"Gut" instincts....

United States
January 16, 2010 4:08pm CST
I believe all of us have what some call "gut" instincts. It is that little feeling within us that tells us we are about to make a good choice or a bad choice. Every time I have gone against that "gut" instinct, things have not gone so well! I have come to think of it as one way God guides me. What about you? Do you always listen to your gut instincts? Do you follow them? What has happened when you don't? Do share. Karen
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23 responses
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
16 Jan 10
Hiya Karen, that too is a sore point for me, when I made the decision, the rather regrettable decision of moving in with my partner at the time my gut instinct was telling me NO NO NO, apart from knocking me over the head with a sledgehammer my instincts couldn't have been more clear or blatant and yet I still went against them, and boy did I suffer for ignoring them. Why don't I learn, because it wasn't the first time and probably not the last time that I ignore them. Most of the time my instincts are correct especially about people, maybe I have a sixth sense and yet I go against them, why, why, why? Looking back there have been too many instances where my gut instinct has been 100% right and if only I had of listened instead of going against it, what am I trying to prove, why don't I learn? Maybe next time? Gawd I hope so dear friend!
• United States
16 Jan 10
I have this same problem...not learning from prior mistakes, and it frustrates me with myself to no end. I think my gut instincts have always always been right...for good OR bad, and I hate that characteristic of paying them too little heed too often. If you find the key to "wisen up" please do let me know!! We can keep trying...we must!! Karen
• India
1 Feb 10
Hello my friend PeacefulWmn9 Ji, In my case it has gone in both ways. ut I have found somethi for you, you may go through following and learn more with following site :- http://ezinearticles.com/?Trusting-Your-Gut:-How-to-Lead-Using-Your-Instincts&id=68910 [b]"We were all born with natural instinct. We cried when we were hungry - not because we were taught to, but because it was our instinctive response to our physical need. Emotion calls on instinct too. The “flight or fight” response to fear is one most of us have experienced and, with the adrenaline pounding through us, we know the reaction was not the result of a calculated decision-making process. Our natural instinct is used most in sports, drama, music and other non-academic activities. It tends to be suppressed as we mature. Instinct, or intuition, remains in us as adults, but is usually underdeveloped and under-recognized. You’ve surely had the experience of meeting someone new in both personal and professional situations - and having a “gut feeling” about them. Or of walking into a room and sensing the “vibes” – good or bad. This is your instinct piping up, giving you a chance to “trust your gut” and “listen to the vibes.” Instinct is insight based not on reason, but on awareness. When we allow it back into our consciousness, we can become more effective in many areas of life, including our role as a leader. Allowing it back calls for a heightened sense of openness to our self and others...."[/b] May God bless You and have a great time.
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• India
3 Feb 10
Hello my friend PeacefulWmn9 Ji, So nice of you for your quick, immediate and positive favourable comments.Also it was added with my reward in form of BR. I do not know,it is our internal feelings, if at all I come to your country again, I would never miss you to met. There is a little translousent ray in pipe line. May God bless You and have a great time.
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• United States
3 Feb 10
My pleasure to give you the BR. How lovely it would be to meet you and talk, face to face :)) Perhaps if God wills it, someday I will be able to come to your country! God's blessings to you Karen
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• United States
2 Feb 10
Hello my friend. Thank you for providing such an insightful article. It describes very well how "gut instinct" works with knowledge and prior experience to warn of good or of danger in many situations. It can also help us determine whether or not a person is to be trusted! Thank you, and may God bless you, too. Karen
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• United States
16 Jan 10
Hi Karen, I have never gone againist my gut instinct & been right. I wish i had always listened to it would probably had stopped alot of the heartache i have had over the years.
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• United States
16 Jan 10
Hi Jo. Oh, I wish the very same as you. Every time I've gone against those instincts, I've paid an awful price! Ugh! One would think such experience would be a good teacher. Well, it is, but I think too often, I am a bad student! I will HAVE to do better lol. Have a nice night. Karen
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• United States
17 Jan 10
Good morning Karen, we have all learned by our mistakes for sure. At least we survived some of our crazy decisions, lol, some people don't so we are pretty "tuff'.
