people don't believe in God

February 3, 2010 10:33pm CST
What can you say of those people who don't believe the existence of God? Would you want them to believe in God? or you would not care if they believe or not?
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14 responses
• India
4 Feb 10
hello friend i want to say something related with your discussion. i want to say you that if anyone is not believing in god i will try to say him truth with proofs with me. because everyone has a right to know the truth so, i will try to make him with true believe that is believe of his real god. i will tell him that why you are in this world and i will proof this which will insha allah make him on right path. i will try my best to make him on right path. if he or she dont want to be then i will leave him on gods hand. what you fell about this comment ? so please try to reply soon with your comment that how you feel about this topic, your friend khan.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
You're right, that's what I also would love to do, to share my faith and give my best for the person to love and know God. It doesn't matter if that person don't believe my religion, what's important is he/she believes on God, that's a good start. And if the person still don't believe what I said, then the best thing I can do is to pray for the persons conversion and change of heart. We seem to have the same eagerness to let the people know and believe God. Hope you'll never give up. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
• India
5 Feb 10
hi friend thank you for givimg such intrest to my comments . i know that you are like me who believe in existance of god. i want to say you that god is only one but our mankind made him differents. i am muslim and i say that allah is one who is creator of god. i also want to say you that there is also a existance of evil which is also made by almighty allah. i know that you are thinking why god is done such a stupid thing? so here is your answer. almighty allah had made this evil for doing prayer of himself. i think you know that no one is perfect except almighty allah, i will explaen you why almighty allah had made this evil. obviously almighty allah is perfect and he wants to make evil to bove his head in front of our father of whole mankind that is "ADAM". this is a first men in universe hence father of whole mankind. so evil is very anger because he think thaqt i am specail than this man because god had been made evil from fire and "ADAM"or us by sand. from this rude behaviour of evil almighty allah had punished evil for his deed but he had done lot of prayers for almighty evil had told to almight allah to give him some exchange of this prayer.
• India
5 Feb 10
almighty allah tries to avoid this mistake of evil but he dont want to do what almighty allah wants. god had done lot of things to avoid this, almight allah had made one very small door and told evil to pass through it (almighty allah wants to pass evil from door by entering his head first in door) but he enters in door by putting his legs inside first. so, now you tell if you are a king of one country and your one person is doing like this nonsense and you want to avoid to punish him and he is get aim to do such nonsense so, what you will do? i know you obviously punish him for his deed and you tell that almighty allah is king of whole universes(plural of universe). but than also almighty allah wants to make jusice with that evil. but than also he had chosen that i want to so everything thats make your mankind dirty that is he wants to make us criminal in view of almighty allah and want some compeny in hell. you know what almighty allah replied to evil, almighty allah told him that i give you that permission and i want to say you that who is real lover of me will not trapped in your trap, because i am with him evey time. so, i want to tell you that why almighty allah had made this evil. if there is nothing difficult than all are at right way that is follow religion easily. i think you might heard that proverb,"smooth road never makes good driver " so almighty allah wants to test us so had made this evil for taking test of us. i think you might be understand. if you are having some problem than please tell to me. please try to reply soon, your friend khan.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Feb 10
Believing has never been important to God so why should it be important to me?Believing is only important to religion. In time, we will all know God's unconditional love that heals all hurt. Won't need to believe then either because you will know.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Believing in God means believing on His existence and giving honor, believing on His existence means doing His works, His works is loving others as you love yourself. It's like in your relationship with your parents, how will you prove that they're are your parents, you give proof by obedience and show respect. I understand and respect your belief and understanding. And I'm just sharing my thoughts with you. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
• India
5 Feb 10
hi friend i know that we cant give proof something but if we can proof than others can satisfy that what i am saying that is related with real life or they will say that no, this person is only saying theories having no relation with real if you tell me in this age that have you any proof that they are your parents than i can give proof by DNA finger printing. please reply if you have any question.
