Do you go for book library?

December 16, 2009 5:51am CST
I want to know whether you are going out for any book library to read out any good books or magazines or any daily newspaper. I used to visit library, but now I am not a regular visitor of library. I am talking about hard copy books library. Sometime back I was in search of a book in library but don't able to find it. My friend suggest me to find in internet. Surprisingly, I had found the book in internet. Its an e-book in pdf. This was my great experience. Now I always visit open source digital library in internet. But I never forget about the old hard copy library where I use to visit few years back.
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14 responses
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
16 Dec 09
hi Key2write,i cant dare to forget those my childhood days when my mom used to take me to the nearby library and i hated that environment for sure and i used to yell like anything so that my mom could move her steps faster towards the main gate coz she is crazy about novels and she used to spend so many hours reading those i think she must have read half of the collection in there.I never tried my luck with novels and i used to spend some time in our college library though especially during our exams.gud day.
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
16 Dec 09
her favourite genre is suspense and thriller ones for sure and i remember those names too friend but she gave up reading completely as we grew older she became much busy and had decided to give up and you know what i am planning to gift her an outstanding suspense novel the coming April on her birthday coz its time for her to take some rest and revisit her hobby which she has sacrificed for us and hope she loves it too.gud day.
• India
18 Dec 09
I respect your feelings for your mother. It is great to hear that you are decided to give her a gift which is her favorite. Whatever we will do for our parents is very less in compare to their sacrifices. But we must do something for them. I am very much impress with your feelings. Who respect his mother is always respectful for others. I want to wish your mother "Happy birthday". Have a great day.
• India
16 Dec 09
Hi sunnycool, Good to hear that your mom is crazy about novels. Anyway, you have seen the library in your childhood. Libraries are good place in exam days. It is silent place, nobody can disturb you. Well you never tried novels. But I tried it and it takes lots of time. I use to read out detective novels. But now due to shortage of time I never read novels. Nice to share your memories and good day.
@kevinll (967)
• China
19 Dec 09
It is true i like to go to library before, now if i want some useful information i will use internet at first. Some important materials i can go to library. It is a long time that i do not look for materials at library.
• India
19 Dec 09
Visiting library is itself a good habit. We not only find useful information in library but also make a difference. Yes, we can find all information in internet and it saves lots of time and energy. Library is not only for gathering information but also we can find peace of mind. Thanks for your comment and good day.
• India
17 Dec 09
i have memberships to 3 major libraries in my city and i read books in 3 languages.I read a book almost every 10 days and in library i am in so much dilemma since i want to take a bunch away and keep reading but i dont have that much time. i hate e-books in pdf.I opt for ebooks only if the book is banned here.It strains my eyes.hardcopy is a bes thing.i can lie down and read and keep it anywhere i cant do tha on my desktop/laptop.
• India
19 Dec 09
It has great advantages if you have membership to 3 major libraries. Means more and more books in front of you. You can at least find good books out of it. And as you said you know 3 languages, that's great. Yes e-books cant be read for long time, it effects our eyes. Reading hard copy have big advantages. In terms of finding books, internet is the best place. And in terms of reading books, hard copy is the best option. People with less access to library has only one option and that is internet. And you are lucky that you can access 3 major libraries with lots of books. Enjoy, have a nice day.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
17 Dec 09
Dear friend, I used visit when I was college that only during the exam reference. No more visit to library after that. Moreover the information I get from internet is more and enough for me. May be someday I will visit library.
• India
19 Dec 09
Hello shamrack, It is true that library helps lots in our studies. And you had visited library for good reasons. Most of the people likely to visit library for other purposes also. Someone visited for relaxation of mind. Someone visited library to prepare for exams. You were one of them and I think library is one of the best place for exam preparation. Library motivates all to sit and concentrate on studies. Definitely, internet gives all information and it changed the way of life. I wish you will soon visit your library. Have a nice discussion. Good day.
