brain cancer and cell phones !

@apgh09 (514)
United States
December 20, 2009 10:54pm CST
hey mylotters i just read an article that cell phone may cause brain cancer, and that Main is one sate that may consider placing warning labels on cell phones. so many people have cell phones now days, and many cell phone companies feel that there is a low dosage of radiation that is not harmful to the brain. but look at how often we used out our cell phones and over time having that little device close to our heads i feel can and will be a new cause of brain damage so be careful when using your cell phone maybe use a bluetooth i dont think that is harmful. oh the article was on yahoo news article "Main to consider cell phone cancer warning".
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11 responses
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
I guess that is the reason why I am having a severe headache everynight. I always thought my headache was caused by my eyes. I know radiation can cause cancers even not head but to other vital organs that is why they advice to put your cellphones away from your body. However is this already proven, are there people that have cancers that are caused by radiation of cellphone, I mean is there a cases like these in real life?
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
Actually last night I did not experience having a headache because my phone was low bat. I guess there is some connection, huh.
@apgh09 (514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
hi, i would contact your doctor to pinpoint where your headaches may be coming from. I was reading some of the other comments and reading newspapers, and as far as right now scientist have not come out right and said that cell phones cause brain cancer, but there are couple of good responses from my lotters that beg the difference. there is one lotter who read a case in which a person did die due to brain cancer and cell phones but they did not know the person's name. I personally feel that cell phones do emit harmful doses of radiation and overtime this radiation although it may be small doses over long periods can cause effects on the brain, but my best advice for you is to do your own research and see what information you come up with. in the meantime i hope your headaches go away soon!
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
I believe in that also. I previously encountered a network marketing company selling cellphone EMF harmonizer and I believed on what they have said. I think the best way to combat this danger is to strengthen our bodies by strengthening our immune system. We cannot escape this the threat of cellphone dangers because cellphones are now part of our day to day lives. The only thing we can do is to fight back cancer cells by improving our bodies' anti-cancer cells. It's built-in in our bodies. All we have to do is strengthen them by taking in anti-oxidants and vital nutrients.
@apgh09 (514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
hi what anti-oxidants and vital nutrients are you talking about can you be more specific please, thanks.
• China
22 Dec 09
i agree,phone is a part of our daily life,and i can not image what will be without cell phone? but we can talk in a short time,strenthen body and pay more attention to the diet.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
I heard about this things long before. It is really hard to find out about the truth considering that most mobile phone companies are the ones sponsoring the study. So most likely they are in control about the results. So it would be difficult to find out the truth. But in my own opinion there is always the possibility considering that there is a strong signal from the transmitter towards your mobile phone as you call or receive a call. The safest way would be to use a speake mic so as to keep distance the phone from your head during calls.
@krkavsy (191)
• India
21 Dec 09
There are so many articles that come in the news paper and the internet. I also found an article stating that if you keep your cell phone inside your pocket you will become infertile. You cannot give birth to children.
@apgh09 (514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
hi, well if the cell phone companies are sponsoring the studies than i dont expect all the truth to come out, i personally believe that there is short and long term damage that is caused by cell phone usage. thank for your post.
• United States
22 Dec 09
I don't know how true it is, but I've heard that for ages. Yet, I don't hear any cases of it really happening (unless someone can prove me wrong).
30 Dec 09
Hi, one of the links in the article I wrote (link in previous comment) is to TetraWatch. They are pretty good with up to date info on pulsed frequency radiation polluting our airspace. Those vertical arrays that have been shooting up - used by the police primarily - have caused severe adverse reactions in many officers who actually have to use the handsets. I haven't looked at the site in a while but there's a ton of stuff on it.
@hoodwinks (157)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I don't see how cell phones can do such thing. if its really that dangerous would have found out by now, cell phones have been around for two decades, when they first came out there might not of been a lot of people who had one. what about cordless phones for our homes could that be the same way to get cancer. cell phone is just like a form of radio wave. we all listen to the radio in the car and don't realize that these waves are passing right through us could those be harmful. I know high doses of microwaves can be harmful to us.
@apgh09 (514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
hi, there are allot of things that are dangerous or health hazardous that has been around for a long time, but that dose not mean that we are going to know about the effect right away. and in my opinion if there is an effect what ever company is involved is going to be trying to make a large profit before the public gets a wift of any potential problems. thanks for your post.
• United States
22 Dec 09
I've heard of this as well. And if it is true, then they should certainly put warning labels on phones. I recall seeing a commercial awhile ago about some sticker tag of somesort that attaches to the battery of the phone, it's supposedly reduces the negative attributes the phone emits. That's something to consider investing in.
@apgh09 (514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
hi i have not heard of any sticker yet that would be nice if they would have that commercial as often as they have these cell phone commercials. thanks for your post
@mayhem23 (185)
• Canada
22 Dec 09
I too read an article regarding this very issue. Cell phones have been around for awhile but people are only now starting to test and find out possible connections to diseases. I think radiation can definitely have an effect on our brains but more research must be conducted!
• China
21 Dec 09
i heard about that before also and at least i've found if we talking via the cellphone for longer time then our face will become hot . so that's better to reduce the using time of cellphone and keep our health if possible. but cellphone has become one of the most important communicate tool of our daily life already.
• United States
22 Dec 09
I heard the same thing on the news this morning but they also added that scientists have yet to back up the idea. So until a scientist comes out and actually says it causes brain cancer I think its just a theory and scare tactic.
@kaylachan (75803)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Dec 09
There are many articals like that sprinckled all over the web. Yahoo is a search engine first so it's going to pull its resources from other locations. Problem with web information is being able to determine yourself if it has any truth to it. For example, many people think talking while driving in Florida is illigal unless one has a blue tooth or other hands-free device. Its not true, but texting while driving is. They are trying to illiglize talking and driving, but have yet to do so. Though in some states both are in place. Check other sources talk to your provider before become becoming concerned. Anything and everything is dangerous, the problem isk, deciding weather or not you want to panic about it or not. I chose not too, because until I see that warning on newer t-mobile phones or hear from T-mobile directly stating they have to recall phones for that very reason, I have every reason to belive I'm safe. I don't think phones amit radition per say, but those who constantly talk or text with no break, will notice the battery heat up to compinsate for the extra use. This doesn't mean you're in danger, but suggests you should probably put the phone down so you don't run down your battery so quickly.
@apgh09 (514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
hi kaylachan, so it sounds like your not really worried about the danger of cell phones and brain cancer? I dont think that you should panic about it but just to be cautious. I understand that allot of people want to wait until the scientist come out with the facts.
@lihocc (58)
• China
22 Dec 09
Although many articles mentioned about cell phone causes brain cancer.There is no direct evidence to prove issue.All the conclusions are based on mathmatical model.It's not obvious like 'knife cut finger '.