• India
4 Feb 10
hello bird i think you remember me i am khan. i wan to say you that no one is forcing you to believe in god but my religion says that everyone have a right to know truth about his or her real god. so please dont get anger that why should i believein god ?, your friend khan.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
5 Feb 10
I really think we should all believe in God since he created us. Revelation 4:11 (New International Version) 11"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." And we all should appreciate all that he has done for us. When I meet people that don't believe in God I always ask why they don't believe and see if I can help them to see the truth.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
9 Feb 10
So true, our good example may spark an awakening in a sincere heart.
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
Yeah, the same thing as well, we should believe in God. There are many people I asked why they don't believe in GOd, they often reply because they didn't seen Him, there's no proof of His existence, they want an answer to satisfy their mind, they fail to see the real evidence they live each day, and that's is life, the natures and beauty of the place we live in. They want miracles, but how could they have when they don't have faith. In loving we can't have what we don't give, it's the same thing with our faith, we can't have it if we don't give our self to God and believe. People can be real selfish and unfair. We just need to pray and do good to them, so they will seen the existence of God through us. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your weekends!
• United States
20 Feb 10
Jesus said in the New Testament that there is now only one commandment and that commandment if 'love'. If we do as God wants us, we would want every single person living to believe in God.
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
If only we can love others unconditionally and unceasingly then everyone will surely believe in God, it seems impossible, but it could be possible if it we start it by our self, loving our family members then our friends, then our neighbors. And that love we shared will goes a long way. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your weekends!
@delrene (158)
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Its disappointing that many doesn't believe in God because of logic and science. we want them to believe but they insist that everything happens because of this and that. Evolution is one thing. NO one exist during the time God created Everything. who knows if these dinosaurs do exist same with man and woman. According to the bible the Earth is lifeless and formless. No one appreciates the beauty of nature, because for them science is the reason behind all of this. It is really true that they will search for clues about the existence of God but will find nothing. I want them to believe that there's Someone watching us guiding us. But it is harder than I thought.
@blummus (451)
• United States
4 Feb 10
Well, unfortunately, my mother, who told me God existed also told me Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny existed. It pretty much blew any faith in unseen beings I might have developed at an early age.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
If you want others to believe what you believe and preach, then you must first believe it in your heart, because if you don't then how could they believe you, yeah it could be sad to know that there are so many people tho don't believe the existence of God as you want them to receive the gift of faith that God give those who believe. But it's okay, if they don't believe, what's important is you do your job to share to good news of God. People who find it hard to believe the existence because they only use their mind, not their heart. It's only the heart can see what is essential. They want proof when the proof is already given to them. It's like when you ask for rain,but you never bring an umbrella. Proud people can never have a place in God's heart. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
I will preach to them the world of God. I believe that people have their own choice who is to believe.There are many Gods & religious believes like Islam, Buddhism, Christian, Hinduism, Judaism.Paganism is they don't believe in any god but on the nature. I believe that we have one god w/c is the king of kings & lord of lords.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Yeah, we have one God the true and only God. But there's so many religions and beliefs, some can be misleading. To know the truth is to have this questions. Does your religion, God and belief makes you able to love those people who treat you bad? Does it makes you able to forgive those tho hurt you so much? If your answer is Yes, then that's the true God and religion. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
Yes, I think our close relationship with God is the most important thing on how we are close to him not on the essence of religion.Faith,Obedience & Love, but the greatest is Love because whoever you are God loves you & care with you. Search him & you will find him. Talk to him & he will gave you the answer in proper time. God is good all the & all the time, God is good.
