why is tigerwood resigning from golf
By tundeemma
@tundeemma (894)
South Africa
December 17, 2009 6:26am CST
the problems are getting too much for this guy and i believed he should be left alone, afterall he is not the only celebrity caught cheating, there are celebrities who have been doing this thing for several years yet the world has not crucified them, tigerwoods is agreat personality and should not be cruficied
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14 responses
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
17 Dec 09
He's not resigning but just temporarily leaving golf to get his personal affairs in order. One golf game is much like the other. The thing that is irreplaceable is your family. I'm having a difficult time feeling sorry for Tiger. He created his own problem and in the process publicly humiliated his wife and family. Just because other celebrities have done the same thing doesn't mean that we should give Tiger a pass for being a serial cheater. This is a guy whose endorsement reputation hinges on his squeaky clean image and he is held up as a role model to others. Apparently, he doesn't take his responsibility as a role model to children as seriously as the rest of us do. All of that being said, he is probably the greatest golfer in history. He just isn't the greatest human being in history.
@applegal (2)
• Singapore
17 Dec 09
I agree, it doesn't matter how many ppl have done it. As long as it's wrong, it's WRONG. N his behaviour is too much, he does not only have had 1 affair but several with the numbers still increasing. Apparently he is still in touch wif his sidedish when he has said he would like to be a better person, etc and even apologise for his wrongdoings but him keepin in touch with the affair proves that he does not show any remorse at all.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
24 Dec 09
I don't think that the idea that "others have gotten away with it, therefore he should get away with it" is a legitimate theory. Some people get away with murder, so we should let everyone go?
I personally think that we should only look up to, and appreciate people with moral quality. It's actually far easier to play golf, than it is to live a decent upstanding life. Others can do it, Tiger did not.
Worse yet, if anyone had reason to be happy and enjoy life, Tiger was it. This guy had no reason to screw up, cheat on his wife, act like an idiot and wreck is car, ruin his family, destroy his career, lose all his supporters and on and on.
He had it all. He had money. He had fans. He had a beautiful wife be any standard possible. He had the kids. To be honest, God himself could barely bless this man more than he already had. What more could any man really ask for? I would be absolutely thrilled to have a tiny sliver of a fraction of what Tiger had in skill, money, family, wife, kids, fame and fortune.
How can anyone be so selfish, and arrogant to screw that deal up? ... yet... he did.
Now should we hang him in town square? No. But I'm certainly not going to watch any more of his games. I'll not be buying anything anywhere with his name on it. No caps or shirts with the master adulterous golfer on it. No more Gillette shave products featuring Tiger. And if that means he loses sponsors, well... then maybe he should have kept is legs crossed, and stayed with the women that promised her life to him, and bore his children.
@eddify (412)
• Pakistan
19 Dec 09
U are not going to believe it how the media is afetr him and pictures circulated on the net are funny at the same time horrible too. But I strongly believe your family comes first, other things can wait but as a father and a husband your first priority is your family no matter what. So if he is taking a long leave or a leave forever it is his decision and we can only lend a sympethic shoulder
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
18 Dec 09
I think the media is making such a big deal about itbecause of the number of women he has. He has always pretended that he was a family man and loved the quiet simple life. Now we find out that image wasn't true. I am getting tired of hearing about it though. I think his decision to quit for awhile is a good one. If he's out of the spotlight for awhile maybe he won't get so much negative attention. I still can't figure out why celebrities think they can do whatever they want and not get caught. Every move they make is in the tabloids and they have reporters following them 24-7 so of course they will get caught. If nothing else maybe he won't be in the news so much and we will get a break from hearing about it.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
18 Dec 09
...Hi tundeemma, Tiger is not resigning from golf, he is only taking a breather to let the news reports die down. His wife has reportedly decided to divorce him and possibly start something commercial herself with Puma, a rival of Tiger's sponsor Nike. Right now he is out on his private yatch with his school buddies and friends. Tiger some say, should be back in the spring sometime, they are not playing much golf now anyway, so he won't be hurt that much. The PGA will, some also say he wants them to beg him to come back, when they see how much money they will lose while he is gone. Could be? He was just named Best Athlete of the Decade and Sportsman of the Year for the tenth time, so his star will still shine, even with this scandal. I like Tiger but I don't feel sorry for him, his own hand controlled his zipper. He should have thought about his kids if he didn't care about his wife. Take care.
@MJ_Dakota (126)
• United States
18 Dec 09
Frankly, whatever Tiger Woods does with his life and career is his choice. He will be rewarded, with love or grief for whatever he chooses. If people would stop putting others on pedestals this type of "moral catastrophy" would not be such a media circus. With each purchase of the Enquire, People, USA Today, and Sports Illustrated the companies are saying, "Personal choices gone wrong make me rich!" and the consumer is saying, "Others' personal choices gone wrong make me sick!" as they spend their last $5.00 on the investment of scandal riches in the future.
