Why Does It Seem That Some Of Us Ruin The Best Things In Our Lives?
By Opal26
@Opal26 (17679)
United States
January 25, 2010 1:02am CST
I seem to have a habit of ruining or destroying whatever good
things that I have in my life! It seems to be a pattern with
me! I don't have that many good things that do happen and when
they do I seem to manage to destroy them or mess them up,
usually in a big way and I've managed to do it once again. My
boyfriend that I have been with for two years has told me that
he doesn't love me anymore and it's my fault. I have taken him
forgranted and he's right! I have been so busy giving myself
a "pity party" with what's going on with me that I haven't taken
the time to realize that I have been dumping too much stuff on
him! And he really does deserve better. I don't know if I can
fix this, I don't know if he will even let me and I am now
heartbroken because it is pretty much my fault. I mean he has
faults to, but I realized how selfish I've been and I just feel
so bad. Have any of you done something to someone that you
you wish you didn't and couldn't take back or fix? Do you
destroy the good things in your life? What do you do to make
it better or do you even try?
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57 responses
@arlenetogo (26)
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
At my age of 49, I must tell you that before I came to this age, I had committed similar mistakes and hurt a lot of people myself; I call it a growing up pains. One thing I like about you is that you are honest enough to admit that you are in error and that is in itself a BIG step for change. You still have a hope of becoming a better person eventually. What I see is a sense insecurity and ineptness holds you from seeing the potential within you and usually this stemmed from your childhood experiences. Sometimes in the process of us growing up, we incur hurts, disappointments, frustrations and we find hard to forgive others and forgive ourselves. These accumulates and became bags of burdens that we carry in our shoulders subconciously. It lingers and form its own, soon it becomes our motivation. Anyway, my advise for you is to identify what is the probable cause of these "self centeredness and self pity" and go over it and as you go, cry over it and after that, tell yourself you forgive this person, or that person who hurt you and then forgive yourself for hurting other people and in this case, your boyfriend.IT also helps to pray over these people to release it from yourself.
Second step, wake up everyday believing and anticipating for good things and good changes to come.Everyday holds a promise of a better life. Look at the mirror and see the best person in you, not the ugly side.Always specify that good person inside you...refuse to see the other side. Focus on the good and get rid of the bad. Eventually, you will learn to see what you need to see in you - the good one with all the good qualities you possess.
Anyway, the Lord created us in His image; and who He is, we are designed to be. So finally, in your prayers (personal, not religious type) ask God to reveal who you are in Him and you will see, how beautiful you are in His sight!
Do not worry about the boyfriend, if its meant to be, he will come back when he see the change; but if he will not, look forward because someone else will come along and this time, you will be prepared to meet him and make it work the second time around for good.
It works for me, it will work for you! God bless you!
God bless you!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Jan 10
Hi arlene~ Those were some very fine words of wisdom you gave
me and I am truly greatful. I do know my own faults and am the
first to admit them. But, bf has a habit of keeping everything
inside and that makes it difficult for anyone to deal with
him. I happen to be the best person in his life and he needs
to realize this before it's too late. I have done so much for
him too! I am always just to quick to take the blame, as you
have said because that is my own inadaquacies coming forward!
@arlenetogo (26)
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
Men are designed to keep things within themselves; their "macho" image just prevent them from spilling out what they feel inside. It's not that we want them to, but it is wise to have someone who is able to communicate what he feels. Communications is a two way street; can not be achieved on a single lane. WEll, one thing. this will help you to grow to be more confident next time. Don't take it on you. In a relationship, it takes two to tango!
I love the song "someones waiting to love you...". There is a person that is right for you. You don't have to find him. You just have to be there waiting for him when he comes.
God bless!
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Jan 10
He could have taken the time to say there was an issue a LONG time before it before it became and issue that he felt could not be fixed.
Opal dont blame yourself there's two people in a relationship and communication is key!
I'm sure i have done things i wish i could take back...but I cant think of anything major at this very moment.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
25 Jan 10
I can't say that I do that ruin the best things in my life..and my advice to you would be......if you think it's worth it then try with all your heart to fix things.....I don't think I have ever done anything to anyone to intentionally hurt them....but I have had it done a few times to me.....
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
25 Jan 10
Hi Opal26,
I am so sorry that your boyfriend has left you, please don't blame yourself for everything, if he esays he don't love you no more, maybe he never loved you, you can't just stop loving someone, he should have been there for you not matter what, sorry but maybe you are better off without him, please don't beat yourself up anymore, its not your fault.
@mands61123 (2098)
25 Jan 10
My first piece of advice would be to stop thinking so negatively hun negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive. I'm not saying no shite will ever happen if you think positively I'm just saying you'll view it differently and people will view you differently. It's very rare for people to just fall out of love with each other, become sick of the situation yes! reach the end of their teather yes! but deep down they still have feelings. He may have told you in hope that you would realise how bad the situation had gotten in hope that the relationship could be salvaged. My advice would be to explain to him like you have here exactly how you feel and hope that you can move forward together. It takes two people to make or break a relationship so do't beat yourself up too much sometimes as hard as people try & despite huge sacrifices things just don't work out.
