What is the big deal with religion????? haters of atheism!!
By vikkiz
@vikkiz (518)
February 8, 2010 5:15pm CST
Look i never preach and i never critise what people believe in but now its time for me to rant!
As youve probly noticed i am an atheist, I dont believe in anything that is religious.
I always keep this to myself and get on with my life without preeching to other religious people that they shouldnt believe in what they believe in.
But recently all i ever hear about it religion! Religious people telling me im a ''sinner'' because i dont believe in their god, personally slating me because of my beliefs!!! What gives them the right???!!!
I dont go round personally slagging other people off because of what they believe!
well i would love someone to once and for all explain to me why they think they have the right to talk down to me because i do not believe in the lord or whatever they believe in!
I am sorry to all you religious nuts out there but i just simply cant get my head around the whole supernatural magical things that appear to have happened in the bible??? Immaculate conception??? rising from the dead?? and really how can you know if they bible is what you think it is??? It could have been a bed time story an ancient person made up for their grandkids and someone picked it up and went...wait a minute....this is a sacred book!
To me the bible is just a history book dictating things that happened in the past but with a lot of hype.
I hope i havnt offended anyone with my opinion (in anycase the nuts who are offended will be the preechers im am talking about) If i have i apoligise as i dont want to offended religious people who are peaceful and keep their personal vendettas to themselves.
But this vendetta could not have been silenced and is aimed at all those people out their who want to burn all us atheists at the stake! (oh and in the name of their so lovely supreme caring god, Dont make me laugh its not about religion is it! its about sad little individuals who have nothing better to do with their time!)
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15 responses
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
9 Feb 10
u "can" believe in anything u want and "can not" believe in anything u dont want but it is not good to chritisize another person be it a 'believer' or 'non believer'
many times i have been critized for using 'tilak', for praying to idols, even some calling my idol as 'demon' ~ but thats life right ~ people dont believe in what i believe, it does not make them RIGHT or make me WRONG
I believe in "if a person calls you a sinner, he already absorbed 50% of your sin onto himself ... " so be glad that your sin is lesser now ...
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@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
10 Feb 10
did u pay for :what ever things u did in past that u were ot proud off .. meaning were u 'sentenced' for it be it a small incident or a big incident
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Let me help you understand a few things. Religions must have followers to survive. It is the duty of every relgious member to convert people. When they can't convert you, the next step is fear tactics.Don't take this personally for they do not really know you.As for God, believing has never been important to God. That is not what is going on with this world. Finally, when the religious people do come to convert you, don't miss your opportunity to interact. There is a view you have that they can not see.With interaction, everyone learns.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
8 Feb 10
I don't know if you mean this happens in real life or on mylot, but in real life and on most of the internet it is the atheists that yell the most and have the most anger. You specifically called out "haters" and then proceeded to criticize and name call... This is a perfect example of the hypocrisy that atheists love.
The main difference between the criticism you receive and the criticism you are dishing out is that the religious people are trying to save your soul, whereas you are trying to hurt someone's feelings and their deepest beliefs.
@Rhazelle (356)
• Canada
9 Feb 10
Well he called out to the "haters" of atheism because those are the ones who usually name-call and bash atheists, and he was targetting it at those people so they can come and explain to him why they do it. And hey, the guy's angry. I'm pretty sure he's been criticized and name-called by a lot of religious people prior to this post for him to have this much anger, cut the guy some slack.
Personally I'm with the original poster. I lost one of my first friends to religion. He turned christian and tried to convert us all, and when we didn't buy into it and he kept trying, it was just really really annoying and we all stopped talking to him.
It's not usually the atheists that have anger; we don't really care most of the time. We really only get pissed off when religious people try to convert us, and then we will retaliate with our own logic. Otherwise we're fine. Some of my best friends are christian and we just don't bring the topic up in our chats.
@vikkiz (518)
9 Feb 10
to answer your question...this is the fist time i have ever ranted about the situation, if other atheists want to rant then thats their beef, but i have absolutly no problem with religious people and help out at my local church, im just fed up with the fact that lately a majority of religious people have preached to me in a very nasty way.
It was only the other day i had a couple of born again christians at my front door trying to convert me and they were lovely! we discussed all the things i didnt believe in and all the things they did believe in, im not a hater of religion but its starting to push me in that direction now as i am constantly being called a sinner.
