Advice please???

United States
December 16, 2009 9:46am CST
So I actually am looking for adivce on two different things going on between my boyfriend and I. The first advice I need help with is do you think its okay for my boyfriend to call another woman sexy? On Facebook (of course, right?) he answered a question about a mutual friend with one of those random question things? The question was: 'If Gabriella looks like she eats, what that be?' (or something like that) His answer: 'Italian and sexy'. Okay so just to clarify.. about a month or so ago he was alot worse. He was say she is hot and sexy and even commented on her cleavage in a few picture comments he left her. Which made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. And he ended up agreeing not to do it anymore but feltlike I was nitpicking. So hes been pretty good since then. Until yesterday when he answered that. And I didnt get mad I just told him it made me feel uncomfortable and I didn't like it. And he seemed to annoyed and said he felt like I was overreacted and 'nitpicking'. Do you think I am?.. And then my second advice is more of a personal one. Basically when I get upset with Patrick and we fight and the fight gets really bad... when he tells me we should talk about it later, call it a night.. etc. I can never do it. I dont know why but I seriously can never walk away from a bad fight like that even when I know hes doing the right thing by having us cool down. I think its like an irrational fear that if I walk away when we are pissed at each other then I will lose him somehow. But when I refuse to let him go or just walk away myself the situation ALWAYS gets worse. Does anyone deal with this?... This is really what is killing our relationship (we've been together for 4 years). And Its frustrating me because this problem has been around for years.. and even when logically I know I should listen to him.. emotionally I am too upset to think logically, if thatmakes sense. Anyways, any advice would be very helpful. Thanks.
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27 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Wow, I thought they'd broken that mold when my wife was made. She can't stop escalating a fight. I try to withdraw & let things calm down & she just keeps pressing. It accomplishes nothing but making things so much worse. When she finally does stop ( usually after all but wrecking our marriage ) she realizes what she did but will still do it again the next time. Once she gets emotional logic & reason go right out the window. The last fight was " You didn't turn around & go back to the house to get my phone when I forgot it!". We were on our way to work, running late & if I get 1 more attendance point I'm fired. Seriously which is more important, having your phone ( which she'd forgotten in the first place ) or me keeping my job & us making the mortgage, utility & CELL PHONE payments? As for the other woman issue, BOTH. While you shouldn't expect him not to notice another woman he should keep the compliments toned down. Why were you even looking at his facebook responses anyways? Could there be a bit of an inferiority complex there & your looking for something to trigger it? So long as he's not actually taking some action to start a relationship with this woman let it go. He's not saying your not attractive or sexy. Accept the fact that other women can be without putting yourself down.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
16 Dec 09
The common ground is always the best place. If one member of the relationship is always forced to submit eventually they'll be beaten down. It's hard to be happy in that position.
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• United States
16 Dec 09
Well I wasnt actually looking on his facebook, it was on my home page. On facebook if you go on your home it shows all of the things your friends are doing/saying. And I know he sees other women.. like.. as attractive. He doesnt hide it from me, like if we are in public he points it out which I prefer as opposed to silently checking women out thats kind of sneaky. Its really just since he knows her personally I guess. But your right, I see your point. Im going to talk to him about it tonight and hopefully find a common ground. That way he doesnt feel like I am nitpicking and I dont feel like my emotions arent important.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Hi there Phoenix,First of all....Who is Gabriella? Is she a friend or someone local that he actually could possibly meet or is she a celebrity of some sort? Anyway, you are not wrong I don't think. It bothers you and you've told him that it bothers you. Out of respect for you then he should just stop and refrain from these remarks. As for your arguing tactics, I do understand how you feel about walking away in anger. I have a problem with that also. I don't ever want anyone I love to leave in anger and what if something were to happen to them before the next time I see them? I'd never be able to live with that. Still, your boyfriend is right on this one. Sometimes when things are heated then it is useless to argue at that point and as you have noticed...things can actually get worse. I don't really argue much with anyone but I do have a daughter that is pretty hot-headed and we sometimes get into a heated exchange of words. I do know how these things can esculate. We have agreed to hug even tho angry and agree to talk later. I will NOT let her walk out in anger and she knows this. No matter how angry she is ....just a hug and "I love you" and "we'll talk later". Usually by the time she makes her way back home, she has calmed down enough to talk and I'll get a phone call. The hug usually diffuses things just enough to be able to walk away ...take a break from the arguing. It works for us anyway.
