I am a failure
By lagirl1966
@lagirl1966 (709)
United States
December 26, 2009 7:29pm CST
I am feeling so depressed right now. I just feel like I am failure as a mother, a daughter, and most of all, a human being. I just saw one of my closest friends, whom I haven't seen for a while, but we do email alot. She looked great and told me ( I asked) she has gotten a new computer, has a dvd player, and new tv, has a wonderful husband, two great kids and they own their own house. I hate to admit this, but I got jealous. She is so lucky to have a life like this. I have never had any of it.
I do have a great son, but I have failed him. When I got sick 4 years ago and couldn't work, that is when I let him down. I am sure that my mom is extremely disapointed in me. She just had to pay to get my car fixed (about $600) and she is the one that had to buy me this car when my other one died. I feel like I am not worth anything. All because of these health problems. If I was healthy I could work, and we could live in a decent place and everything.
My sons dad still wants him to live with him. I think if that happened, I wouldn't want to go on anymore. I am alone. I have been since the divorce. 10 years now. Yes I get lonely, but I can't do anything about it. I have to accept the fact that I will always be alone.
I know I shouldn't want material things, but I do. Especially because I know they won't last much longer. My computer is going, my desk chair is falling apart, and other things. Just once I would love to be able to afford to get my hair cut, but I can't. I must sound really pitiful to you guys. I just keep wondering why this happened to me. It is not only effecting me, it is effecting my son. He can't have the things he needs. Maybe I am being punished for something. If I am, I think it is really cruel. NO ONE should have the conditions that I have to live with. NO ONE.
I just needed to vent. It didn't make me feel any better, I still feel like a loser. Maybe someday my life will change.
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26 responses
@dmrone (746)
• United States
27 Dec 09
Hi, lagirl1966! I can understand how you feel, and i can understand being jealous. I have been there and sometimes still go there these days, but i do try to keep my head up. I have several children, of whom i feel i have let down. They are alot of the reasons that i keep on trying. I guess i can say i want to give up, as easy as it would be, but i have never been one to do that. If anything the harder things get thrown at me the harder i hit back. When people try to keep me down, i keep fighting to get up. I try my best to make it harder for them when they want to come at me again. I hope things get better for you, and keep pushing there is bound to be a wall that will give way soon.
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
Thankyou dmrone,
Your words made me feel a little better. But I am still feeling the same. I hope things will get better someday to.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
28 Dec 09
its a test of endurance we all go through it,i see well the position your in so the test is even harder,right thats y u say life is hard,so u admit to the truth,that it is so now its time to pass this test by knowing that if u were not to still be here u would have been gone from this planet already,it is still not done,u need to pass,only with a positive mindset,we are all here for u,just keep coming with the discussions that u wanna talk about that makes u feel more free within the mind,
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
27 Dec 09
now in order to bring change in your life u need to accept the fact that u look on things too negative and this is what will keep u down more and more,this mindset that u just displayed in this conversation shows excatly what is damaging your drive to strive,u need to have a more positive outlook on life,and please forget age,it also helps to slow us down,how ever u feel within work with that drive to succeed but for now u need to get rid of the present mindset u have,that is what is helping to depress u,come on you are with a great community that can help to motivate u,this is where some of your positive energies will come from,the rest is to clear your mind of the negative,u r using the wrong words to live it,u r not a failure,u fail when u stop trying to live positively eachday,and pursue your goals,may the blessings be
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
It is hard to be positive about anything when bad things keep happening. I am to sick to work and that is what weighs the most. I know you meant well. Thanks
@AmbiePam (96703)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I'm pretty good at not wanting material things anymore. My sister pretty much has a charmed life. Her Masters degree, married, and I didn't even know what to get her for Christmas because everything I could afford to buy her, she already has. Our lives have turned out so differently. It all changed for me when I got sick about ten years ago. I'm pretty good at appreciating the little things. Now what I'm working on is being content without a lot of relationships. Friends I can count on, a man who is interested in me as much as I am in him. More than anything, I want a friend I can call up, go to a movie with. Being sick altered everything for me. What you're feeling isn't wrong. One can't just put on a happy face. But you aren't a loser. God doesn't create losers. It will get better as long as keep moving forward. Do the things we know to do. Talk when we need to talk, like right now. And if you need to talk to me privately, PM me. It WILL get better. I don't know when, but it will. That is what keeps me going.
