do you do household chores?

@arneljb (224)
December 22, 2009 4:39am CST
Yesterday I spent two hours cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. After supper I said to my husband, “Harry, let’s wash the dishes before we go to bed so we can wake up to a beautiful clean kitchen.” He said, “Fine.” Well, after supper we looked at TV for a while and I went to make a phone call. Next thing I knew Harry had gone to bed. I opened the bedroom door and said, “Harry, what about the dishes?” He hollered, “Get off my back. The world won’t come to an end if you leave the dishes till tomorrow.” I was really steamed but decided not to make a big thing out of it. I taped a note to the bedroom mirror saying, “Wake me when you get up and we’ll do the supper dishes together before you go to work.” When I got up the next morning the note was gone and so was Harry. The kitchen was still a mess. I don’t know whether to clean it up and pretend like nothing happened or drive like a mad woman to his office and dump the pots and pans on his desk. We both work full-time and he promised when we married that if I kept my job we would divvy up the housework 50-50. Well, it hasn’t worked out that way.
2 responses
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
I do sometimes if I like.. But most of the time I hate doing it.. im lazy doing such i know and i better be in the room
@arneljb (224)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
who likes them anyway....
• United States
22 Dec 09
yeah i do but i don't like it i hate it.