Do you think it is better to be a stay at home mom or work part time?
By wwplfd81
@wwplfd81 (8)
United States
February 10, 2010 4:30pm CST
I am pregnant with our first child and am trying to decide whether to keep working part time or be a stay at home mom. It will be a difficult stretch for me not to work at all, but I don't know if the cost of day care would even make it worthwhile to keep working. Also, I do not really want someone else raising my child, even if it is only for a small portion of the time. Has anyone else had to deal with this descision, and what did you decide?
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20 responses
@careasl (257)
• United States
8 Mar 10
You can do both. I wanted to stay at home with my son so that I wouldn't have to pay childcare so I found an internet job. You can do the same
@wwplfd81 (8)
• United States
8 Mar 10
Yeah, I am trying really hard right now to make money online, but sifting through the scams is a full time job all by itself. I have found a couple of sites to make a few bucks, but nothing I could make a living out of. Who knows, maybe it'll be enough, or maybe I'll find something that I can actually make decent money at. Ah, if only I could type faster...
@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
9 Apr 10
I found something that is really reliable and works! I am a stay at home mom making money. You can make enough to replace your whole salary. This is not a scam.... It's not an online thing totally (you manage your account online but it's YOUR personal business). If you want more info, please add me and message me. I'm serious -- I'm really making money with this.
@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
9 Apr 10
I feel for you!!!!! My thoughts exactly when trying to figure out if I should stay home with my 5 month old. I found a really great home business though. If you want info on this (great business for stay at home moms), add me as a friend and message me. I am soooo glad I found this business!
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
8 Mar 10
Hi, wwplfd81. I decided to stay at home too. I felt more at ease with my baby being at home with me. It is not easy being an stay at home mom. I am one full time and if I could work a part time job, I would. I would be glad to have the extra money to pay my bills. But, you will have to do what is best for you What may be for me, may not be for you. I hope that you will make the best decision for you and your baby.

@tabbycat (29)
10 Feb 10
This is a very personal issue and one which people have different views about. I have friends who said if they hadn't gone back to work when their children were babies they would have been a worse parent for it. Personally I chose to give up work altogether until just before my youngest son started school and those years were without doubt the happiest of my life. I was lucky in that my husband had a full time job and although we went without an awful lot of material possessions in order for me to be a full time mum we did manage to scrape by. Like you, I definitely didn't want someone else raising my children and I wouldn't have missed all those special moments like hearing their first words, watching their first steps - and even potty training for all the world!! Both of my boys are teenagers now and looking back I see how short and precious those early years were - and how quickly they flew past. See how you feel once your baby is born, but if you have any doubts, I would seriously consider taking a short career break - certainly for the first 12 months. You can't have the time back again.
@kschilling (96)
• Canada
13 Feb 10
as a new mom, i have been home since about a month before my son was born, and its now been a year. The transition was extremly hard for me, as i have always worked in my life, and feel like theres more i could be doing with my time, but then a realise theres nothing greater in life than you can do than to raise a child, for they are the next generation.
I too would like to pursue going back into work, but feel the best option would be to find home based employment. I love being around my son, plus with having so many things that need to be done at home i feel working from home would be the best option, then you dont have to worry about daycare, and its cost. And more importantly, you wouldnt have to worry about who is watching your kids. I've seen far too many videos of abusive babysitters or nannys. I just think it would be a very hectic process of trying to find the right person to watch your kids. I personally dont trust anyone expect family members, and only certain ones at that.
Anyways, which ever way you deciede, dont just choose for your child, do it for yourself too. I can honestly say after a year of being home every day, it can def drive you crazy, do what you need to do for both your sanity, and what is best for you child.
@sunyskies (126)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I faced that same decision when my first child was born. I thought I wanted to keep working, but as soon as my son was born, I knew there was no way I was going to be able to hand him off to a babysitter or daycare worker. I ended up quitting my job as soon as my maternity leave was over. I have never, ever regretted that decision. Not only was I home with him when he was little, I was available to help out in his classroom and go along on field trips once he started school. We had our second child when our son was 6. I've continued to stay home even though they are 10 and 16. I have a small home based business that I work on while they are in school, but I'm still available to help in school or if they're home sick. It may not be the right decision for everyone, but it has worked out extremely well for my family. I wouldn't change a thing.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
11 Feb 10
i think that it is good if you can stay home although a lot of women still like to work. i think its great for your kids if you do stay home. you will have to check into the daycare idea. for me, it wasnt worth it to only work part time and to pay a babysitter.
@Reyah23 (640)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
I think its depend on her situation. If she got free times to do some part time work then she must try it. And it also depend on the demand of her family, she must able to balance her work and her responsibility at home.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I was a working mother after my first child was born and when my second was born I decided that I would rather be a stay-at-home mother for my children. I wouldn't change this decision for anything in the world. I value all of the time that I've been able to spend with my children and I value the fact that I've not missed any of my son's milestones. If it is financially feasible for your family I would definitely recommend being a stay-at-home mother. The greatest thing of all about it is that you don't have to wonder what your child is doing becaus you know what they are doing.
@srinirani (37)
• India
11 Feb 10
Hey just quit our job ya.. You can get job at any time, but being with kid is a great thing. There is no other thing in this world by taking care of our kids. It will give lot of happiness.