Some woman slated me becuase i had a child at 17 out of wedlock! Ive been with my partner 8 years and we are very happy and we love our child to bits!(hes 5 now) Weve stayed together through thick and thin just because we dont have those gold bands on our fingers dosnt mean its any different!

@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
9 Feb 10
For one thing, it sounds (by your comments about religious people) that you're either talking about one religion in particular or lumping all religious people together.
I'm a very religious person myself, but none of the beliefs you mentioned apply to me, nor would I tell anyone else what to believe or not to believe.
I understand the urge to rant against people who push their religion on you, though. I had a visit from a couple of those types of people at my apartment a couple of days ago, but they ran away when they realized I only talk about religion with people who allow an equal exchange.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
9 Feb 10
If you don't believe in certain form of Christianity that's your choice. But why put all religion in one basket? Religion is diverse. According to one definition even atheism is religion because it concerns with ultimate meaning. According on one definition rituals and customs define religion and some define it in term of belief in god. But each one has problem. I guess it'll be more helpful if you specify religion. Atheist like Richard Dawkins want to rant against Islam but ends up using a generic term religion and finally he shows his illiteracy on the subject. Religion is a very diverse and complex subject.
@vikkiz (518)
9 Feb 10
Well to be quite honest i think the muslims are the worst, I dont want to offend the muslims who are peacful and keep their religion to themselves but ive had a lot of run in with muslims who have kicked right off if i havnt seen things their way!, I live on a largly muslim street, on one side of my house i have a family of muslims who i get on with very well and my child and their children play together all the time we even had a gate put between our back gardens for them to play at ease. On the other side of me i have the most ignorant muslim family i have ever met and theres been once or twice ive had to stop my partner kicking off with them.
Its always over silly things like them dissaprooving that we get out of bed on a sunday at 10am as they are up early for pray.
They also gave me grief for hanging my thongs on the washing line outside????? get a bigger fence then|!!
@laura_lmaxi (678)
• United States
9 Feb 10
headhunter525, the real definition of atheism, is the belief in the absence of deities, and the real different between atheists and other religious persons is that we don't think that there is anything supreme that we have to obey or cheer. What the original poster is talking more about the Christianity because it is probably what he knows more, because the place he may be from, but all religions have a figure of power that you have to obey and love unconditionally and believe in it no matter what. Atheism don't have that, we believe in everything that has scientific explanation, and one thing is truth, science hasn't be able to explain everything but the religious explanation doesn't convince people like us. Atheism may be a form of believe, but we don't have a central figure that we believe in.

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Feb 10
They certainly aren't doing anything to make you receptive to their message, are they? I'm sorry people do this to you, it's very un-Christian. Someday I will find the passage where Jesus tells someone to spread the word and if people don't want to listen, move on and don't molest them further. He was right!
I'm a Christian but I believe that everyone should believe what they want. I think that nearly all religions worship the same god but call Him different names. As for atheists, they are God's children, too, and He loves them the same as me. I don't think there is a hell, for what kind of parent would punish their child forever for their mistakes?!
The people that do that to you are mentally ill. They do not know the meaning of love and acceptance. They are judging and condemning you, which is against the teachings of the Christian religion. You are right, they are trying to build themselves up by bullying others.
You go ahead and do and believe what you think is right and don't pay attention to those twisted souls. They are doing more in their sick zeal to turn people away from God than to "win souls" but they'll never realize it.

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Vikkiz, I started out taking my children to church. It was the only one within 20 miles. I stopped when a nursery worker told my 4 year old son that he was going to hell because he wouldn't pick up another child's toys! Obviously, that was a very un-Christian person and we never went back to that place!
I raised my children to do the right thing, I tried to set a good example and did not indoctrinate them into any certain religion. They are in their very early 20's right now and as far as I'm concerned, they are very good young men that know right from wrong and choose to do the right things. If they want to join a church someday, fine. If not, I don't think you need to join a church (support group) in order to be a good person, a good Christian or a good citizen. All that matters is that you treat people right and have a moral compass pointed in the right direction.
