"Uh oh he was short with black hair, no no he was tall with grey hair"
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
February 12, 2010 11:31am CST
hi fellow mylotters I was thinking of a class I think it was a psychology
class where we were to all describe this person who was going to run down the aisle with a pretend cop after him, as completely as we could. The point being that usually no two people would come up with a complete description of the bad guy. I was wondering how many of us really notice the things that go on around us and if push came to shove, could you describe a person whom you saw for just a few minutes walking past you. Say a police officer was asking you if you saw someone come out of the store next to you wearing a blue shirt, could you really say whether or not you had seen this person?What is your take?
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22 responses
@Tidwell1 (332)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Well, I must admit, I don't think that I would be able to recall things that most people might....I have a hard time remembering someones name seconds after meeting them. I don't really know why but, If I meet them a second time, I will probably remember their name and what they were wearing etc...
Sometimes, I guess I notice things like what color shirt or a hat maybe, if a man, a beard or mustache I would probably remember. Most of the time I am too "busy" in my own head while I'm walking somewhere or in the store, I have to remind myself why I came to the store sometimes!!!
Take Care
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 10
hi tidwell1 well I had thought I did pretty well in that chase but my tall thin man with black hair turned out to be shorter with black hair, and I said he was wearing a black jacket but it was really dark brown
and I said he wore grey flannel trousers
and the instructor said he had grey jeans on. well I really did just about what everyone else did, about a b plus on it. Since then I have tried to notice more about people around me just in case.

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@jb78000 (15139)
12 Feb 10
i remember doing a test on this in i think the science museum when i was a child. you watched a short video of somebody being mugged and then answered questions on what you saw. what was interesting was that most people could accurately describe the weapon but not the robber or what he was wearing. witness accounts are notoriously unreliable.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
here I need to make a correction, my man had a black jacket indeed and black pants, this description came out of another test we had that was similar and the person doing this was my work mate, in this one she got that the slim man was just medium height and the jacket was not black but brown and the pants were grey denim not grey flannel as she said. I was reading the two reports and got us mixe up. this test I just sat in on as I did not need it, but my partner used my name with hers on it.
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@joyceshookery (2057)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Last week I was driving my daughter home. I saw a woman wearing a black "dress" go into the office. She had black hair, about neck length (or did she have it in a bun?). Details have escaped me after a week. Anyhoo, Ashley said the woman I saw was the manager of the apartment complex, and it wasn't a black dress, but a black top and crop pants (I saw legs and assumed a dress).
Just for fun I'm going to try this out on people I see around me for brief periods of time -- getting into a car or better yet, shopping -- that way I can check out my memory/recall.
Thanks for the topic, Hatley.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi joyce I have been trying that on people I see walking past and find I am getting a little more observant as the one old timer Vietnamese gentleman I see every once in a while always wears a black hat and black shirt and pants, even black shoes, and carries a fancy cane.He is the only one I have really been able to remember details on however.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I would probably be okay as I do tend to notice people more than most. Maybe it's all those years of being at a school where you must pay attention to everyone and what's going on around you. Now of course if the bad guy happened to walk by me at the same time as a pretty woman in high heels, then forget it 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi fwidman of course specially the shoes he he.yes I think in a school one would be more likely to really pay attention to people and to what
is happening all around you. I can remember voices better than faces and walks sometimes too. Some people do have a distinctive way of walking that is unlike anyone else.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
ybong007 yes a lot of us have that same problem, we do not see the
details and when asked we usually get it all wrong.so the police
must use other things besides people;s descriptions as they cannot rely on them and must have other avenues to use to explore for catching the bad guy. 

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@pandaeyes (2065)
12 Feb 10
Some aspects I find really easy to remember like height and build because I'm always likening one person to another so i might think,he looks like that actor out of terminator or some such thing. Other things like colour are much harder to recall.
I might remember dark or light shirt or trousers but not brown or blue or black.
I like to draw people so I think I notice a lot about them feature wise .
If I had to pick someone from a line up I could do it easily I think so long as it was a recent sighting.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Mar 10
pandaeyes hi I have heard of Crimewatch but never watched it.
"I too wonder if one could really remember if they got their
memory jogged like that,as I know if someone asked me just
what I had to eat for dinner a week or ten days ago I would
reallybe hard put to remember. but maybe the seriousness of
the crime being reconstructed might well bring back some crucial
bits of information.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi pandaeyes yes some people can really recognize details that others of us just do not see. I think I am getting a little better , I did get a B on the class but not on my test of the bad m ans clothes, not at all.
I missed a lot of things there for sure.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
26 Feb 10
we have crimewatch on TV and often they will show a reconstruction of a crime from years ago.
I often wonder if people can really have their memory jogged by seeing things like that.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
13 Feb 10
I suspect at times that I am not verry observant of people. When I was in Court last week there was a female Magistrate.. She seemed supportive of me. My lawyer was interested in this, as the type of Magistrate one has can affect the outcome. He asked me to describe her. I couldn't. All I could remember was that she may be about my age, and may have had fair hair. He couldnt work out who I was describing so I probably got it all wrong.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi jennybianca I know I am not very obseverant or I would have known
more correct facts on the so called crook we were to observe him
as he ran down the aisle. I did get his hair color right and his
jacket and shoes. other than that I missed quite a lot,