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• United States
16 Dec 09
Thanks, your advice really helped. Gabriella (I didnt realise I actually said her name) is a mutual friend of my boyfriend and I. And I know he isn't interested in her like that but it doesn't make him calling her sexy any less uncomfortable. As for the rest of the advice, that did help too. And I know he is right when he says we should talk later. Its just my end that has a huge problem actually doing it. There are times after a fight when we are calm enough to realize that we need to go our seperate ways. And I will even say he should just go. And then right after I say that and he actually (of course) starts to leave.. I get this fear.. and I end up saying 'Wait, where are you going?' And its not games, you know?.. I really mean it when I agree with him that we should stop and go our seperate ways. But the moment if happens I want to latch onto him. And I know he feels frustrated as hell when I do it :/
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Actually since she is a mutual friend...that makes it all the more disrespectful. I was thinking like ...a celebrity. I've made comments that I think Steve Tyler is hot and had a boyfriend get upset. When you say "go our separate ways" do you mean as in break up? It sounds as if you do really care for him. I think it would take work on both your parts to make it work. Like he really could and should stop with the comments that bother you...that would help. Also the "hug" method that I talked really does help and it is not as easy as you would imagine. It is really hard to hug someone when you are so angry and worked up that you are thinking really bad thoughts that you know deep down you don't mean and won't in an hour. It takes both to make that one work. My daughter and I worked it out while not angry at each other. Usually it is me that will make that move to hug and remind her that I love her and we'll talk later. The minute I do that...I instantly calm down a bit. There have been a couple of times that she has been the one to make that move. It really works. My best friend and I made a comittment to our friendship like this when we were just kids. it has been over 40 years and lots of ups and downs but she is still my best friend in the world. It does take 2 tho and if your boyfriend is not as committed to make it work then it won't work.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
16 Dec 09
You need to get your act together! I could not live with you, and I've been married to the same woman for 54 years! You are a Jealous Woman! Jealousy will ruin your marriage. Your boyfriend sounds like a very sensible man. A normal caring woman would find him a pleasure to live with. Yon need to stop nitpicking! Get a hold of your self and realize that if you don't change your thinking you will be all alone. Men will be men, and there is nothing you can do about it. Fighting about it with him will just drive him away!
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@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Hello, I have been in relationship for 7 years now with my husband and sometime we fight so bad. Mostly, my husband would say the same thing like your boyfriend said (let talk later or he just, Ok that's enough Go to sleep)... I know, I never let it goes that easy... but same thing it will get worst if I keep pushing him too much. I think this is how man handle argument... he doesn't want to say or do anything bad to hurt you so let cool down and hope thing will get better after a night sleep. I think you should learn how to let it goes, sometimes... I learned how to deal with it by let it goes or just dont over speak. If he is still good to me then I dont care about anything anymore. sometimes my husband over do something on Facebook too... but he always tell me what he does there. Just the other day, he went to help out that homeless people (taking picture for them for free) and then he took this lady picture more than anyone else and he also said, She is sexy and pretty and much much more... it made me think he likes her. So, I confront him... I said... you must be like this lady for sure cuz you took her picture more than anything else. He said, No... she just look pretty at the moment. I said, yeah right... you never say Im pretty or look good but you said it to someone else in front of me? lolz... he was like, stop it. It is just my expression. He said it is normal for a man seeing a pretty girl. I let it goes but whenever I see that picture... I said, there you go she is your girlfriend... he didn't say anything but deleted the picture out.
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• United States
16 Dec 09
That sounds exactly like my boyfriend! He comments other girls pictures and says they are beautiful and hot and whatever (not so much anymore but when he did) and when I would confront him and ask why he doesnt comment my pictures the same way he says its because he tells me in person and feels he doesnt need to comment my pictures. So maybe thats just how he is. Its not really a trust issue.. I mean it makes me a little bit doubtful but I trust him.