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• United States
18 Jan 10
Hello my friend, and yes, thank God we ARE survivors lol. You're right, not everyone is! Enjoy your evening and sleep well tonight :) xoxo Karen
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
17 Jan 10
Hi PeacefulWmn, I was thinking of starting a discussion with the same topic I have always believed in Gut feeling or intution or whatever it is that we call it. Like you I have had this little nagging worry when I knew that things would not work out well ,and also when things would go well.But there have been instances where inspite of that nagging little feeling , I have gone ahead and done things which have gone wrong, so , now i am very careful about taking risks or going against that Gut feeling - all the best and have a nice evening
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
17 Jan 10
Sorry typing error ...intuition not intution...
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• United States
23 Jan 10
Hello Kiran I have done the same...gone against that wise little voice or those "feelings" that am telling me I'm about to make a mistake. Each time, the voice was right and I should have paid heed to it! Karen
• Boston, Massachusetts
17 Jan 10
Hi Karen, When i need to make a decision, i always pray and settled with my guts. i considered it as god's way of tellling me that my decision is right or wrong. i always listen to my guts with assertion.
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• United States
18 Jan 10
Hi Ms :) So do I...consider those instincts to be God trying to guide us in the right direction. I have rued every time I've not paid heed to that...ugh! Good for you for always listening to yours. Karen
• Boston, Massachusetts
18 Jan 10
good realizations karen. aside from the instinct i still pray before opening my mouth to say my decision. i know i am guided for that. whatever is the result i offer it back to him with thanksgiving and praise!
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@malamar (779)
• Canada
19 Jan 10
Hi Karen, It seems you have plenty of the answers you need here, but I wanted to chime in anyways. Your gut is your friend! Choosing not to listen to that "little voice" inevitably ends up in disaster. We all make choices in life, and those choices help us to become who we are today. When we choose not to listen to our instincts, it merely sends us on a different path. But even the wrong path portrays a vision, or picture, of our life journey. Learning to listen (or not listen) to our "inner voices" or "gut instincts" simply adds more chapters to the story. With time, experience, and life lessons, hopefully7 we all get better, or more successful, at responding to what we already (deep down inside) know. Here's hoping your gut someday triumphs! Malamar
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• United States
23 Jan 10
Hello Malamar I appreciate your chiming in..and I love that: Your gut is your friend. I need to write that on a dozen post-its and hang them everywhere, including in my car. And everything you've said is true. I have realized that almost every single problem I've had I've at some point back in time brought on myself! Thank you for the "chiming." Karen
@malamar (779)
• Canada
23 Jan 10
I so agree with you Karen! If we learn to carefully (and honestly) learn to evaluate some of our life lessons, we will find we personally play a huge part in all of them. It is just so easy to lay blame on someone or something else, to avoid looking to deeply into ourselves. We see it most in interpersonal relationships - it is always the other guy (husband, boss, girlfriend, whatever) when indeed we know "it takes two to tangle".
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Jan 10
Yes I do and it is always correct, so I am so glad that I listen to it Ok sometimes it has been wrong but very rare and I will always listen to it
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• United States
18 Jan 10
Hi Gabs. Yay! I'm so glad you listen to yours and that they are almost nearly always right. Most people's are, if they don't try to out-think or out-shout those wise instincts. :) Karen
• India
17 Jan 10
hi...they say that every time you follow your "gut" feelings or "gut" instincts you wont get worried..it always helps you when you are in a dilemma or two-way decision..most of my friends strongly believe in it and follows it..they say that their "gut" instincts never go wrong... but in my case its quite opposite...whenever i follow my "gut" feelings definitely it goes wrong...the reason might be that i don't believe in it and never tried to believe in it...the recent incident happened..it was like i had an exam on that day..i have studied but not the complete syllabus...i had a strong "gut" feeling that the question paper will be definitely tough..and i m gonna flunk...but for my surprise it was damn easy...the questions came from what i studied..and i had done very well...so i believe that its in a opposite way in may case of "gut" instincts
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• United States
18 Jan 10
Hi Shijjukhan Hm, now that is very interesting. Perhaps in your case, you should NEVER follow your gut? lol I do believe we all have the good inner instincts, but....sometimes what we think we want over rides those wiser feelings and we mistake the desire for common sense or wisdom? Again, very interesting. Karen
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Jan 10
When I don't? I usually end up asking myself "why did you do that?"
