My poor English,how to improve

December 19, 2009 6:55am CST
HI,friends here,I have come here for several day now and found the discussions here is very interesting,but i also found my english is more poor now.i have not enough words and phrases,and i can't use the words and phraes free and easy.i always use them by translating. also , i have difficult in listenning .Are english your native language?how do you study english?have you felt word poverty ever?
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27 responses
@Hazelrose (2179)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
Hi libing2010,I am also very poor in english but i try my best to learn more.I just keep on reading english books and magazines for me to improve.I suggest to read also so that it can helps you in improving your english.Always participate the discussions of our fellow mylotters for you to learn. Read also english dictionary because it will surely helps you.Good Luck!
1 person likes this
• China
20 Dec 09
i will buy an english dictionary . i bought a dictionary when in college, but now i don't take it .sometimes i use the dictionary online,but i didn't like it.I prefer the dictionary that made by papers.besides , i will read more discussions here , it is very interesting,hehe. nice to see you.
@sachii315 (488)
• Japan
19 Dec 09
Hi libing2010! I'm not a native English speaker. I'm still learning to improve my English grammar. Mylot helped me improve it by just merely reading through discussions and comments. If there are words which I have not understood, I get a dictionary. Like you, I live in a country which only few people speak English. Reading books can also help you improve. But I think the best way of improving our English speaking and listening skills is to find friends who speaks the language and practice together. It is not necessary to learn from a native speaker just at least you can freely converse your thoughts to others. I find friends at it is a site where you can have someone who could teach you English and you could also share your native language to them. Happy mylotting! Goodluck!
• China
20 Dec 09
thanks for you answer too.I think it is very helpful to me.yes, i want to improve my spoken english as well the listenning ability, i am very hungry for them.Maybe evrthing couldn't succeed with efforts.I know i should make more efforts now.nice to see you online.HOpe we both have an improvment in english.
• India
19 Dec 09
No one is perfect in english. except persons from english country. keep posting here i hope you will feel improvement in your english. one of the best way is to read newspaper and read before someone. ask him how did you read and try to write articles here on website and read them. it will improve your english a lot.
• China
20 Dec 09
thanks for your reply.i will insist on studying english.there are many foreign commpanis in my country,and they need many employees, who can speak english, to work for them.i agree that reading newspaper is useful for improving english.i will go a lot of reading about english articles.nice to see you here.
@Savedeath (255)
• China
20 Dec 09
oh,my friends,are you just come from china too??my english is also very poor,even my major is physics but english has become more and more important and i really want to improve my english,so i come here,don't find this place will give lot help??not just earn some extra money but also make many foreign friends,that's cool,right?i believe if i insist on posting here my english will advance a big step.
• United States
20 Dec 09
read my post above you if you haven't. good luck!
• China
20 Dec 09
yes , i am from china.Mylot is a good forum , and i like here.i like reading the discussions and comments,which is helpful for my comprehension ability?so i will insist in coming here. nice to see you here .
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
20 Dec 09
Don't study English, try to use it. Study English if you want to be a writer for me the best way to learn how to speak English is simply make some good conversation with other people. .. read dictionary loud. watch english movies and try to impersonate them. .. I don't know if its works for you but its works for me.. And most of all self confidence.. You can speak better english that you think. What you need is self confidence when delivering.
• China
20 Dec 09
i agree with you , as you said, try to use said the best way of learning a language is to use it .i think so.of course ,we must study before i will improve my english by studying and using it.
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
This may look like stupid but it works. Many people talk to the mirror for english training purposes. It will improve your diction and confidence. Others like my friend always read novel books (thick ones) on the right hand and a dictionary at the left hand. This way, she will understand the meaning of unfamiliar words and you will get an idea on how to use it.
• China
20 Dec 09
I think it is a good way to training spoken english by talking to the mirror, and it will be a fun .on dictionary ,i think it is very neccesary for english learner too.i had a one before,but don't take it now. i will buy a new one.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
20 Dec 09
Welcome to the forum.Do not worry too much about lack of vocabulary right now and just enjoy the camraderie in the forum.No one is going to sit in judgement over you if you make a few mistakes or if you keep translating from your regional language.I am not a native speaker but I write in good English.Our medium of instruction was English and this has helped to a great extent.My subject is also Literature and I naturally do not find it a big bother. You will slowly improve. Pick good discussion topics and read well written responses seriously.THis would not be a big strain on you and you will feel the improvement gradually. Learn to think in English and this will go a long way in improving the language usage.Read plenty of good books .Start with responding to good discussions and starting good discussions. You will soon be confident.
