Should the government limit how many children you can have.?

United States
August 30, 2006 1:05pm CST
do you think this violates you human rights.? is overpopulation an issue with you.?
16 responses
• India
14 Sep 06
yes the government limit on childrens bcoz in this generation day by day the poplation is incresing but u not finding jobs and most of the people are un employes.for example if in a family there are 6 members 2 are working and rest of the 4 persons daily thinking what do
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
14 Sep 06
Yes. India is facing the overpopulation problem. The economists and planners plan for next two or three years, based on the resources available, taking into account population growth, inflation etc. The overpopulation beyond the expectation causes the planned economy to go haywire. This kind of planning is known as breathing underwater or fish out of order.
@coral999 (140)
• Australia
6 Sep 06
In Aussie the govt. pays $5000 for every baby born. they say we need to populate more. Trouble is even give it to kids so 14 year olds are having babies to get the money even tho the age of consent is 16. duh!!!
@missyann73 (1454)
• United States
9 Sep 06
No, but I do feel they should set a limit with the women that are on welfare. Only two children, and after that the welfare help stops. Here where we live, in West Virginia, the biggest welfare rip off state that there is, they just keeping having as many children as they can, so they can get more money and food stamps.
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
9 Sep 06
This is an absolutely horrifying premise! The government (ie, politicians and bureaucrats) can't be trusted to make decisions of this caliber - in fact they're usually incompetent with smaller matters. Talk about human rights violations - do you know in CHina women are forced to undergo abortion if the state thinks they have too many children already. No, overpopulation is not an issue - in fact, it's a crock. If we all hope to retire and 55 or 60 or whatever, then there better be a decent-sized younger generation to work and pay social security tax. I'd say the real problem is UNDERPOPULATION.
@arunsu (13)
• India
14 Sep 06
Well having childrens that we can afford to grow up is a good thing but i shall say that government should impose some restriction as we are not only the people they are caring about if it was an indivitual no prob but for the nation as a whole it is a prob
• United States
6 Sep 06
No, if goverment limit how many children we can have, I will be very upset. I lost my first one and I want more in the future. They cant just tell us how many children people can have.
@jhannon (1406)
• United States
30 Aug 06
no that would take away our freedoem then we wouldnt really be free right..
@merlin86 (27)
• India
30 Aug 06
NO NOT AT-ALL, to reduse population their is no other way...the gov. is doing a rite job...
• India
6 Sep 06
yes the government should implement certain laws...this doesnt violate human controls the population and makes the world a better place to live...
@HerShe (2383)
• Canada
6 Sep 06
I don't know about that, but I do think that if people are going to have children they should be licensed. Children grow into adults and adults should know how a child develops. eg. Early Childhood Education Courses. It is easier to raise a child than to reraise an adult. These small people will run the world some day.
@sanell (2112)
• United States
6 Sep 06
it is very hard to say, sometimes I think yes because my god some parents just should not be parents but then I think, no because some parents are WONDERFUL and those that have trouble having kids would make great parents and could adopt others who have too many kids or something. Okay that sounded pretty high school I guess. Look at China....overpopulation man, although America is a free country
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
6 Sep 06
Here (philippines) ? OFCOURSE!!! poverty is increasing because of it's massive growth on population. the worst thing is, those who are below poverty line are the ones interested in making more babies. what's that kind of thinking? that's why poor are poor because they don't think. human right? that's why we won't resolve this issue because we think that it's wrong to control the growing population. it's like adding insult to injury! human rights----it's human wrong to keep the number of people of people growing without thinking of the future. and obviously, overpopulation is an issue since it will affect our lives in days to come.
@Saintsy (81)
6 Sep 06
They should never have the right to tell anyone how many children to have, it is not their choice, do they think they are god? How dare they even thing about it. Would they like it ? NO!! Would it affect them? NO!! To busy spending money on wars that dont need to be happening and running out of the money that we as people are all entitled to for living is what is happening, so if they limit the amount of children (which will NEVER happen, court of human rights will NOT let it) they think they will have less to pay out. It sickens me!!
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
30 Aug 06
It should. In our country, this rule is indirectly brought in for government employees.
• Italy
30 Aug 06
No way, one needs to be free to have how many children they want. This is not the government's business.