Is This Terrorist Attack Obama's or Bushes Problem????????
By nzinky
@nzinky (822)
United States
December 28, 2009 11:24am CST
A few days ago there was another terrorist try to take down a Plane going from Denmark to Denver......Will Obama say that this one is his problem or will he try to blam it on George Bush??????
I'm betting he's going to try to blame it on Bush.........But Bush has been out of office for eleven months so don't you think it's time he stopped the blame game and started taking responsiblity for not putting the measure in place to stop these people on himself......If he would get off these stupid bills that the American's don't want and start doing the job that Americans are wanting him to do maybe there wouldn't be any more terrorist attacks on us......I say this one is Obama's fault......What do you think?????????Is he still not to blame for anything????????If you think that then your so far off basse you don't know is your coming or going....
Obama is trying to bankrupt the country and kill off the elderly and if you can't see that he wants to be King of the World you got your head in the Sand.......
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14 responses
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Dec 09
If you're referring to the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit I'm not sure how it could be EITHER Bush's or Obama's fault! Are you implying this was a plane full of older people or what?
This plane originated in a foreign country so how could it be any American's fault? They've already made some changes at American airports and hopefully other countries will follow suit.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Dec 09
I know and at least I appreciate the fact that you're always pretty fair and objective! I'm sure there will be lots of people who will blame either Bush or Obama but this is one where I don't think either are to blame. It's really scary because we're (we in the U.S.) are at the mercy of other countries unless we stop allowing any international flights to come here which obviously can't be done. I'm not sure who may have dropped the ball on this particular terrorist-wanna-be but he should have been on a "no fly list", that's for sure!
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@nzinky (822)
• United States
28 Dec 09
No I'm talking about the flight that happend Christmas Day.....It is Obama's fault because he trying to help the terrorist in remove and not putting into place the thing to help keep our planes safe......You have notice that he can't take the time to send a message now that it's been three days since it happened......
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
29 Dec 09
NZ, in the future please respond to topics that you know the facts to. Annie is talking about the flight that landed in Detroit, it came from Amsterdam. It isn't Obama's fault, it is the idiot that tried to blow up a planes fault.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
29 Dec 09
No one has blamed Bush for this attack (although many republicans blamed Clinton for 9/11). The only people to blame are the idiots that didn't think that the information from the man's father was proof that he was a danger. We need to change how we react to information like this, even if it means restricting travel for people (especially when they aren't Americans). It is good that this plot was stopped, the sad part is that it ever got this far.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
31 Dec 09
Debater, I wish I'd have said that! The simple fact is the same methods of putting people on "watch lists" and "no-fly lists" is the same as it was under Bush. The best-laid plans can go awry if the information obtained from various sources isn't passed along. If someone from the CIA, FBI or whatever agency, foreign or domestic, dropped the ball that's not the current or former President's fault. The important things are that 1/ this attack WAS stopped and nobody was hurt and 2/ everything possible is done to prevent another close call - or worse - like this one!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
28 Dec 09
Actually this problem goes all the way back to Bill Clinton. He knew about bin Laden and failed to take him serious. Several deals were made to get bin laden back to the U.S. after the bombing in 1998 of U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
28 Dec 09
It's not the president's fault if some moron goes and tries to blow people up. I'm assuming they didn't know about it ahead of time, otherwise the plane wouldn't have left the ground.
If you're going to lay the blame on the president, at least lay the blame for things he has control over. He's not superman - he can't save the world and be there to fight crime whenever anything goes wrong.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
29 Dec 09 First of all, Al Queda claimed this moron as their own and stated that they were testing an explosive that could pass security measures. Secondly, he boarded in another country.
The blame doesn't belong to Obama, it belongs to those who were informed of this man being on a watch list but didn't see need to restrict his ability to fly. It also belongs to the "terrorist" in question, obviously.

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
30 Dec 09
there are a number of folks to blame in this. the security team in amsterdam for allowing someone on the plane who
a. didn't have a passport
b. bought the ticket in cash
c. had no luggage
It is the fault of homeland security for not putting this guy on a no fly list with the number of red flags this guy had on him already, including a call from his own father stating this guy was going to try and do harm.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
29 Dec 09
Hmmmm...I don't think it is either Bush or Obama's fault that the terrorist boarded that plane. I would say it is the terrorists fault or maybe the fault of security that let him board the plane to begin with. Obama was nowhere around and neither was can they be blamed?