• India
20 Dec 09
well mylot is a good site to learn english in a more interactive way.just don't hesitate and go ahead expressing your can also join other language forums like livemocha.these are good way to improve your english
• Philippines
20 Dec 09
Even a native in america needs to know about "proper english" because most of them are slang. The technique are to speak the way they are, and have an accent of a north american, not british. You are a chinese right, you really have a different twist of tongue and seems like all your words have different symbols.
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
20 Dec 09
Hi Libing,welcome to mylot and i dont think your english worse man it requires some practice and then you would be proficient in writing but as far as your jobs are concerned they look out for those who can speak english so try to go through english newspapers and watch as many english movies as possible and try to get movies which include subtitles(you get the wordings at the bottom of the screen) so you get to follow their accent.this would take some time though but the more you practice the faster you learn.good day.
@allknowing (142676)
• India
21 Dec 09
English - A nice way to improve ones English is to keep a dictionary close at hand.
English has been my favourite language although it is not my mother tongue. I have been fully exposed to it as most of those I interact with write and speak well. I also go online whenever I have doudts,read a lot and listen to BBC, and such news readers. Good Luck to you.
@rjvb26 (2518)
• Philippines
20 Dec 09
HI friend, English is not my native language, but as much as possible i am trying my best to cope up with it, besides, it is a language that all people use and can be used to communicate with other countries as well For me, English is a must especially for work and as an aspiring writer, there is a need for me to perfect it. We can enhance our English skills in many ways like always reading English books, writing articles in English and speak in front of the mirror using English language. That is all i can share to you, have a great day.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
20 Dec 09
English is not my native language, but I have acquired some good skills by studying and practising a lot. In my opinion the best way to become proficient at a foreign language is to practice every time you can. Also trying to read books, comics, or whatever you can find. Look up the words you don't know in a dictionary so you can build up new vocabulary. It takes lots of perseverance but I can assure that it's the best way.
• India
20 Dec 09
Hi Libing2010, It was very good and strong of you put up this discussion on my Mylot as many people find it very hard to put up their weaknessess on any public website.I have studied in one of the best english medium schools in my area and have been told many number of times how to improve your english vocabulary skills.The best way is to read newspapers and magazines.start off your day with reading any english newspaper and then underline the words and phrases whose meaning you do not understand then you can find the meaning of those words and phrases which you will have to remember.It is not at all easy and will take time!!!! but you will have to need patience.Then start communicating with a friend or your family members even if they do not know how to speak English properly.This will give you the fluency of speaking English.English is not my native Native language is Hindi as i am an Indian.i learnt this language in my school and have worked over it in the way i have told you and i am telling you with full confidence that if you try this out your English will definately Improve.Best of Luck
@justinus (1104)
• Karawaci, Indonesia
20 Dec 09
I think we have to stay at London, USA or Australia, countries with English language everyday. Me too some time wondering how to improve my English...
@bikespot (483)
• Canada
20 Dec 09
The best way is go to an english speaking country , like Canada. We have alot of foreigners here who have came here to study. Some of them have very poor english and strong accents , but after awhile they get better because english is everywhere. I know not everyone can just do that , so pick up some english books. Or even go on youtube and watch videos in english.
• China
20 Dec 09
easy dude and just keep on login and chat here more will be helpful to improve your English .also i'd suggest you to watch some English moive weekly or daily if that's possible. that's the most effective way to learn English actually and good luck.
• India
20 Dec 09
Hello dude, let me be frank, stop worrying anymore Bcoz u have already entered into an arena, where u can develop your english dramatically. Do read magazines, newspapers and post scraps, at one point you will feel the confidence in yourself.
• India
20 Dec 09
English is after all a language yaar. Do not worry too much about it. Because it is not possible to learn all the languages of the world , a common lang is fixed. You can improve your english by reading newspapers. Read articles of famous americans,english. when your read more and more english stuffs, without your knowledge your grammar will improve. usually errors while speaking are excused. only good written english counts. good english increase your chances abroad oppourtunities. that is it. your country has good job oppourtunites then why worry
• United States
20 Dec 09
You are actually doing pretty good. English is a tough language to learn anyways. But If I were you, I would maybe invest in a product like Rosetta Stone, I heard its pretty good and easy to use. But in time, you will get better. Like I said, you writing english is very good, so you are already off to a very very good start! And Goodluck to you!