Just set a good example for your child and teach him to do the right thing. That's true Christianity in a nutshell, minus the worship rituals.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Matthew 10:14 & 15 - If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. NIV
"As for atheists, they are God's children, too..."
Where, in the Bible, does it say that non believers are God's children?
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@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
11 Feb 10
I think most religions teach God's potentials and how people should follow god's words...point to be noted is... there are different kinds of people who believe in god
People who are smart but afraid of society
People who are smart but afraid to ask questions
People who are smart but don't care
People who are smart and have some kind of political and/or social agenda behind religion
People who religiously ask religious questions
People who are not so smart and afraid of society
People who are dumb and aggressive
People who are dumb enough to follow everything said and taught to them without Curiosity
People who are dumb and follow the herd kinda mentality and some more
Having said that, I am an atheist who asked questions, tried to find answers scientifically and logically .... and nothing came out.... i am not afraid of society, i respect it ofcourse and i do care on what i teach my children and also want to stay away from all kinds of purposes hidden behind religion
@vikkiz (518)
11 Feb 10
Well said my friend and i think i am on the road that you discribed, so many people have tryed to push religion onto me that ive tryed to find some sort of proof to back up their claims.
Nothing has ever came of me tryin and the more and more i try the more i come back with nothing.
All i see is war, fighting etc etc
At least when there is an argument over something non religious nine times out of ten there is a real purpose behind the argument rather than an invisible force.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
9 Feb 10
Hi vikhiz, I agree with you completely, you have the right to believe exactly as you please. From what we know about Jesus Christ, he taught something quite different, but than of course, he wasn't a Christian. I was born and raised a Christian and in fact spent most of my life as an active member. I still agree with the teachings of Christ himself, especially that found in The Sermon on the Mount. If those Christians who feel that you are below them would just read that passage, it might open their eyes to the truth. I'm not an atheist as I believe in the God that is within each and everyone of us, yet I feel that it makes no difference whether one believes in God or not. I believe that we are all one and no person has a right to judge or degrade another. Blessings.
@vikkiz (518)
9 Feb 10
Thanks for your post, I am quite willing to debate and have discussions with people like yourself im just sick to back teeth of people preeching to me and giving me dirty looks like about to kill their whole family! I dont hate anyone as for years i have ignored it, I strill ignore it to this day but i though a little rant on mylot wouldnt do me any harm to get my hate off my chest.
@Bloggership (1104)
• Indonesia
9 Feb 10
Well, what can i wrote about this discussions?.. I believe in GOD but that doesn't mean i believe in religion... I think, believe in GOD doesn't meant we have to choose some religion... I call GOD to the one who create human (our ancestors)... I believe that GOD doesn't want us to believe in religion, but GOD want us to believe that GOD is exist...
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I think you are right. I was raised in a Baptist church. I attend an Advent Christian church now. I don't believe we are suppose to get bogged down in "religion" wither. I agree that God wants us to believe in His existance. We are to have faith in Him.
@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
9 Feb 10
I do not preach. I simply state my beliefs. You are a sinner. I do not say this because you are atheist. We are all sinners. Yes, even we devout, bible toting christians are sinners.
You are just as critical of christians as you claim they are of you. I find it insulting that you refer to them as "religious nuts". I am not a "nut". I guess you would be more correct in referring to me as a fanatic. A fanatic is a fan of something. I am truly a fan of God. He has done wonderful things for me and in my life.
We do not KNOW that the Bible is what we think it is. We except that it is because of our faith. You need to stop trying to "get your head around" the events and teachings of the Bible. It's not a thinking thing. It is a heart thing. I would suggest that you read the Bible again. Read it all the way through with an open heart. Maybe then, you will gain a better understanding of why we believe it as we do.
Christians do not have personal vendettas. True christians do not hate or want to burn atheists. We love you just the same as we do other God-fearing believers.
You should understand that as Christians we fail to see how you could not believe there is a God. Where do you think man came from? I refuse to believe that we all evolved from apes!I will pray for you. I will pray that God will show you His way.
@vikkiz (518)
9 Feb 10
If you are peaceful then i wasnt referring to you as a ''nut'' I was referring to the people that have annoyed me so much over the years like i said to another post i help out at my local church, they all know i dont believe in god but they are glad of my help.