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@terri0824 (4995)
• United States
21 Feb 10
Well I guess it would mean what frame of mind I was in whether I could give someone a description of a person. Most of the time, I am just hurrying along and not minding other things around me, just focused on the next task at hand. Very seldom do I get a chance to take everything in as I am generally in a hurry. Though these days it is probably best to absorb what is going on around you because you just neve know.....
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi terri0824 yes I think it would depend on that for me
too as I usually am thinking of what I inted to do. I
was shocked at how little I got right on the man's
appearance. I was sure he was tall and dark haired but
missed his dark suit and red pocket handerchief. But
I did notice his shoes and his jacket were grey and scuffed.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I think I could probably answer the cop's question. I'm very aware of what's going on around me and always look at people carefully. If I hear someone approaching me from behind I always go on the defensive. I look at every face that passes me and I'm always ready to evade a possible physical altercation. I'm not paranoid, just very careful and I like to be ready for anything. As I walk through a store I'm running scenarios through my head and watching for exits and escape routes. It's just routine with me. I'm not worried about anything, I just don't ever want to be caught unprepared.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi dragon54u my hubby was like that too, and he noticed details unlike most of us, in fact he even noticed my clothes which a lot of men dont do. He was quick to comment if he liked a new dress or not. Several times we witnessed a car accident and while I was groping around for the real facts my hubby was spieling them out to the police officer., He in instance adequately described a wanted car thief to the police and recieved an award of a thousand dollars from the parents of the child that was in the car the thief stole. The child was recovered too with nothing but a few bruises. the thief was a woman if you please and she had a little girl at home so she was kind to the child.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 10
hi dawnald yes indeed, we had a guest speaker that day, the chief of police, and he told how in one case one eyewitness said the man was tall and slim, while others said he was short and plump, and even one person'insisted the man was a dwarf. If one's life depended on eye
witness accounts of what they saw the person could be doomed.

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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
17 Feb 10
i think i would as im usually very aware of whats going on around me. i think its because years ago (not now) i lived in a bad neighborhood. one day i was looking out my kitchen window and noticed a guy removing a tv from the gals house across the street. i didnt know her but didnt think she was moving and i knew she went to work every day. besides he was looking around like he hoped no one seen. i noted his description and even took down his license plates number. sure enough, when she came home i noticed the police over there. i went across and told them what id seen and she said, oh my god, thats my boyfriend. i never thought hed do this. anyway, she got the tv back and we were good friends after that.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi bunnybon good thing you got the guys license number and his description as that really helped the girl to know exactly who
he was . I used to be pretty good at describing things going
on around me but in that test that day in the U I did just
so so. lol lol lol

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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
13 Feb 10
I've often wondered about this, myself. If I were being robbed at gunpoint, I would probably have to pay really close attention to what he looked like so I could describe him to the police. If I saw a man coming out of the store next to me in a blue shirt, I would say I had seen him. It would be out of the corner of my eye, though. This is a good discussion! Kathy.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
I find I am not really very observant and am trying to practice it
just in case I ever need to know in an emergency.I do remember one time when I was shopping with my little daughter, mymom and my sister. I had been holding lisa's hand and had to let go of it long enough to
pay the sales clerk, and wham she was gone. WE looked all over the store and got the manager who asked for her description and I cou ld remember she had on a white dress with red hearts printed on it, a red ribobn in her hair, her hair was dark brown and she had very blue eyes.
the manager returned laughing a few moments later, come with me he said and led us back to the dress materials aisle. the clerk there was giggl
ing as the manager pointed to a stack of dress material behind the counter. there atop the dress goods, was my little girl sound asleep and all curled up.what a relief. wow.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Mar 10
hi cyrus She was so pretty people were sort of shocked to learn she
was brain damaged at birth and had probably the IQ of a four or five
year old at age eight. she would never been any better according
to the doctor, but a clinic in new Jersy I think it was told us if
we could get therethey had a program called patterning that would
help her to use her brains to boost her ID to normal. but we did
not have the money to get there at all or the funds they wanted
to put her in that program. this was a long time back .she would have
'been 49 now had she lived.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
8 Mar 10
Oh, Hatley! I'm so sorry to hear about this
! I know you really miss her especially around Thanksgiving! Bless her heart and yours, too
. I bet it was really hard for you to lose her at such a young age. She still sound like a little doll, though
. Kathy.