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• Philippines
16 Dec 09
You know what? I can relate on you, for I don't like the idea of my husband commenting sexy and hot to somebody else... Maybe I am too jealouse or something... and I am paranoid at times too... especially now, that I gave birth already... My self confidence went down... However, if your partner knows that you get hurt and feel discomfortable whenever he says that, he must try to avoid that as respect to you... I also don't like the idea of not fixing the problem at once, but sometimes it helps to cool down yourselves first... I think you should talk about these things... Be open with each other... Like on how to deal with your problems and conflict, whether you will let yourselves cool down first or fix the problem at once before parting ways... Study yourself as well, if it is a sign of insecurity then better try to do something about it... This is what I learned... insecurity happens because something had triggered it... and you must try to dig the root of it. If your partner has something to do with it, then tell him to avoid doing the same thing all over again... Hope your relationship wors and stand the test of time!
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@olisaur (1922)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Here's my advice: Explain to him how it makes you FEEL (sad, scared, upset or hurt, or whatever) when he talks to or about other girls. If he just brushes you aside and continues to say your "nitpicking" leave him. No guy should ever treat a girl like that- with no regard for her feelings. You deserve a good boyfriend not someone who talks about other girls.
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• India
22 Dec 09
I am totally ignorant of the behavioural science of family relations and the nitty-gritty involved, especially, in a relationship between two lovers since I've never been in a relationship so far, though from your own description of your lover it seems that he is an understanding man and is longing for a serious relationship with you. It is quite natural for you to think that you lose when he suddenly withdraws from an altercation because you are prepared to present something to him of which you are totally unpleasant or annoyed with. But he withdraws and there is no ways to vent your anger and it simmers inside you which ultimately get tranformed into irritation or doubts. But if you think rationally you will understand that if the debate is let to continue a situation may arise that anyone of you lose patience completely and do something which may lead to the irretrievable break down of your relationship. I think he foresees the unforeseen consequences involved in it and it also appears to me that his is not an act of condescension but he genuinely wishes to avoid a petty conflict snowballing into a serious confrontation. Regarding decribing other women,I don't think it's of something an issue since it's quite natural for men and women to admire the beauty of others and say comments unless something is cherished surreptitiously but if it is of serious concern to you, you should tell him calmly and he also should act responsibly. And finally for not calling you pretty, why should he call when he thinks you are his and I think doing so more often will be not only awkward but also there is something fishy so as to please you or not wanting your attention to fall on something he doesn't want.One praises another exceedingly for getting some favours done or he or she will be beyond the reach.If one is owned by another as in your case what is the need for the sugar-coated praises. I may not be completely right in my judgment of the facts but I think there is nothing to worry in your present realtionship.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
16 Dec 09
Well, let me ask this...has he ever cheated on you or given you sound reason to believe he may have done so? Both of the things you ask about advice on all seem to come down to trust and how secure you are in the relationship...both are in fact a matter of security... Simply calling another woman sexy is not really an issue if you trust him and feel secure enough in the relationship to not have it mean much of anything to you. However, if it bothers you that badly then he should be gentalmenly enough to respect that and not do it. I'm not much of one to give advice, first I am notoriously bad at it and secondly, I find advice giving to be a liability, I could live with knowing I steered someone wrong and was reponsable for a break up. But I hope I have at least given you a new perspective to examine your problem from. Best of luck.
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• India
21 Dec 09
Hello my dear phoenix1344 Ji, I along with mu hubby feels that your relations before marriage are getting tense. What would happen after marriage. To site our examples , we just completed 40 yrs of married life on 02 DEc. It is not that we never had difference of opinions,but we sort them out ,if I am annoyed he will listen to me and never react on the face.Both of you have to have cordialrelations, which only could be aheieved by understanding. Throw that 'EGO' from bottom of your heart which stops you to agree even though you understand. May God bless You and have a great time.
