Do you watch the Duggars with 19 kids? Isnt it enough already?
By dloveli
@dloveli (4366)
United States
February 14, 2010 6:52am CST
Im a mother and Im all for big families. However, this woman has had 18 healthy normal births. Unfortunately she just had her 19th and she wasnt as lucky. This child was born prematurely. My thought is this: she has 19 beautiful healthy children. Shouldnt that be enough. It is clear that by the birth of the last baby that her body isnt tolerating the pregnancies as well as they used to. I would think you would stop while you're ahead. I understand that she follows the will of GOD. God also gave us the ability to think and rationalize, problem solve, etc. It is clear to me that her body is giving her warnings and I hope, for the children's sake she listens. What do you think? Is enough enough? I only hope that her decisions will not be based on ratings. Please share your thoughts. dl
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22 responses
@MrKennedy (1978)
14 Feb 10
I haven't got a problem with her wanting to have a 19th child to add to the family, but I can't shake off the feeling that this new-born Duggar is merely a cunning way to boost ratings
Whenever I watch this programme, I think to myself "how on earth do they cope?" Then I realise her clever plan; when all the children grow up, think of how well-treated Mr and Mrs Duggar will be

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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Good point Mr. Kennedy! I think enough is enough. This last child took alot out of her. She could die. How will she be able to spend quality one on one time with each of them. I know how important my one on one's with my mom were. She isnt going to be able to pull that off. To me that's one of the reasons of being a parent in the first place. You are not supposed to have babies for your older kids to take care of. Im sorry. What kin d of life is that for the older ones? dl
@tcup345 (358)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I agree with both of you. What will happen to these families when the ratings drop, people are getting tired of these type of shows. Chances are that without their show, this family would be living on the taxpayer dime. God gives us intelligence and free will, the intelligence to know when to quit adding to an over-populated world and the free will to practice birth control. Now, saying that, I do not advocate China's solution to overpopulation but I understand their need to make the law. Too many people burdens the governments, the food supply, and the ecology of our planet. God also gave us common sense, which some of us fail to utilize.
@canadiandreamsbig (173)
• Canada
16 Feb 10
I agree completely. I NEVER watch these shows. They exploit the children on the shows and are simply a cash grab by the parents. I'm not sure about their huge family being God's will,either. I think God leaves the number of children we will have up to us.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Feb 10
She is fortunate that both her and her husband were exceedingly fertile and that the other children were born healthy. I am also positive that there were twins included. I do think that perhaps her time of bearing is running out and this might be her last child. I think that when the time comes for her to stop bearing, that an increase in miscarriages, and her body aging will stop her from having more children. I do not think it will be a conscious decision like what happens when women decide to have only one or two,when they could handle five or six.
It will happen when God decides she cannot have any more.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Feb 10
Is she a Satanist? Anyway God will decide to make sure she no longer bears, and God is always in the picture. If she is a SAtanist or practicer of dark magic and wants as many children to increase the following of the evil one, then God will stop her bearing so that the world may be protected against her evil, especially if the next child she would be would be the next evil dictator.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Feb 10
Oh I read later that she was not from the dark side. She is a Christian. However she may claim to be a Christian and believe she is, but she can be deluded and be a member of a sect that takes only from the Bible what pleases them. For instance, someone who believes that God will never punish anybody, or someone who believes women should wear veils because that is what they did in ancient Greece when Paul was preaching, snake handlers and such.
So one has to examine her church. If they say " be fruitful and multiply" and yet take only parts out of the gospel that pleases them and use the rule of man, it is not a true Church and will come to naught.
@mandybeau (279)
• New Zealand
16 Feb 10
please don't put God in this equation, this woman is seriously from the Darker side.
It will happen, not when God decides but when her body claps out, probably, the next attempt.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
14 Feb 10
I love your comment "God also gave us the ability to think and rationalize, problem solve, ect."
I was thinking the same thing w/ her 19th being born prematurly that should be a red flag to say... enough is enough. This time it was gallbladder issues could something worse happen? And if they want to add more kids.... ADOPT! There are alot of kids who need homes!
I know they are independently wealthy to a degree.... but perhaps you or someone else can answer How long have they had their show? How dependant are they on that show for income?