Why must we aid in the defammation of celebrities? Are we, the common people, so bored, so innocent, so jealous, so petty that we can only feel better about our lives if we are spreading the latest gossip? Maybe we should create a magazine called, The Common Mistakes and go around the world so we can talk about our neighbors, our husbands, our children, our extended families - won't that make us feel better?
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
18 Dec 09
I think he will come back once his problems are resolved. For now, he would need all the privacy time he could get. This is what I think..
@02karen (172)
• United States
17 Dec 09
tundeemma - Well I haven't seen much of the news but I didn't know that he was resigning from golf. It's a shocking for me. Well I guess what people are saying, the news which he dislikes it and ask him to many random questions does bother him. Trust me I was a model for some time and I really dislike for people that want to find out about peoples life when its none of their business. See the news and newspapers even reporters say one thing but in reality we don't know whether he or she is lying. One person says one thing to another and usually they change stuff around and make up things that the person never did or said. People nowadays well all I can say I feel bad for that man quitting so soon and young but he has his reasons and let him live his life the way he wants too.
@benny128 (3615)
17 Dec 09
tiger woods is a so called celebrity from my point of view he isn't a celebrity he is just a normal person who is good at what he does ie golf.
Now saying that he has done what a lot of people do everyday in their lives, the difference is because some people look upto tiger woods as a hero or as a role model,
now in this day and age cheating in any shape or form is wrong, and unfortunatly tiger woods has brought this on himself I really have no sympathy for him at all if am brutally honest lol.
The only difference between tiger getting caught with his pants down and a normal joe public is that the media is there to report on this so called role model who relies on his clean image which unfortunatly is now proved to be wrong. Where as any normal person isn't looked upto by millions of kids the world over and some adults too.
I agree let him be, but in this day and age your actions speak louder than words.
As for other celebrities I don't think any had a profile as high as tiger woods. Plus Tiger didn't admit to it he was caught with his pants down and then denied anything had happened untill the media got the evidence etc etc if he had came out at the start and admited it I think the treatment would not of been so intense.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
17 Dec 09
I agree with you 100%. This is getting so out of hand. Every show is covering this and I don't really want to hear it anymore. I put on one of my shows and this is what they are talking about I shut it off. They are acting like this is the first guy who ever cheated on his wife. I also don't believe each and every girl that is coming forward. If he had a one night stand with a girl before he was married she too is probably coming forward I bet. I don't care how many girls he was sleeping with. This is his wife's problem not us the public. He needs to deal with this privately and the public needs to back away from this subject already. They are just making it worse to me.
@jahernandezrivas (11288)
• United States
17 Dec 09
I know a lot of other celebrities also cheated,but it doesn't excuse Tiger's behavior.The reason so many people are attacking him for it is because he was supposed to be a role model to so many young people.Sure, he's just human, but there is still no excuse.If it was one person, fine, but the numbers it's going up to is RIDICULOUS.HOWEVER, I also agree that the paparazzi goes too far.All the time...but he SHOULD take a break,because not only can this whole situation affect HIS golf game,but imagine all the innocent players who have nothing to do with this trying to just relax and play golf and having paparazzi around the game.Imagine what it does to the game.Imagine how it affects other players.If Tiger is feeling emotionally stressed as well,his game is not going to be A+.I don't get why people don't understand why he's taking a break.You would too!
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
The decision of temporarily resigning from his golf career is a wise decision. He has been through alot of hell lately Not just him but also his family. Putting his golf career on hold and give priority to his shaky family relationship is a good move. He had inflicted so much pain ti his wife and two kids. I believe it is about time to fix his relationship first with his family before going back to the limelight again.:)
@sahilpadhiyar20 (532)
• India
18 Dec 09
Absolutely Right Tundeemma I Do Believe this Too.But If you might know every Bad person finally got for his Deeds either it is Bad or Good.Well as Tigerwood concern I must say this is a Big Loss to Golf World they are going to Lose a Big Star not only that but the Fans are unhappy that Tigerwood is going out from Golf like this way.No One has Ever Expected!
I think Tigerwood must Confess with her wife and Try to maniculate his Happy Marriage Life once again otherwise I Do Think he should Think about the Future now otherwise his whole Life will be Ruined..!!
@PSDirectory (116)
• United States
17 Dec 09
Tiger Woods is resigning from Golf? OMG, I didnt know that. He will probably get back into it though. He cant leave Golf, He IS Gold for crying out loud. I think that the media just ate him alive, and it was too much for him to handle. But I think ultimately people need to stay the H*ll out of his personal life and just let the man live. I find it ridiculous that he lost some of his endorsements. That to me is unprofessional for the companies that he endorses for.