How do you handle rude people?
@trytobeamazing (6)
United States
January 3, 2010 12:39pm CST
I've noticed often, especially recently, how rude people are. I'm not perfect when it comes to manners, but when it comes to talking to strangers I always am polite and use manners. It's just what I was taught. I guess I'll just give you an example of something that happened to me recently.
I was in the mall about a week ago, and I was trying to leave a clothing store. It was pretty crowded, but I did use my excuse me manner. I was almost to the door when about 5 teens were blocking the door. I, of course, used my manners and said excuse me. I wasn't mean or rude. They moved but I guess didn't know I was right behind them. I heard the girl say to her friends, "That *itch told us to *uckin move! Her friend then replied, WHO?! Now, I was already in a bad mood and thanks to these teens I was about to be late for work. I wasn't going to let them say that without putting my response in. So, I walked up to them and looked at the girl and said, listen I said excuse me! No *uckin move but if you want me to say that I will! She just walked away and remarked, whatever *itch.
Now, if you were a parent and you trust your children enough to go somewhere and use manners, how would you react if these children were yours?
I have a daughter, and even though she is 11 months I try to teach her to share and be polite and curtious.(sp) I can't stand when someone see's a pregnant woman or a person with a child and cuts them off. Or doesn't let them pass. It's so rude!
How do you feel about people becoming so rude?
I would love to hear peoples opinions on this and their answers to these questions.
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19 responses
@maezee (41988)
• United States
4 Jan 10
Ugh, teens will be teens. Especially when they are with their friends, where they're trying to see who's the most 'bad*ss' of them all. I know that if I was parenting a teenager, they would NOT show that kind of disrespect to their own mother (me) and I certainly wouldn't have been the one to teach them that. But you have to think that possibly they go home and are super sweet to their parents without letting their 'rents know that they're total brats on the inside (and totally rude, for that matter). Sometimes these things are out of parents' control, though. Sometimes it has to do with the school that the kid goes to, what their friends are like, and so on. It might not have anything to do with the parenting (although we like to blame it on the parents, of course lol). Or possibly they have horrible parents who treat them poorly. Neglect them. Abuse them, verbally or otherwise. I could go on for hours over-analyzing these things, because I often have to deal with incredibly rude people and sometimes I just wonder WHY! WHY must you be so incredibly rude to people you don't know and have done nothing whatsoever to you? Don't you know that manners.. are a virtue (in my opinion, that is of course lol)? I probably would have done the same thing if I were you. Glad you stood up for yourself. Teens (and everyone, I guess) can be little b*tches. lol. To put it plainly.
I deal with rude people at work all the time. I'm pretty much a cashier (although my title is "assistant manager" - glamorized cashiering) at a dry cleaners and I CONSTANTLY deal with a different kind of rudeness. It's usually smaller things but they get to me just as well. People trying to blame me for various things that are not any of my responsibility or liability (being dissastisfied with the company's service, prices, policies, or whatever else.. I swear, people find every little thing to complain about). Or otherwise subtleties will tell me that they're rude. Slapping or throwing their credit cards down on the counter is one thing I can't stand. I will usually just stare at it for a while longer than normal, or look up at them directly in their eyes after they do it (with eyebrows raised) just to let them know that I don't appreciate the rudeness. Most people get the picture. Ha, anyway, but my "methods" of handling these vary depending on the day and how I'm feeling and how I feel like approaching the situations. Sometimes I can be so sickly sweet (sarcastically) so as to let them know how rude they're being by basis of contrast. Other days I'll get really stern with them and let them know that two can play at that game. It's essentially a game. I don't let it get personal. I figure that they have something going on in their home life that's causing them to act out to people they don't know.. like the cashier at their dry cleaners. Or otherwise they're just bad apples. lol.
Anyway, I hope I didn't go on too much of a tangent. I know what you mean about dealing with rude people. The best is to just ignore them when you can and not let them drag you down..But if they're in your way and won't move - certainly tell them to get the f*ck out of your way!

