Another year is ending... but we keep on clinging to...

@eichs1 (1934)
December 30, 2009 12:03am CST
The some unusual traditions to celebrate the new year - fireworks (though we know it is bad for the health, to animals and to the environment) - 12 rounded fruits in the table (aren't all fruits round?) - changing to a new dress at 12MN. It is best if you have polka-dotted clothes. - jump... jump... jump... (I have been doing this for years. But I am still short. Sigh!!!) How about you guys? What do you keep on doing every new year though you know that it will not affect your life after all?
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6 responses
@lealuvy2j (1986)
• Philippines
31 Dec 09
I actually like different Filipino traditions during the New Year because for me it somehow makes us unique. I just hope no one would get hurt from the fireworks though. Anyway, I like the jump tradition during 12MN of the first day of the new year because I usually do that tradition with my siblings and cousins. I also like the fact that the family comes together during MediaNoche. MediaNoche is one of Filipino traditions during New year that I plan on keeping when I have a family of my own.
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
It's fun doing the jumping when we are young. Bus as adults... whoa!!! The firework accidents was lower last year compared the other year. I do hope that the incident will be much lower again this year. I do love having media noche with the family. Aside from the food, we were able to renew the family bonding. Do keep such tradition when you have family of your own.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
31 Dec 09
The only tradition that we hold in the US here (or at least in my family) is drinking champagne, toasting at the hour, and counting down the last 10 seconds of the year. None of these things are really superstitious at all, but still. That's what we do!
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@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
A toast for a good health and a prosperous new year! Well, I think that's great specially if you have the whole family in the countdown then have a great time afterward. Such gathering can also make you catch up of each others happenings. I'm sure not all traditions are based on superstitious beliefs. Some are there to promote cultural values and some are just nothing at all.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
30 Dec 09
For me, as every year passes by, I only feel sad, rather than being happy about it. I feel sad about the lost time, and the days I have wasted and also, there is nothing much to rejoice for. We are only forgetting that we are losing time in our hands and there are so many things to be taken care of. That's one way of looking at it. The other ways is, to be happy that bad times are over and we shall look forward together for a new day and a new year filled with happiness and joy, and peace and love. Well, tradition is important to an extent, it's more like a ritual. And, the style of tradition changes over a period of time, and this will change too, but tradition will never cease to exist. :-)
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@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Aptly put @cobradene. Tradition changes over time and it's up to the person whether he/she will go with it or not. If I have the power, I really do like to preserve the things that promotes family values. Older folks said that we often regret more of the things that we did not do rather than the things that we do. I guess they are talking of missed opportunities to prove their real worth. And they have this thing to say: "Today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope."
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
30 Dec 09
hello eichs! when i was a kid, i also do that jump jump jump on the new years eve... we also wear polka dots and we also put lots of coins in our pockets and make a noise out of it on the midnight! hehe those round fruits, yeah they are always present in our table! but these days, we are no longer doing it, but sometimes out of fun, some family mebers still do. hehe but what we don't really forget to do which i think really affects our life is to pray thanks for all the blessings we got & to ask for His guidance for the next years in our life... good day & happy new year in advance!
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@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
31 Dec 09
That's one good thing you are doing and should be our focus at the end of the year. Thanking God for the gone year and letting him lead guide us the coming year. A sort of retreat which can be done personally or with the family. Hope you did the same thing this year. Happy New Year!
• Philippines
30 Dec 09
Yep, New Year's traditions nostalgia. I remember when we used to have a Judas belt all over the entire block. It took thirty minutes to finish the entire roll. We'll be cutting down on fireworks this year though, and will be using horns instead. Safer and cheaper. I'll still be using a dotted dress, but I don't know about the 12 rounded fruits. I still jump at 12 midnight, hasn't worked but I'll keep trying! :))
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• United States
31 Dec 09
The one tradition that my family and I do every year is make new year resolutions. We never stick to any of them (well not for very long), but it's a tradition that's not ready to die yet.
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