Can atheism (non-belief in God) make the world a better place?

January 8, 2010 10:46pm CST
There are people in this world who claim that they do not believe in God. People who deny the truth that a powerful God exist. People who lost sight of the fact that the moon and the sun was placed by God to give light the people light during the day and night. People who failed to appreciate that all the creatures moving in the sea and in land was provided by God with defense mechanism. People who does not appreciate that it was God who caused a plate of food to be in their table. People who attack every thing that they do not understand about God. People who just because they do not understand what is going on their life think that there is really no God. People, who after the loss of their love ones, deny the existence of God. People who are called by the Holy Scriptures as highminded individual who does not want to be governed by One ruler. They are the so-called Atheist. Will there non-belief turn this world a better place? Or can a family ties be strengthen if each family members do not believe in the ONE TRUE GOD?
20 responses
@jojorv (201)
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
majority of the population of this planet believes in god, but is our world getting better... or worse?
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@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
9 Jan 10
I love when religious people like you talk like they know everything, like I'm the one who is lost hehe Can atheism make the world a better place? Not really but if there would be no religion, it would be a good start. I believe religion did more bad than good things to this world.
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• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Psalm 14:2 "The fool says in his heart, there is no God."
• India
11 Jan 10
Well I am not an atheist but neither am I deeply religious, meaning that I don’t follow the nitty-gritty of religion but do believe in one God or a supreme power that is manifest in every form of life that we can think of. I also believe that religion and the fear of God was instilled in mankind to maintain a certain discipline and law in society…so if the same can be done by secular legal means i.e. if it can be ensured that society will stick to rules and laws and generally be good to each other, then what’s wrong in atheism?
• India
13 Jan 10
Good analysis, Sudipta. Rather than taking a position of rigidity, if everybody can have the same simple vision YOU have, this world would have been much better place. Whatsoever is good for humanity from any quarters must be accepted. Agree with you.
• India
25 Jan 10
You are that fool
• Philippines
25 Jan 10
"The fool says in his heart, there is no God." - Psalm 14:2
• India
9 Jan 10
joseph_jedidiah Your statements shows clearly how ignorant you are about god. I feel the athiest knows better about god than the believers. Yes, there are people in world who do not believe in god. and there is no necessity to believe in god. god has to be lived, and NOT believed. its as plain as that. Now you said 'powerful god exist'. does god need an adjective - 'powerful'. one can say a powerful man, or machinery etc. because these can be either poewrful or not powerful. when it comes to god, its implied that he is powerful. when you say powerful god, then it means that he is someone like us, who is little more powerful than us. Next is such a god exists? god cannot exist. all that exists will cease to exist sooner or later. we human beings exist. we perish or cease to exist some day. god who exists, however powerful, one day will cease to exist by this rule of existence. You are ignorant of the fact that god is beyond existence, powerful and such petty things. the next few sentences: [i]People who lost sight of .... People who failed to.... People who does not ... People who attack every .... People who just ..... People, who after the ....[/i] these are petty arguments most believers bring on when then don't have anything to say. i am not at all surprised at these. People who are called by the Holy Scriptures as high minded individual who does not want to be governed by One ruler. why do we still not have a single ruler for the world? why there are so many countries with differing views on god, religion etc. since believers can come under a single banner of one ruler - the god. why that has not happened? the truth is the holy scriptures are full of holes. it cannot be plugged. if you are intelligent, then you will understand how stupid the writers of these holy scriptures. You ask: Will there non-belief turn this world a better place? So far we have not tried this option. We have seen the mayhem created by the believers. lets try it out. passing an adverse remark without trying is cheap behaviour, which is what most believers are indulging in. Or can a family ties be strengthen if each family members do not believe in the ONE TRUE GOD? why not? family ties are not dependent on it. its rests upon the trust between the family members. god has no role in it. its for family members to decide they want to have good relationships between them. ONE TRUE GOD is god one or many? what is this one true god? are there many false gods? Oh! I forgot that ours is a competitive world. well, there is enough space for all of them.
