Have u ever been slapped by your teacher?
By nar8988
@nar8988 (409)
December 29, 2009 9:20am CST
I have slapped from what I can remember atleast four times.But the one instance which I would like to share is the one where I was beaten as if I had done some really big crime and that too for a small reason.I had with permission of other teacher gone to collect the football from yoga teacher,but as he was absent ,I just took the ball and we started playing ,I thought it was not necessary to take permission at that time as he was not there and we had really less time to play,but after what happened only god can tell......as I have told I was beaten like as if I am.........
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41 responses
@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
30 Dec 09
oh i will never forget that day when we were slapped by our adviser. i was in grade 6. it was breaktime and we are done with our food. one of my classmate suddenly teased this guy whom we always call MAMA'S BOY. we immediately followed like we were singing mama's boy! mama's boy! until he cant accept it anymore and cried telling us to our adviser. we were called to stand in front of the class and to our surprise, each of us were slapped on the face! its not that really hard but its really embarrasing. it gave us a very good lesson: dont tease inside the class

@vivianchen (2646)
• China
30 Dec 09
As a good girl, i always licsten to what my teacher told me to do, so i was never slapped by my teacher.
But one of my teacher said some bad words about me and i was very upset, until now, i still have some bad memory about her, and i still remember how she looks, oh boy, what a nightmare!
But it's been 8 years, i think i am alright now, i wish her all the best in her career.!
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
30 Dec 09
I do not know what country you are in but iam in the USA and there are laws about that here. Recently there was a person that worked in a school office. They are in really big trouble now because of duck taping a childs mouth and hands. The adult said the child was out of control. The mom is pressing charges because she says her son has asmha had has trouble breathing sometimes.
I remember when i was in second grade. It was near the end of a school year. My self and another child had to stay after school to finish some homework. There was a certian question i just could not get right the teacher grabbed me by the hair and shook me. She did the same to the other child adding slaps to the face. She retired that year. Maybe she was stressed about retiring or maybe they made her retire because of that. I dont know. Im not even sure if anyone know what had happen. or if we had laws about that back then.
@tawny_24 (341)
• United States
31 Dec 09
public school teachers have some of the highest stress levels of any profession. and teacher's lounges are some of the most negative environments you can imagine. I know as the child of a public shool teacher. Everyone thinks that teachers are like Richard Dryfus in Mr HOllands Opus. They want to make a difference and really care about each individual child. The truth is most teachers are dealing with thirty students or more in a class, and that is multiplied by like eight or nine times if they teach highschool.
Most of those teachers feel overwhelmed. Most of them feel like they have no control, and most of them don't.
I know that every student in every school thnks that the teachers lounge is like a private club where magical things happen. But really the faculty is back there talking trash about everyone and everything.
I overheard so many conversations between my mom and her co-workers about how stupid these little f***ers are and how they hated this student that administrator, all they do is whine and moan about how much school sucks. The only thing that keeps them there is the money( which isn't a lot) and the fact that they don't really have to do anything. A lot of teachers submit the same lesson plans every single year, unless the state approved curriculum is changed. Why do you think there are so many kids who can't even read but they graduate?

@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
29 Dec 09
First let i ask where do you live? Where i live no child will sit and take a hit from a teacher. Even if the child know that he will loose he would still fight. I have gotten a hit from a teacher once and in return the teacher got a box in her face. That is how we are. We cant make them think they are the boss. The only persons allowed to beat me is my parents. No one else and i wont let any one else.
If you like my response please rate it as best response. Thank you.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
29 Dec 09
I really feel it for you. So i guess it was around a lot of your friends. That remind there was a news in the newspaper last week that says teacher slap after boy with belt, belt missed and catch another boy in his eye, blinding him. I felt so sorry. Anyway i can see that you really felt humiliated. I hope you don't get any more beatings.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
30 Dec 09
Rehard, if you struck the teacher, you sunk to his/her level. If I was another student in the class, I would be just as embarrassed by you and the teacher. Discipline in school is necessary, but slapping is never okay by a teacher or a student. One is no better than the other when both insist on such behavior. Students who disrupt the class, such as by laughing, talking out of turn, or anything that draws attention away from the lesson, should be disciplined by staying after school to perform some task or for severe infractions, they should be expelled for a period of time.
If a teacher slaps a child, it should be reportedly immediately to the school principal, the child's parents, and the school board. If a child strikes a teacher, the same thing should happen. Either one will probably end up in the courts.
Humiliation is just one part of this puzzle. Disobeying the order to get permission was wrong. The student should wait until an authority arrives to give the permission. Laughing in class is not only wrong,but amazingly ignorant, since the student not only distracts everyone else, but makes sure the laugher learns nothing that day as well. So another day is wasted because the laugher wanted attention. That is pathetic.
Teachers have a difficult time and frankly, it's a profession I would never choose. They and bus drivers have become the brunt of brutal attacks. Children seem to have missed being taught respect and manners as parents go about their lives with blinders on. If the student continues to disrupt the class, odds are he/she will never learn enough on their own to act properly in any situations.