Sometimes the vicar will preach to me but i let it slide as its all done in good heart, i just cant stand nasty preachers.
oh and by the way im not a sinner, (you seem to be forgetting i dont believe in that) im just not perfect.
• United States
9 Feb 10
I'm sorry that some feel the need to push buttons. No one has a right to call you or anyone else a sinner. I am a Christian always have been and always will be. There are plenty of things within religion that I have questions about or just don't believe in. Yet I myself do believe in God and rather find out there isn't then to not believe and find out there is a higher power that I must answer to. People who are calling you names or telling you that you are a sinner are sinners themselves. The bible, tells us that we are not to judge our neighbors for their day will be in front of God where he himself will pass judgment. We are told to love one another yet there is so much hate.
Usually it is an atheist that will scream and make arguments over religious issues from my personally experience, but I would never place all into one group. Its stereotyping, labeling etc... and is hurtful and just untrue.
One thing I have to say that was good about private school and I feel this way to this day and I have pounded it into my children heads. Thy shall not kill doesn't mean just taking a life it means demeaning another hurting/killing their heart and soul. You never make fun nor ridicule someone who thinks, looks, or acts differently than you . When you do you are killing a part of that person and it is murder YOU DON'T DO IT !!! No matter what everyone else does, you do not!!!
I hope you don't take any of this as preaching because it is not. I don't want people trying to convert me, I'm not doing it to others. I'm just explaining why I feel it is wrong for those that have criticized you and others. When people do mean things its only to try to make themselves look powerful and righteous. They will get theirs in the end. I do believe in Karma.
@vikkiz (518)
10 Feb 10
I agree with you to some extent as i know that like you say you cant group people off as its normally certain individuals that are the ignorant pushy ones!
I teach my son the exact same thing, he is polite well mannered, and good as gold the only difference is i teach him that there is no god.
I teach him about the different religions out there and what the different people believe but i dont particualy want him following anything at the moment, if he sees fit to join a church when hes older then i would not stop him.
The only quarrel id have is if he wanted to convert to a muslim this ia would not allow! I dont want my son to think its acceptable to treat women like dirt and tteat other religions or non religions without respect.
It may be singling a certain religion out but it seems to me that the muslim faith is so far from what i would expect in life that i dont want it anywhere near myself or my family.
On the other hand i help out at my local church and its quite hilarious, they always wind me up because ill swear or say slang words that im not supposed to as im not used to being so prim and proper haha, they also think its hilarious that i make matters worse for myself because if i drop something and say a certain bad word, i then say that same word again for forgetting i cant say that in a church!
I have a lot of respect for the vicar and thats the only reason i help them out i dont believe in anything they believe in but i know they do a lot for the children in our community and they are always short of funds, so i dont mind lending a hand if its for a good cause.
@venkatachary (1165)
• India
10 Feb 10
It is not necessary one should go to temple/church/mosque for prayer. You may feel you are an atheist. But in life if you do good and certainly you get good. The religion to make the people to serve the human with kindness. You drive your vehicle in a smooth road, you not only enjoy the journey and also you reach the destination very safely and early. On the other hand if you use the rough road you get all sort of trouble to reach the destination. Unpleasant journey. Similarly religion , it is the smooth road that will take to smooth journey. have a nice day
@cintoy (1011)
• Indonesia
9 Feb 10
I in some point of view agree with you.
I dun think we should force a religion to others. I have religion as well but i never want to promote my religion to others. I believe if they believe in a religion, they will join the religion. no need to force anyone.
The same applied to those who do not have religion.
In my opinion, every single of us have the rights to have/choose what they believe. if they do not have one, it's their choice.
What i consider in a person is the good and bad
@Adam2010 (29)
• China
10 Feb 10
Supprot u ! Stronthly!
I belive philosophy and i hate religion.
religion make people not free.
In mostly time ,we are not free .Our body are not free ,we can not fly ,we can not do something without other's mind .we must think about other's needed and thinked.
So ,we should keep our mind freedom .
Keep the independet & freedom thoughts is the most things.
My life is limted ,My thoughts is unlimted...
And you said.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
13 Feb 10
I'm sorry you've been mistreated by "religious" people, but, while their methods might be offensive, they wouldn't say anything at all to you if they didn't care where you spend eternity.