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Dec 09
Hi nzinky,I admit that I missed the speech that he gave the other night regarding this. I did just get done listening to him on the news and I did not hear him blame Bush at all. He said that we had to do whatever it took to fix a flawed security system and the lack of communication with Intelligence etc. He said that security was better than it was prior to 9/11 but that it was obvious that there still needed to be improvements made. So could you share with us just what he said that leads you to believe that he was blaming Bush? Maybe provide some links to news reports? Thanks.
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@lawdude (237)
• United States
29 Dec 09
Technically, it's not the fault of either President. It's the fault of our security policies in general based on the politics of political correctness. Somehow the propagandists have convinced our policy makers that effective measures against terror suspects is profiling that violates civil liberties. Therefore, we have ineffective, wasteful, time-consuming policies like patting down little old white ladies in airports rather than screening and detaining would-be terrorists. Our technology is also off base. Eight years after 9/11 we still do not have technology to detect incendiary bombs tnat can make their way into airplanes. For that I blame our corrupt corporate-lobby-loving Congress over the past decade.
@jmowreader (83)
• United States
4 Jan 10
I think Obama is just following Bush's lead in the blame game. Bush was blaming Clinton for anything that went wrong while Bush was in his second term.
@jmowreader (83)
• United States
29 Dec 09
There are two people at fault here. One of them is not Bush. The other is not Obama.
The first person at fault is the administrator of the No Fly List at TSA. The bomber was on the terrorist watch list--his dad went to the US Embassy and told them "My son is going to try to attack your country." He wasn't on the no fly list.
The second person at fault is the ticket agent at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam who checked him onto the plane. This man did not have a passport--a requirement for international air travel. The man was dressed in poor clothes and escorted to the counter by a man in a fine suit. The man in the suit told the ticket agent: "He is from Yemen. We do this all the time." Making the ticket agent think the man was a refugee being flown to the United States. If the ticket agent would have called his boss, the supervisor would have heard the story and told the man in the fine suit, "he can't get on the plane because he needs a passport." (They would probably also have called the Dutch police, who would have taken the man into custody. It is illegal for a man from Yemen to be in Holland with no passport. Once he was in custody he would have been searched and the bomb found. The ticket agent could have stopped the whole thing just by telling the man in the fine suit a man with no passport cannot get on an international flight.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Dec 09
I just got done watching Obama talking on the news. He did not even mention Bush's name. I did not see the statement he gave the other night. Apparently you did. Could you enlighten us with just what he said to blame Bush or provide news links?
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@louis488 (53)
• United States
30 Dec 09
well you know what there allowing the terrorist to attack us so TS. I and I sick and tired of giving up my freedom because of terrorist. Yea the TSA make so right They would not let me take a small bottle of cologne on a plane and I quote " i might dump it out and burn the plane down" but I was able to buy more in the duty free shop. LOL I could have bought all i want and all the whiskey i wanted and that is but i guess that is magic cologne that i could not use to burn the plane down. yea what is Nigeria going to do if we go in and kill the terrorist??? Send us scam email and try to trick us out of money??? LOL Maybe we should cut all aid to the country in question that harbor terrorist. OH but then the pore little one would starve so what let them.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
1 Jan 10
Be very sure that Barack Hussein Obama is intent on fomenting jihad of every kind on America. He is responsible for ensuring that radical Muslims, like himself, who hate America, will have every opportunity to destroy us violently as he continues to destroy us economically, and any other way he can to bring about the demise of our freedoms and very lives.
From the moments even before he usurped an office to which he is NOT and can never be entitled to, his intent has been to remove every protection for the US and its citizens and to endow those intent on our demise the power and freedom to destroy
us as quickly as possible.
1. 1/09, Second Executive Order (after sealing his vital records to make sure proofs of his illegal alien status will not be seen), using taxpayer dollars to relocate thousands of Palestineans, known Hamas sympathizers, to America, free food, housing, transportation (Federal Register, 2/09).