@underdogy (700)
• Thailand
30 Dec 09
I never experienced being slapped by a teacher but i was hit using a book. I was in my fourth grade and this teacher asked one of my classmates to sell something for us. I made a joke with the goods she was selling with the exact words like "i bet these are poisoned". This BIATCH classmate of mine, went to our teacher and told her what i said. To my horror, there she was, my monster teacher with her eyebrows meeting each other, and with eyes that looked like a monster ready to devour any food along its way. She asked me if it was true with a very scary voice. I just bowed my head, feeling humiliated and guilty for what i did. I thought the mockery will do, but she lifted a book of my seatmate and hit me on the head. She will never be forgotten until to my very last breath

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@karthi_88 (299)
• India
30 Dec 09
no friend my teachers have never slapped me. i wont mingle much with anyone i think that may be the reason i dint get any punishment.still seventh standard i was an average student.during eighth standard i changed to a new school.this school was not much strict as i before studied so i got many friends only during eighth.during lunch break we used to finish our lunch fast and will play.i was a good girl according to my teachers.one afternoon while playing we fell over one gang who were having their lunch.they complained to principal.class teacher came with a stick in hand,we all were standing in a single row and i was the last person to get beating before beating me she said "you too" and beat lightly.it dint pain.that is the first and last beating i got :)
have a nice day :)
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
31 Dec 09
Hello nar8989. I have never been slapped by my teachers, but I was knocked on the head by one of my female primary teachers when I was in the second year of school. This teacher of mine used to knock on our heads when we did not behave well. Back then, I was very afraid of her and became a very obedient pupil. Anyway I don't blame her for that.
@shaggin (74029)
• United States
29 Dec 09
I have never been slapped by a teacher. I know kids in kindergarten who got paddled by the principal but I never did. I wasent to bad when I was in elementary school I was just really wild when I got to high school. I don't think they paddle students in high school lol. If they did I probably would have been beat. I know some states dont allow children to be spanked but here in Pennsylvania it is legal. Our school used to call and ask the parents for permission to spank their children if their children were really bad but I guess now its a no spanking school. I am very happy with that because I have a daughter who is 5 and is in Kindergarten and I would raise cain if they ever slapped my daughter.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
29 Dec 09
Hi shaggin: so we are basically very lucky. It's incredible for me to know that teachers still use these medieval methods nowadays. Simply incredible now that Psychologie has evolved and everybody know that's not the way you should educate the children. It makes no sense to me but at the same time i feel blesse for being educated without these things. Thanks for your answer shaggin. Hope you are having a nice day. Merry Christmas/ Happy holidays. Take Care.
@tawny_24 (341)
• United States
31 Dec 09
Ok so, I went to school in the ninties. I was in Kindergarten in 1990. My mom was also an elementary school teacher. I had seen her hold a kid down to make them drink coffee, because at this time ritalin was not big, and cafeen was supposed to have the opposite affect on a ADD kids body than an adult. I had a daycare teacher who singled me out and slapped me almost everyday for sucking my thumb, the only reason I sucked my thumb was because I wasn't allowed a passifier. I was very very young but I still remember that mean old lady's face. In kindergarten my teacher was okay but she would do this thing where she bopped a kid on the head with a pointer while we took bathroom breaks. We were supposed to be in two lines one for girls and one for boys and we were supposed to follow the gold lines that went along with the pattern of whatever stone the floors were made out of. She bopped me a couple of times. I was way too into my little world or something because my first grade teacher grabbed me by my face once and gripped really hard to get me to do whatever it was she wanted which I don't remember. I just remember her bugging out her eyes as she looked at me and making this wierd face like she was trying to scare me.
I am definitely not the person to push around. I always tell the person that is messing with me that it isn't a good idea. Eventually I explode if they don't leave me alone. As a child with little impulse control I would get to the point where the only thing I could do was strike back.
Sometime in the early ninties laws were passed in my state forbidding child care workers and teachers from physically disciplining children. I think that just about every daycare worker and teacher up until that time did something of a violent nature to try to control me. And I wasn't having any of it. Not even from my parents. Once I was big enough to really fight back I did, and I never felt sorry about it either. What I do feel bad about is the fact that it had to come to that in the first place. If I hadn't been hit then I wouldn't have hit them back.
@nar8988 (409)
31 Dec 09
Friend that was in your innocence,but actually it is right,how can a teacher be allowed to hit a child for any reason,a small child may really get some undesired effect which may eventually affect his whole future life,Thanks for sharing opinion,yOu must be really wonderful person.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
30 Dec 09
Is that allowed in your country? Here in the US, I'm pretty sure that the teacher would be fired. In fact, it did happen to me. It's probably about 40 years ago now, we had a substitute teacher in 6th grade. I guess I must have mouthed off to her and she slapped me. I didn't say anything to anybody, but a few days later or maybe the next day I was called into the principal's office and asked about it. One of the other children in the class must have told somebody. Anyway, I later heard that she had been fired.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
31 Dec 09
At least the children have something better to look forward to.