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
It changed for me to when I got sick. With all my other problems, Ive been sick for about month now first with a bacterial infection, now with complications to my thyroid condition. I to would like a friend to do things with. Thanks for caring. I will pm you.
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@shuying8710 (260)
• China
27 Dec 09
hello lagirl,i think are not feel good because compare yourself with the other people.every one is poor or unlucky if she/he compare his/her life with others,except for the richest people in the world.
it will be better for you if you accept the problem around you and try to make some changes,do excersize to strengthen your body,try to do some easily work if health available,meet friends and look for chance to get hellp from them,smile more times per day,say more thanks to your mom and your son,let they know how deep you love they.they will understand you more through your effort.
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@allknowing (142612)
• India
27 Dec 09
You are comparing yourself with normal people and getting het up. You are giving yourself a raw deal. Stop that and contact some social service organisations who will help you out in this condition. Your sickness is not your making and so you have every right to seek help.
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I am waiting on disability now. But it is taking a really long time. I know that my illnesses are not my fault, but alot of people think it is. I have seeked all the help that is available. Thanks
@allknowing (142612)
• India
28 Dec 09

@PastorP (1170)
• United States
27 Dec 09
Greetings lagirl1966
Though I have not walked in your exact steps, I've been there, feeling like a failure:
To me it sounds like you are being doubled team. Satan loves to accuse us, loves to suggest things that are not so. Our human natured, shattered by sin (we all have a sin nature) sometimes goes against us too.
But, God wants to be on our side. Remember His gracious Words through Christ Who said we are of great value to God.
God wants you to know He cares for you and there is precious, wonderful you. Please also see...
God desires to be our Friend, your Friend. No matter what we have done, He is willing to forgive, cleanse, heal, and dwell within if we so invite Him to do so. Christ indicated in the Gospel of John that whoever comes to the Father through Him would not be turned away. Peter adjures us by the Holy Spirit to cast all of our care upon Him for He cares for us.
December 1969 I was at an emotional bottom. A senior in HS, no college wanted me, I had been a satanist, I had a juvenile police record (a big disappointment to my parents). January 25, 1970 I asked God to forgive me and asked Christ to come inside of me. He did! Immediately I felt the heavy burden of being a failure lifted off of me, and though I did not what the future held, I realized that God would lead me.
I then thought of myself as a lamb, and Christ as the Good Shepherd soothing me, me who used to be a satanist and God hater.
He is a sincere prayer away. I encourage you to ask Christ to come into you. Fully trust Him. Lay all things before Him. Give Him all. You will be blessed.
Will be praying for you. May God bless you.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Dec 09
lagirl1966 okay we all have problems, let me cry on your shoulder now and maybe it will even make you think yours are not so bad.My
son and i were living like most middle class citizens in a two bedroom apartment.he was working and I was newly retired.life was okay and we did not have any extra money but we kept our bills paid. so firstmy son gets his wages cut back then I got fired for being too old,okay then broke my shoulder.okay. then he got fired and we ran out of money. so we got behind on the rent.We were evicted. have you been homeless,out of money,out of work,. well I have so as I am 83 and slightly handicapped my son wanted me to have a place to live, so he helped me get inhere at this retirement center. my social security and ssi checks pay for the rent and food with some left over. myfamily is now broken up with my son a couple of miles away in a gov. sponsored apt with three other men all of them are still out of work. Okay so noone should have to live in a retirement center when they do not want to,sound familar to you? Most of my dearest possessions are s till in storage, but I do have my old computer and my newer monitor. is my life wonderful well no but it beats the hell out of being in a homeless shelter.buck up there are a lot of us out here who have problems. is live fair? no no it is not. Do I feel sorry for myself? Not any more, there are always people who are much worse off than you or I so look up, we are down so the only way we can go now is up, see,
look up see the sun see the stars see the new year that is going to be better for us both.
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I am sorry this has happened to you. I hope life will improve for you. I understand what you said. Some people have it much worse than me. Thanks for reminding me.
• Indonesia
27 Dec 09
Life is a mystery sis.
No one, I repeat no one live happily ever after (it only can happened in fairy tales)
Every people I've known have their own problems with different effects.
In your case, I think it's money right.