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• United States
23 Jan 10
Hello Dawn Isn't that the truth?? I especially hate those troubles I unnecessarily bring on myself when at this age, I should have learned better. Thank you for commenting. Karen
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Hey Karen! I do have gut instincts and I don't always listen to them and then I am sorry! I can't think of anything in particular at the moment, but I do know that there have been many times that my gut has told me not to do something and I have done it anyway and been sorry! I do think that sometimes I have listened, but I don't always know when to listen and when not to! If I always did listen I would never go out and do anything and I am pretty much that way most of the time!
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• United States
18 Jan 10
Hi Opal :) Oh yes, I am always sorry when I don't listen to mine, too. For I know better!! I'm glad most of the time you do follow yours :)) Thank you for responding. karen
@savypat (20216)
• United States
17 Jan 10
I wish I had a gut that would give warnings. All I have is a brain that says, you shouldn't have done that, but i did and now I have to figure out what to do about it.
• United States
17 Jan 10
LOL, Pat...I seem to have been blessed with both, but the connection between the two must have shorted out somewhere along the way! Karen
2 Feb 10
I think that over the years my gut has learnt from all those bad decisions I have made. So now when I suddenly get a feeling that something bad is about to happen or a decision would be a bad one, my gut has learnt and so warns me. Or maybe it's just that I have learned to listen to my gut instincts rather than foolishly ingnoring than as I probably did when I was making all those mistakes.
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• United States
3 Feb 10
Hello to you It is good when we can learn from our prior experiences...and I'm glad you do listen to those good instincts you've acquired in life :) Karen
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
19 Jan 10
I think that it is always important to follow your gut instincts. There have been a few times in my life that I haven't followed my gut and things turn out terribly if that little thing in the back of my mind is telling me to do something from what I decide to do. However, the greatest majority of the time I do follow my gut and things turn out well for me when I do that. So, I think that there is an instinct within in us that it is important to listen to.
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• United States
23 Jan 10
Hello Dorann You are right, it IS so important to "follow our gut." I seem to learn many things the hard way, but they ultimately become the greatest lessons. I also have learned to let my instincts rule...well, most of the time :) Karen
• United States
17 Jan 10
After making a few mistakes in my life for not listening to my gut instinct I realized its importance. Now that I am heading towards a better direction I listen to it all the more. There is no way I am making another mistake in my life. I suppose those of us know about its value should teach it to our children also. That is how they will learn how to stay on the right track.
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• United States
18 Jan 10
Hello Athena. I'm so glad you learned after only a few mistakes. It's taking me far too many! But...hopefully I'm getting much much better at it. And yes, we try to pass that knowledge of listening to instincts to our children :) Karen
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
17 Jan 10
I've been listening to my stomach for a very long time, and its kept me out of trouble. Sometimes there is a Great temptation to ignore those tight stomach muscles, and perhaps I have to some extent a time or two. But don't forget the good choices because when you get in the habit of listening to your stomach, you will sometimes get the opposite signal. This one advises to go ahead with your plan because its the right one for you.
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• United States
17 Jan 10
You are right about listening to both kinds of signals from our stomachs, Bare...as they often say, "Yes," too :)) Great advice! Karen
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
16 Jan 10
Hi Karen, I think I always follow my instincts, which is why I find it quite easy to say no to things which I don't really want to do. I certainly always follow them where people are concerned and it serves me well. When I have gone against my instincts it usually leaves me annoyed, and it's not something I do very often.
