My dog wont stop peeing every where help!!!!! I dont want to give her away!
@Jennifer_lee_88 (589)
United States
December 22, 2009 4:59pm CST
I have a 3 year old Pitbull named lucky. She is about 3 years old and healthy. For some reason she keeps peeing everywhere! I mean everywhere randomly!
I thought we were not taking her outside enough to i set a clock now and we make sure she goes out every other hour... she still pees!
I thought she was lonely so i keep her in my room with me and she will look right at me and pee!
I've taking her to the vet he says shes fine!
What else coudl this be? I have tried everything... its to the point the people i live with want me to give her away! I love her and dont want to lose her but i dont know what to do.
10 responses
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
23 Dec 09
If you clean up after her than the people you live with shouldn't be badgering you to get rid of her.
She may just need some good old fashion training. My mom sent my dog away for a few weeks of training that a women did outside of her house. Maybe you can find someone like that, who can train her proper potty manners.
Did this just recently start happening? Or has she had accidents ever since she was a puppy?
You could try buying her puppy pads. Train her yourself with those. Or you could do the old fashion training of scolding her when she potties in the house, and praise her every time she goes outside, even give her a small treat when she does her business outside.

@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
23 Dec 09
I recommend PetSmart! :D lol.
I know how you feel. I have to clean up after my cat a lot, but I know why. The litter boxes are in the laundry room, which is seperated by a couple doors, and a lot of times when she tries to go through the kitty door our 'brat cat' will slap her. So she's afraid to go through now, and she has a favorite corner that she likes to potty in. :/
Good luck with your pup!
@Jennifer_lee_88 (589)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Thanks for the tips... i never thought of getting her training by someone else! I think i'll give pet smart or petco a call i think one of those will teach her. We tried puppy pads and had no lucky! I do clean it up but it still is gross.

@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
23 Dec 09
Well, I don't know if you have tried these. But whenever you take her out and she goes outside do you praise her? Let her know that that is the action you are looking for - or give her a treat when she goes outside.
Try training pads in the house- when she goes on them you can move it outdoors and she may realize when she smells it that that is where she should mark. If she does - praise her.
The thing to try to do is catch he in the middle of peeing and startle her with a yell or loud sound then quickly bring her outside.
Did she always do this or is this just something that she started doing?
make sure to clean where she goes really well (but not with anything containing ammonia because that will smell like urine and she will continue to smell it in the house and think it is okay.)
Do you take her for walks or does she just run out in the yard. One of my dogs finds it "easier" to "GO" on a walk.. because then they are marking their territory.. and that is good too because every time you see them going you can praise them -Make it sound like a big deal, and you can put a command to it. (I used "Get ready" some say "Do potty". So when they went outside I would say "Good girl get ready outside." so she knows outside is also associated with the getting ready.
Hope some of that works for you.
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@Jennifer_lee_88 (589)
• United States
23 Dec 09
I always say "good girl lucky!!!" when she pees out side. We have a large back yard that is fenced in so we walk her out there a lot of the time but we also walk her with a leash outside. When she goes in the house and i see it i yell at her and make her lay in her bed. We have tried puppy pads and she wont use them... she doesn't pee in the same stop every time.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Did the vet do any tests? That doesn't seem right at all if she was house trained fine before and now can't stop peeing. Maybe it is a urinary tract infection. I'm not a vet or anything but it just doesn't seem right to me. Maybe you should take her to another vet and get a second opinion.
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@Jennifer_lee_88 (589)
• United States
22 Dec 09
The vet was the 2nd thing i tried! He did do some tests and said everything seemed fine... i've used him for years so i trust him but maybe your right and she should be seen by someone else!
Its not like she pees non stop... she pees in the house maybe 2 times per day...
@chulce (1537)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Are you home with her all the time? It could be separation that is causing the issues, she may need a friend or you may need to try and crate train her while you are away. This may help control some of her problem. Usually if you crate train, they tend not to pee where they are.
On the other hand, if it is because of separation, she may need a playmate to be with her during the day while you are working or at school what ever the case may be.
There could also be someone in the home that has frightened her and it is her submissive reaction to that person.
A good way to determine what may be causing it is to watch when she is doing this peeing.
Is it when someone different is around? Is it when she is alone? if you have the time, document what is going on when this is happening and who is around her. I bet it is because she is either scared or not happy with being separated from you.
Good luck!
@Jennifer_lee_88 (589)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Its funny you say that because my husband thinks its because she want more attention! I was thinking about getting another dog but she hates other dogs... we will walk down the street and she will go crazy barking yet i have 4 cats she plays with sometimes (when they let her!)
I know no one around here hurts her and there is never any strangers in our home.
The crate is a good idea i just feel bad because she'll be sad but its better then having to give her away!
Thanks for your help :)
@Yonnutz (53)
• Romania
22 Dec 09
well, i know that it may seem this a little rough, but did you tryed to rase your voice a little, to give her a fight when she pees? Try it...she misht understand that it's wrong what she is doing. And put a sand box....whn you see her peeing, get here there time she'll get use to it, and go there by herself.

