I am an atheist.
By coffeeshot
@coffeeshot (3783)
February 11, 2010 12:39am CST
I was brought up as a Catholic, had my holy communion and all of that and said little prayers to God or Jesus or whoever when I was a kid.
However a few years ago I really started to doubt religion. It just didn't sit right. I couldn't believe that something written thousands of years ago (possibly by anyone) can be relevant today. Religion is responsible for so much war and death. I have been happy since I became an atheist. If you are atheist, what and when was your 'realisation'?
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38 responses
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I am not an athiest, but I used to have some respect for Madeline Murray O'Hair until I saw her TV show. It was an embarrassment to her, I think, and to her movement. Perhaps she was not quite in her right mind toward the end. I suppose since she was "America's Most Hated Woman" that some people gloated when she was robbed and murdered, but I think it is sad for anyone to end up that way.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
Well she seems very interesting! I really admire people who go against society for what they believe. Even having children out of wedlock would have been a huge issue back then.
I wonder if a movie has been made of this? It would be great.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
11 Feb 10
Oops, I misspelled her name! Well, it is hard to imagine anyone not knowing who she was. I do think you would find her interesting so here is the Wikipedia rap on her:
One of her sons was murdered with her and the other is a devout fundamentalist Christian who called her "The Hulk Hogan of Atheism." He is a colorful writer, too:
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I also was brought up Catholic. However, I had doubts about it all as young as six. It just didn't make sense to me....much of what did make sense were some of the parables made perfect sense. But I wasn't caring much for this god is good god is great...and on the other hand be fearful of god, don't anger god, yadda yadda yadda. Also as I was being brought up Catholic by my Mother and Stepfather...my real Father was a Jehovah's Witness. Well I'm sorry but I didn't buy into that religion either. In my late teens I decided to go to a Christian church with a friend and my cousin. Well after being asked to leave a healing service for falling asleep (da I was there because I was always falling asleep and the Minister that asked me to leave knew it.) I decided that wasn't the right religion either...
Wicca seemed more like how I believed so I gravitated that way for a while..I read a lot, studied things, snd thought I was going merrily on my way..and one day it all started to make sense. So I have no religion and I believe there is an Oversoul so to speak, but not in the same way as a "god".
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
mari- I'm glad you found something that makes you happy. And being asked to leave a church for falling asleep? I thought God lived everyone! Even tired people! Aww :-(
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
even wiccan is not good ts witch craft and god hate witch craft and i was in a healing jesus healed mmy learning disablity and then i did not go back in 2 years it came back it to do with the devil puts these things in your head which he does he does not want me to go back to god i need to fight it and i had a friend that was a thrid generation of witchs and she became christain and she said she will never go back and the lake of fire i dont want to go so i bettwr hurry up and accept him as lord and savoiur again
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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
17 Feb 10
I consider myself agnostic, I don't believe in the bible - God, Jesus, Adam, Eve and all of that - but I definitely believe there's 'something' out there/up there. I don't know what it is and I really don't feel like I have to know, either.
My realization was pretty gradual and pretty early on. My family was never religious and I was only exposed to it through friends. I do remember being little and going to a 'bible camp' thing with a friend and just sitting there thinking 'man, this sure is silly'. As I was growing up I just wasn't interested in religion and found way too many contradictions and inconsistencies in the bible and Christianity. I don't knock people who do believe, it's just not for me. It's not something I could base my whole life and existence on.
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@faridmadeabillion (1127)
• Bangladesh
14 Feb 10
Well, well, well. I see you're a pessimistic. I'm a Muslim and strongly believe in Allah. There is no god but Allah, the Almighty. Religion can prove science and logic futile but they can't prove religion the same. As long as there are religious faith on Allah and moral values in this world, the world will be at ease. Once when most people had much faith in religion, they used to find peace and felt satisfied with little demands. But now-a-days people have turned impatient and rude defying the rules of religion. Only religion can bring peace in this world, not the competition of war with the use of new weapons. Actually peace is a state of mind and religion is its main source. Trust on Allah gives a man an extraordinary feeling of power that no science, logic and technology can deliver. May Allah guide you to the right path.