@trytobeamazing (6)
• United States
4 Jan 10
I do my best to already teach my almost one year old manners. And she's very smart and is already catching on. My husband runs a pizza shop and recently I was helping him by working a couple of weeks. I was doing drinks for the register girl when these 2 ladies came in and ordered food. One lady was loud and obnoxious and very rude. The register girl just ignored it. Her friend was nice & asked if we had spagetti I believe. The register girl replyed no, I'm sorry. (We're use to these kind of questions) Her loud and rude friend then yells, SINCE WHEN?! (This store has been established since 1980 I believe or right around there) The register girl tells her, since never (in a sarcastic tone) The rude lady says are you being a smarta**? And the register girl answers no, I'm just answering your question. Her nicer friend says it's ok and no big deal so they go sit down.
But was it that necessary to act like that? I think not.
@tarachand (3895)
• India
7 Jan 10
The best thing to do is to ignore their remarks completely! I try and get past such 'dwaddlers' and go about my own business. However if they are rude to the people I care about, then I do intervene and mostly end up getting such youngsters apologize for their rudeness. But I try not to be rude to them or react negatively. I mean these are kids and if I were to do what they are doing, would I be any better than them?
Kudos to you for starting the training your daughter at such a young age!
@kareng (69816)
• United States
4 Jan 10
It seems that a lot of kids/teens especially do not have manners these days. I don't know if it is from no parenting or split families but I have noticed it and it is on a big increase. These kids have attitudes just like what you experienced. I try to avoid malls and crowds. I would also like to say that even though you want to express your opinion or reply back that it is not always best to do that. You never know when the other party is carrying a weapon. We used to not have to worry about things like that but you do in these days and time. Stay safe!
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
4 Jan 10
well i understand i see a lot of this going on but how i deal with it is i treat rudiness with kindiness this will make them feel doesn,t cost anything to be kind and treat people with kindiness.
@zagureanu (17)
4 Jan 10
well, people, are really becoming very rood these days, or may they were like this all the time.i have an example on this topi. i was in school and a girl said : so you're coming to school, you looser? and, i didn't use my politness and just answered **ck you **tch. i think that you shold respond to people in the manner thei talk to you. but of course there are exceptions. i mean you can say that to a person you nkow but to a unknow person you'll have to be polite, you might scream a little if you want to.:)
@yesjay (1)
• Bahrain
4 Jan 10
Though we all love to ignore frustrated people going around with "verbal-trash' in their head, we are not given a choice many a time. You find these type of people in every walk of life, day-in and day-out, be it office, society or some times in our own house. They just keep waiting for a trigger to fire their filth on any one who come across them. When ignoring, pep-talk, kindness & persuasion fails and continous irritation is being caused, we are left with no option other than to take them head on. Though many would not agree with my stance, unusual circumstances make us take unusual steps.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
4 Jan 10
hi trytobeamazing,Yep...that was rude alright! There seems to be an overabundance of it these days and I really don't understand it. I hate to blame parents and maybe it isn't but it just seems to be more than I remember it being in the past. I was a teen in the 70's and trust me, we were not angels and we did use foul language and all sorts of things. There were some rude kids but seriously for all the stuff we pulled, I don't remember too many kids who were rude like that. Some blame it on the breakdown of the family but I don't buy it. I raised 4 on my own and they are very very kind, respectful girls. I'm pretty laid back but if any of them were disrespectful, mean or rude to me or God forbid anyone else....they saw my rath. I think you were right in confronting her. She may have walked off muttering under her breath but I bet you embarrassed her and she earned that. It's not just the teens. I've dealt with adults who should know better who are beyond rude.
@StevenZhu (198)
• China
4 Jan 10
There is a traditional idiom which tells us how to deal with this situation, translate it as "you should be more kind to some one who is kind to you, you should be ruder to some one who is rude to you".
@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
I'm trying to be friendly to others including to those who are complete strangers to me. If I find someone rude I'll finish any communication with him/her and walk away because it might lead to confrontation. I'll try to be more cool as long as I can.
@sailajasayani (64)
• India
4 Jan 10
Even i have come across many times such people who are unnecessarily rude.These people are the ones who overact or overreact when they are in a group.They try to prove themselves by bullying others or strangers so as to show their heroism to their group.On the other hand these people are usually teenagers who under the influence of movies or whatsoever try to prove their superiority with people who tend to go calm.This tendency arises when they want recognization or attention or to satiate their ego.