As for your question yes i'm sure everyones done things they wish they hadn't and couldn't take back or fix but if you move forward learn from it and never make the mistake again that experience has served it's purpose. I don't feel that I destroy the good in my life but I also don't think about my actions that way everything happens for a reason don't over analyse focus on the future and move forward implementing what you can to make it better. After all whats done is done sometimes actions speak louder than words. I wish you both every happiness.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Jan 10
Thanks mands for putting things so eloquently! I know that
you are right about everything that you said, but knowing
and doing and feeling are a whole different thing! Right now
my feelings are all over the place! One minute I am hurt, upset,
and then I get angry! Right now I am dreading for him to get
home from work because I just don't know what to expect! And
don't like that feeling! This is my apartment! We talked once
today and he seemed fine, then I just called him and he wouldn't
pick up the phone! So are we back to that again? I am not good
at this kind of "game"! So I don't know how long I will put
up with it before I lose my temper either! But, thank you for
putting things in perspective, it is much appreciated!
@mands61123 (2098)
26 Jan 10
His childishness isn't helping the situation hun if he's upset thats understandable but he needs to communicate that he needs time. If you're frustrated maybe write it all in a letter get everything out and leave it for him to read and respond. It's natural to feel the way you're feeling and it's natural for him to feel the things he's feeling we're human we naturally focus on our own point of view and often that leads to a lack of clarity (ie tunnel vision). It's only once things settle that we start to see the fuller picture and that there are two sides to every story. Like I said before beating yourself up about it doesn't solve anything no ones perfect everyone makes mistakes. Even if you write the letter and keep it for you, you might just find it theraputic to vent and get everything down. Then when you're calmer you can sort through it all, organise it try and make some sense of it. Don't expect miracles at this point hun give yourself time, him too, things will get better and you will weather the storm. Stay strong and make sure you reach out to your friends. It's times like these you need someone to lean on.
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
26 Jan 10
...Hi Opal, Hope you are doing well in spite of the break-up with your boyfriend.
Which may not be completely over yet. Not many relationships that have gone on for that long, end with a clean break. There is usually more of a winding down to it. So if you want to patch things up with him, you just may have the chance to do what you thought you should have done more of, before he announced he didn't love you anymore, which I also believe is not quite true. There is a little more steam in this relationship engine "o). Now, you need if I may say so, to sit down and counsel with yourself, as to why you think you mess good things up, is it that you don't think you deserve to have things go well, if so, turn your perspective around and know and believe, that you are deserving, you should have good things in your life and embrace them instead of possibly sub-conciously sabotaging them. Meditate and bring positive forces around you and you will be able to push away those things that cause you perhaps to mess up, as you say the good things in your life. Good luck and take care.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
26 Jan 10
I think you have put your finger right on it, artistry when you say that we need to know that we are deserving. I think this has a lot to do with self-esteem. He seems to get his by putting Opal down. I want to help Opal understand how precious she truly is. What you have said here should help her a lot toward realizing that she deserves the best.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Jan 10
Thank you both for believing in me! I am starting to really
get angry now! I know that he is also "damaged"! I can't really
get into the details because they are extremely personal, but
if I did it would really make EVERYONE angry at him for sure
and blame him totally! I'm starting to wonder if I even want
to deal with him at this point because he is just plain being
mean at this point! I'm no fool believe me and once I started
getting angry all hell could break loose!
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
25 Jan 10
I wouldn't say that it is ALL your fault. Yes, it is hard to be around people who are negative all the time; it drains your own positive energy. But on the other hand, your boyfriend should be supportive of you and try and help you through the difficult times, perhaps point you in a more positive direction. If you have taken him for granted, he has let you.
It takes two to make a relationship. Yes, some people sabotage their relationships, sometimes knowlingly, but since I don't know you personally nor do I know the ins and outs of your relationship, I can't agree with you 100%. Even if I did, I wouldn't be a real friend if I agreed with you.
Of course, this is coming from someone who is known to be negative. I'm good at not practicing what I preach.
The important thing is that you know what you feel you have done wrong and can make an effort to change. This may include counselling, reading motivational books, listening to motivational tapes/videos, etc., but changes won't happen overnight. It takes baby steps.
There is also the possibility that this guy is not the one for you if he can't love and accept you for you. I am not speaking negatively of him because a) I don't know him, and b) things may not be over between you two. With any luck you still have a chance to repair this relationship.
I wish you the best and pray that you have the life that God has meant for you.