@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
14 Feb 10
we have alot of muslims in Australia where i am in a suburb but its not the truth
jesus is the one who was on that cross not allah there is alot of christains that were muslim and now they are christians
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@faridmadeabillion (1127)
• Bangladesh
15 Feb 10
Very sad. They're unfortunate enough to have lost faith on Allah. May Allah guide them to the right path.
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@Boyetski (986)
• Philippines
12 Feb 10
I'm a catholic and I do believe in GOD. But I try to understand why people become an atheist. Maybe because of logic and science. Maybe the bible is invented and then acted upon to successfully follow the prophecy. Maybe it's this way or that way. I respect all this. I am also interested on the art of witch craft or wicca or nature. Dieties and GODS.
Maybe I believe in GOD so I may have someone to draw some hope when there's no hope left. Or someone to blame when my prayers are not heard. I read what interest me. Im also not a responsible catholic. I don't go to MASS that often but I do believe.
I have a question though. Do NON BELIEVERS in GOD believe that there is a DEVIL? If so we have the same enemy with diffrent beliefs.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I can only speak for this non believer....lol I don't believe in a Devil..even when I considered myself Catholic or Christian I didn't believe in a Devil. I also never believed in Hell... except for the one we all currently reside in. You may find the works of Michael Newton PhD interesting. He is a Master Hypnotherapist in California. He devotes his private hypnotherapy practice to behavior modification and helping people access their higher spiritual selves. Through the development of his own age-regression technique, Dr. Newton discovered it is possible to take his clients beyond their past-life experiences to uncover a more meaningful soul existence between lives. He also founded The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy.
He has written 3 books of Case Studies of Life Between Lives. Very interesting and enlightening.
I have read the first two but am awaiting the arrival of the third from Amazon.com.
Journey of Souls
Destiny of Souls
Memories of the Afterlife - Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation
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@blummus (451)
• United States
11 Feb 10
I still consider myself an agnostic, as I'm not ready to make a faith statement that there is absolutely no God(s) either, but my break away point came when I learned about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. The same parents who told me they existed also said God existed. When you have two of three turn out to be lies...
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
11 Feb 10
I am not an atheist but would rather like to be spiritual. Religion is of course a concoction of human mind AND created by man with ample proof of how women can be kept subjugated for all times. So religion is not for me either. However, there are some profound texts on spirituality and truth and cycle of life that can be found in Hinduism if searched and understood properly. These are my foundation of belief and thru them, I am trying to lead a more meaningful life.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
I do believe in taking lessons from certain religions and applying them to life. We should do it to make this planet a more peaceful place, not to please some non existent character.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
17 Feb 10
I am not an atheist I am a catholic but I respect other people's decision. Doubting and asking questions can leads to spiritual maturity in my opinion. Though one should be well guided in his spiritual faith. I believe that everyone is free whether to believe in God or a particular religion or not
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
14 Feb 10
I'm not an atheist but I respect your path.Not everyone Has to believe in a higher being. I'm glad you made the right choice for you and you are happy. That's what matters most.
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@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
11 Feb 10
Same here....
I am 26, realized the truth about couple of years ago, i was never a strong believer, always skeptical, asking questions, reading religious books on various religions, eventually as it always happens on questioning these stuffs.... i came across reality and accepted the fact that there is no god and no need for god as such.... its just a mockery of humanism and so called FREE WILL...
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
the truth is jesus and if he was not real then we would not be here i know god is here without him we are nothing i know he shed his blood for you and for me and you and we need not to be stubborn if people want to believe the lies the devil is sayng he is the father of lies.