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• United States
16 Jan 10
I admire that, Thea. Even though I have learned better, I still go against mine too often...a thing I am working hard now to correct! And yes, going against them leads to annoyance...or worse! Karen
@Tallygirl09 (1380)
• United States
17 Jan 10
I agree that we all have them. And like you I have gone against them and wished I hadn't. Missed a flight because I answered 1 more phone call before going out the office door even tho I had the nagging voice saying time to go! Had more than enough time to get there so took the call. It only lasted a few minutes but it was enough that I got stuck in traffic near an accident and missed my flight home. That was the last flight that I could have taken before they cancelled flight due to the snow coming down so hard. But I did get another night of room service at my company's expense so not too horrible! I always listen when I meet someone, there's some kind of vibe that tells me if they are good or not. I learned to trust that one years ago...I think the God is in our daily life as much or as little as we allow. Many only turn to God in a crisis and wonder why he doesn't answer the call immediately. I remember a job interview that went really well and I was excited, hoping for an offer. Didn't get it and was sad but got a great job soon after. About 2 months later, I found out that the first company went bankrupt so it ended up so much better for me in the long run.
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• United States
18 Jan 10
Hello Tally :) Ack, I just hate when I do that, for I know better!! Both big things and small have taught me better. I also believe these instincts are God actively working in us every day. I am glad you ended up doing well with the job decision :)) Take care, Karen
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
hi peaceful... this is a nice discussion. sometimes i trust my instincts and sometimes i dont and whenever i dont, theres always this voice saying... "i told you so! i told you so! dang!" Just last month, i was in a public transport and was looking at my text messages and i slipped my phone on the little pocket of my backpack. So theres this voice, "no no no... not there! inside" and i would rebuttle, "aw comon! nothing would happen! and the voice would reply, "dont say i didnt warn yah!" so i got out of the public transport and walked up in the bridge for the train station. I could swear someone fidgeting on my bag. So I looked back and saw a guy looking down, slowly he went down the stairs. and i immediately looked at my pocket. Dang! It was open! The voice inside me say, "Shout for help dammit! That bad guy just snatched your phone!" I had been eyeing the guy all the way down but i still didnt shout, cat bit my tongue! I was shocked and afraid. These are classic instances wherein the instincts are always right... I really believe it is the voice of God... The problem is that i am just so stubborn. Thanks for putting this discussion, may it always remind me to follow my instincts.
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• United States
17 Jan 10
Hello Grace, thank you :) Don't you just hate that little "I told you so voice?" Ugh...so sad about the phone, but I think we all do such things. I know I do. But yes, as you've said, I firmly believe those instincts are God trying always to guide us in the right manner, in big things and small! Take care and thank you for responding. :) Karen
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
hi there happy new year my friend..thats is true as far my experiences if i feeling uneasy to do some things or going to travel i wont go i feel that something is not right.i experience one instances i was going to travel by plane but that night it was raining heavily so i cancel my flight but it happen they experience trouble engines as one of my friend called me she is also my buddy in project so the pilot says that we cannot travel today because of trouble engines and weather condition so flight was cancel.i think my gut is right i got a feeling so i oftentimes i listen to my gut instinct.i think that is are subconcious telling us to decide either to go or not.
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• United States
17 Jan 10
Hi Amy, and happy new year to you too :) What a great example of how wise it is to listen to what our instincts tell us. I'm so glad you know that yours will do well by you :)) Take care, and keep listening to that gut. Karen
@Trojin (187)
• United States
17 Jan 10
I believe that, too. Though.. I'd call mine a bit of a psychic feeling.. Not to sound crazy or whacky or anything. I get strong feelings when I'm thinking about things, if its good I'll go for it. Bad... Well, I wont of course.. Or I'll be reluctant. A lot of times when I don't listen to my feelings I've pissed off or disappointed my girlfriend.. Sucks.. I dunno about God guiding me, but I seem to be right on the money when I predict things a lot of the time.
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• United States
17 Jan 10
Hi Trojin Whatever we call these "instincts," I do believe with all possess them with varying degrees of intensity. I do believe it is God...well for me, but again, yes, we all have them and as you've discovered, it is good to listen to those feelings. Thank you. Karen