How Did Your God Or Goddess Come To Exist?

@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
February 14, 2010 6:44pm CST
I have a question that I would like some explanation on, and hopefully get some helpful answers. How did your god or goddess come to exist? Now just to be honest I have more understanding of the God of the Bible, but my question is across the board. I did a google search by typing in who created God. I got answers like since God created time, He is timeless so does not need to be created. Sorry but that sounds like a cop out. Even if God or in some cases Goddess was timeless they would still need to be created.
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17 responses
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
15 Feb 10
Well in the first place I have no goddess. I only have one God and He is not created, And my dear if a god needs to be created then he is no longer the god of all gods. If he was created then there is somebody more supreme than him and therefore he could not worth the name God. My God is the God of the Bible and He is the God of all Gods so there is no reason to ask how my God was created because He is the creator of all things and was not created by anyone else. So if you were to ask me, then I would say... God is not at all created. God have always been in existence. God is not caused by anyone or any any thing. God caused all creations to exist but He was not caused by anyone. It takes faith to believe this. I am glad I have this faith so I accepted this fact because I don't think I should ever bother myself in doubting this truth. I would not want to have the mind of an Atheist who always states that if all things need a cause, then God must also need a cause. I don't wanna be a fool after all. Well, I am very contented and secured in my faith that I have an ever existing God, the Creator. I don't have even a bit of doubt to the truth that my God exists. All creations and my own conscience speak this truth and there is nothing that will change my belief about my God and His unique attributes.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
So your God created himself, or what?
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
15 Feb 10
"Even if God or in some cases Goddess was timeless they would still need to be created." Why? How did you come to that conclusion? If you think God has to have been created by someone or something, do you then ask who or what created the creator of God? Where does it end? My God did not, "come to exist," because He has always been and will always be.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
So you believe in something supreme that has never been created. If God has not been created how do you know he or she exist? He has always been, how do you know? Maybe he/she has not.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Why is He the only thing that makes sense? Something doesn't come from nothing, except a God, once again that just does not make any sense. If something does not come from nothing then God does not exist. He would have had to come from nothing. I love the logic just believe, well I am sorry but I have questions, and last time I look question are a good thing. If we did not question thing we would still think the Sun revolved around a flat Earth.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Yes, I do believe in a supreme being who has never been created, and I noticed you dodged my question. I know HE exist because He's the only thing that makes sense. Where does creation begin and the creation of what? Something doesn't come from nothing therefore, there has to be an eternal. That eternal is GOD.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Why is it that you cant swallow that there is a being that has always existed but can that the universe came from nothing? What about infinite big and infinite small? Or the fact that energy has always been even before the creation of this universe or if you follow "M" theory you have to admit that there has always been something else around before the beginning of our universe. What if religion was trying to teach ancient man these concepts that modern man is just now discovering for themselves. Things like energy is eternal, that we are limited by our understanding of the things we can measure, IE: atom used to be smallest but now we are down to make up of atoms and the make up of those particles. Why do we assume that we know everything there is to know when every generation learn the old generation is mistaken but yet we still claim to false theories like evolution when it doesn't have any proof except that evolution happens within a species alone. Do you know how little scientist knew about the complexities of a single cell in Darwin's day? Or that at the time he published his book many still believed in spontaneous regeneration, not disproved until Louis Pasteur refuted it scientifically. I feel that atheist who use this argument are using a cop out also especially when they than turn around and follow the same line of thinking that they accuse people with beliefs of having.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I love this if you dare to question anything you must be an atheist. Look I just have questions, once again it is how dare anyone question anything. Your opening statement can be easily turned around, if a supreme being can exist from nowhere so can the universe.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Something always comes from something else, are you sure. Also you write You cant create energy from nothingness. Well what about God, if something always come from something then I go back to my original statement where did God come from.