• India
11 Jan 10
Its so wonderful as always, to read thru your comments and notes. This is something that pains me sometimes…the way people tend to segregate others into just believers and atheists, leaving no option for the spiritual. I would like to think of myself as spiritual in quest of the ultimate truth…I don’t believe in religion but I have not been able to bring myself to be a non-believer either. I’ve tried many times, but I just could not say with conviction that I don’t believe in God.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Jan 10
WOW what a FABULOUS post tulip! Very nicely put and I agree with what you said....
• India
11 Jan 10
sudipta Its nice to hear from you after a long time. when we segregate humanity into believers and un-believers, it is worse than racism. when religions practice this, it is even more shameful act. to be a believer or to be a non-believer should be a personal choice. whatsoever is good should be accepted.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Jan 10
I find your very first sentence rude and badly expressed. We do not 'claim' what you state, we state it clearly. The 'so called Atheists' aren't the ones attacking here, it is the god botherers like yourself who are judgemental.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
14 Jan 10
I didn't know much about "Scientology" - but since reading here, I decided to do some research on it, and it founder. Wow - what a fallacy and total deception ! It reminds me of the scripture where it says: some are ever learning, and never coming to the knowledge of the truth, and where it also says that some have 'exchanged the truth to believe a lie.' Scientology's teachings are just pure old confusion and a departure from the message of the gospel. Isn't it marvelous though - that we all DO have freedom of CHOICE in our beliefs? 'nuff said.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
10 Jan 10
Dluther89 (21) - I'd be interested to hear where you got your information and proof of it, that "God never forgave Adam."
@vandana7 (101402)
• India
10 Jan 10
If a hormonal sin couldn't be forgiven, what are the chances that sins suggested by brains would fare any better. :) If anyway we cant be forgiven, why even bother. :)
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Good question joseph_jedidiah . First, let me say I know some very nice atheists. I'm a good friend with one here in the city. Very nice man, and has better morals than many other people. However, when we exclude God from our life, for any reason, even if one has no animosity to cause him to be an atheist -- anytime we exclude God, we leave room for the sinful flesh to really rule. And, let's say everyone was an atheist. Just whose standards would we go by? The majority's? What if the majority's standard would be deadly wrong?
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@loudcry (1043)
• India
9 Jan 10
Morality has nothing to do with god or religion. People have killed in the name of god, they still continue to do so. However,it is hard to say weather the world will be a better place if atheists ran it. Because morality has nothing to with atheism either. People may still continue to fight for reasons other than god. As rampant as god and religion seem now and as much as we can pin most fights and wars on religion, it cannot be said with certainity weather religion is responsible for wars or it is something more fundamental. Maybe we are hard-wired to keep fighting.
@loudcry (1043)
• India
11 Jan 10
Is this comment meant for me? I have given a very balanced and objective view here. I am a atheist myself. What I tried ,and obviously failed, to say was that morality has litte to do with belief in god or the lack of beleif in god,And that we could very possibly still keep fighting even in a god-less world. However, if you read between the line, I have laid more responsibility of the current sorry state of affairs on religion. Please read it again.
9 Jan 10
I must say the way you talk about atheists is offensive and insulting.You made them look like aggressive people who attack God and the beliefs the concept of religion comes with.If anything,it's the so called religious people who are agressive because they think they know it all and others are just stupid not to see ''the truth''.I saw a Moslim man few months back when I was all dressed up heading to a rock concert and he was with all the women who dressed in an outfit that you barely see their face.He looked at me like he hated me for dressing up the way I did.And he was a guest in the town. If hating people you don't know is your God's rules,then I'm definitely out.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Jan 10
First off..ppl dont CLAIM they dont believe...they GENUINELY DON'T...I would be one of "those ppl"...Secondly...I think that the world would be a MUCH better place if PEOPLE REGARDLESS OF THEIR RELIGIOUS OR SPIRITUAL CHOICE were to be more accepting, openminded and compassionate...So what if I have a different belief than you or anyone doesnt make me any better or worse than you or anyone else and visa versa...And finally...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AND ONE TRUE/RIGHT religion..they are ALL true and right to each person following them...YOU believe that a higher power created everything etc etc and IMO thats fine FOR YOU...I however do NOT believe in such things anymore (though long ago I did) and thats also fine FOR ME... People need to realize that we are NOT cookie cutter ppl or carbon copies of one another which means that ONE religion or belief WILL NOT need to keep following your path and have the respect to allow others to follow theirs without ridicule...