I lived in a country with average salary $ 100/month (in my country you have to earn below $ 20/month to be called poor LOL )
So cheer up sis, life is great if you think it's great & life is suck when you think it's suck.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 Dec 09
Why do people base their worth on money and possessions??? Aren't we worth much more than that???? You must realize that you are a wonderful work of art! There is no one in the universe exactly like you! You are special! You are exactly what the people in your life need around them. You have the great ability to touch every life you contact in such a positive way. Give love and kindness to everyone you meet. Help those you can and encourage those you can't. You will be a success no matter how much money you make.If you give this unconditional love to everyone, you will attract love into your life. Look up! Life is worth living! Really look around you this time.This world does need that which is special about you!!!!
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I wish I could believe you. Maybe it is just my depression making me feel this way. I don't have many people in my life. I have become secluded due to my health. And finances. I can't afford to go anywhere. Gas does cost money. I know you meant well, and thankyou
@terrile (97)
• United States
27 Dec 09
know that you are not alone. Any mother worth her salt wonders if she hasn't failed her child somehow at sometime. The fact that you care that you may have speaks volumes about your character. Some 'mothers' never think to care how their actions effect their children.
Almost everyone gets depressed. This time of year is especially hard. Many would try to help you by sharing tales of woe, some tell you to get a more positive attitude and some tell you to trust in god. The problem with depression is that it is very difficult to 'think' your way out of and once it sets in is a real battle.
You are being proactive in seeking disability and once you get that it will allieviate some of your money issue. In the mean time you need to find a depression buster. You don't need to change your entire routine or life or outlook. I would encourage you to push yourself to do one small thing a day that makes you feel better about yourself. When I was in my deepest depression that could be something as simple as getting a shower...or cleaning my kitchen sink...or doing leglifts at the counter. A small bit of exercise and sunlight is supposed to work wonders. Just one small thing...today...tomorrow...and the next day.
Don't compare yourself to others. I know...easier said than done. You see your friend and all that she has, but does she share what she is missing? I see my sister and all that she has but I know that she is stuck in a job that she hates and is making her ill from stress to pay for it.
One step at a time. You can win this battle.
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@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
Don't lose hope. Cheer up. Always remember that, failure is just a temporary setback. When we say "temporary", it will too shall come to pass. Just like Jesus said. "This, too, shall come to pass". There's a light at the end of the tunnel. And you must view that light as hope, not a train coming!
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@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I am trying not to lose hope, but it is hard. I am still waiting for that light.
@Babbler (4)
• United States
27 Dec 09
You picked a pretty successful topic for discussion. This alone proves you are not a failure, although a mylot discussion will not solve your life problems. The statement "maybe someday my life will change" is very telling. It is a statement of a powerless person or one who does not want to accept responsibility for the change you want. You can be a leaf blowing in the wind, or you can become the wind! It is your choice, but my hope for you is that you get up and start moving your life forward. Find some goals and move toward them. When problems arise, do not let them block your vision. Keep your eye on the goal.
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@Tidwell1 (332)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I don't like to hear people feeling so sorry for themselves...it must sound very cold for me to say that but, it really does sound like you are very depressed and are feeling sorry for yourself.
It's kind of giving me a couple of different feelings about how you "handle" things that come your way.
Don't blame Satin... don't blame anyone! Life is a sequence of different types of always changing difficulties that, with the right frame of mind, we can all "recover" & LEARN from if we truly want to.
I'm not going to even begin to tell you my story. I will tell you this...
With the right "frame of mind" you CAN get your life on track.
The "discussion" that you posted was a cry for help. (I believe it is)
Try to remember, YOU can help yourself more than ANYONE ELSE can help you.
Be strong. Stick up for yourself and remember...we ALL get sick...we all get depressed...so get over it and MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE or nothing will change.
I hope you feel better....now get up.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I am so sorry lagirl
It does sound like you have had a very difficult life...but listen...NONE of it is YOUR fault!!! You got sick! No one asks to get sick, no one can control whether or not they get sick!! It's just one of the many sucky things that happen in life
I'm sure your mom doesn't mind helping you out! You are her child! A child she probably thought she would lose to a sickness, and didn't! She is probably HAPPY that she can still help you!
How old is your son? He's going to understand too that getting sick was not your fault, and anything that has happened because of it is not your fault. He's your son, he loves you.
Doesn't your ex husband help out at all with money?
And you are NOT the only person who gets jealous! I'm pretty happy with my life right now and I STILL get jealous of other people. Even over the smallest, most naive things.
I hope you are getting money from the government since you are unable to work!