• United States
15 Feb 10
Ahh but you see the scientific community has changed its mind also, the "big bang" they feel wasn't really a big bang after all but they now think that it came from two other universes rubbing against each other. Hence there was something already there before our universe came into existence. The reason I worded my statement as I did was because I read your other responses, it wasn't a blind answer. That would be why I used "cop out". As for turning my statement around no it cant be and here is why, something always comes from something else. To assume there was nothing at whatever beginning you look at is a negative argument. The positive would be to assume that there was always something. Or simple math expression 01 is false, 10 true. 0 being nothing and 1 being something. This expression is true if you look at energy. It can change but it was always there in one form or another and is never destroyed. You cant create energy from nothingness.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
15 Feb 10
That has been a question I've wondered about since I was a child. There is no answer! If God was created, who created the Creator? And who created the Creator that created the Creator? It's the old "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" question. It's like trying to imagine infinity, your mind can only go so far! Believe me, I've tried.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I remember asking this question in Sunday school when I was a child. The teach told me not to worry about because it did not matter. How is that for logic?
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I got that a lot, too, as a child in Sunday School, vacation Bible school and so forth. Thanks to people like that I became an atheist for quite a few years in my youth. I could have really used my faith back then, it might have saved me from a lot of grief. However, it did one thing for me--I never, ever told my children that something they were asking about didn't matter because that's just how it is. I guess everything happens for a reason and everyone has a purpose!
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• United States
16 Feb 10
As far as I'm concerned, the God I serve and love has always existed. I understand that it's hard for us, who live in a four dimensional world, to understand "before time," but I know of no other way to explain the existence of God. Everything in our earthly world has a beginning and an end and I think that's why no beginning is so hard for many to accept. Since man can't identify God's beginning, he wants to dismiss Him altogether. Not understanding "before time" is a very weak argument to be against the existence of God. Although science has made great strives in innumerable areas, it has never been able to duplicate what God has created, and I believe science proves the existence of God. Besides, what difference does it make if or how God came into being. He exists. He created the world in which we live. He created the laws that rule our universe. Instead of getting all worked up about whether or not God had a beginning, just accept that he exists and start looking for Him. When you find the true and living God, you might be surprised of the impact He will have on your life.
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• United States
16 Mar 10
"I (Jesus Christ) am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, who was and is and is to come, the Almighty." - Revelation 1:8
@floridia (296)
• Algeria
14 Mar 10
say : He is Allah the One and Only;Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;He begetteth, not nor is He begotten;And there is none like unto Him.
@floridia (296)
• Algeria
15 Feb 10
God is the first and he is the last, he is the giver of life , the creator, the deadly. he has 99 names.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Just because He has 99 names does not explain how He came into existence.
@floridia (296)
• Algeria
14 Mar 10
try to think in your existence how did u come to life " those are miracles" instead of thinking of God your creator existence.
• Australia
15 Feb 10
Try this statement on for size.... Man can become as God now is. And God was as Man now is. With this idea in mind I believe that in a "Eternal Prospectinve" God is simply creator of what we know. And at one point God may have been mortal like us. The concept is a bit difficult to grasp but since there is no beginning and no end, then the each "God" would have come from somewhere. And that thought I think is a bit to hard for me to grasp.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Well that makes two of us because that is a bit to hard to grasp for me also.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
15 Feb 10
This is why God tells us to not to try to understand this. All we have to do is believe in Him. What makes you think God had to be created? Just because you cannot understand the concept of something that has no beginning or end does not mean it is false. All that means is that we are incapable of understanding the true nature of God. If you want to learn about God, then read the Bible.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Feb 10
God has always been. HE has no need for someone to create HIM because if that were so, HE would not be GOD. You are seeing it from man's angle. If GOD were created, and someone a higher power created HIM then you do not need to obey HIM. You will search for other supreme being and worship HIM OR you will think that there is no need to obey God because that HE is a created being. And we are supposed to worship the Creator rather then the creature. Now that sounds like a cop out and an excuse. Besides God is a spiritual being and with spiritual beings, one does not need material stuff. God did enter the womb of the virgin Maty and become Jesus Christ and that is the only way that God actually became a created being, but then HE was is and always shall be.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Mankind has a long way to go before there is understanding. You base your question on the physical laws of this universe. You can only think in terms of linear time. Let me point you in a direction. Quantum physics is showing that other universes exist in other dimensions. Can you even picture one of these??? How about a dimension where time does not exist.Everything just is. One thing is clear. There is lots more to learn. Simple answers to simple questions will never be the real answers. We must get out of our narrow thinking based solely on what is easy to see, our universe and it's laws.