2. Declaring through Napolitano that we may not call terrorists by that name, but call US citizens, including our military, domestic terrorists.
3. Removing our border protections and having henchman Holder, whose law firm represents terrorists, go after Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is protecting us and our borders.
4. Conferring Miranda, civil, constitutional rights on terrorists !!!! while denying us our own constitutional rights daily.
5. Demanding that Congress not investigate the Ft. Hood jihadist massacre and saying any probe on their part would be "political stagecraft". My God, folks, wake up and smell the evil!
6. Having Holder bring terrorists to "trial" in NY so they can see their handiwork and gloat at the joy they had holding the bloody, severed head of Daniel Pearl in their hands. Making a mockery of our Constitution, justice system, and reducing 9/11 to a "National Day of Service".
7. Cohort and fellow liar Napolitano saying of this latest jihad event "The system worked". Remember she said that her state of Arizona had no border problems, when Phoenix is the kidnap capital of the US? Putting devout Muslims in positions of power in DHS. Honoring Muslim holidays and declaring this a Muslim nation, while denigrating Judeo-Christian holdiays and the WH with "ornaments" of Mao and other outrageous swine.
Over and over he shows his true allegiance to our ENEMIES and does all in his illegal "power" to weaken and decimate EVERYTHING about America.
Will foolish Americans EVER wake up and remove this evil America-hating deceiver and try this MONSTER for treason? How long will we continue to allow such a lying,
duplicitous person to continue to complete his jihad (destruction of Western civilization from within) and achieve his nefarious goals? How long?
Why do we continue on this path to self-destruction by allowing this hateful
liar to bring us to complete, irrevocable ruination as he subverts the Constitution and "fiddles while Rome burns", enjoying taxpayer financed "dates" and vacations, at outrageous cost, with intent to impoverish Americans and reduce us to third-world status?
Barack Hussein Obama, himself, is, indeed a terrorist, who mocks, disparages and belittles America and its citizens while bowing to our enemies, his friends.
He is an abomination to this country.
Why do we continue on this path of self-destruction by allowing this scum to laugh at us and lead us to total ruination while he installs himself a dictator?
As "Nero fiddled while Rome burned" this traitorous usurper,deceiver mocks and
disparages everything American at our complete, total, and everlasting expense.

@nzinky (822)
• United States
3 Jan 10
You are so right.....He's trying to destroy this country and everything that we stand for.....I hope that Congress will see whats going on and kick him out of Office........He is a disgrace to all Black People cause I know that a lot of them doesn't think the way he does....
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
1 Jan 10
My comment did not post correctly and this has happened before on My Lot; I don't know why. One important part that is missing is the "flyby" of Air Force One,low in the NY skyline to scatter us like ants. NO AMERICAN president would ever do this. He couldn't blame Bush, so he feigned outrage (like the Christmas event) and fired a flunky. It could have been photoshopped, but his true intent was to show his Radical Muslim friends that he could do whatever he wants with impunity, and NOW so can they.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
4 Jan 10
nzinky, I am heartsick that so many are so foolish as not to recognize the truth of the deception and treason of this murderous, racist, hateful man and his equally horrid wife. You are right; so many wonderful and honorable leaders who happen to be black, but do not use their race for political and other nefarious gains, have even spoken out against O's treason and lies. These include Alan Keyes, Rev. James David Manning, a prince of a man!, and Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson.
What I cannot understand is why ALL honorable Americans have not UNITED to prosecute this monster for treason. We have that Constitutional right, especially since our Congress REFUSES to do their duty to arrest and try him. Check out Our Congress and courts are corrupt, so we must take action to save our Constitution, country, and freedom.
@RevampSkunk (107)
• United States
29 Dec 09
I think that the problem stemmed from the Clinton presidency Era, and then it got worse with Bush. Don't really think it is Obama's terms of if he started it.
@PrashanthGoud (211)
• India
8 Jan 10
I think it's the problem of both. Both of them believed to encourage the nations who used to encourage the Terrorism. At last whats happening? After becoming stronger and stronger they started to attacked on source ( America ) itself.
But the poor people ( specially Americans ) are struggling very much in this issue. Because terrorists attacks on whome? Public. Because their was a very tight security to government not for people. Government have to think about the people.