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@canadiandreamsbig (173)
• Canada
16 Feb 10
TLC used to have a lot of quality shows. They need to go back to that.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
14 Feb 10
I don't have cable so I'm not able to watch any of the shows. I only hear tidbits from the net & broadcast tv.
I would think Octo-mom would have a show. I think her stupidity has given her more means than the rest of us will ever be offered when it comes to caring for our kids. And of course she's a curiosity. Perhaps with this opportunity she'll be able to pay for everything out of her OWN pocket instead of recieving assistance or atleast til the show gets canceled.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
14 Feb 10
The fourth season started on February 2 I believe on TLC. So they became the famous family after the had all of children and supported all of these children. I believe that John and Kate was one of the first shows to start airing and then they went looking for other families to spotlight since they received such high ratings. Now we are to have the octuplets sometime in the near future (octo-mom). having children for fame and fortune is wrong. Having them because you can love and support them is another. I hope this answers your question on how long the season has been on.
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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
18 Feb 10
You know what? All of you who are moaning and groaning about this, be GLAD for this family. Their children will be helping to pay for your Social Security when you get old(er) and gray(er). Does it not say in the Bible to "Be fruitful and MULTIPLY"? That order comes straight from God Himself.
I think it's wonderful that the Duggars are that self-giving and self-sacrificing, that they have so much love to go around. The world needs more people like them; God knows it already has more than enough selfish people to go around.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
19 Feb 10
God encourages us to be fruitful and multiply yes but to what extent. I dont think he meant have tons of children that you wont be able to spend time with on a one to one basis. Oh and yes my child multiply so that you have to except donations to help support your family. why do you think they are homeschooled? because its easier, cost almost nothing, and the children will never know what its like to live as a normal family does. I seriously think that for the Duggars religion is an excuse to act like a fanatic, push your beliefs on everyone by insisting that you raise your family without any outside interferance. What happens when one of them decides to leave the house, and pursue outside interests? It'll come out eventually that they have some dirty laundry just like everyone else in the world. You cant mean to tell me that this woman thinks she's normal when she is pregnant constantly. Children are expensive and its hard for me to believe that their rental property and car lot makes enough money to support all those children, 2 parents, a daughter n law and a grandchild. NO wonder they make their own clothes. They are con artists and have dragged their kids into it. I wonder how God would look upon that... dl
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
18 Feb 10
"the learning channel" does it even still mean that still? what r we learning not to have a gazillion kids?! i agree....i think once her eldest child gave them a grandchild they should have stopped...y ruin his thunder?! if i were one of her Dr.'s i would've lied n said o.k. now u need a hysterectomy lol J/K! but for real something's gotta give enough is enough...i do realize they take good care of their children definitely better than John & Kate plus 8 ever did but there comes a time when u gotta stop because she may have a worse outcome next labor and may not be there for all her children and grandchildren and yes I'm aware that can happen to anyone but why would you want to risk that since she could've lost her life this time....well hopefully they realize this!
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@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
22 Feb 10
they are closet freaks lol! yea i agree about the dr. thing...i hadn't noticed they show different dr.'s but now that u mention it i probably will lol! i do think with less children there is more attention to go around....i personally would go insane with that many kids!
@mslena75 (561)
• United States
19 Feb 10
They are nuts...although I'll give them credit where credit is due...they finance all those kids themselves, with NO government assistance whatsoever. And yes their kids are well taken care of and mannerful, BUT...I don't care how much time or money you have...there is NO WAY 2 people can effectively parent that many children. What they are doing is nothing more than herding all those kids around. And they depend on the older children to help them care for the babies. Yes, kids need to learn responsibility, but if you make the choice to pop out kids like that, you need to prepared to deal with ALL of them and not parcel them out to the kids who can already feed and dress themselves. Research the Quiverfull Movement, that is the faith that they follow. The best thing that could happen to that woman at this point would be a uterine prolapse!
