Inter Cast Marriage.
By amitprashar
@amitprashar (245)
January 30, 2010 11:25pm CST
Guess what? The Indians are finally thinking above caste .....Well I am not to sure if it will remain the same during the elections but yes for sure that has been happening with Marriages.
The number of such marriage have shot up in the last 3 years.If you through the records presented it mind boggling.
Well at least some sign of mental growth shown here.
What do you think Inter cast marriages should be encouraged or not.
Do let me know.
32 responses
@visalusha (131)
• Australia
2 Feb 10
According to me the intercaste marriages can be encouraged until it does not affect anybody. The Indians mentality have improved far better than before in these few years.
But one thing we have to note is all the intercaste marriages are only love marriages. People don't find match for their children in different castes in arranged marriages.
They have started accepting it because today's youth are very bold enough and they feel independent. So the parents fear that they may leave them if they don't accept. This is the main reason for the Indians to accept intercaste marriages.
@amitprashar (245)
• India
2 Feb 10
Well this is just the start.Initially its love marriage soon people will find matches online as well without considering the caste factor.
I have a friend she is looking just for a Hindu no matter what caste he belongs too and the parents are fine with it as long as he is not a from a different religion.
So I guess the mental growth is taking place and eventually we will get over the caste row..
@heenajain33 (66)
• India
4 Feb 10
marriage is the bonding of 2 soul. in india it is quiet serious matter of inter caste but still i feel that they should be encouraged the most as it feel lead to more acceptable form of living and getting married
@Gaurav_Grover (112)
• India
10 Feb 10
Should not be encouraged, marriage is a beautiful relation so let it be beautiful..
@Gaurav_Grover (112)
• India
11 Feb 10
changes are part of life but its harder to do in inter cast, all together a different life......
@monsud44 (30)
• India
11 Feb 10
Heredity-based caste is a hate-filled concept introduced into hinduism during the end of dwapara yuga. It is not present in the Vedas. There is a line in the Rig Veda which says "My father is a farmer, my mother is a tailor and I am a scholar" or something along these lines. So our caste is only defined by our character, and not our family or heredity. It is not where you are born, but how you behave, and your natural inclinations that define you.
@monsud44 (30)
• India
11 Feb 10
Heredity-based caste is a hate-filled obsolete concept introduced into hinduism during the end of the thretha yuga. The greatness of Hinduism(sanatan Dharma)lies in the fact that it's customs and traditions evolve with the course of time, and our times demand that we must give up these differences based on heredity and family. A man's caste is defined not by his family, but by his character.
@pankajdhankar01 (51)
4 Feb 10
well I think that is a good sign for tha society. It shows that indian mindset is now changing
@grover123 (81)
• India
5 Feb 10
the many indians people thinks they did marriege in his cast because they did not look low in society
@amitprashar (245)
• India
5 Feb 10
Well society plays a very important role and many times that is the biggest hurdle one has to surpass.I hope people get over it.But that does not mean we complete forget about our culture.Some one from outside should be treated equally and given the opportunity to blend in.
@pankaj_taura (243)
• India
18 Feb 10
according to me marriege is bound of two soul in india.but intercaste marriege is bad according to indian's society.caste system in india is very strong where people thinks that marriege in other caste is insulted our caste or parents.almost all the people marriege in their caste.but i aggre intercaste marriege because it is benifit and growth our mental.
@malkesh_jakhar (54)
• India
3 Feb 10
the indian people mentelty is that they think their cast is best and they not do marriage in other cast they think if they do that this is againts their reilogion
@amitprashar (245)
• India
3 Feb 10
Well being honest its not about religion its about the culture.Every family has its own culture and traditions and one wants them to be carried on from generations to generations and when some one from the same caste comes in its easier to keep that going.
That is the thought of the old people.But today who has time for family or society.Every one is busy trying to fulfill their families needs and the socializing is now done only with people whom they work with and generally they are all from different back grounds.SO the caste and the culture takes a back seat these days specially in the metros.
@amitprashar (245)
• India
3 Feb 10
well change is bound to happen its just that I hope whatever is happening should happen for the good.
@dosti6666 (11)
• India
9 Feb 10
I think inter cast marriages should be encouraged because marriage brings great changes in our life, so only cast can't decide the marriage.My outlook for this topic is that decision of marriage should be based on her/his quality and true love.
@Mahesh_41 (2)
• India
17 Feb 10
The Indian people thoght that their cast is better and they not do marriage in other cast. His thinking that they do other cast marriage, their own cast people are outside in her cast. This is encouraged.
@rahul_singh (236)
• India
18 Feb 10
In india caste system is very strong.every person of india has been sorrounded caste intercaste marriege is very tough work.some person marriege other caste who do its love any girl.we should marriege other caste because our mental is growth. are you aggre?
@bharatgoel91 (182)
• India
18 Feb 10
Well I am not to sure if it will remain the same during the elections but yes for sure that has been happening with Marriages.The number of such marriage have shot up in the last 3 years.this is what i think but these types of casts marriages should not be encouraged.
@kiranmannkm (6)
• India
19 Feb 10
ya absolutly intercast marriage should be encouraged... when God created men or women, he has not assigned any cast on them, thn how a human being can divide God's created world into caste and communities...???
Earlier almost all believe in intercast marriages but with more increase in globalization and increased education fascilities and from modern culure societies there occured a great change in mentality of people...
ALso some mental growth occured in intercast marriages because this let people to know about different cultures and how to manage that in their life and this let people to learn more then in same caste... thus it should be increased and also our government sholud enroll some rules and policies to encourage intercast marriages...
@prateek001 (20)
• India
15 Feb 10
according to me intercast marriages should be encourage.the number of such marriages is increasing which helps in devloping our is not that
intercast marriages are happening in papers only but they are happenig practically and it means that our country is mently growing which helps in he positive devlopment of our country.people are now thinking about the status and standred of the family and not about the cast of them.
@praveen28 (34)
• India
13 Feb 10
inter cast marriage face big hurdles in the light of their decision to defy all the basic norms of society.Here are a few problems distinct to an inter cast marriage
1.problem in adapting to a new environment,culture & ritual.
2.inability to convince parents& in laws.
@manpreet_1 (55)
• India
16 Feb 10
Here are different comments on the inter cast marriage. Some people think it is right or some people think it is wrong. My view on inter cast marriage that its is right of very people. In our life every person has to right to choose own life partner.