We had a fight!

@tarapot (144)
January 31, 2010 7:32pm CST
My husband and I had a fight yesterday. And I even wanted for us to separate ways. We had bad talk, throwing bad words with each other. We had hurt each other. But of course, I lose on that part because I am a woman. He said sorry and I accepted. Now, we are as sweet as honey. I don't get it why we had to encounter those things. How about you? Have you ever had a fight with your partner?
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28 responses
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Hi there friend... Sometimes we encounter those to things. We can't escape from problems and we can't avoid arguing with our partner. It happens because we don't have the same point views about everything. I think it is just a simple test on how are we going to handle such things like that. I'm proud of you as well as with your husband because you have handled your problem in a very responsible way. Life is full of twist many things might happen in a snap of finger but as long as you love each other and your goal is to have a good family nothing can break the relationship that you have now. Good luck friend and happy mylotting..
@tarapot (144)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
I hope when we encounter the same problem, we can still handle it the way we did. Actually, we always have arguments but that is usual on our part. But yesterday really turn out not that well.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
1 Feb 10
I think that this is truly great advice EarlZhan! I would like to add to it though. My advice would be that you never use your weaknesses to take advantage of each other in a fight. Always remind yourself that this is a person that you love, no matter how difficult he/she is being at the moment. Remind yourself all through the argument that you still love this person. No two people can live under the same roof and get along all the time. There will always be differences of opinion. In a good relationship, this should be okay. It is all in how you handle it. Don't let it get too far out of hand. Try not to ever let it go on too long before someone gives in and ends it. You don't want to become bitter over something so stupid or petty that you cant even remember what it was you were arguing over. You also have to know your partner. Sometimes a good ole argument is fun and will liven up a relationship. You have to know the limits though. I like to "pick a fight" sometimes, but I have known my husband for 10 years now so I know what buttons to push and what will lead to much too serious argument.
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
I know you can handle it friend.. I'm not a married person but I can give you this advice "Make God as the center of your relationship and everything will be alright". One more thing is try to understand the weaknesses of your partner and ask him to understand your weaknesses.
• India
1 Feb 10
Hi tarapot, Even I have girl friend even we fight sometimes but pity on her, she loves me very much and whenever we fight she always ask me sorry for fighting with me, I am very lucky to get her you know?
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
1 Feb 10
And you never apologise?
• India
2 Feb 10
Ya some times:-)
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
..Hi tarapot.. yeah.. we once had like that even to the point that one of us get out of the house.. but after a while, we said sorry to each other and go back to being sweet again.. I guess misunderstaning will always be present in a relationship.. as they say, misunderstanding and problems are spices of life that makes it even more challenging and happier after those things have been overcome.. And it really makes relationships stronger because as days go by, we try to discover each other's personality with the help of those misunderstaning and try to avoid those things that irritates us next time around.. we also got to understand each other's weaknesses and broaden our understanding.. For me, I would term those thins as "thrilling" experiences since after that, we get thrilled gong back to memories of yesterday.. Our love get's stronger as ever.. the only thing about misunderstanding is when we can't already control ourself telling anything to each other that cold ruin the relationship permanently.. that's why many married couples end up in annulment or divorce.. It is then necessary that we know how to manage our anger and control ourselves in any circumstances.. anyhow, let's be happy..
@tarapot (144)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
It is really ironic how fights and misunderstanding make a relationship stronger. Despite of the pain it brings to both of you, in the long term, you end up stronger and happier together. Misunderstanding is caused by out differences and it will depend on how you cope with it. Other relationships don't last because they think of their differences. I hope we will not end up like them.
@alfroi635 (297)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
It's normal to couples. Even if we're not yet married with my GF, we also have some fights sometimes. Two things why we still make our relationship solid, "patience and understanding". i advise to comfort your husband always.
@tarapot (144)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
I do that most of the time but this time I choose not to because it is his fault. I don't want to make him feel that he can do everything that he want.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
hi! the last time we have a big fight is because of something he had hidden to me that made me distrust him. one thing that get me really bad is dishonesty especially that i am always honest to him. it made explode to anger that i can not control what i have said. i yelled till my breath almost disappear. i was really outraged. but you know what despite all of the bad words i have said about him, he never said anything bad nor he hurt me physically. he just look at me with understanding and with his eyes full of regrets of breaking my trust. he made me calm by embracing me and saying sorry. well thats our last fight and we never fight since then. i am also sorry for allowing my anger eat me and have no control of bad words. but on the other side that made us realize that trust is very important.
• India
1 Feb 10
well said, I think you are married and your partner is well living with you :)
@cloud31 (5808)
1 Feb 10
Its normal for a couple to have a fight, but try to avoid when there's is a chance, too much fight is not good and can lead to separation, you guys were newly wed and it takes time to adjust yourself with each other.Throwing bad words is not really good as well,respect each other even how big is the fight, control yourself from throwing bad words from each other, you may get used to it and respect will gone. Consider your partners feelings, admit when your wrong,and keep yourself calm when confronting your partner, Lastly you guys are building a family, there's a saying "TWO IS BETTER ONE" you were partners not an enemy.Try to think of all the good times you shared before you get married and you will realized how much you should care about this marriage..God bless!