• India
13 Jan 10
Ravenladyj Its nice to see there are still good people are around for whom religion doesnt matter. what matters for them is the welfare of humanity. when people exchange ideas, share views these differences can be eliminated and a common meeting ground can be found. No One religion has all the truth. each had a glimpse of the truth from a particular angle. So is atheism. they too have a lot of good things to share and as a good human being we should accept those without any prejudice.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
16 Jan 10
So if my whole family believed in the flying spaghetti monster everything would be better? Your truth isn't necessarily someone elses. Insulting people who don't necessarily believe exactly what you do doesn't make anything any better either. That's about all this discussion & your scripture quoting has done, insult.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
18 Jan 10
& the false profit still doesn't get it...
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
Matthew 24:9-11 Jesus said, " Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and deceive many."
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
Proverbs 23:9 " Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words." Friend, do not harden your heart.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
9 Jan 10
Religious beliefs have been the cause of much grief world wide. Countless wars have been fought and millions killed in the name of God, and Jesus. During the middle ages the Roman Catholic church went on a killing spree and murdered a million (so called) witches in Europe.The reason being they (the witches) were the only light in the world at that time, and people were leaving the Church. The Crusades which were missions to kill the heathen across Europe killed millions in the name of Christianity. Is it any wonder that in the face of past Violence, and fearing more of the same, many people do not trust Christianity and choose to be Athiest?
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Christians were persecuted during the dark ages. (By whom?) I know you will figure that out before you loss trust on Christianity.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
9 Jan 10
i think its really more on peoples attitudes whether they believe in God or not on if the world will be a better place. you can have a peaceful,loving, or violent attitude based on a persons view of God. all and all theirs nuts in all walks of life. as long as people don't have a crazy way of thinking whether God believing or atheism i think the world can be a better place. example of crazy beliefs and attitudes towards God would be people blowing themselves up. that doesn't help anything,duh. it leaves the world a worse place. people would be better of being atheist if they have such attitudes. i personally know atheists and are descent people and definitely are not evil people just because they don't believe in God. God=Peace and Love
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
9 Jan 10
God is 'not' religion, and religion is 'not' God. That is the major thing that causes so much trouble, and God gets blamed for all of the bad stuff that happens. Everything that God has done and created, is based out of His love for his creation, and that includes mankind. Not believing does NOT make Him go away or cease to exist. The true and living God does NOT tell you to kill people - a little tracing of historical facts, will show that - that is the true nature of Satan himself. He is the destroyer - not the true God. It is religion that wants to control your very existance and what you do and don't do - or else. One does not have to attend a church, but it is a good thing to find where you belong through prayer and looking to Him to guide you, and attend somewhere at least for the fellowship part of it. Just because you have been raised in a particular faith, doesn't mean that is where your place is where God is concerned. If where you attend, doesn't make you feel happy and peaceful for the most part, perhaps you need to consider changing, unless that is that God is dealing with something in your life, and you're running from Him. That will make you very unhappy - just deal with whatever, and go on. A lot will depend on one's attitude too. If you are gullible, you can be led astray, but if you are prideful and unteacheable, you'll get nowhere, and life will be very unhappy and full of strife. A "relationship" with God is the key - not following church traditions and rules. When you accept the sacrifice that He gave (Jesus Christ), and allow His love to flow into and out of your heart towards people - - that is the key. Spend quality time "in His presence." Most folks no nothing about that term, and the churches don't teach it either. It is all about 'you and God' - not you and religion or you and the church or the only and right belief. There is no perfect church or perfect belief system - only what you purpose to develope between you and God. Read His word, and learn of Him - when you pray don't treat Him like some kind of errand boy or santa clause. Seek to find out what HE wants from and for you. Our prayers are to be 'two way' conversations, and if we're doing all of the talking, how do we expect to hear Him speak? If you are not being led through life with peace, love and a desire to bless others, maybe you are following a religion, and not God. ????