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
19 Feb 10
OMG MSlena. I think I found my twin!lol I feel the exact same way. There isnt enough time in the day to spend quality time with each kid, work a job and sleep. Yes they have a rental property but you and I both know most of their funding comes from donations. Why would I donate to the Duggars when there are families out there with just 1 child that may need help. The Duggars also have a television show. Which if its anything like Jon and Kate plus Eight they get paid big time not only for the reality show but for all the guest appearances. So believe you me sister they arent stupid that is for sure as far as finances and getting money is concerned. They are stupid for thinking they can properly raise 19 kids. what will happen when one of the children doesnt want to be like the parents? Eventually that's gonna happen. We both know that. Thanks for agreeing with me. dl
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
11 Dec 10
I saw a video of the Duggar family with 19 children. I am happy to hear that there 19th child, a baby girl, is now one year old and healthy. I read that she had an emergency c-section at 25 weeks pregnancy and her premature baby was very small. It is amazing that the lady has so many children. The womb weakens after having many pregnancies. Complications tend to happen when a lady is at the end of her fertile years.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
13 Dec 10
Yes Max EVERYTHING you have stated above is a concern. What gets me is that she and her husband are literally getting rich off their children. I mean they already had a bunch of kids before the show. I just mean that I understand their religious beliefs.However, as you said her cervix is weakened, she's not a spring chicken, and there really isnt enough time in the day to spend with each one of them. I had two sisters and I know I loved spending one on one time with each of my parents. The thing that really gets me is that she has these kids that the other children are taking care of. Sure they seem like they like it. THEY ARE ON TELEVISION! What teen do you know that wants to babysit everyminute or everyday without getting paid? Teens are always trying to find ways to make money. Just because they are religious people doesnt mean that its wrong to want to have a few bucks in our pocket. How selfish of any parent to expect their children to raise their brothers and sisters. Helping out is one thing. After this last emergency isnt that a sign her body is getting tired? If I remember correctly she said the minute there was any type of sign she would take it as a sign from the lord and stop. Well Michelle Duggar! ITS TIME TO STOP!!!!thanks max and happy myLotting dl
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
14 Feb 10
I think its totally ridiulous. My mom had 5 and I thought that was to much. Now her oldest son is married and they just had a child, while your mom is still having babies. I bet she will go for another to make it twenty. I just don't understand why.
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@verabear (796)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
I'd seen the show where they were built this big and beautiful house that had room for all of them, it was a beautiful home. But you're right perhaps it's about time they decided that baby 19 is the last one. They're granpdarents now too besides.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Hey Vera its not even because she was a grandmother and has enough. Its because this baby came early. From a medical standpoint its a sign that her body has had enough. If I am right it could mean that if she was to get pregnant again she or her baby may die. Im sure her kids need her. Maybe its time to forget about ratings and be realistic. Just a thought. dl
@verabear (796)
• Philippines
16 Feb 10
Yup, I totally see your point. I just meant that now that they're kids are old enough, if they wanted more babies then they would just have to wait for more grandkids to come rather than making their own. You're right, her body may very well be telling her that it's had enough and can't support more.
@kaylachan (75874)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Feb 10
It is true she is getting older, but weather you have one kid or 20, there is a possibility that there are going to be complications. Mind you two of those pregnancies were twins, not saying that Michel's body hasn't gotten a work-out, but sometimes I kind of wonder if they rely way to much on "letting things happen".
Though to get pregnant that many times the woman has to be real healthy to be able to tolerate that.
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@kaylayoe (293)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I think 19 children with one mother and father is too much. There's no way all of those children get the amount of attention they deserve or need. And I'm going to assume they have to sort of take care of each other? Or the oldest take care of the youngest? It just seems like a really bad idea. And I agree they should stop having children.
