don't make a lot of money. So I usually rather give things (e.g. books) to charity. But sometimes I get vouchers or things I don't need and sell these. I use it more for buying things - you can get really good value on books, CDs, games or designer clothes. I once bought this brand new and absolutely stunning evening dress for a Christmas party for under £10.
@Anneleia (54)
• Philippines
16 Dec 09
Yes! Ive tried to buy and sell in ebay and other sites. If the products are marketable, then the customers will come to you.
• United States
16 Dec 09
I agree with you, if it's marketable than the customers will definitely come too you and if it's what their looking for and you have it than even better!!
• United States
16 Dec 09
I currently buy from ebay, its a good way to find items for lower other than craigslist. I plan to soon sell on ebay mostly collector items. Hopefully they sell
@tayd88 (205)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 09
hi sahsports4883, Glad to have someone into ebay. I do selling and buying in ebay Malaysia.I sell mostly cds,cassettes and books,on & off some music collectibles.No doubt its the most famous auction sites where one can find almost anything. In the beginning ,i do selling only locally.A year later,i expand to overseas after gainning some confidence and feedbacks.Later,i start buying once i accumulated enough $$$ in my Paypal account.In this way , i don't have to fork out extra $$$ to pay for the items. If there's a thing i wanna change in ebay are the listing fees.Yes,that's what everyone are talking about.If the lisitng fees are charged only when the item are sold,it'll be fine.Some items just can't be sell off that easily & the lisitng fees are killing us. Anyway,take care & bye. david tay