@tanchyka (213)
• Slovenia
11 Feb 10
I'm not a mother since I'm too young for that. But if you stop working completely, you will only live for your child and you will lose all contacts with the outside world, your co-workers.. I would never stop working because you need to have a routine that gets you out of the house and also to make some money. It's always better to be forced to go somewhere every day, because if you only plan like, I'm going to workout, I'm going shopping.. no one is going to make you do it and you will probably stay at home all day. If you devote all of your free time to your child, you'll be disappointed in a few years when your child won't need you around anymore and you won't have a life outside of that.
@kjacob (7)
• India
11 Feb 10
Hi there!! I'm in the same position as well. just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and my maternity leave is almost up. Feels terrible to thinks of leaving her and getting back to work. They all say that we work to give our children the best so when i think of it that way i feel "yeah when she grows up she'll know it was all for her"!!
@christinawise87 (856)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I work from home so I can stay home with my kids. There are many jobs out there for you to find to be able to work from home so you can still raise your kids and pay the bulls at the same time. I enjoy my job because I can see my kids and take care of them daily and it pays same as if I was outside the house working. So actually I save in the long run, no gas, and no having to deal with co workers.
@lhadie (32)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
Bonding with her mother is really important in the first year of a child's life. It's the time where the child needs more care from his/her mom, and it's the best time also that mom will start to know her child. Just stay home and care for your baby.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Feb 10
hi wwplfd81,
deciding whether or not to go back to work once you start having children is a personal decision and there is no right or wrong answer. The cost of daycare is huge so you are smart to consider that. If your family really needs the money or if you feel the need to work then it usually makes the most sense to work a shift opposite of your partners and especially if you are only planning on working part time. Paying a sitter could easily take up most of your earnings unless you are making great money. If you are working full time at a decent paying job then it might be worth your while to go back to work. It really all depends on your situation and what works best for your family.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I think that it is ultimately down to whoever is making the decision but I think it's more important to spend that time with your children while you have it. Working and jobs are probably the thing that tears us away from our loved ones the most. I don't understand why we sacrifice time with our friends so that we can go to work at some job where we aren't appreciated or that we don't like that much.
Of course there are jobs that are enjoyable and it does get a little old being at the house all the time but I think that if you are spending time with your child things won't be that bad. Besides he or she will definitely be able to keep you busy.
@gerry101 (229)
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
Hello there,
First of all how do you feel right now? Do you have problems with your pregnancy? I remember when I was pregnant with my first child I was very sleepy and spend alot of time sleeping in the afternoon. Well if you are not having a hard time then it is good to continue to work as part time. I don't agree allowing someone to raising my child. You can always work at home after you give birth. If you live in US it wont be hard for there are alot of non scam home base jobs that are available for US. I raise my own children and I did not work for awhile till they learn to be independent like they can go to the bathroom by themselves, they can change clothes by themselves and get their own snacks from the fridge or pantry. We live in the era where we can now work at home especially for moms. I don't recommend for any new mothers to work right away after they give birth if there will be no one to help them in the house. Having a baby is 24 hour job and it is tiring. Yet so rewarding. If you live near your relatives maybe you can ask them to help you out from time to time so you can continue to do part time job. You can pm me for more details.
@brijcrumbz (73)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
i think raising your child personally helps the child to be better when he grows up. by giving more time with him you will be able to look after him. you can guide him, teach him the righteous ways. I am saying this because this is what our mom did to us and even today she is still guiding us in our daily lives. mother should always be there with there child/children.
@nancyanne (50)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
if you have all the money to pay for your expenses,then go for the stay at home mom. but practically,in my situation..i need to have work to compensate for my hubby's earnings to finance our daily needs. one of the advantages also when you're working is that you keep yourself mentally fit and you always have a lot of things to learn in the workplace.. i dont say taking care of your child doesnt give you the same benefit as working,it always does the same thing. it all depends on your status actually,whether your bothe capable in raising your child when one fo you sint working. both have advantages and disadvantages.
@ajmclaw (22)
• United States
11 Feb 10
This is such a difficult dilemma. I definitely went through this with both of my children. They are now 14 and 11. When they were babies, I had to work some of the time. I actually got lucky with the care they received as both my mother and mother-in-law watched my daughter free of charge. After awhile I started to feel guilty about this and, when my son was two, I hired my best friend's mother and paid her to watch him while my daughter was in kindergarten. This woman was terrific and I trusted her. She watched my son in my home. She would even clean my home when I was gone. This is not something I asked her to do, but I definitely did not mind coming home to a clean house. For me, being away from the children was easier with what I considered the right care. To this day, my mother still volunteers to come over to the house to watch my son when he gets off the school bus if I'm not home. More and more in the past few years, I have managed to work at home. This is sometimes challenging, but I feel good about being home right after school. I find this is when the children want to talk the most. I hear about their day at this time. I then pick up my daughter from high school around 5:00 p.m., and she tells me about her day on the car ride home. So, to answer your question, I don't think there is a right or wrong way to do this. I have an office than I can go to still so I can get work done when I need to. And, sometimes, I feel as if I am better equipped to take care of the children when I have had some adult company during the day at a job.