These best thing is to give them back their needful infront of their friends also.Like what you have done was commendable.We shouldnt just leave them aside because they will carry over their antics wherever they go.We should bash them infront of all with proper words.
I recall an incident.There was a bus which i used to board regularly.The conductor in that particular bus used to overact before girls a lot.Once a fat girl boarded the bus(she must be in some teens).Then the conductor commented on her weight.The girl retorted back by saying,"Thats true my weight is 72 kgs and i guess even you wife's weight must be the same or more'.She told in a severe tone.We all just clapped when she told so.The conductor then left from that place.
@bhavna_1012 (52)
• India
4 Jan 10
people having rudness due to their lots of atitude.... today in d competiion world alays every people if got some thingin them they gt much over atitude in wich they forgot to respect other human being. they bcum meanjust b chill.. life is just forgive and let go things else to live in this earth will b like hell for u. tc
@jewelsfashionista (42)
• United States
4 Jan 10
Good topic. i simply ignore them.
You are very right especially amongst the teens manners, courtesy is not part of their vocabulary. but i blame the parents and society as well. Parents seem to be more interested in being a friend to their child than a parent. As for the system dare you spank your child and CPS will be at your door. It is not longer what it used to be that parents, and schools taught their children how to respect their elders and the importance of doing that which is right. One friend of mine who is a teacher in a public school in washington stated how they have to beg their students to at least write their name on an exam paper so as to give him a grade for at least writing on his paper before handing it in blank, to make matters worse they have the audacity to smack a teachers head at the back when passing them. the teachers fear their students. This is the kind of generation we are bringing up.
I think we should be allowed to discipline our children as parents. spank them while they are young. the system CPS should only be involved if the beating seems to be abuse (based on what one is using and if their are major bruises that clearly show the parent was trying to harm the child.)
@wizardkhan01 (3)
• India
4 Jan 10
i just dont give them a damn, people who are rude enough to piss u off needed to be ignored.They dont deserve to be paid attention and publicity, you indirectly give them a lot of respect by investing your time talking about such useless bratts.Just let them waste their energies in these worthless efforts and neglect them thinking this is just the way they can entertain us...
@iamsancho (1)
• India
4 Jan 10
well the only thing you can do is , keep your hand in the heart and say "all is well".
its a magical word.u can handle them with ease
@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
3 Jan 10
Hmm.. weird people are there everywhere. Best option is to avoid them as much as possible. I know its tough some times but the best option is to not to involve yrself with them.
IAM no good at verbal fights and honestly speaking i dont like to be rude at anyone really. Its a foolish thing to do. And kids and teens today are in real bad shape. Lacking moral values and they think that its cool to be rude and behave badly.
Only time will teach them that in life u have to be modest and humble to be a good human. I learned it by the hard way too and iam sure everyone goes throught that period.
@roberten (3128)
• United States
3 Jan 10
I give them kindness to counter their rudeness. If in a public place I am sugar-coated sweet with an ounce of condescending loudness and cheshire cat smile; I rub it in ever so thickly with untold kindness that they can't comeback with anymore rudeness without openingly showing the nasty behavior they possess. K*ll 'em with kindness my mom use to always say...and mom knows best!
If I'm not up to the task, I just ignore them completely which gets their goat as well. Rude people thrive on responses, the more negative, the more they justify their own bad behavior. I try desperately not to give them a reason to be so ugly and unkind.
@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
4 Jan 10
It is sometimes frustrating to encounter people with rude manners, it can be traumatic also. Every time I encounter these kind of people I will just avoid them and never join their company. I don't know why there are people who seemed did not know the very basic of good manners and right conduct.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
3 Jan 10
Try and limit my interaction with them as much as possible. Without of course coming off as rude myself. These people who are rude tend to bring out the worst in those they are talking with. I try to be nice and not stoop to their level. It can be hard and frustrating, with those of any age, especially are our. If they are rude, chances are saying anything can and will make the situation much worse.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
3 Jan 10
hi,The discussion of urs was very good.yes ofcourse if every individual tries to introspect ones actions then no one would be hurt or put down and there would not be rudeness .May be the previous actions or experiences of such rude persons make them such rude.May be the love from their parents was not enough to guide them or put them in a proper way.One thing i noticed if we over control and guide and place rules on children also this can cause such nature to them or to even elders who had very bad experiences in their life time.