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I am NOT an atheist nor do I ever want to be. I was brought up Catholic too however, I don't agree with all their beliefs so I changed to Baptist. I don't go to church these days anyway however, I feel that God knows what's in my heart and that's all that matters to me. Granted, the bible was written and rewritten by man but it was done by the deciples who followed Jesus while on earth. Now being that it was rewritten, it's hard to tell where it's been changed so I can understand where one would question it however, to not believe in God or Jesus is really sad. To me it's like this, how can anyone not believe? Jesus wants the best for us and to follow His ways which are all good so why is that so hard? Good is a good thing, Jesus doesn't want bad, He's not about bad so why is it hard to believe in something that only wants good? I'd rather believe that Jesus exists and die to find out that He doesn't than to not believe Jesus exists and die to find out that he does.
Now I want you to understand that I mean no harm in what I said. I won't change it because then it wouldn't be how I feel but to suit you. It's how I feel however, what you feel is your own feelings and I'll honor that. Got it?
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@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
hi there coffeeshot
i was catholic once and when i became a born again christian i felt different like peace over me and plus i have back slidden twice i have not been to church in 2 years he is trying to show me to come back to him and i am ignorng it and i know the enemy is trying to do this to me and i need to be stronger i have seen a red cross in the sky when i first became born again.
i speak in tounges thats another proof jesus is there its in the bible the gifting of tounges when i was catholic i never felt that and i was praying to mary which i should of not cause she is an idol if you pray to her jesus and god only you speak to you need to be in the book of life to go to heaven its only througth jesus you need to accept jesus as your personal savoiur i need to do that myself again it took me long enougth take care

@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
What's it like speaking in tongues? Do you know what you're saying? What if speaking in tongues is evil disguised as god? It's pretty freaky.
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
and another thing is that you need to really mean it in your heart as well if jesus comes back tommrrow and you said i thought you werent real it will be too late
i dont want to go to the lake of fire and we are in the last days too.

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I am not an atheist, but I don't think that there is anything wrong with the way that you feel. What I can agree with about what you've said here is that there came a time in my life that I had my own share of doubts about things that I learned in church. I was in my late teens when I came to this realization. Although I didn't give up believing in God, I did develop my own system of beliefs based on my personal revalation.
@luvlymee26 (326)
• Indonesia
11 Feb 10
If you are an atheist this means that you don't believe in existence of God. Well, that's your choice. But you can't blame religion to be responsible for all the misery in the world. I think all religion always teach us all good things, such as peace, love, care, help each other. The one that can be blamed for all of the bad things is the human itself. Its because they have devil heart. If all people are not greedy, love to live in peace, love to help each other, we will have a happy life forever. But i think that scene is impossible to be true as long as the devil still alive in human body.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
11 Feb 10
Being greedy is a natural human emotion. Doesn't mean we've got weird devil supernatural stuff happening in our heads!
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
26 Feb 10
I believe in the possiblity of something, but I'm not really sure of what that something is. I was raised Presbyterian, and I still go to church sometimes because it is familliar, and I know all the people there, but I am not sure if I really believe it or not. Every religion has a little piece of the puzzle, but no one religion has all the answers.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
17 Feb 10
I am not an atheist, but I do want to say congratulations on your realization. I think religion is mostly perposterous, but I can't help but believe in the "possibility of something," although I don't know what that "something" is. I guess that's why it's only "possible." I was raised a Presbyterian and am still very active in the church, but in my own way, and for the friends and fellowship I have there. My relationship with "the possibility" is very personal, and something that really doesn't fit into any religious group.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
12 Feb 10
You are on an amazing search. Stay open to all information that comes your way, soon you will find truths that you can acceept reapearing time after time. One of the main things you need to avoid is making judgements based on people. Each of us is in a different stage of growth and you will find what is true for you. Enjoy your search.
@alexysabelle (905)
• Philippines
13 Feb 10
religion is out of question here. i am also brought up as catholic, i received communions and do some "Catholics rituals"
. but i dont think my not being a very pious person is because of the irrelevance of teachings in the bible.
I DO STILL BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE. what makes ME distance from the church is because of my bias to people who arE supposed to be a good example of faith and yet the very first you know to violate the teaching of God.
they preach and yet they do otherwise. have you heard of the scandals in churches and other religious denominations? those are examples of things that makes me cold toward the church. but I HAVE A DEEP FAITH IN GOD. and i STILL BELIEVE IN HIS TEACHINGS.
Take care..

@IntrovertShy (2780)
• Marikina, Philippines
13 Feb 10
I realized when I was a mid 20's. I compared the "reality" that we are having now and the bible. I come to realize that the bible and the "reality" of the human society are contradictory.