• India
1 Feb 10
good said
@ainee82 (618)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
I think all couples fight. It happens every now and then. But what's important is that you resolve every issue that comes your way. It's good that you are now both ok.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
1 Feb 10
this is very common to partners, especially to those new in marriage life. how long have you been married? do you already have a child? having a kid in the family will keep the marriage though.
@tarapot (144)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
We got married just Last year. We still don't have a child.
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
As long the fight doesn't happened everyday...every night then,the relationship will survive. Married people will have arguments from time to time and that is unavoidable. Your husband is good because he asked sorry. Some men would just expect tier wife to ask forgiveness even do they are wrong.
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
even boyfriend-girlfriend relationship do fight. just like you, we had big fights before and until now (sometimes). we are different individuals, that is why conflict will arise. it is very normal. i think it is not normal if both of you don't have misunderstanding. cheer up! just be an understanding wife!
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
2 Feb 10
You're just in your first year of your marriage, still on the period of adjustment. You still have a long way to go. You can't avoid misunderstanding, miscommunication and disagreement on some little things. It's normal in a couple who's just starting to live together. I suggest that, if these troubles comes up, try to have a hear-to-heart talk with your husband. Iron out those misunderstandings, as a girl, you should listen first to his side first, if you can talk without shouting just to hear your point, do so. Sometimes if your talking at the top of your voices, you won't reach an agreement. And what's next, you'll end up hurting physically and emotionally each other. Love and understanding should be on top of everything.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
2 Feb 10
Oh that doesn't sound to good, but I am sure that you two will overcome this. Well my mom and dad have gotten into arguments before, but then it's like the next day and it's like nothing ever happened. They really love each other a lot. I'm sure that you and your partner will forgive each other. It's always best that you talk about it, so that you can work things out with your partner. Best of luck to you on this.
• United States
2 Feb 10
The key to any successful relationship is communication and respect, when you do name calling you are disrespecting each other, if you offend your partner he in retaliation will offend you back, people have to learn how to discuss things, you can have disagreements, that is totally understandable, you can expect that your partner say yes to everything you say, buy when you do have a disagreement, there shouldn't be name calling or insults. I always try to communicate everything I feel to my boyfriend, because I want him to understand why I am mad or upset, and we always try to find a solution to the problem, I always encourage him to express what is wrong, what is he feeling. I do have to say that I have been extremely blessed because my boyfriend is a very patient guy.
@dasj20 (127)
• India
2 Feb 10
hi this is very very common to partners.at the fighting time very situation is very hot whenever it over all the conditions are cool. this is the secret in marriage. enjoy the life fight+love=partners
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
1 Feb 10
It will all pass don't worry.But you are newly married and so it owuld take quite some time to get adjusted with each other. You have been brought up in different surroundings ;obviously there would be great dissimilarity between the two of you.[Was it a love marriage?]Learn to tread carefully with each other , keep expectations low, never try to win an argument,decide to be patient, and then you will see what happens.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
I think that's normal for married people, even for those who are not yet married but in a committed relationship. I have always noticed that it's always women who call it quits first, but then we do change our mind quickly. As for men, they don't call it quits at once but when they do, it's for real. So, be careful with too much fighting. We won't know if our men is getting tired of all the fighting in our household. As one tip that my boss used to say, take a mouthful of cold water and don't swallow till your head is cool when frustrated or angry. Good luck!
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
I think that's a usual thing between wife and husband. Fights and arguments is very usual. Me and my partner also have a fight and i throw bad words to him but I think he is very patience for accepting those word from me. Later on I will felt guilty and i am also the one who ask sorry for him.
• China
1 Feb 10
Well,my friend,I do believe flighting is comman in relationship with partner,but I don't think fighting is the better way to express your perspect.Although you cured your relationship this time ,the bad talk,words will remind you within angain and again,in truth ,it had happened,and you can not remove it from your memory.take control of your self and don't throw tantrum. good luck to you.
@brymel25 (285)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Hi tarapot! There is indeed no such thing as a perfect relationship or a perfect marriage. Some people say that the adjustment period between newly-wed couples usually takes 3-5 years. Having fights are normal especially when you are still getting used to each other but that must not come to a point where in you would get hurt physically.=)
@mutpal74 (314)
• India
1 Feb 10
Yes I do had fight with my wife but very rare but I may hurt her physically but never hurt her mentally as I know words once thrown out can't be taken back.And it pains more.So I want you to be careful about that.Because he may forgive you if u slap him but he will never for get those bad words you used for him.Sometimes it may totally spoil your marriage life.