@missweety (626)
• Latvia
23 Dec 09
I would suggest when she peeps, put her face into what she has just made and seriously say to her how bad it is(Do it every time and every place). Don't just rise your voice, put her noise into she really understands why you are raising your voice. However you had to do it when she was just a puppy. Or maybe then everything was fine?
@Jennifer_lee_88 (589)
• United States
23 Dec 09
sand box is a really good idea but she pees so many places (she has even gone on my bed and coach so now i dont let her get on them at all after i replaced them!)
I yell at her when i see her do it and make her lay in her bed.

@atebuds (187)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
Why should you give her away? Poor thing! How about you try putting newspaper on the floor, in your bedroom, if you much prefer, let her pee there even once. Let her smell it after she pees. Then observe. She'll most likely pee there all the time from now on. But don't forget to change the newspaper every now and then, especially if it gets so wet already. There's no harm in trying.
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@Jennifer_lee_88 (589)
• United States
23 Dec 09
We put those poppy pads down for her but she never pees in the same spot. I don't want to give her away but i may not have a choice! The other people are getting mad because she is making the house smell. I already had to buy 2 new sofas and a bed!
@SeventyTwo (273)
• United States
22 Dec 09
She may be getting cold,I'm with you though it's probably the outside time. Maybe it's not how often but how long she spends outside and where.
@Jennifer_lee_88 (589)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Well she is a pit so she is very very short haired... It doesn't help that there is now like 1 and 1/2 feet of snow outside i got her a winter jacket for Christmas maybe I'll give it to her early! lol
@Stevensitu (217)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Well, it sounds like your dog needs training i believe. whenever my dog needs to go(black lab, very cute) she stands by the backyard door and whines. Then if i dont open it in time she pees. But thats not her fualt. My advice, after she pees, try to make her look at it and then gently slap her head and yell "no!" or something. Dont slap her too hard but enough to make her think you dont like what she's doing and show her the right way.
@ladymetal80 (191)
• United States
23 Dec 09
I have 3 pits as of right now and had 9 in one house at one time. It's not that she needs to go out or that she needs to be stuck up your butt. There are alot of things that come into play. One is that if another female dog has EVER been in the house, she too will mark her teritory. Just because we can't smell it doesn't mean they cant. And if she smells her own scent in one area or another, she will determine that it's okay to pee in that spot. Don't use anything amonia based to clean with, as it will only encourage her to do so more. Also, If you leave food and water down for her constantly....STOP! As hard as it sounds for us humans, dogs need there food and water controlled until they learn what they are suppose to be doing and where, after they get done eating. Give her water and food 3 times a day, and take her out 20 minutes after she is done. DO NOT let her back in the house until she has done all of her business. Right now, she may just be confused on when and where to go. This worked for my dog, hope it helps and good luck.