Forgive him or Punish him for what he did

January 24, 2010 12:28am CST
(Hypothetical) A 20 year old man goes to a nuclear plant and presses a "DON'T PRESS" button and the consequence is that the engine stops and the company loses 1Billion Dollars. When the man was questioned, he said "he was curious to know what would happen had he pressed, but had no intentions in his mind to cause 1 Billion dollars loss to the organization". If you were the GM of the organization, would you forgive him or punish him for what he did? and why? If I was the GM, I would punish him according to the laws, since I feel he is 20years old and he must be a more responsible person. Had it been a 10 year old, (maybe) I would have forgiven.
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20 responses
• United States
24 Jan 10
I would have punished him because at 20 years-old, he should know better. He could have hurt someone, he caused a company to lose one billion dollars, and he did a horrible thing. I would not be able to forgive that. This man caused a company to lose a lot and could have done something horrible to others. How does anyone forgive that? He would go to prison and he would have to learn to be very responsible. A 10 year-old child is different, and they do not always possess the mind that a 20 year-old should have. A 20 year-old should know more and know better than a 10 year old. I am not saying that child would not pay for that action, his parents would have to pay and he would have to pay somehow, but a 20 year-old should have the sense to know better. I know that 20 year-olds can be irresponsible, oh well I do know this, but I also know that when it comes to things like this, a 20 year-old should not be this irresponsible. I know that I have done some pretty stupid things at that age, but I would never have done anything like that. I have been to my mother's place of work a lot and she would constantly tell me what I could and could not do, and knew why because it was her place of work. She had every right to tell me what I could and could not do at her work. Also, I did not want her to lose her job. This 20 year-old, could have cost a lot people their jobs.
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
Yeah i agree with you. I will punish him as well. I just can't let it pass by. 20 year old is not a joke when it comes to age, I mean you are treated as an adult and of course everyone expects you to act like one. First, what was he doing in my plant? I bet he is not my worker, because if he is, he would be well aware that the don't press button literally means DO NOT PRESS and we are serious about it. Second, being aware that you are in a nuclear plant, being curios is a different story, if you are intelligently curious, instead of pressing it by yourself, it wouldn't hurt to ask question. Third, what you don't know won't hurt you. So now he knows what the DON'T PRESS BUTTON means, he will be punish because of his evil move. hahah Thank you for the discussion.
24 Jan 10
eventhough he is just an visitor or whatsoever, he is still liable. thats it. end of story. hahahaha
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
24 Jan 10
This post brings up several questions, before I can answer it properly. 1) Does the person work at the plant or did he just wonder in of the street? If he works there, why wasn't there a better screening process to deal with his obvious non-stability? If he just wandered off a street, why wasn't there a security guard or several security guards there to stop him. If the person is mentally incompetent, he will be liable for his actions, however, in my world the corporation would be liable too because they obviously neglected several facets of being in charge of such an important facility--most obviously security.
• Malaysia
25 Jan 10
I would kick him out of the company, sue him and take every single penny from him until the losses are covered. After all, I would expect a 20 year old to have more brains than that
@azedicus (43)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
fire him, in the first place, it was so idiotic to intentionally press something with a "don't press" warning button. it's pointless to even listen to his excuse. and if i was the one who hired him, i would even grieve to myself for hiring such an idiot, just come to think of it. 1Billion dollars? oh come on. for you to loose that much just because of a "white idiotic move" would just signal that you lost that much for nothing. well at least, the curiosity of that paid of, a "don't press" button costs 1Billion Dollars. lol
@sjsum99 (27)
• United States
25 Jan 10
Curiosity killed the cat, and this is the number 1 example of that. I think I am not alone in the fact that I am curious about a lot in life. And surely if you tell me not to do something, it makes me even more curious to find out why. That said, I would ask until someone knew the answer, I would never touch that button. Thats part of being a responsible adult. Working in a nuclear plant, you need to understand that everything could potentially be dangerous, and though it just ended up costing the company money, it could have cost them his or others lives just the same. In the end, I think he deserves to have punishment issued. There are consequences to your actions, whether big or small and he needs to receive his.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
24 Jan 10
I would have to punish him according to company policy. I would imagine that having cost the organization a billion dollars, that would probably mean his being fired. I would expect that at 20 years old, he would know how to obey the rules. You can not just do forbidden things because you are curious about the outcome. You have to be prepared to face the consequences for what you do. I would expect a 10 year old to act on impulse or out of curiosity. I would expect he would possibly act out of rebellion. He would not be expected to have the control over these things that a 20 year old capable of working in Corporate America would.