@bhav27 (442)
• India
18 Dec 09
Yeah i do go to library for issuing some books or for reading books at library only , i have been going to library since i was 11 year old , i am having a strong relation with library , even in my school days i used to spend my free class in library only as i love to read books a lot , specially books that are related to my interest and some novels also which are based on true stories and on life of a person. I always suggest everyone to visit library as you achieve peace of mind in library.
• India
19 Dec 09
It is awesome that you utilize your free time in library, even in your school days. Library is a big source of knowledge. Who identify library is one of the great place they never fails in their lives. See great people always spend lots of time in library. Any research work, library is a good place. True stories about great people always inspires us. And it concludes that library itself is made for good reason. And yes your suggestion is greatly appreciated. Have a great day.
@acer5540 (354)
• China
17 Dec 09
I used to go to library when i was in colleague for books,because i have much space time and the school library has many books.I can find the book that i want easily. I'm working now, almost everyday i must stay in the office,and only have one day weekend.So,if i want to read some books,i will find e-book on line.It is very convenience~
• India
19 Dec 09
Yes we had lots of time when we were in colleges. I also use to visit library in those days. Most of the time I visited library with some course books. Nowadays we don't have much time and thanks god we can at least find all information in internet. Have a great day.
@youless (112921)
• Guangzhou, China
17 Dec 09
I seldom go to the library. I don't like going to the library because it has its business time. It is not convenient for me. Besides, I think the books are old and dirty which I lose my interest to read it. And today it is so easy to find the information via the net. And I don't have to count on the library. I love China
• India
18 Dec 09
Ok, you seldom go to the library because you have lack of time. Also old and dirty books lower your interest to visit library. If library is not organized of well maintained than it effects the visitors. You are right every single information is available in internet. And in terms of collecting information internet is the best source. Have a nice day.
@edu4625 (188)
• United States
16 Dec 09
I love visiting the library. I don't feel anything can replace being in an actual physical building with all those books representing so much knowledge and interests. The books seem to have an energy of their own. Just being in the library motivates you to want to read. Even if I come in for one book, I many times find I will take out others. I also think that when you have children and they go to the library with you that it will peek their interest in learning to read or read more. You'll notice that places like Borders and Barnes and Nobles have found out that people love reading in library type settings which is why they have their stores set up like a library or coffe shop.
• India
18 Dec 09
Yes it is true that nothing can replace with library. Library is a place of knowledge, motivation and lots more. Digital age cannot compete with library. Because we can't concentrate in other place. If you see, children cannot read books in any PC. Because he wants to play PC games instead of reading any ebook. He or She can't concentrate to read a single book. Knowledge is power, yes great peoples found library as a source of knowledge. That's why Library can't replace with other alternatives. Nice discussion. Have a good day.
• India
16 Dec 09
Hello pal, First of all welcome to my lot! Next to answer your question. Yeah i used to go to the library when i was in college. But once the internet came i had no need to go all the way to the library as Internet has greatly revolutionized the Book and information society!!! You can find everything directly at your house if you spend a few minutes searching for the info you need!!!! it also saves a lot of time and energy ! well i should say that the idea of a library is quite outdated now and also no library can hold all the books and the information of the world but the internet holds everything and anything! well hope my view helps! Hey Nice Discussion to get our view onto the forgotten Libraries! Pal. Dont forget to rate the responses to your discussions and also rating the comments positive.Have a nice day!
• India
16 Dec 09
Nice to see you. Yes it is true that internet has greatly revolutionized the book and information society. In this era we have limited time. We can find any relevant information in internet. I use to visit library, I forgot about it for sometime. But when I saw my old library card then I realize that those days are full of fun and excitement. Me and my friend use to visit libraries and search for good news and books available in desks. Actually we go for break in between and take a cup of coffee or tea with snacks. And returned to the library, making notes there. It was the cheapest way to make notes in library. That time I was a student therefore I have not much pocket money to visit any internet cafe. That time internet was very costly and did not think about it. And in my home there was no internet. So Library gives me all. My grades were improved because of library. So I never forgot about my old good library. Good day and take care.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
17 Dec 09
i like to book library.although i can find what i want in internet,it make me convinient,but i still borrow book from book library.i find that sometimes i read book,i find that i can pay attention to read it and think about it really,i read book from internet,sometimes i stay a long time and feel tired,so i like to go for book library to select what i like.