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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Jan 10
Hey pat~ I do tend to be on the negative side. I also have a
problem with depression which he knew when he met me. We met
in a Rehab so we both knew each others issues. We both knew
that there were major problems in our pasts so there were no
surprises. So it's not like he didn't see some of my bad side
before we lived together! I don't know if I can fix things,
and I don't know if it is meant to be or not. But, I can't
let him break me either. I just don't know how I am going to
get through this without falling apart. Thank you for your
kind words. They are very much appreciated.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
25 Jan 10
I am sorry to read what you have written and feel bad for your unhappiness Opal.Hope you retrieve the relationship by persistent effort.I have never taken anything for granted in life and only today we were discussing at home about this and my husband was saying that my extra sympathy and lenience had only landed me in trouble in my past.
I have always been on the other side-namely I would allow people to take me for granted and allow them plenty of space and finally feel bad.THe person who has taken another for granted will have to make very hard efforts to get them back[Only then the situation can be retrieved and the feeling and efforts must be very genuine.
CHEER UP!You talk to him openly, say that you you had taken him for granted and it will not happen again.Mean it and follow it diligently if you do not want to lose a good relationship because 'Actions speak louder than words'.
I would definitely make an effort[have in the past though in different contexts]and after that if it fails then your conscience at least is clear.But sincerity in thought and deed must be hundred percent .
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
25 Jan 10
I know of a simialr siruation where person A was filled with selfpity and lost what person B had been offering out of goodness and sympathy.This created a lot of expectation and there was too much of 'taking for granted' and finally the 'good realtionship'was lost forever.
If there were genuineness and openness the matter could have been sorted out but there were other impeding factors and it failed.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
25 Jan 10
If you feel he is a good person and the number of times you have erred is greater[as your conscience has pointed out] goa fter him, shed your ego , talk to him openly, make sincere efforts and take it thereon.Do not expect results ina jiffy.It takes long to mend.
GIev it time and effort and try hard.If it does not work out, then leave it.Atleast , your conscience woudl be clear.[but only after repetitive trials].
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Jan 10
Hey kalav~ It is alot more complicated than I really can explain.
I have also felt that he has taken me forgranted in some ways
too so there is sort of alot more going on here. Maybe we just
can't work out all our stuff and maybe we just aren't meant
to be as a couple. We both care for each other, but maybe
we shouldn't be together is what he is feeling! There are alot
of mixed up feelings here and alot of things that he keeps
to himself which is one of the biggest problems. I don't
keep things inside! I just don't know what's going to happen
right now. We are talking a little, and at this point I guess
that's something!