@alfroi635 (297)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
if i was the GM of the company, I will forgive that man personally but he should be punished to the company's rules and regulations. He is in the right age to decide for his actions. and he should stand whatever the outcome of what he did.
@kaylachan (75567)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 Jan 10
Losing money isn't exactly what anyone wants, especially a power plant, or plant of any kind. But, if someone was to do something that stupid, I'd question how the company was running things. More over how well they are screaning their employees. Losing the money was the least of their problems. I don't care how old you are, but if someone thinks pressing random bottons is funny and is a joke, in a place where such a prank could have cost lives, then that person , if wasn't be screaned properally before, should be taken and be elevulated on a phycological level.Because that could've ended up worse. The person should be foied and people should really re-think their hiring polocies.
@wizteen (502)
• India
24 Jan 10
being curious is not a reason good enough to do that. i think he should be punished. if anyone who can read, does that, he should be punished. I bet he wouldnt have pressed it if it read "DONT PRESS or else you may loose your life" he wouldnt have been so curious then.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
24 Jan 10
To be honest, i think i would punish him, but at the same time try and get him to be more responsible. He is young and have a lot too learn. It is a lot of money, but you know, with such a plant it can be made up, in a record time. Punishing your co-workers is not always that easy, as you have to depend on them in the future. This is not the easiest question to answer, you know.
@mikmoken (162)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
For me I would punish him in rightful way and in accordance to law. But if GM were rich I would rather pay for the 1Billion dollar lost for any payments as long he/she will pay. In that sense he was curious, he should know might happen if he will press. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. thanks.
@shuyin101 (206)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
20 years old? He should be punished. A company losing 1 billion dollars is serious. That company must have got a lot of employee and if that company goes down because of his "curiosity" I would never forgive him as a GM. GM's responsible if the company will do well and if it did fall, a lot of employees will lose their job and come to think of it, what will they do to their family during recession jobless just because of CURIOSITY. I would punish him to the extent allowable by the law based on what he did.
@vinabee (85)
• China
24 Jan 10
the man said that he only want to know what would happened after pressing the button, so i also want to ask him whether he consider the result now happen, losing 1billion dollars. a man, who has the responsibility, must think twice whenever going to have a decision. but on the other hand, why the nuclear factory have the low security that one man can press the button whatever he likes.
@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
24 Jan 10
lol it's funny in a way. I think the employee is really silly. Instad of just pressing the button, why not asking someone what it does? That man won't have enough monney to pay the total loss of the company even if he spends the rest of his life working to pay off his debt. I don't know how they can punish him. Aren'T those companies covered by insurance anyway?
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
Hi Rakesh, how did the man manage to enter the premise, a nuclear plant is heavily guarded, So hypothetical answering, since all nuclear plant are owned by government ohh i bet he will rot in jail. AND the GM he can not do anyhting, he would have been fire on that same hour.
24 Jan 10
no. 1 rule in the workplace is to follow rules and regulations. for him he should be punished. it not an excuse to say that he was curious about doing such things. it is very un accpetable for me if i ere the GM of the company,.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
24 Jan 10
If he were an employee, he would be both fired and placed in jail because he would have already known what to press and what not to press. If he were someone from outside as stated in the Hypothetical, then there should have been a guard to make sure he didn't touch anything. So both he and the guard would be in trouble. And the GM would be in hot water too for not having safequards in place, since it is a nuclear power plant.
• India
24 Jan 10
LOL funny one 1 billion dollars lose being a GM still i would think for my profit :P instead a sending him to jail for nothing i would keep him on job as working paying him almost nothing LOL will get .1% of the loss =]] will give him the choice of sueing him or being a worker
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
As the security measures are lax the 20 yr man will only be imprisoned for a few days but if he spent years just to push the forbidden button as a wrongdoer and had success but cost the company huge losses then he deserves the punishment.