• United States
16 Dec 09
Not to alarm you but if he has made these types of comments online about someone that he knows and he knows you can see it easy,this girl is not like some celebrity he could never get in a million years, then you have think what has he said or might say outside of the internet to a woman he knows or maybe the same one from facebook behind your back. I think that you should sit down and talk with him about it let him know that this is not the average discussion you two have had and really express to him your concern about what he's doing and if he doesn't want to talk about it then maybe you should seriously consider ending it because if he doesn't respect your feelings enough just to listen to what you have to say with out belittling it to nitpicking or overreacting then no matter how many ways you express how you feel on the matter he probaly won't respect it anyway. By the way you are so NOT overreacting. I wish you the best send me a p.m. on how it goes. As for the second problem maybe you should start seeing a couselor or therapist about it there might be a underlining reason why you can't seem to walk away from a fight and come back to it later or some people just don't like doing that the only way to find out is to talk to someone about it. p.s. I hope all goes well for you and if you have friends or sisters or even your mom talk to them about it too sense they know you a lot better than I do.
17 Dec 09
Can't really answer the second bit, but as for him messaging other girl thats out of order, whats wrong with him, is he not happy with the gorgeous girl he's already got??
• United States
18 Dec 09
Well he wasnt messaging her. And I dont think he ever would message her all like 'Hey sexy' or anything. Facebook has these friend questions. Where you answer weird/funny questions about your friends. So it was a public thing.. and he wasnt like calling her sexy like a petname... just.. more like.. saying she looks Italian and sexy.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
17 Dec 09
Well if you were married, then I would say yes, that is bad. If I am married, and have dedicated my life to one single woman, then yes it is wrong for me to be checking out other women. On the other hand, if I am just a boy friend, then I'm just a boy friend. I am not someone's husband, and not tied to any single women. So why not check out other women? I may want to find a new girl somewhere, and there is no reason for me not to. It's not like I made a public commitment to stay with any specific person, so why should I? So the answer is, no. There is nothing wrong with a man who is not your husband, and made no real commitment to stay with just you, to look at other women. As for why you can't let go of a fight, I just have a guess on that, and you can take it or leave it as you like. Perhaps the reason you can't let it go, and cool off before talking through it, is because you are insecure. The reason you might be insecure is because you don't really know if this guy loves you. The reason you do not know if he really loves you, could be because he didn't marry you, doesn't sound like he plans to, is simply a boy friend, and he's looking at other women. To be honest I can completely understand why you would be insecure in that situation. I would be too. Now it may sound like I setup marriage as a cure all, and it's not. But I will say this: half of all marriages last a lifetime. Only 1 in 20 move-in unmarried relationships last a lifetime. And the average life span of an unmarried shack up relationship, is 3 years. You are on borrowed time already. Best of luck to you, no matter what happens.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
18 Dec 09
Well here's another statistic you may not know. Did you know that a person who has never slept with anyone, and are virgins on their marriage day, have the best chance of having a long lasting faithful marriage? In fact, if a person sleeps with anyone prior to marriage, even the very person they intend to marriage, they have a 10 times higher chance of experiencing infidelity in marriage? So living with someone before getting married will not show that you can trust him in marriage. Instead it will nearly guarantee you can't. In the 1950s, it was taboo to move in, let alone sleep with someone, outside of marriage. During that time, the divorce rate was a fraction of what it is now. Oh and about that too young to marry part, it used to be that by age 16 you were expected to be married and have children. Too young isn't the problem. The question is are you too immature. And I would suggest that if you are too immature to marry, you are too immature to be living together. You say that he doesn't have my perspective on it. I didn't say that he did. No one thinks that way when they first get together. No one does. Yet the statistics are that 95% of move in unmarried couples will fail. Of those that do, most get married, and married quickly after moving in together. The average life span is 3 years, then things fall apart. I can personally testify to this in my own experience. Not that I shacked up with anyone, I don't believe in that. But out of 11 different couples I know of who shacked up together, only 1, just one couple is still together. That one couple out of 11 that is still together, got married with in the first year that they moved in together. Within 6 months if I remember right. So my experience has fit the statistic perfectly. Moreover, you are not alone in your experience. I have talked to women just like you, who have had problems exactly like you are having. Just so you know, I am telling you all this, not to make you feel bad. Nor to make you give up on your boy friend, because I know you won't do that anyway. I'm hoping that in the future, if this doesn't work out, that you will remember this, and make better choices going forward. Again, best to you no matter what.