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Romans 1:21 " For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
@ishprash (46)
• India
10 Jan 10
those try to hide something they believe in god...humans believe in god because of ignorance and lack of knowledge..what's going on in the name of god'''believe in god..commit crimes as many as you can and then confess before the god...all are bullshits...when we don't have proper knowledge about the universe we shouting in favour of almighty...when we don't have faith upon us then we pour all the faith upon nonsensical word "god".. who told that we can not be good person without the help and belief of god those are most antisocial elements and exploiters of human society...Einstein says,"During the youthful period of mankind's spiritual evolution human fantasy created gods in man's own image. … The idea of God in the religions taught at present is a sublimation of that old concept of the gods. … In their struggle for the ethical good, teachers of religion must have the stature to give up the doctrine of a personal God … ." church,mosque or temple all indulged in corrupt and nasty practices...these all are expressed out of personal experiences only...the world famous jagannath temple of puri, orisaa, india having medieval orientation and witnessing most unethical behaviours of the Pujaris(priests),they show the masses that they are the agents of god but actually they do all unethical things as they know that there is no one in the name of god..religion and god belief all are useful for a section only and useless for others despite their belief in god...we have capabilities to eradicate poverty and human miseries but we would not do because they are poor so we are rich and to be prophets of fantastic notion "god" it's only a fantasy.....
• Philippines
25 Jan 10
Job 38:4 Declares the Lord, "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding? Who hath laid the measures thereof, if you knowest? or who hath stretch the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the cornerstone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shoouted for joy? Who shut the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb? when i made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddlingband for it."
• Philippines
25 Jan 10
Friend, You may have quoted well Einstein statement about God during the time of his fame. (Whether it be unbelief or unbelief in God I will not argue.) However, I do hope that you also have read his last statement when he was about to die. For he declared God's existence. "God does not care about our mathematical difficulties, God integrates empirically. God does not play dice with the universe. I want to know God's thoughts." -Einstein
• India
9 Jan 10
every "Ism" is related to some belief ..some believe in presence or existence of god and another about its when there is belief may be of non existence of god..that certainly again impose mankind to think about God..u may have faith in GOD OR YOU MAY NOT .
• India
25 Jan 10
quoting someone whom you dont even understand doesnt prove you know about it. come out with what you experienced or understood. be true to yourself firs. we will deal with god later.
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
Proverbs 27:1 "Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words."
• Philippines
25 Jan 10
Yes, but this is what the Holy Scriptures says, " The fool says in his heart, there is no God." -Psalm 14:2
@enieweiz (97)
9 Jan 10
Being an atheist does not mean your a sinful person because sin, nowadays is subjective. Since most people believe in the existence of God, they believe that the rule that God has set will define whether they have made a sin or not. In reality, even if there is no God, our instincts as humans define what is sinful or not. To kill, whether it is written in the commandments or not, is still a sin. Maybe God just made it clear to use what is wrong and what is right. If being an atheist can make the world a better place, i guess the only way to find out is if every person in the world does not believe in God. Religion has become a medium to create violence and prejudice against others, and maybe if there would be no religion warfare and violence would not be as grave as it is now. But at the end of the day, we need, or for some people, they need to believe in God because we need divine intervention. We believe that miracles could happen and that God is the only way to create that miracle.