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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Feb 10
It would really depend. If there was some feature about the person that I immediately noticed or if their behavior seemed especially out of line then I think that I would be able to give a far more complete description of a person than if the person in question was acting just as normally on the street as you or I would act. I've been asked before to describe people that I've only seen for a split second that weren't particularly different and I really struggle with that situation.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi dorannmwin oh I was awful as the whole thing happened in about ten minutes or less. I got that he had black hair and black jacket and pants, but not about his beard or glasses or his odd grey loafers
Only two people aced that and they were police officers taking this
course with some other cou rses. according to our instructor very few people got all or just part of them.

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@vandana7 (101567)
• India
13 Feb 10
I agree with you Hatley. If the person is running away from the crowd, he / she is hardly likely to be conspicuous. People who are strikingly different catch everybody's attention. Others dont. So it is unlikely that I would have noticed the person. :)
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi vanday yes it seemed that he was dressed in all dark clothes except his shoes were grey that I did remember.;his hair I do not remember now
but I do think I got it right. I know that I really am not as observant as I used to be. lol lol

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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
13 Feb 10
With my poor eyesight, I woudln't be able to describe the person, unless they were wearing something very obvious. my husband, for example, has this Russian hat that we wears in the winter. I have one too. We both have poor vision, and if we are to meet eachother somewhere after doing our own thing for a while, we can easily see eachother coming. LOL
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi danishcanadian my eyes arent too keen either, specially now with doing so much typing on the net and mylot too; I am still waiting for
permission from my insurance to go to an ophthalmologist
to have my eye checked and also checked for needing new glasses. 

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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
14 Feb 10
I am not too observant of my surroundings I admit. It became evident when I worked in a bank and we had to do a test. We were discussing security during a meeting and we were being instructed what to do in case a robber walked in the branch. We were asked to watch a short video of a bank robbery and afterwards we were handed Police description forms and had to fill them out with the robber’s height, weight, hair colour etc. It is amazing how different the descriptions were amongst all the people there. I don’t remember the correct description but I was way off the mark!

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi paula I got the hair color right and the j acket and pants, but I aid he had on black tennies and he did not, he had on expensive gray loafers and I did notice he wore glasses and had a beard. so I did not do too well on that at all.

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@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 10
hello Hatley,
everybody describe something based on his knowledge and compare based by himself. If someone tell a person was tall, maybe its because he shorter than the person, or if he tells a person was short, maybe it is because he is taller than the person. It is kind of psychologist games, you see what you want to see.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 Feb 10
Everyone has different focal points when it comes to description. One person might notice the blue shirt while another might notice his hat more. I think that description has to be thought about a bit when your asking aomeone. If someone is short and they say I saw a tall guy..well...how tall is that exactly. He might be an average size guy to us but to someone smaller, he might be huge. If there was no particular reason to notice someone at the moment..then no..I probably couldn't describe him but if we were the only ones or one of the few..then maybe.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi jenintn yes we were told that and also he was really tall, butlike you said a tall person might say he was of average height, while to a shortie
he would appear almost a giant. We had talked about describing people earlier in the lecture but none of us were prepared when this guy dashed down the hall with the fake police officer afterhim. lol lollol
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
13 Feb 10
I really face a very hard time remembering faces. I am good at remembering events, I can recount that flawlessly, I would even remember the conversation word to word but face is something I am really not good at.
Maybe I just cannot look into a mans face and stare to imprint it on my memory.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi bodhisatya I am that way to and also as he had his back to us as he ran I really could only see his face was dark as though he were Spanish
and his hair was black too. I knew he wore dark clothes but did not notice he had gray shoes.

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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
13 Feb 10
I wouldn't be able to describe my own face in detail, let alone some mugger in a dark. Which I've only seen briefly, while everybody else would be running away from.
This reminds me of the movie Spy Game with Robert Redford and Brad Pitt, where Pitt was a new spy and Redford was training him. They were in a restaurant and he was asking the newbie of all the things he should notice in the surroundings.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Feb 10
hi bounce the big lecture hall was dimmed but not that dark, but the surpise running down the aisle startled me for a while as he was
running so fast and it seemed almost blurred to me. yet we were
to write down as much of whatever we saw.

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