The significance of dreams
By olisaur
@olisaur (1922)
United States
February 8, 2010 4:49pm CST
Do you ever wonder about the dreams you have while you sleep? or can you even remember them after you wake up?
I have had my share of crazy dream; dreams where I'm flying, dreams where I'm with celebrities, dreams about impossible adventure, etc. Sometimes its seems like they're just purposeless things.
Do you think dreams are just meaningless products of our imaginations, or do you think they show some sort of meaning from our subconcious minds?
I usually remember my dreams when I wake up, and as I take a shower or do things right after I wake up I like to think about them. More often than not, it seems like my dreams are reflections from the previous days events or things I was thinking about as I went to sleep.
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15 responses
@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I remember some dreams, there are others that
are not clear. I reflect on the ones I remember.
I some times believe, they can guide me in a way.
I also believe some have warnings in them, and
can help you avoid trouble. I think we should
reflect on our dreams and see if they can tell
you something.
Happy posting.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
I always like to dream but now days it only comes rarely to me and i could only think as i lay on my bed is to imagine the things which I like to do and relive the past. The only things which the kind of dreams I had before is a groups is chasing me, flying, and something is pulling me in my bed like the feeling of having a great fall, sometimes i laugh, cried aloud or laugh aloud or shouting which makes my roommate wake up since they think i am in a deep nightmare. So after i wake up i just could not remember what my dream is but i feel afraid if my dream is like from a horror movies and I just feel happy or smile if my dreams is something romantic.
@anilcsapre (77)
• India
9 Feb 10
The dreams display whatever we have on our subconscious mind.We like normal people do never use more than 10% of our mind power. Rest of mind power is used subconsciously.The mind rewinds it self,simplifies many complications & finds out solutions to unsolved or unsolvable problems.
The mind too travels to places we have sometimes seen but sometimes even places never seen in person or in any book or movie or imagined also appear in dreams leaving one to wonder about the source of such scenes.We also see sometimes in distress at strange places & in strage attire & houses of earlier centuries.
Were such places seen in earlier lives??? Does such dreams give rise to the idea of rebirth?
dreams require comprehensive study and documentation and analysis by experts.
This hithertoo has been an unexplored area of human psychology and needs thorough research.
Nice of you to have raised such a sensitive topic.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
I like to have "dreams olisaur". It's because
everytime I have a dream it has a connection
of my upgoing life connections . Sometimes it
relates and advance precaution of the coming
events or activity to be prepared of.
Some are not true but usually I can watched
and remember often times that it is happen or
else reverse idea.
Maybe thats the result of believing it. But for
me its a great sign for me and advance idea of
coming events in my life and I can tell it my
It coincides for me after I will recalling it.
I forgot also of my dreams if my head are overloaded
with things to do.
@good2go2001 (915)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I think about this topic alot! I have dreams that involve relationships for me I try to understand the reason but I just dont know. I do think dreams are some way of telling us things, maybe from the subconcious minds. I have problems of reoccuring dream from my past of a tradgic accident. I cant stop dreaming this dream, ive tried but it just comes back. I can remember specific details of dreams too when i wake, sometimes details the i rather not remember too. Do dreams effect your mood the next morning? Mine have even when I know its just dream and has nothing to do with the day, but its not something i can control the next day until ive been awake awhile.
@jstrx_24 (40)
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
DReams for me, is a Doorway for endless possibilities.. A dream can give you a thought in what to do with your life. Bring out fears that you never expect to have. Dream can be anything, we could never gasp on what to dream, in the sense that we make our own movie premiere and the one that can watch this is YOU.. So the next time the dream that you experience when sleeping, just let it flow.. Maybe the next dream you will be having is your future..
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
9 Feb 10
I have taken retirement now. I spent much of my prime time in my office. I have many friends and many good memories. Hence most of my dreams are based on my office work and office friends only. Sometimes family members, my own or my siblings will come in the dream. Like you, I too dream about celebrities and after waking up, still I feel it is true that I have spent sometime with a celebrity. It gives me immense happiness. So I feel it is my sub-conscious wish that I want to spend my time with my office colleagues and celebrities.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
Hi olisaur!^^
I have always believed that our dreams are manifestations of our subconscious mind. It's just that, the way it is manifested is kinda weird.^^;; I don't know how to give meanings to dreams but I really think it is something we want, something we need, something we want to do but we can't have or do because probably it's unattainable or very difficult to attain. Also, of course, we can dream of things that have happened to us in the past. I sometimes dream of something like that. Sometimes I cannot even remember that it really happened before but it feels like a deja vu so it probably had happened.^^;;
So, yeah, I think most often, our dreams are usually about what we saw, what we heard, what we experienced before having that dream.^^
@danrunsfast614 (1396)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I think our dreams can mean something. They come from our brains which have lots of information to process, and the dreams are created 100% through ourselves, so they have some sort of meaning, whether relevant or not. I try my best to remember and decipher them. I actually keep a dream journal where I write down my dreams. It's kind of fun to do sometimes.
@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
9 Feb 10
No I don't think dreams are meaningless. They actually reflects the deepest thoughts rooted inside our subconscious minds. Those thoughts that are departed from our conscious mind, are accumulated in a very concise form in our subconscious minds. When we are totally conscious, we quite unknowingly prevent these once forgotten thoughts to surface. But as we sleep our control over our conscious minds is removed slowly. In this uncontrolled, wild state things hidden deep inside emerges one by one.
There are two phases of sleep that come one after another. In phase I, or deeper sleep our eyes stop moving and we are in a deeper state of sleep, very relaxed. Phase II is comparatively lighter phase of sleep and we have very slow eye movements in this phase. The part of dream we dream in Phase II is often remembered by us, especially if we wake up in this phase, there is a high possibility that we will remember that dream quite clearly.
God bless you all
@varron (453)
• Philippines
8 Feb 10
There are those dreams that should be valued. Remember that in the Bible, dreams where use by God to tell a prophet or an individual about the things He wanted them to do. Dreams should be analyze well if it has relevance to your daily life.
How ever there are also those dreams that should not be valued. Those are dreams that are only a fruit of imaginations.These dreams are very much complicated oftentimes brings funny or scary moments.
Other dreams resembles the interconnections of different places with the different time,different people, and different form or events, and that were logically impossible to happen.
@bananamen1 (442)
• Bulgaria
9 Feb 10
Yes I do believe that dreams comes from our subconcious. I think we can learn many things for ourselfs if we can understand our dreams.
I pay much attention on my dreams and when I understand what a dream means, I feel much better emotionally. I reveal many things for me and for my fears from my dreams and I continue working on that.
@milli29_1991 (2)
• India
9 Feb 10
deams are imaginative visuals of reality. Many of us commonly have a nightmare to become a wealthy and prosper.To me the dreams always come true whatever i saw in in the past.
@blummus (451)
• United States
8 Feb 10
Basically, most of our dreams are basically our minds processing the day's events and issues. The how and why can be weird and sometimes distressing, but unless you get a recurring dream, they tend to be useful only in the short term.
On the other hand, if you find some inspiration from your dreams, run with it!