Were u popular in school or a dork, what croud did u fit in?

United States
November 15, 2006 1:23am CST
I was such a dork. I hing w/ the partiers in High school and was a little cooler but before that Omg what a dork. I hated school b/c of it.
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7 responses
@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I remember in elementary school, everybody was friends with everybody. Moved on to junior high/middle school, and the cliques started forming. Had some "popular" friends, but mostly hung out with the 2nd or 3rd level down from there lol. Not quite dorks, kinda middle ground. Then high school, we moved a lot, I ended up at 3 different high schools in the area we lived. So, was kind of a fresh start, again wasn't popular, more middle ground, was more friendlier with the dorky kids-they were so much nicer anyway & smart lol. Then drifted towards the "burnouts"/party crowd because they didn't care who you were or judge you-unless you were the jock/cheerleader goody goody type:). I was popular amongst them though lol... One last thing for those who recognize the terms I used(jocks, burnouts, etc.) I thought was funny, my 15(14 at the time of conversation) and I were driving, saw some girls on the sidewalk. She said, oh yuck, they're such preps(remember preppies?). I said huh? They kinda look more like sl*ts to me(mylot won't let me type the word...). Duh mom, that's what a prep is. So, apparantly the name has changed meaning over the generations lol.
• United States
15 Nov 06
Thats so funny. Thats not what preps were in our day...lol
• United States
15 Nov 06
I wasn't really a dork, but I didn't really fit in anywhere either. I was shy, so therefore a lot of people didn't bother to get to know me. I was more so of a "floater".
• United States
15 Nov 06
thats a good way to put it.
@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
3 Aug 08
I don't know that I fit into any particular crowd--just a kind of friendly, girl-next-door type. Most of my best female friends and I were a little boy-crazy and giggly. I was creative and an activist. There were probably one or two teachers who found me to be a royal pain, but most of them seemed to like me, and the feeling was mutual.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I was popular in school, but I didnt be mean to other people or other crowds. I was cool with everyone really cuz I was sort of a prankster.
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
i can say im popular but our school have a small population only so its not difficult to be popular. i guess it is because of my academic standing and my group of friends who are equally popular in different fields. we are also friendly and not snobbish that's why i think we are popular to all students not just to particular types of students like us.
• United States
19 Apr 08
I moved alot from 9 grade and always had a hard time fitting in but always did have 2 very close friends but most were outside of school. I was more the rebel group, the nonconformist type because I just could not see myself putting the effort to please the boys every second. Before ninth grade I was just the weirdo because I just said whatever was on my mind and it wasn't cool to do that I guess but its so crazy because when I got older I realized alot of those guys had the hots from me and didn't realize that they were giving me the time of day. I was very oblivious to alot of things. I had the hots for this kid in band class who sat right NEXT to me and he never refused talking to me, thank god, when my sister was graduating I ran into some girls from band and she told me that me and this boy were a couple, thats news to me, why didn't I know that!! I resented the band cliche though--it is REALLY competitive and it just wasn't me but I grew up with my brothers and sisters in band it was just normal for me to be around but no I only made one friend in band but she was hilarious, and alot like me.
@caraj444 (1075)
• Canada
17 Nov 06
In public school everyone just kinda gotta long because we had a pretty small school, i think the fact of the teacher to student ratio helped anyone from getting really left out (nobody was really allowed to be picked on or outcast). High school was totally different, i also hung out with the partiers and then started dating a jock/super smartie and none of his friends liked me they were sooo mean, i am one of the people who doesnt say oh ya high school was the best i say i did it and wouldnt go back if you paid me. after moving away and then moving back to my home town after having kids, every night at work (night auditor at hotel with bar attached) all these guys from high school hit on me and most of them were the "popular guys" in high school and what are they doing now, still spending every night in the local bar getting loaded and acting like idiots, so hey i guess its okay i wasnt one of the cool kids after all. And sometimes being a dork and having fun with your own friends is better than all the work it takes to keep up appearances and try to fit in. thanks for the cute question +