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@MrsWalz (24)
• United States
17 Feb 10
A few years ago when I first heard about the Duggars.. I was pretty taken aback. After watching the show for several episodes over the last few years.. I have to say the Duggars really impressed me. I was wondering how they balanced everything and how they survived. I was pleasantly suprised to see that they are a very loving functional family that really cares about the well being of one another. I was extremely impressed with Mrs. Duggar and how she was able to run the home so well. And the originzational skills are outstanding. I also liked how mannerly the children are which is a testament to the parenting skills of Mr. and Mrs. Duggar. While I personally could never imagine having 19 children I don't feel any negativity toward the Duggar family for their choices. I do understand this last child has presented some difficulties for them and it's definitely made the naysayers really point the finger.. but the fact of the matter is a pre-mature child could happen to ANY WOMAN no matter how many children she has or hasn't had. The Duggars actually practice a Biblical waiting time before they resume marital relations so it's not like they are just going about having these children with no sort of plan or insite. I can appreciate that a great deal. I do think at some point probably now they need to definitely re-evaluate the idea of having so many children simply because of Mrs. Duggar's age. She's in her 40's now and as we all know the more years you are over 35 the more likely it for pregnancy and birth complications. I comprehend that they feel these children are a gift from God and that's great but at the same time I think I agree with Dloveli that God gives the ability to think, rationalize, and weigh decisions. We have free choice though so if the Duggars continue having children..well then I hope and pray they can handle the load and survive.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
19 Feb 10
Well said MrsWalz. However as prematurity could happen to anyone no matter how many children they've had, dont you think since all the other births went smoothly that this could be a sigh of her age and she really should think about having no more children? She runs a good house once a week for an hour on a reality show. If you research a reality show taping you'll see that its bits and peices from different times in their lives. It could be a minute from 6 months ago and 3 minutes from yesterday. Reality television show is far from reality my friend. I think that as a woman we all have our moments as far as being tired, not wanting to have relations, needing a break from our children. With 19 children and some of them babies I assure you she never gets a break. People need help with 2 children. I can guarantee that if she really ran the house all by herself she'd definitely need a break and she wouldnt be as eager to please as she usually is on the show. we are all only human. Even the Duggars. Happy MyLotting dl
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
14 Feb 10
I like the show and I like the family. I like how she is counter-cultural. I wish them all the best with their new challenges. As far as whether or not she will have another child, I think that is not for us to decide.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
14 Feb 10
19 is just too many.i can't imagine having to control a mob like that.
she'll probably regret it when she can't hold her urine when she gets older.
if you count miscarriages and a blue baby my mom had 8 and she already has that problem.

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@strawberrybaby39 (2086)
• United States
16 Feb 10
I think that is a lot of kids to be having. I mean if you think you can take care of that many kids so be it. I am a mother of 3 kids and that was enough for me. People that have children have to make the time for all of them. To educate them, play with them, take them to school, sports and a lot more. I feel bad for the last baby that was born because the baby has problems. I think she has enough kids. But who are we to tell anyone you shouldn't have anymore? One of my grandmothers had 15 children but some of them didn't make it. I think her body has had enough of having children. It takes a toll on the body being pregnant.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Feb 10
I would definitely think that the premature birth of Josie would serve as a warning to them that her time to bear children is becoming short. I know I certainly wouldn't want to have another baby after having a micropreemie as they had in December. However, I can also say that just because you suffer from extreme pre-eclampsia with one pregnancy doesn't mean that the next will follow suite. I have a friend that had her daughter as a 26 week preemie and last year she had her second child who was a full term healthy baby boy.
I admire this family for being able to raise their huge brood, but I also think that they just might have something off with their ability to calendar plan for their family.
@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
14 Feb 10
Hi Dloveli,
OMG that's a lot --so many kids! she is one of kind mother. too many kids is very risky but i admire her endurance. i too admire her for keeping her children healthy. i hope she will finally say no this time. it's putting her life in danger and when this happen who will takecare of her children. i know the government will always provide support but it's still different when mom takes care and look after the welfare of the kids.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
14 Feb 10
I do not think she runs her life by ratings. She had these children way before the TV show. Yes it does help with the support and care for these children but they were doing it before the show. She home schools. The older children care and assist the younger children. They are respectful. I think that is what i have a problem with. The older children become caretakers of the younger ones. You cannot fake the respect that they have for each other. Cameras are rolling and they will catch your darkest moments. Go ask John and Kate plus eight? That's a different story altogether. The Duggars did it out of love not for fame and fortune. He works and she maintains the household. The wear hand me downs. They watch very little TV or computer surfing and go do activities outside the household. They are not being investigated. My question would what are they doing right? They seem quite happy and content. They children seem to be well adjusted. If there acting then there doing an awesome job. As far as preterm labor is concerned it can to anyone. Yes there are risks in having children late in life but the way I understood the risks are greater for the person that has not had any children and this is there first one late in life than the one that has. They are very religious people and live by it. Eventually her body will say the baby maker will be out of commission for good and it is just a playground.
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