Did you Gain or Lose Weight this year?

United States
December 28, 2009 9:16am CST
I think I lost weight between December to August due to my previous job. When I changed job, I notice that I gain a little bit about 3 pounds. I am on vacation now in my home country and I can not help holiday foods and I always have good appetite every meal, so I gained another 3 pounds.
12 responses
• United States
28 Dec 09
I've lost weight and so far have been able to keep it off, even through The Holidays. I lost about 15 pounds this year and it was all because I set my mind to do it. :) Next year my plan is to tone up for bathing suit season!
• United States
28 Dec 09
Well you can always look up Suzane Somers and see her website or buy her books. But I will also give you the basics of what I did. I basically took sugar completely out of my diet. And that was all it took. Because the stomach weight is quite literally build up from sugar. So I stopped eat sugar and then I also seperated my fats, carbs, and fruit and did not eat them together and that was meant to speed up my metabolism. And then I just exercised about 2-3 times a week. I did cardio (I rode my exercise bike for about 10-20 minutes really fast) and then I did like video tape exercise videos. But I think it was really the diet that helped me.
• United States
28 Dec 09
Problem with me is that I am not conscious with what I eat. I just eat whatever I imagine that is great and deliscious. I will not forget your comment about taking out sugar and separating fats, carbs and fruits. This really a great tip. I also need to be motivated to do exercise regularly. I usually spend more time with my computer.
• United States
28 Dec 09
Wow! Good for you. May I know how did you do it?
@warvial (1146)
• Singapore
28 Dec 09
I gain weight initially due to overeating but lose weight when I became sick for like 3 months (a terrible cough that caused me to avoid all fried food, chicken related dishes and cold drinks). Thus, it was a roller coaster year for me (in terms of my health, and my weight)
@warvial (1146)
• Singapore
28 Dec 09
Haha, although it really makes you slim down quicker than dieting, but it is really one of the last method that you will want to use. Imagine the delicious food in front of you but you can't have it because of the after-effect, it's really mentally torturing. I remember that time my friend sat down in front of me with fried chicken and fried fries and started eating while I can only drink plain water! That's was very very VERY horrible! But well, now I am okay so now I can have them already! SO my weight is coming back gradually too.. (sad to say.. )
• United States
28 Dec 09
That would be an exemption!Lol. A good technique might be not meeting them in any restaurants. The trouble with me is that while shopping, I am conscious of the time for lunch or snacks and imagine what food to grab.
• United States
28 Dec 09
Hey warvial, your comments reminds of this kind of situation. I sometimes wish that I got sick and I lost my appetite so that I will lost weight fast.
@benny128 (3615)
28 Dec 09
hhmm I have absolutely no idea lol, I think must be a girl thing, I don't worry about my weight if I start loosing my little 6 pack then I just do a bit more exercise infact I can't honestly tell you how heavy I am as no idea lol, Happy new year x
• United States
28 Dec 09
It's not only girl thing, IMHO, I have read somewhere that there are men who are conscious of their weight. I sometimes do walk at home video exercise and it feels great to do 3 miles at least 2 times a week.
@benny128 (3615)
28 Dec 09
hhmm maybe am not the stereo-typical guy lol, I just base it on what I see in the mirror if I like what I see then yyiippee if I think am loosing definition then I just do a bit more exercise till I like what I see then slow down again lol,
• United States
28 Dec 09
Problem with me is that I am blind. I do not usually look at my mirror. LoL. Anyways I am not really that heavy, just 120 pounds 5 feet high. That's a good idea to look forward everyday.
• United States
28 Dec 09
I lost a lot of weight this year and this is the first year where I actually lost weight and did not gain any weight which makes me happy. I lost close to 80 lbs or more this year which is the most ive ever lost in a year since I usally end up gaining at least 10 pounds per year lol so this was a great year for me.
• United States
28 Dec 09
Oh really, how did you do that? What motivates you to do keep doing it? Motivation is the hardest part of the process for me. I am not that big fat but I do not want to see my body getting chubbier everyday. I am excited to know how you manage to lost 80 lbs.
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
Aloha, alohagems!I lost weight when I got a job at a fast-food restaurant, because my job there pretty much required me to walk around and promote products. When I resigned, the pounds started packing in again. I hate it, because my weight is never consistent. I lose weight, I gain weight, and then I lose weight again, and gain weight again after some time. Argh! :S
• United States
28 Dec 09
I also believe that what made my lost weight was due to my job as a CNA. Eight hours of non-stop working. I never did those kind of job before so I am not used to it. When I changed job as an Educational Assistant, I only work 6 hours and just spend sitting on the chair most of the time and a few walks a day, so I gained weight.
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
29 Dec 09
Yeah, a sedentary type of job. I always tell myself to avoid jobs that doesn't require much activity. I would love to have jobs that would keep me fit at the same time.
@lahari (133)
• India
28 Dec 09
Its strange,but I gain weight during my exams! Actually during the study leave all I do is sit in my home studying for the exams and keep munching something or the other! So when I see my friends during exam I find out that they have reduced a lot due to the tension and worries for the exam and I have become healthier than before!! But it doesn't bother me much,because as soon as the regular classes start I get back to being my normal self!
• United States
28 Dec 09
Your comment makes me smile because it reminds me of my college days. I also like to take something while studying. But when I was in college I was thin and no problem on weight gain.
@lahari (133)
• India
29 Dec 09
Yeah,same for me I am by default slim so I don't worry much if I gain a bit!
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
31 Dec 09
I lose some weight this year due to some sporty events coming my way. these things help me loose weight and i become perfect.
@cjfoust (614)
• United States
29 Dec 09
I definately gained weight this year, but that's because I'm pregnant! I'm due at the end of January and definately can't wait. Next year at this time I will be glad to say I lost weight over the past year. :) I wouldn't feel guilty about gaining weight over the holidays, you have months to work on getting rid of it!
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
29 Dec 09
hello alohagems! i think, i really gain weight for this year...about 3-4 pounds as well... and the only reason i know is that since we moved in this place, i have easier access to fast foods and good restaurants...and i have lack of exercise! hehe i hope to lose some weight for this year to come...
@agent807 (751)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Four things increased for me; my weight, my size, my strength, and my appetite, all of which I planned because I was bulking up. I gained 15 pounds to put me at 345 pounds, but I have also increased the amount of muscle I have (which I now scare people because of how big I am, and big muscles are hard to hide, so I show them off). People don't pick with me as much since I grew (plus I'n not that sensitive so I roll with the punches. I no longer can shop at a regular mens clothing store now that I wear 4x shirts (my upper body was uncomfortable in 3x shirt judging by how many I tore), and finding pants for my huge legs. When it comes to eating now, I have just turned into an animal. People that know me now realize that criticizing my food intake or interrupting me whilst eating is bad for their health since I now growl. I try not to, but it happens. Being musclebound has made me more narcissist and arrogant (when your exercise equipment involves a car or truck, your arrogance skyrocket), but I try to stay humble about being stronger than an ox (my goal)
@bulastika (5966)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
Yeah..every body gain weight in the month of december..lolz.. Me I loss a couple of pounds compare to last year.
• Indonesia
29 Dec 09
i lose weight, whereas i hope i can gain weight a bit though. I'm so thin n petite. :-(