@drannhh (15219)
• United States
25 Jan 10
I do not buy any of this. What kind of creep would tell a woman that he doesn't love her any more and it is HER fault? That is nonsense. The only fault you have is if you were to continue wasting your time being broken-hearted over a user and a loser. Do you really believe that you have to EARN a man's love?
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
26 Jan 10
Hello, kalav56 :-) It is OK for us to have different beliefs. The important thing, though, is that Opal understands that her boyfriend was wrong to dismiss her needs and pretend it was about love. I do not hold men to a different standard than women, but I do think that love and respect are two completely different things. I think that it might be difficult for me to fall in love with someone I did not respect, but once enamored of a man I would not fall OUT of love with him just because he was undergoing some difficulties.
But I realize that in my culture love is a more emotional thing than in some others, where rationality is expected. Here reason flies out the window when love come in, which is perhaps why we have such a high divorce rate. 

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
25 Jan 10
Goodness, did he give you any warning? Doesn't sound to me like it's totally your fault. Maybe you have taken him for granted, but did he ever speak up and say so?
But yep, I've done some damage in my time. I'm still figuring out how to dig myself out. It's a matter of figuring out how I contributed to the problem and avoiding doing those things any more.
But sometimes something is broken and can't be fixed any more. I hope that's not the case with you and your boyfriend. :-(
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
29 Jan 10

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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
29 Jan 10
thats kind of what i wanted to say is that perhaps you are takeing on guilt that you dont deserve. but i was afraid of offending you by blameing your bf. it seems you are trying to communicate with him and resolve the matter and like i said both parties have to work at a good relationship and you should tell him that. sorry
i love you to and know how hard it is to keep a stiff upper lip kid

@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
29 Jan 10
Hey bunny~ You know that you have been one of my oldest and
dearest friends here and I love you! We both seem to always
have alot of the same interests and problems, which is why
I think we get along so well and I am so happy to have you as
a special friend! I know that I have issues, but so does bf!
He keeps everything bottled up inside, and he says I never
shut up! I'd rather talk about things then be like him! So,
there again is another big difference and problem that we have!
I know that I have done alot for him, and he knows it too! He
is not perfect either, but I tend to always turn things in on
me, at least at first! But, if I am pushed to far, then I get
angry and then watch out! Thanks for being here for me!Hugs, Leslie
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
27 Jan 10
Hiya Opal,
Hey Opal don´t slam yourself so much, other things play a part in these happenings too it takes two to make a break up or makeup.
I went out with someone for 15 months and to this very day I don´t why I even went out with him. After that he scorned me for wasting his time. Well the real truth was that I was not good enough for his Family and he was always telling lies. So do I slam myself no way I am very glad I did what I did I dumped him because of the lie after lie.
Take time out for yourself you might find someone that really cares usually turns out to be that way heres to that.
Take care now and be kind to yourself.
2 people like this
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Jan 10
Hi lovinganel! Thank you for those kind words! And you too
are right! I deserve better and I know it! If you knew the
whole story you would wonder why I am even thinking of taking
any blame at all! He is definitely is the wrong person to even
think about "thowing stones" if you know what I mean!
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
28 Jan 10
Hiya Opal,
I know what you mean that´s okay. Slamming yourself into the ground will only harm you not anyone else.
Try to avoid throwing stones at your own roof it´s really hard because being Human the other part of the mind will act right away saying oh yeah that´s what you think. (grin) Old saying in Spain the Habit does not make him a Monk in other words old habits die hard, new habits good ones are more worth it. Still we are all Humans after all right now I don´t feel that human myself it´s too early in the morning.
@Picquarian (724)
• United States
29 Jan 10
I can relate completely. I find myself self-destructing often. For some reason, I guess I feel uncomfortable when things are going really well in my life. It is a continuous cycle, but it has to be broken or the rest of your life will be very hard. I myself turned toward outside counseling. Hearing another person's perspective on my situation has helped me a great deal.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
29 Jan 10
Hi Picquarian! You and I sound like we have alot in common!
I have also been in therapy and really was getting alot out
of it, but had to stop because of a problem with my medical
insurance. I am going to try to get back to my same therapist
again, but it may take a bit of time!
@arlenetogo (26)
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
hello! I have over heard (or read) this, and I just want to say that the only thing that can help is when you can be able to identify the root cause of the your self-destructing ways. What is your childhood like? Were you rejected or whatever. The next best thing is to face the root - usually, unforgiveness, bitterness and hatred keeps you from seeing your light. Let go of the inner wounds by forgiving those who have caused it. Let go of your anger to give way to healing. You have to see yourself in the light of who you really are as a person and not where you have been. Start loving yourself everyday and just commend yourself on little good things you. Deny that ugly voice that goes against your positive image of yourself and just say "I am wonderfully and fearfully made". Change your views of yourself and just love the person inside. If you will not learn to appreciate yourself then, who will. I want to pray for you also that Jesus will fill you up with His love because He really loves you despite of who you are or who you think you are. You are a child of God!!
@shalome (178)
• India
28 Jan 10
I never used to destroy the good things in my life till date, bcoz
one important thing we should learn in life, patience is the
sparking jewels in our life, destroying the things which ever we are
having at home it is very easy at moment but once we lost it we cannot
get back immediatly, becoz we should go to shop or place again purchase it
new one by paying $'s or money, by paying or spending money we should work and earn it. According to Bertrand Russell " No men can be a good teacher unless
he has feelings of warm affection toward his people and a genuine a desire
to impart to them what he himself believes to be value".
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Jan 10
Seems to me that when 2 people are in a relationship they need to work together to fix things. From what I understand your health isn't the best and this sort of thing makes it difficult to be the best you can be. A loving partner should understand this and be there for you...not wait till things are too bad then pull the plug. Seems to me this guy is a bit of a weakling.
This is not all your fault. The other person has to take responsibility for the relationship as well. You are a warm, loving, giving person and I'm sure you were very comfortable with this guy, comfortable enough to be yourself...if he needed more from you or something else from you he should have told you. Hang in there my friend and be brave. 

