Political Correctness
@beautifulBrooke (191)
United States
January 5, 2010 12:10pm CST
I am getting so very tired of all the political correctness bull!!
Everything under the sun "offends" someone. So should we just stop talking in public, debating our beliefs, fighting for our rights....
Every time I turn around I hear someone say, "I would have liked to said this or that, BUT.... I didn't want to offend anyone".
I agree there are some things that are truly offensive. However, I feel that we (at least here in USA) have gone way overboard with our thoughts on being politically correct.
What do all of you think about this?
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13 responses
@beautifulBrooke (191)
• United States
5 Jan 10
I'm not necessarily talking about politics here. I understand the importance of government... when properly utilized.
I'm talking about all the ridiculous "do's and don't" in our western civilization.
I have a bi-racial son. His father is black. Even he... a black man, says, "don't call me African-AMerican, I'm from ------- (small town in USA)".
Get it??
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@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
6 Jan 10
Hello, Brooke, and welcome to MyLot. I like your style! I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I would never be derogatory or rude about any person or group of people - unless they started it, and even then, I always try to counter rudeness with politeness, as it's so much more effective.
If people are easy to take offence on behalf of others, that's their prerogative, but don't expect me to pander to it. My daughter is a lesbian, and she refuses to be militant, as she just wants to live her life as she sees fit. Somebody once asked if it was because she was afraid of what I might think that she didn't go on marches, etc. Her reply: 'No,I just don't want to do it. Just because you're gay, it doesn't mean you have to beat people around the head to accept ALL gays. I've got better things to do with my time.'
@beautifulBrooke (191)
• United States
6 Jan 10
That's awesome!! Yes, your daughter "gets it"!!
You may want to check out my next subject.... on predjudice!
Thanks for commenting!
@laglen (19759)
• United States
5 Jan 10
I agree. And regarding the African American, Hispanic American etc, how about we are AMERICANS? In a world where race is not supposed to be an issue, we sure do make it an issue. If your gay I will say your gay. I WILL say Merry Christmas, because I am a Christian and am sending you happy wishes. If you are Jewish and say Happy Hanukkah, I say Thank you! WTF? People are so ridiculous about this. It is sad really. A favorite quote - Women who seek equal rights with men, lack ambition. I think that says it all! Now dont get me wrong, I am NT a feminist - men and women ARE not the same. I like this. I also like somebody to open the door for me, compliment me and take the garbage out! I do NOT want to buy my own drink or change my own oil.
@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
5 Jan 10
Political correctness is annoying, at least to the point it's reached now in the U.S. I am PC to the point that you shouldn't be mean to people or call them names. But it's gotten to the point where you can't even have a different opinion, and if you do, the so called PC police attack you with ugly names and accusations. I think it's because in reality, the people pointing fingers are really the ones with the worst intentions. This country is gonna be swallowed up whole by political correctness. We are at a point where we can't have intelligent debates, because if you don't disagree with the "elites" you are made out to be some idiot, undereducated, racist, redneck. A lot of it is class warfare, some of the rich thinking they are better than everyone else, and thinking that us "little" people are too dumb to take care of ourselves. I actually don't think it is about saving people from being offended, I think it's more about control, control of everything we do, say, think, wear, eat, drink, etc. I have seen this get worse and worse over the years, and it's really scary, and sad. I am an individualist, I believe that you have to look out for yourself before you can be any good to help anyone else.
So I do think people should debate in a civil manner, without low blows, without infantile gestures(ie. flipping someone off, etc...). I personally do get offended easily at times, but not over civil debate, not over other opinions, what offends me is when people purposely name call, for any reason, I am 100% free speech, but nobody should have a right to hurt someone else, physically or mentally, and speaking as someone who was verbally bullied all through out school, it changes a person, it makes you feel worthless, so that is where I strongly draw the line between freedom of speech and flat out abuse. So civil debate yes, juvenile "humor" or evil name calling, should be wiped out, bullies should be cut down to size, they should feel shame.
Sadly enough, while we do live in a society that is out of control with political correctness, that only seems to cover certain people, and juvenile name calling is seen as "funny", "humorous"... look no further to some of the things said and done on the floor of our own congress (the people who think they know better than us "little people"), and I'm talking both sides, neither side gets a pass from me, they all behave like children and playground bullies, although, most the time it is warranted, to strike back at someone when they insult you, but it never looks good.
@beautifulBrooke (191)
• United States
5 Jan 10
Very well spoken. I don't believe that common decentsy and respect among others should even fall under p.c. or considered that.
I'm referring more to the bogus mumbo jumbo that our government, various agencies, groups , etc are trying to force out of us. Or,, in some cases make us shut up.
Holding your tongue (cuss words, name calling etc..) is a matter of respect among others. And... should ALWAYS be excercised.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
5 Jan 10
Yay! Another person who thinks this way!