Hang in there!! You are never ever alone!!!!

@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
28 Dec 09
That doesn't seem right! Shouldn't your husband be paying you some kind of child support or alimony money?
I would feel guilty too, if my mom or anyone was paying for me. But that's just how I am...I'm not good at accepting gifts lol. But I always tell myself that usually the people WANT to give me the gifts, or pay for a night at a movie or dinner...and I know I shouldn't feel guilty about it.
Do you have any kind of hobbies? Do you knit, or paint, etc? If you do you could try and sell your products online for a little extra cash! That could be fun. Right now I'm trying to sell some of my books to help pay for college, maybe you have stuff around the house you don't need anymore and you could try to sell online?
I hope the government gets back to you soon!
Sounds like you could really use their help!!!
Good luck!!!

@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
Hi lilyofthethorns,
Thanks so much for your post. I know it's not my fault. I just wish I knew why it happened to me. I feel so guilty when my mom helps me. She dosent have much money living on social security now. I feel guilty about it because she is the one that paid my lawyer over $10,000 when my ex took me to court to try to get custody of my son. This was in 2005. Ive had guilt ever since then. My ex does not help at all. If he buys him clothes or anything else, it has to stay at his house. I think it sees it as helping me to, and he hates me. I dont know why. He is the one that left me! I am not getting any government money yet. Still waiting for my case. Its been over a year now. Thanks again for writting!

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Dec 09
YOU are NOT a failure of any kind! You've hit a rut of the worst kind and don't know how to get out of it. Do you go to church? You could meet someone really nice from there. Even grocery shopping, men have to shop for things too so strike up a conversation with a man but do check his left hand for a ring first. lol You have to be out and about in order to meet someone so maybe go for a short walk. You never know who you might meet. What about this lawyer situation? Have you found a new one yet? I hope so by now. The new lawyer will know what to do and take care of the old one for you. Please, keep me updated on your going ons for I'm obviously concerned!

@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
Hi cats,
No I don't go to church. I dont have any nice clothes and can't afford to buy any. It is hard to go anywhere with my conditions. I have to plan ahead and always make sure there is a bathroom near by. I can't be gone for long either. And there is the thing with gas in the car to. That costs money to. I wish I looked better to meet someone but I don't think anyone would even look at me right now. WIth the weight, and I can never afford to get a haircut. And there is snow and ice everywhere right now so walking is out. That would be dangerous for me right now. Ive been sick again with severe dizziness and weakness for a month now. I haven't found a lawyer yet. I am calling legal aid tomorrow. I am praying they will help me. My therapist has worked with a couple of the lawyers there, and she gave me thier names, but no numbers for them. I hope they will let me talk to them. So I have to call the main number. I know you are concerned, so thankyou.
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@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
"Maybe someday my life will change". your last sentence shows that there's still hope inside you. keep holding on it lagirl1966 and never stop doing what you feel and think like doing to improve your life. everything in our life comes from a single thought. keep thinking positive coz your body can achieve it no matter what. its all in the mind they say. when you think you are healthy, you will be healthy. when you think of something you can do, yes you can do it! never let negative thoughts bring you down. our mind is the most powerful tool that God has given us. we only have to use it properly. pick up your broken pieces, stand up and get moving. talk to positive people to uplift your spirit. and most of all, talk to HIM. he always has the answer. its a happy new year for you waiting.
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@ptcpro (47)
• India
27 Dec 09
hey one important message for you :- all the negetivities you get are just because you attracted them , try to be positive and confidant all the time . imagine happiness every where even if it is not there..never give the right to make yourself happy to any one else..love yourself and you will see the world changing according to the world of your imagination .. feel the power of your imagination..one more thing to tell is that what really matters is what you give the importance..leave all your past and stop thinking everything else...think what gives you joy...think what you want..think what the things are supposed to be happen for you ....what you will see is...joy and joy everywhere..and the world according to your desires..dont wait start "imagining" now.......for more information check out "the secret movie" . it is a great motivatinal documentry that will change your life.
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@xuara1 (82)
• United States
27 Dec 09
I don't wanna sound like a jerk, but drop the self pity party! It won't get you anywhere except feeling lousy, and then what you say will be true!
I know that sounds harsh, but as long as you have that attitude you will be a failure, because a failure is someone who is always feeling sorry for themselves and never doing anything to change it. It's a person who gives up on their life getting any better and whines about the smallest hardship until it builds up bigger and bigger. So, if you want to feel like a success and be a better mother and person in general, then get your head out of your hands and do something about it!
