Why people use Mylot as money-making thing?

December 28, 2009 11:08pm CST
Hi guys..How many of you use MyLot because it gives you money? I started mylotting because I was addicted to facebook, but later on I would feel as if I have wasted my time on FB and gained nothing..So when I signed up for MyLot, I actually wanted to earn even if it was just a penny per post..It would give me a sense of accomplishment.. unlike facebook..But now I don't think so..I mean, I don't care much for the money..it's fun to be here..how about you?
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29 responses
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
29 Dec 09
There are things you can say and do on FB that you can't here, But you can have deeper, better in depth discussions here... AND BE PAID for it. I also like that you can get a wider amount of people from different schools of thought here. Money isn't all that important but it's a nice plus.
• Philippines
29 Dec 09
yeah its not all for money but for happiness also ^_^ and the money helps really hard
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@sonusd (1547)
• India
29 Dec 09
Mylot can not give too much earning so it cant be used as earning source. But if you have good referrals under you then you can make some money from this site. I am not here to earn money I am here a member since 1 year but I have not reached at minimum payment $10 til yet . when ever I feel bore or I have some personal problem with out any solution then I come to here and post a question
@edu4625 (188)
• United States
29 Dec 09
The money was definitely a motivating factor in my decision to join mylot. I love to write and I thought that I could combine the 2 things I was trying to accomplish in one;making money and writing. I realized immediately that I would not recieve a lot of money but it is still gratifying to earn something for your comments and discussions. Using mylot also gives me an opportunity to continue practicing my writing and hopefully improve. Many of the discussions are very interesting and sometimes I surprise myself with the answers and information I have. Some of the discussions are worthy for me because they make me consider things I hadn't thought of. So I definitely agree with you that there is a sense of accomplishment in being a part of mylot.
@rhyly22 (33)
• Philippines
29 Dec 09
The very reson why I joined mylot was to earn atleast a penny. I cannot deny the facT that I really need money. Anyways I've already enjoyed posting and responding to discussions so earning money is just like a bonus to it.
• United States
29 Dec 09
mylot gives you several avenues of making money,it gives you a lot of exposure as an individual.you can make money from completing task,commenting on discussions and others.Above all you at least make some money if you are actively involved.
• Singapore
29 Dec 09
Hi nskhan1983, If you really want to myLot for the sake of money, it can be kind of hard. myLot, being a chatting platform, gives the added incentive of paid postings. However, the dollar value pegged to each post and which you get in total is somewhat insufficient to meet our real-life needs. Unless you do not have access to other sources of income such as employment, etc., I would think that generally, it would be quite hard for the money gained from myLot to feed you or pay your bills (unless you have many super active referrals). And so, I would suggest you enjoy myLot for the chatting platform and take any dollars and cents you get as an added incentive. Cheers!
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
29 Dec 09
Happy New Year Wizard! Good to see you on the discussions again!
@michmich2 (432)
• United States
29 Dec 09
I have similar feelings about mylot as you do. At first, I was so excited to earn money for participating in discussions! I mean, what's better than getting money for everything you type? But now I don't really think about the money when I'm on here. Maybe that's because I've been on mylot for a few months now and I still haven't reached payout for the first time :) Seriously though, I really enjoy being here and participating in discussions. The fact that I'm getting a few extra cents each time I sign in is just an added bonus for me at this point. One of these days, I'll get an extra $10, which will be awesome!
• Mexico
29 Dec 09
Hi mich mich: It's nice to read all the responses in this discussion and notice that people can really enjoy posting on subjects and participating on the forums and it's not all about the money. actually I think that, if you forget that you are "earning some money doing this" your opinions will be more original and you will do a better job to express what you really think about an issue. Thanks for sharing with us your feelings with your answer mich mich. Hope you are having a nice day. Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays. Take Care. -Alvaro.
@zkapfo123 (319)
• India
29 Dec 09
Hi nskhan1983, don't you want to earn some extra cash just for doing, what you normally do for free. It's great here at mylot, here you can earn from simply replying to others or doing tasks etc. I was also using facebook before, but now i'm mostly in mylot. Thank you.
• Singapore
29 Dec 09
Yea, if you have been chatting regularly, you might as well "shift" your chatting over to myLot. Invite your regular chatting buddies over and make them your referrals haha. It would be a win-win situation where you can chat as usual and still make some extra dough.
• Philippines
29 Dec 09
I used to only care about the money per post, but really, I started to realize, I'm having fun posting on myLot as well! My time ratio of myLot has gone much bigger since I discovered it. It's also a tool for gaining more friends as well as fellow-money earners. I'm still a constant FB user, but not as much as I used to post or play there. FB is still one of those vital things on the internet.
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@inlaviola (241)
• Indonesia
30 Dec 09
mylot is best site for me because in mylot i can discus something with each other and that make me thinking to make best respond for my friend. i love this site
@rose66 (378)
• China
29 Dec 09
i want to make money online. so i bought a notebook and surfing the internet every night. then i found mylot, that's what i want: the first, it can help me to earn some extra money, second, it can help to improve my english; third, i can see different sort of discussins here. i like mylot now!
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@px_yeap (269)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 09
Could anyone actually can pay their bill with myLot? I will be interested to know after couple day of trying!
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• United States
31 Dec 09
totally agree i think it is more fun keeping in touch and making new friends. As well as having very intesting discussions. grateful to mylot. I am still new but would rather do this than facebook it is more productive.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
30 Dec 09
Well it is fun to be here, and I love asking questins and getting answers but I have to be honest and say that I am online to make money so if the site is not paying me I might stop by once in a while, but I would not participate here on a regular basis like I do now. I would probably only pop in once or twice a month.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
29 Dec 09
In these difficult times every little bit helps and I would be lying if I said I didnt care for the extra pocket change, but that dosent mean that I'm here only for the money I would defintly say that mylot is fun and very helpful too, but yes I also aprecate being able to make a few extra bucks as well. So I can truthfully say that I'm here for both fun and the extra change and if your not then wow you must be financially comfortable if so thats good for you, but everyone's situation is different theres nothing wrong with wanting to make some extra bucks while having fun at the same time, and if mylot suddenly stopped paying I would remain a member but I would be posting a lot less because even though I'm having fun I cant afford to waste important time out of my day just fooling around I have to make sure that I'm using my time wisely doing something helpful for myself and my family having fun is just an extra bonus for me, and I'm sure that a lot of members feel the same way.
• China
30 Dec 09
i was joined for money earning also and the one leaded me to join have told that we may earn high to 300 usd monthly so i join and start the earning.but as we know that's impossible to earn that much here with posting at all. but finally i may reach the payout after one years hard work.
30 Dec 09
I also have been using facebook from last three years but i have not gained nothing from facebook for my contributions. Now, i'm here in mylot to get something for my contributions. I think mylot is a good place to earn some extra money for my activity.
@zjonier (39)
• China
30 Dec 09
Maybe they want the $ more and more and finally become RMB.hehe,Everyone have this thinking,I think.I also have. But the most I like mylot is so many thinkings from all differents friends I can share and learn English every day.
@felice369 (239)
• United States
29 Dec 09
I come to mylot mainly for the money incentive. I love to share my thoughts and opinion with mylot members too, but I also love to earn some extra money from here.