• United States
18 Dec 09
Well all I have to say is THANK GOD he doesn't have that same perspective as you do on relationships. If a guy cant be faithful in a relationship and if he is constantly 'looking' even if he is in one, then how can a girl ever know if she can trust him in marriage??.. Based on your view anyways. I know he isn't 'looking' for someone better and the reason he hasnt proposed is because he and I are still young. We aren't even legally old enough to drink, if you catch my drift. But he has talked plenty of times with me about marriage and I do feel he is committed to me. Its just when he calls another woman sexy.. even nonchalantly it gets to me a bit. As for your advice about the fighting, it may be an insecurity issue and I can definitely see that as a reason. And as for arranged marraiges versus love marriages.. well Ive never been in an arranged marriage position but I would still have to say I prefer a love marraige. But thnk you for your advice.
@rosgill (45)
• United States
16 Dec 09
I don't think you are being nitpicking, it bothers you and it shows disrespect to you when he does that. Men like to look and that is normal but when they are with their partner they should keep their opinions to themselves when commenting on another woman. Do you suppose he would get upset if you commented on how well built another man was or good looking he was? I don't think he'd like it either. Unfortunately, men don't think the way women do, they think with their brain not with their heart and emotions the way women do. Maybe you should read 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus', it might help you understand him. What you need to do is sit him down to talk about how you FEEL, expressing the feel word is important in communication instead of saying 'you do this'. Try telling him that it hurts you when he says those things because it makes you feel like he doesn't see you that way, you feel uncomfortable when he does these things. Express to him your feelings and then let him express his. Communication is important in relationships. If he understands how it makes you FEEL then maybe he won't think you are nitpicking. Ask him how he'd feel if you did it to him. I'm not saying that he will understand, he may not, but if he loves you then he should and needs to care enough about your feelings to stop doing it. When you two are arguing, it is sometimes best to give each other space to cool down because if the sparks keep flying, it could get really bad. Take a walk and then sit down and discuss with each other why you both are arguing. Express your feelings to him, he should do the same to you. Listening to each other is important in working out difficulties. If you love each other and want a lasting relationship communication and listen to each other is important. I'm not a know it all in these things but I've been to marriage counceling for 20 years with my x husband and learned a lot from trying to make my marriage work. It takes two to keep a relationship going, and work, and communication and understanding. If you can't work together on your difficulties in your relationship then it won't last long. Good luck but don't let him drag you down. No man is worth staying with if he mistreats you.
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• Turkey
17 Dec 09
arkadasinin gözü disarda yani senle yetinmesini bilmiyor farkli seyler ariyo baglanmak ona göre degil ari gibi daldan dala konmasini seven biri bence ondan sana fayda gelmez birak gitsin
17 Dec 09
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
18 Dec 09
And arkadasinin gözü right back at ya buddy! I agree completely with "seven biri bence". Know exactly what ya mean.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 09
Do you trust him????? The thing is that is what they are like and yes it is annoying to us and upsetting but if you trust him and if you know he loves you then just ignore it It would be worse if he did this behind your Back, which he will do if you always go at him about it, so just overlook it and remember he is not hiding it Your second Dilemma, when you do get into a fight try to control yourself and do cool down before carrying on if he walks away for good because of a Fight it means he never loved you, everybody has arguments it is part of the Relationship, you just have to make sure they do not get out of Hand and yes walk away to cool down then talk about it We can only give you Advice Phoenix, you have to take the Actions Girl and I really hope you can
@rsa101 (38201)
• Philippines
18 Dec 09
First about the facebook thingy, I think you should gather more valid reasons to be bothered by it. It's just facebook comment and it won't hurt anyone just by posting in there. If you can point to me that what he says there he has done in real life then there's something that is really bothering and should need to be talked about. On the second part I guess it is a natural reactions of most women. But, I think you should also understand that for many men too when situation gets to a point where there is no resolution being resolved it is indeed better to call if off and cool things off. It doesn't mean that he is giving up on you but just letting the steam off of everybody to make your minds clear and think about the situation. I think this is basically what we men think of. We cannot make sudden decision in most of the situations where serious issues are being tackled and when the person you are talking becomes irrational already. The fear that you feel is indeed irrational and you should try to calm you mind first and try to understand that when in the heat of things sometimes our mind are not as logical as we think we are and pausing for a while would definitely help once mind to settle down and slowly assess its being rational again.