• India
18 Dec 09
This is great that you often visit library. It is true that reading books in library is a great source of relaxation if you are too tired. Library is a place to concentrating yourself. I think most of the people visited library not only for reading books but also to relaxing their mind. This is nice that you like books and you like to find it in internet also. Have a good day and nice to discuss with you.
@apgh09 (514)
• United States
17 Dec 09
yes i do love going to the library for a good book, i also love the ebooks its more convenient when it comes to having to return a book before its due date.
• India
18 Dec 09
Going to library and also for a good book, great. Visiting library itself have great fun and excitement. Yes, there is a limitation to borrow books from library. You have to return books on time and if you don't able to finish the book than you have to reissue the same book for the second time. And you are right, there is no due date for ebook. But see library has all the environment which includes discipline, time to finish the book, silence etc. I think library have all rules which one should follow in his daily life. Have a great day.
• United States
17 Dec 09
Hi key2write, I love the library and have been going to my local library for years to take out books and now you can take out dvds, cds and video games, it's a fun experience. I read a book every week or two depending on how busy I am with other things, I try to read 4 books a month at least because it's a great, relaxing hobby and expands my memory. They say reading helps prevent Alzheimer's which is great, I've always loved reading since the time I was a young child, I don't understand how many people think it's boring, there has to be some book out there that interests them. I disliked reading at times in school because you were forced to read certain material whether it interested you or not but when reading at home on your own time you can choose the book which is awesome. I've never liked audio books, I know their popular but I read quicker than the person narrating the book speaks. I use to get very aggravated when I was in school because many of my teachers loved audio books and thought it was easier for the class but it was annoying. I would seriously finish two or three pages before the narrator was done with the first page. I think everyone should read it's a great past time and can be a lot of fun if you find books you enjoy or a certain author you enjoy as well.
• India
18 Dec 09
Hello sahsports4883, Nice to hear that you love to visit library. Its great that you like books. In my city there is no such modern library as you have in your city. It is awesome that you read so fast. Books are great source of knowledge. And knowledge I missed the days when I use to visit library. Yes it is true that audio books can't replace with books. I think audio books are made for those who don't like to read or who want to revise or for those who are blind. Reading experience is great. Great writers always read most of the books to widen their knowledge. A new thing I am able to know from you that Alzheimer's could be prevented by reading books. Oh its great thanks, I will share it with my friends. Have a nice discussion. Good day.
@b4balaji (410)
• India
16 Dec 09
I used to,when I was a kid. I used the library card of my cousin, who joined for free during his college days. The books I used to take were in native language. I stopped going to library then, because the bookkeeper kept cribbing about people taking books for free, and that every new member is paying a good subscription rate. Later the only library I used most was my college one. Which is big, and has all kinds of books, online journals.
• India
16 Dec 09
That's great. You were one of the few kids who visited library. It is sad that you wont make it regular. I have got library card when I was in college. And visited library very frequently. It is under government therefore it has no subscription charge. With this card I was able to get 2 books for 14 days. That card has no expiration date. Therefore I can use it in future also. Visiting library has full of fun. I always like to visit libraries but it requires lots of time. Good day.
@dolyares (178)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
hi key, no i do not go to the library for book research or just for reading magazines. I am used to do my research through internet, its more updated and accurate. But, even before internet is not yet that in demand, i dont usually go to the library, i think im not one of those people whos being qouted as book worms,ahahhaha. I feel sleepy whenever i go to library that's why i dont go anymore.hehe.
• India
18 Dec 09
Hello dolyares, Thanks for your honest answer. Internet is a great source of information. It saves lots of time. If you go to library and could not find anything related to your research work than it will be loss of your valuable time. Search engines changed the way of finding information. Good luck and have a nice day.