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Romans 1:21 " For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in thier speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened."
• United States
9 Jan 10
By your own statement, joseph, you are insulting all of us who do not believe. As if we are incompetent in some manner simply because we do not believe in your God. People can live without religion, indeed many do, and are very happy and peaceful. They are at peace moreso than many of the religious people I know, who would decry natural happenings as sin. Judgment is easy for those who think they are right, and it just isn't fun being an atheist with a bunch of judgmental religious people around. And...what truth do you have that god exists? Little more than I do that Scientology is the 'True' religion. There's a book, and there's a following.
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Scientology was founded by Ron L. Hubbard. Please correct me if i am wrong. Hubbard was a science fiction author. The church of scientology got its set of beliefs from what Ron L. Hubbard wrote. One of the purpose of scientology is for its followers to become certain of thier spiritual existence and one's relationship to God. If you say that scientology is what you believe then you are not an atheist, because scientologist believe in God. I hope you will view this site, this site will tell you how science prove the existence of God. Foremost of all, i hope you will study also the Bible. Study also the Quran and other beliefs. In our search for the ONLY truth we should not only be subjective but also objective. Historical and not hysterical. If we are to live for 80 years then let us spend half of it, if not all, in finding for the sole truth. Other beliefs and founder of these beliefs never claimed to be the truth. What they did is to give some principles in life. There is only one who claim to be the Truth. That is the Lord Jesus Christ. When apostle Thomas asked him as to the way to Heaven, the LORD JESUS CHRIST answered, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except by me." - John 14:6 I will not force you to believe me, however, i just hope that you will truly give your best in finding the truth. The Holy Scripture in Psalm 14:2 says, " The LORD looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God."
@vandana7 (101402)
• India
9 Jan 10
Hi joseph_jedidiah, I believe in presence of some super power. And my interactions with him are personal. More personal than any of the disclosures that I have already made so far out here. So there might have been things that I asked of him, that I would feel much too shy to mention to anybody else. Therefore, religion becomes an absolutely private affair. I dont go around flaunting my religion. This is because I have experienced god's ways of making me happy. What I feel happy with may not be what you feel happy with. So, how can our religions be the same? This is the reason I feel we may keep the names of our respective religions. But under it, each one is following a different religion. Whether it is a non-belief in God, or not, I dont know. I just know that at the end of the day, it is not belief or lack of it that will take me to heaven. It is what I do or not do that will determine whether I go to hell or heaven. Therefore, I am ok with athiests as well.
• United States
9 Jan 10
well i know some good atheists but even believing in god dosent make the world a better place.
• India
10 Jan 10
I don't think so. If people doesn't believe in god there was a very good chances of increase in cruelty instead of Humanity. Because some people believes in god ( I too ), and some people fears to god ( If we do bad to someone god will punish us like that). What ever in both the cases believing god is very goo for better peaceful world. Nice to meet mr. Joseph. Wish you all the best in My Lot. i think we both are in same stage ( Beginners ) in my Lot.
• United States
14 Jan 10
I believe in God spiritually, but rationally I would be an agnostic. If I may pass my neutral judgment, different people have different ways of doing good, for different motivations and reasons. Atheists, agnostics, and believers all have different roots of arriving at the same conclusion about benefiting the rest of the creation. Belief in God is a probably a stronger ingredient, because you have a firm faith and positivity, and that contributes a lot to overall betterment of society. But being too conservative and not being respectful of other's points of views may do just the opposite, and increase strife!
@rohanmona (159)
• India
12 Sep 12
Well lets see this two different way. 1] god exists okay, fine. God is powerful and above all and god doesn't need people to pray him. It should not matter to him. If you do good work that should be a prayer for him. Why take time and do some pujas or praying sessions. Do god really want this, i doubt it? 2]god doesn't exists. Why then we are giving a damn about this thing. Everything is created by some huge reactions and how all this started we don't know. Why we even want to know, your life won't change. Enjoy your life giving happiness.