I agree 110%. This whole not wanting to offend anyone every time we speak is a load of crap. I'm tired of having my own freedom of speech suppressed by those who don't agree with me (for example, the way the ACLU always jumps down people's throats if they dare to display anything Christian in public, yet they have no problems if it's a menorah or a crescent and star (and for the record, I don't have any problem with Jews and Muslims expressing their faith outwardly; I just wish that Christians could do the same thing without some rabid atheist going all hysterical about how the separation church and state is being trampled upon, blah, blah, blah and all that garbage.)). That's happening more and more these days, and it needs to stop.

@beautifulBrooke (191)
• United States
5 Jan 10
Amen!! I believe the whole "seperation of church and state" is blown way out of context.
Then again, that's another blog! Lol...
@RAVENBLADE0842 (493)
• United States
5 Jan 10
While I agree with almost everyone on this topic, there are certain words or phrases that not only shouldn't be said, but should become forgotten in our language. This whole idea that we can not intelligently express our views on any given topic without offending someone, and therefore should not say anything is just ridiculous. There is a stand up comic out there named Ralphie May. This man is a 450lb fat guy who literally makes fun of everyone. In his motto I think he has it right "Dont be Politically correct, Just be correct". Even more annoying about political correctness to me is this idea that one group of people can say something deragatory to someone in that same group and it's ok, but if anyone says it, than all breaks loose. For example I called Ralphie May a fat guy, but I'm 265lbs myself so that's ok. Truth is, while there are things that all of us shouldn't say, none of us can please everyone, and shouldn't try.
@beautifulBrooke (191)
• United States
5 Jan 10
WEll said!
Question is... why do we give in to it then? I think in all honestly at some point, we have excercised our "political correctness", then more often times than not, we regret later on not speaking our minds. Or, standing up for ourselves, etc...
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
5 Jan 10
The reason for all those political correctness is because words hurt. I do agree that people should lighten up to the point where a racial slur is no longer offensive. I mean there use to be swear words that use to be offensive but now are used casually like its nothing. Maybe if we all take things a lightly we wouldn't have to go overboard. In order to stop the political correctness from going overboard everyone must be able to not let words bother them too much. Just accept who you are. I say many people might feel ashamed of themselves and the words remind them of that. As long as people look different there will always be referred as a group or something else.
@malamar (779)
• Canada
5 Jan 10
You are so very right beautifulBrooke. Political correctness is bull-pucky, pure and simple!
Now, ignorance, rudeness, hateful or hurtful statements or slurs are somewhat different, they have no place in civilized conversation.
But, to have a reasonable discussion or debate, a difference of opionion or belief is absolutely essential. We learn from other opinions, and they learn from ours. At the very least, a difference of opinion can expand our horizons, and hopefully, our tolerence/acceptance/intelligence levels.
Today, you can barely breathe without offending someone, and that irks me. By the way, I hate you because you are beautiful, and I am not (you see what I'm saying?)
@venkatachary (1165)
• India
5 Jan 10
Look before you leap. Political people should think twice before opening their mouth. The ruler of the Democratic Country are Political people of some party.So, without knowing the impact one should not spell any words. Some political Individual make the people to suffer. They can survive only then. This order should be changed.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
5 Jan 10
Being politically correct is not politically correct as far as I am concerned. To all those people who go overboard of being politically correct, you offend my views. There are certain things that should not be said after all. With that being said, there is a difference between keeping certain comments that might come back to haunt you under your breath, to biting your tongue and not saying anything on the chance that someone might get offended. Its getting the point where someone can not open there mouth, without offending some portion of the population. And I guess in a sense, I'm the part who gets offended when people go out of there way not to offend others, so maybe I am part of the problem.
@beautifulBrooke (191)
• United States
5 Jan 10
I don't think you're part of the problem, I'm right there with you!
I'm tired of this wonderful "land of the free" become a socialistic society right underneath our noses and no one cares.
I hope to have grandchildren in the future and what kind of world are they going to have?
But, I suppose if we "go there" we will (naturally) offend many other on here!
@lahari (133)
• India
6 Jan 10
Political Correctness!Its a big term for me to handle,I am none to make decisions on behalf of the country or state or even my locality,what I say or what I do bothers me only! So why think so much,well I never do. I say what I feel,I do what I want to do.people have to like me for what I am not for an image I'll be creating by always saying the correct words,rather saying things that they want to hear! I admit that there are certain times when the truth is very harsh and the time isn't right then you don't have any other option than to be diplomatic but its impossible to please everyone all the time! So live life on your own terms you'll be happier!
@codeofuniverse (558)
• India
5 Jan 10
every act of life it self is part of politics..unless and untill a baby dont cry .mother never get problems..it is begging of pretending by baby as politician..