• United States
5 Feb 10
I feel sadness for those that do not know God and His Son Jesus Christ or claim that He does not exist. If this world is all that there is and nothing after you die is a sad thing to believe in. I pray diligently for them that they will come to know the saving grace of Christ before it is too late. I care about all those who do not know God and pray for their soul. Sincerely in Christ, Leesa C. Eph.2:8,9
• United States
4 Feb 10
Everyone is given the free will to believe in what they want. You can tell them about God but you can not force them to believe. Invite them to service, show them bible verses, be there friend and just don't force someone into something that you believe. If you force someone into something then that looks bad on you as well as pushing them farther away then they were
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Yeah, you're right, it could be good to share our faith with them, but we can't force them, the important thing is we do our best and it's also our obligation to spread the words of God and let His people believe and trust in Him. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Hello care guarden, That's their choice, otherwise why would god give us the free will in the first place. the only thing that matters is we respect each others opinion and beliefs, i believe god would have just wanted us to do that instead of forcing the religion into them when they feel they don't want to and doesn't want to fit in. have a great day
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Yeah, it's their choice and there's nothing we can do about it, but it couldn't be bad if we share our faith and our belief with them, than doing nothing at all, since as a believer it's our duty to share what we know and let the people live believing God's existence. That's just my opinion. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@levite (1062)
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
As far as I have experineced, it is difficult to share the truth about God to those people who don't believe in God like the atheists since they are very hard-hearted and make science their basis for not believing in God. They cannot believe in Him simply because they don't see Him. It is only through God's grace, His touch that can open the eyes of these people so it is best to just love them and pray for their conversion and salvation.
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
Yeah, you're right it's only God's grace to open their heart and believe His presence. And yeah, it's only best to pray for them always. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@jkcokley (265)
• United States
18 Feb 10
I believe in god. My son isn't so sure. He believes that there is a higher power but that it may or may not be god. Whatever you call your god - I hope that he is answering your prayers. It is not be me to make you believe in God. I would hope that you do. It is up to me to share my faith but not for me to make you believe. the best way to help someone make a choice about god is to simply follow your faith and lead by example. If that person will want who you have.
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
I absolutely agree with you jkcokley. The best way to lead someone to your faith and belief is to be a good example, by doing the things you said in actions, words without actions is nothing and useless but words and deeds will said it all. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your weekends!
@blummus (451)
• United States
4 Feb 10
I'm one of those who does not. I'm not an Atheist, but an Agnostic. I believe the seeking or discovering the existence of God is a personal matter; at some point there is no logical or evidential arguement that 'proves' the existence of Deity, however you picture Him/Her/It/Them. It's a matter of faith. Personally, I would do as little as possible to dissuade anyone from their faith as I can, though I probably would not make a good supporter of it, either. Faith helps sustain people in times of trouble; I sometimes wish I would/could make that leap myself.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
Yeah, you're right faith sustain and give comfort in times of needs. Faith makes you a stronger and better person, thus you in times of troubles you don't need to rely on anything in this world but rather with God. Faith is a gift from God and you can have it only if you believe in Him and do his ways and that's loving others as you love yourself. For me, there's no need for proof of existence of God, because the proof is our life, the world we live in. If anyone can answer all the questions on where does everything that we have comes from then, they don't need to believe in God. God is the creator of this world. He is the author of our life. We have different belief and understanding and respect that. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@Mady2791 (545)
• United States
5 Feb 10
Well, I have encountered a few atheists online on forums and social sites like t,his and I'm tired for repeating myself over :( They are so set in science and we are just believing in a fantasy world bla bla bla. There are some disrepectful and vulgar so I say whatever..go to hell lol hahahaha. I know that sounds bad but they don't believe in god/hell so they shouldn't get offended because for them it doesn't exists hehehehe
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
Oh, yeah I also experience the same thing, on forum and blogging. They don't believe on God because they didn't see them, no matter what you said they won't listen and persistent on their belief, they will call you stupid, fool and whatever, but I often reply with thank you and God Bless... as I don't want them to control my emotions. Yeah, you said it right, they don't believe on hell Well, thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your weekends!
@saanjh (784)
• India
5 Feb 10
Ya, I think they should believe in God, I also believe in God because every thing in this planet is related to god. People should believe should believe in God, not in religion because in my opinion God is single and when ever we are in God is helping us.
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
Yeah,it's better if all people believe in God and if their religion would able to make it then it could not be bad, as long as they believe in God's existence it doesn't matter what's their religion, because if we believe on one God and do what God's command and that's to love and forgive one another, then everything will be okay, the world would be such a beautiful place to live in. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your weekends!