• United States
18 Dec 09
I don't think you are nitpicking. If it bothers you that he admires other womwen , you should tell him so.But don't yell or scream , just calmly tell him . Then if he Still does it , then you have a problem. I never like ro argue so I cant help with the second question. I have heard it is wise to walk away but if you can't do it , you can't do it. I hope others can help you more . Take care.
• India
17 Dec 09
Of course it is absolutely OK to call another woman sexy. But it should remain at that only and nothing more. After all males will be males!
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
17 Dec 09
the first thing i would have to ask you is do you trust him? and is there any reason not to trust him ? maybe he shouldnt have used sexy and talk about something. yeah its wrong. but with me and my wife i will tell her if another female is cute not sexy or anything along those line. but to men we see nothing wrong with it. its should be if he knows it upset you then out of respect and love yeah knock it off. but he is doing the right thing by walking away to allow you guys to cool down. but you should maybe ask him when you are calm if he wont say things like this for you. i mean by looking at your picture there isnt nothing to worry about you do look cute. but good luck. dont or try not to sweat the small things
• United States
20 Dec 09
Hi again. I just responded to another of your discussions. No, you aren't nitpicking. If something makes you uncomfortable, it makes you uncomfortable, and in a relationship the other partner needs to respect what makes the other feel uncomfortable. Regardless of whether or not you find other men attractive and he finds other women attractive--it makes you uncomfortable. Would he like it if you commented about one of his friends, "You are so sexy!" If he wouldn't mind it, then you two aren't on the same page about beliefs on the matter. If he would mind it, maybe he would begin to understand where you are coming from. My husband and I have the same problem about arguments that you do. I always want to confront a problem, talk about it until it's solved and done, yet he always withdraws and wants to deal with it later. If I'm near him and keep trying to talk about it and pursue it, it only gets worse and worse, and we both end up angry. But if I'm around him I can't resist trying to say that one thing that will help us get to a common ground. I've learned what helps me: leaving the house. I'll simply get in my car and leave. Depending on how angry I am, I'll drive around town or actually drive quite a bit of way away and listen to music on the radio. When I come back, my husband's apologetic and ready to talk: every time. If I stay rather than leave, well...I can't control my anger. I've broke a door by punching it before because I simply couldn't get through to him and he wouldn't talk to me. I'd much rather leave and be calm the next time I saw him than break things around the house to get his, I hate when I'm like that, even though it happens maybe once a year, if that. I'm not saying, necessarily, that you should leave when he's not willing to talk. Maybe you could try it or figure out what would work best for you. You KNOW it will only get worse if you pursue it, so try other measures. Take a walk...go in the other room and avoid him for awhile to calm down...listen to music. And again on him commenting on your mutual friend...most people would say that finding others attractive is okay, only normal. But that is not the only opinion out there. Growing up, I'd hear my mom comment on how sexy Johnny Depp was (or other men), in front of my dad, and vice versa. That would make me sick to my stomach and hope to God not all relationships were like that...that I could find a man someday that could find everything he ever wanted in me and vice versa. I did, and am so lucky because the people who do not fall to thinking lust is not cheating, etc., are very rare in society today. I'm not saying leave him, and I don't even know if you feel the same about other people, but just don't want to voice it to him and don't want him to tell you. I just want you to know that you aren't crazy for feeling offended. You most likely wondered what about you he finds attractive and how you match up to your friend...and I don't blame you. What he said is totally out of line, even if you both have attractions to other people. It's not a matter of who's most attractive or who's sexier, in your case, but simply what you are comfortable with. I wish you the best of luck with this situation.