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@cannibal (650)
• India
15 Feb 10
Creation is a misnomer; manifestation is the keyword. Creation brings along with it a series of unanswered queries, one of which you have rightly posed. Another significant pertinent question is how can something come out of nothing? On the other hand, manifestation makes complete sense with respect to science, logic and Yoga. [mysticism] The one seed source manifests as many. This is an observable fact. Science talks of the GUF on similar lines. And since the source, which in mystical source they call the 'Absolute Consciousness' is self existent and eternal, there arises no question as to how it came to exist. The universe is considered a manifestation of the same source.
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@cannibal (650)
• India
15 Feb 10
Erratum: Penultimate para- And the source, which in mystical terms they call the.....
• India
16 Feb 10
In our religion, we started praying the Nature that helps us to live and that all God have been named.Also When there is a God , there should be Goddess too. For some God, Goddess named.Besides this , each area, some man or women sacrificed their life and some exemplary deeds to safe guard others from eventuality and they have been remembered as God/Goddess in that areas.My religion is Hindu.
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@blummus (451)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Some would argue that God/dess came into being when humans needed one, that Deity is a concept given form by the human mind and set up as an object of veneration by that same human and those who followed. Some of the earliest identifiable roots for polytheism date back to around 3100 BCE in ancient Egypt, and for monotheism to about 2000 BCE with the patriarch Abraham. Historically, not all cultures have even had deities per se, but did venerate the spirits of ancestors and of Nature -- the Japanese and some Native American tribes are perhaps the best known peoples who did not venerate a central pantheon or supreme being until relatively modern times. With the historical success of Middle Eastern monotheism -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- it is easy to overlook the vast diversity of human belief in both the past and in the present. Thank you for taking the time to stop and ask questions. I sincerely hope you continue to do so.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
So man created their Deities, well to be honest so far that is the best explanation so far.
@blummus (451)
• United States
15 Feb 10
I honestly wish I had a more supportive one, but that's about the best I can do. I've not had any direct 'encounter' with a deity or deities to my knowledge, and short of that, we're faced with belief as the basis of saying Deity exists. Humans have believed in many shapes, kinds and functions of spirits or gods, and probably for a lot longer than we have evidence for because most ancient materials like wood and bone decay and leave no trace. With so many possibilities, how can we logically sort out any one and say "This is the First"?
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@rlaff94 (20)
• United States
15 Feb 10
God has always existed. There is no explanation. We just trust that God has a reason for everything.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
15 Feb 10
But why should I just expect that?
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
17 Feb 10
there is a law of science which says it is impossible for there to be utter emptiness.. therefor I believe there must be a first element.. and that this first element is Life, Perfection, consciousness, yet not as an impersonal force, but a very personal and alive consciousness we call God. (Now we have paradox because God chose to endow thinking ability to the little consciousness' he created and split from his own essence..) I believe many gods and goddesses came about as explanations of natural forces, or as bits and pieces of the divine nature.. hence a goddess of love, or fertility, god of war, etc..
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
22 Feb 10
No clue, only God could answer that, until someone gets the chance to do that, I'll worry about more important things.
• Philippines
17 Feb 10
As for me, I believe in God, the only one God, the God of all Gods, which is what describe in the Bible. No mortal can answer that question, its not even written in the bible where, how, and why God exists, but stated that "I am the alpha and omega", so we know what God meant by those words. If people believe in God, and devoted his/her life for him. I also had a lot of questions, about God, about human creation, does god really exist?, or we are just a guinea pig closed in a big cage ready for experiment. God can only answer that question, time will come that we will all know about our God that we believe in. People believing in God that they not see him yet are more blessed, that to those who already see him. Strong faith is the key to know what you are seeking, if you want explanation, why don't you pray for it. If you are worthy and ready to know that, god will let you know the answer, but some question, may take a lifetime or even reach the end of time to be answer, and i think this question is one of them. There are lot of false answer in the web, believe in God first then pray before you seek, so you may not be fall to the wrong answer and your faith in God will not be crust... godbless...