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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Jan 10
Hi MsTickle! And thank you for your very kind words! And you
are right! He has alot of faults of his own and the more I
think about it the angrier I am getting and the closer he is
getting to being thrown out! I have told him that he is lucky
that I am in his life because I am the only one that he can
really count on and he better think again about it because if
he leaves we are totally through! He thinks we can be "friends"
and I have warned him that will never happen!
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
25 Jan 10
I'm so sorry that things have gotten to such a state with you and your boyfriend.
I too have a way of messing up just about every thing I do. When I do this I will tell the person if it happens to be a person that I have done something to, that I am sorry...that I'm glad that they pointed this out to me and that if they will give me another chance I will do better by them.
Your boyfriend cares for you, he must. But he needs to know that you realize that you have done him wrong that he does deserve better from you and that you plan to make amends if he will let you.
I do hope that things work out for you and him. Best of luck and many blessings to you two.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
26 Jan 10
I know some times it's hard to express what you want to when talking to someone. Also, someetimes they really don't listen when you are talking.
Try writing him a letter and say what you want to...maybe that will get through to him.
I wish you much luck and blessings.
Remember though ...if he does not come back then maybe it was meant to be. I believe all things happen for a reason.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Jan 10
Hi moondancer~ I have tried to tell him how I feel, but I'm
just not sure he cares or believes me anymore. He knew that
I had problems and I knew he did too! We met in a Rehab!
But, if he wants to let me try he will, otherwise I don't
know what else to do. Thank you for your concern~

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
26 Jan 10
All you can do is tell hi straight out , just the way you wrote this post. tell him about your pattern of destroying the best things in your life. Tell him what is in your heart. and if he still leaves then it wasn't meant to be. You took the first step, You can see your pattern so the next step is to find out why.Good luck.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
26 Jan 10
You told him about your pattern and he still doesn't want to make up? Damn! I guess it is really over. I'm sorry.

@writersedge (22563)
• United States
26 Jan 10
In the USA, there are free and paid counselors. When my Mom had cancer 5 times in 20 years, I realized that I couldn't keep whining and complaining to my friends or they would run when they saw me coming. As it was, I lost some before I woke up. So I found someone to listen to me whine and complain. Then I could cry, get it over with, move on, be fun and happy and keep friends. People can only take so much of it. Sounds like you need to watch some comedies, esp. movies like "UP" together. Read some joke books, go out and have fun together, even if it's just shopping and only talk about him.
BEing gloom and doom can be a chemical imbalance, situational, or a learned behavior. You need to find out what the problem is (you probably already know, but in case you don't) behind the problem. Then do what you can with it. Obviously, my Mother dying of cancer, not much I could do but learn to accept it and have some me time to be happy a little every day. But that was easier said than done.
So good luck. IF you don't end up keeping him, then it is a lesson learned and there is probably someone else out there for you. He could have spoken up before it got to the point where he wanted to break up with you. Unless maybe he gave you hints and you didn't notice. Communication is a two way street and maybe you need a guy who is a better communicator or even a guy who's fun, a clown, someone who can take you outside of yourself. If he tried all that and you still put a damper on things, then you need to go to a counselor. Take care and good luck.

@writersedge (22563)
• United States
26 Jan 10
My Mom has been 12 years now, so I'm doing OK.
So maybe this time, you're not ruining the best thing. Maybe this relationship has run its course for both of you. Glad you're getting help. STill think you should go see some fun movies and read some joke books.
I was ordered by a college professor to get a sense of humor and it was the best advice I ever got.
Glad you've been diagnosed and have a therapist, that's a big help right there. Take care
@faridmadeabillion (1127)
• Bangladesh
26 Jan 10
Hey Madam! Generosity, Patience and sacrifice is a must in any relation. But if you're with a broken heart that you've messed up everything and feel at a loss, you can be sure never to recover again. What happened in past all are past now. You can't do any better about them now. The best thing for you is to take lessons from your past events and act wisely to make your coming days auspicious for you. I hope you are strong and courageous enough to start your life again in a very good form. Good luck!
@faridmadeabillion (1127)
• Bangladesh
27 Jan 10
Hey Opal26! Thank your very much for your consciousness. I pray to Allah so that He may give you the strength to restart your life again. Good luck!
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
26 Jan 10
ruining the good things, opal, may not be deliberate. probably, you just miss enjoying them, because they are fleeting. well, you can at least savor he memories of good things. if you want to read and see some good and beautiful things, you can see my site at http://pinoygnews.multiply.com/
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
27 Jan 10
please do and you can leave a comment there... i even have friends as far as new york there... thanks, opal.