Your problems are not that bad. Seriously! I am 25, and I want a kid more than anything, but I haven't yet gotten married, which is coming next year, so it'll be after that. I always figured I'd have one before I was this age. However, my fiance and I are going to wait even longer if at least one of us doesn't have a job by then, because we need to be able to support a child. We are both legally blind and living on Social Security, and when we get married they'll even take away $400 of that! I'm a full time student and my fiance is taking classes as well. We are very stressed and have it way worse off than most people. Oh and did I mention that we're limited to living in places with good public transportation, and it still takes anywhere from an hour to three hours to get somewhere anyone else can get to in 15 to 30 minutes? My family's been breaking up bit by bit the past 15 years, and we're just now trying to reconcile and get over our differences, and my fiance's family doesn't entirely accept me.
I have more problems than you, I am sorry to say, but I don't let it get me down. I know I'll have a kid when I am able to provide for one, and I am majoring in elementary education, so that'll be great. I've almost got my Associate's Degree, which I was stupid and put off for a while, but now that I nearly have it, the Bachelor's won't be far behind. My fiance is majoring in Computer Science, which can be a very lucritive field. And so, though it may take at least 5 years or more for us to be where we'd like to be, we endure the hardship knowing it won't be this bad forever. In fact, I think some of my family will be at our wedding, and I might manage to get a part time job as well! Granted that'll cause the stress of school and work running my life, but at least we won't be so strapped for cash all the time!
You have to take the bad along with the good and not let it get you down. If you constantly waste your time throwing self pity parties for yourself, and expecting others to share in your pity, you will waste valuable time that could be used to make it better. So, my comment earlier wasn't meant to sound mean or anything, but just a friendly piece of advice to reroute your energy to productive things, as pity is counterproductive, especially self pity.
I hope I haven't been offensive, and I may have been a little too direct, but I can't stand when people who aren't even as bad off as me feel sorry for themselves all the time while I'm working to better my life.
@lagirl1966 (709)
• United States
27 Dec 09
First of all, congradulations on getting married and making your life better. But I do not agree with you totally. I think I am worse off than you. Do you have IBS or Gastroparesis? Or diabetes? Can you eat anything you want? Well I can't. I can't eat vegetables or fruits or any red meat. I cant have anything with fructose and I have to have low carb foods for diabetes. Well that pretty much limits me to practically nothing. Ive been sick for over a month now with severe dizziness and weakness from my thyroid condition getting out of whack, and I can't go anywhere with out planning every detail to make sure I am near a bathroom at all times. I am living on child support because I cant work, and I can't even afford to buy toilet paper. I live in the apartment from hell with a neighbor that is so loud it sounds like a war zone, and now she hates me for complaining. My ex husband wants my son to live with him due to his school problems, and I don't want him to because his step mother hates him and treats him horrible. I wont mention anything else, I just wanted you to know what I go through on a daily basis. I hope I wasn't to harsh, I just would love to trade places with you. To actually feel healthy for once would be a blessing. I have my associates degree to, but I can't use it now because of all these health problems. So consider yourself lucky that you will have a career. No matter how long it takes. I never will have one. And you have someone that loves you. I don't know if that will ever happen to me.
I am sorry. I just wanted you to know that I wouldn't wish my health problems on anyone. If you dont have good health you have nothing. You ever think anyone would want to be with me considering my problems? You are lucky. Take care and be happy.
@xuara1 (82)
• United States
28 Dec 09
Well, let me say that this is NOT a war on whose life is worse, but I did not mention everything that is wrong with my life either, and I never do to strangers. So, instead of arguing over whose life is worse, why don't you try taking the advice I gave and try to do something about it. I admit I don't have to control my diet the way that you do, and that would really suck, but I have plenty of other problems besides the ones that I mentioned here and I am working to better my life. I am sure you will be able to find someone who will love you unconditionally, but first you have to quit the pity because nobody wants to be around that. I know because I have been clinically depressed before and it serves only to drive people away. I'm sorry if I offended you, but no matter what your situation, and to what degree, whether better than mine or worse, rerouting your energy to better things like improving the conditions you can control and accepting the ones you can't, you can make your life a lot better and you'll feel better about yourself for doing what you can to improve your life.