@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 Dec 09
That is really happen because there are teacher that is a hot temper. But sometimes I cannot blame other teacher if they do that but if they slapped their school children in front of their fellow is not good because it reflect from his/her reputation...
I don't experience that, my friend. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

@chinaboy1982 (6)
• China
31 Dec 09
Nar8988,I had had the same feeling like yours.When I was in 8 grade,I was slapped by my PE teacher just because of no reason but that I asked him how long should I jump to pass my standing long jump exam.Some teachers like yours and mine just want to show their so called autorities and powers over our students. They tend to feel displeased if they think you did the "wrong" things.They are not qualified teachers and they will never get students' heartfelt respect.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
31 Dec 09
No I was never slapped by any of my teachers. I did have to stay after school for detentions a few times but that is all.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
29 Dec 09
Good day to you nar8988,
With reference to your question, my answer is a big NO.
As far as I know, teachers are not allowed to slapped their students. Yes, they can shout or raise up their voice if they want to show that they are angry but not slapping.
@leeesa (884)
• United States
30 Dec 09
I wasn't slapped, but I was spanked by the principal once. That was in early elementary school and back in the early 70's so things were much different back then. I think I was in first or second grade at the time. A kid in my class knocked my book out of my hand and it fell on the floor loudly. My teacher thought I threw it down and when I tried to defend myself, she called the principal. I was literally dragged down to his office and of course I was kicking and screaming because I did nothing wrong but they didn't believe me. I think he spanked me because I was acting hysterical. Didn't teach me a very good lesson about telling the truth.
@shalli17here (627)
• Indonesia
30 Dec 09
Noooooooooooooo!!!! I never and i hope i wont, fortunately i've graduated from schools and university.
Ufff...i guess it was such a very bad teacher, bad example, and bad behaviour as a teacher. He has no right to beat you or any other students, no matter how bad you were at school or not. Teacher like that should be fired really soon!
@alexysabelle (905)
• Philippines
30 Dec 09
too bad...what did you do? did you file a case against that teacher? that is not allowed for heaven's sake.
Me, i was not slapped but i was push by my teacher to the board when i was like... grade 3. knowing this, my mother got so mad that she went to the school and brought a knife and looked for that teacher. good thing she didn't show up or my mother would be a criminal by then.
But today, it is not allowed and the law against teacher beating a student is so strong that their license be removed from them once they violated this law.
@sujathakkannan (90)
• India
30 Dec 09
Teacher slapping or beating a student is very common for me. i have got from wooden scale for not finishin my homework even when i was in 11th std. When I was in ukg i dint remeber what i did, i was locked in a motor room for some minutes. even i dont know that i must complaint it to my parents.