Do you also talk to yourself outloud? Or am i just balmy?
By pandaeyes
@pandaeyes (2065)
February 24, 2010 7:11am CST
I often talk to myself.
When I was little I would chatter away all by myself in the garden.
Even now as a grown up I talk out loud if I am by myself.
I talk myself through things if I am mending something or just when I am about to do something.I don't have a conversation or anything :P I just evaluate the scene out loud.
Sometimes I will say, 'now you know you should go and do that' just to get myself motivated about a task.
Do you talk to yourself out loud or am I unusual in doing so?
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31 responses
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
24 Feb 10
I have always talked to myself. I would also chatter away to myself in the garden when I was a little girl, but usually with my head in a good book lol. I have always been content in my own company whereas my Mum cannot stand being on her own for a long time. Anyway, since we got the cat I tend to talk to HER instead when my hubby is at work! I've no idea what my neighbours make of me but I really don't care. The cat responds to my words with a little miaow and that's good enough for me!

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@pandaeyes (2065)
24 Feb 10
My neighbour observed that she could hear me talking to our dog ,ages ago, I didn't have the heart to tell her I was only talking to myself.
My daughter raced ahead n her vocabulary when she was a baby and I'm sure its because she heard talking all the time .
She didn't inherit my self talking though and neither did my son.

@shello (964)
• United Arab Emirates
25 Feb 10
Yes, I do. I often talk to myself during times when I'm in a bad mode. Like times when I'm mad at someone but I can't say what I really want to say personally. For me, talking to myself is a good way of expressing my emotions and feelings. I can let go of my anger that easily when I'm alone and have the chance to talk to myself outloud. But I never do that when ín front of many people huh..I don't want them to think that I'm insane, I'm doing it privately. Lol!

@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
They would be jealous I think that you had the confidence to do it.
I am looking at my self talk in a whole new light after this discussion .

@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
25 Feb 10
In many situations, I usually do. Sometimes, I just say out loud my response in texting or typing. I also talk to myself when I'm pissed or very sad, it's a wayto realeaseemotional stress, I guess. Anyway, I don't thik it's really unusual unless yo start acting out weird and talking to mind-made people then start interacting.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
That texting comment reminds me of the legal man in the TV series Scrubs.
He wants to keep his computer password secret so he makes everyone turn away as he types it in, but he says each letter out loud as he types.
When I go on skype with my daughter,we have the camera part turned on and we can see each other.
My microphone doesn't work so we open a chat box and type but I will say everything I am typing and so does she,I can see her mouth move.

@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
24 Feb 10
I do it, too. I find it really helps me think, for some reason, to say things out loud. It also sometimes keep me from venting any nasty thoughts to others, if I can just say them out loud to myself. I do try to make sure not to do it unless I am alone, they look at you funny if you talk to yourself in the grocery store! 

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@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
There was a lady in the grocers once chatting away ,I thought she was talking to me so I answered her but after we had spoken and she was further along the shelves she was still chattering so I guess she had given up worrying about that side of it.
@khushikipari (1)
• India
25 Feb 10
it really helps in taking decision , its worth doing and improves our inner guidance system
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@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
25 Feb 10
I talk to myself, but mostly privately. I do it when I am alone in a private room or something like that. Sometimes I would stay in the toilet for an hour because of talking to myself and the air.
It is not abnormal. Smart people are actually more likely to talk to themselves.

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@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
Oh to be a fly on the wall sometimes.
I think it would be very enlightening to hear some peoples self conversation and maybe that is why some of us (ME) are so cagey about it LOL

@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
Bring on the revolution .
Self talkers rule LOL
I have a feeling this is more common than I thought it was.
Hooray I am not a weirdo after all!

@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
I do notice myself doing it.
I think because I used to be quiet at work and at school and only talk to myself in private, I can notice if I am doing it.
I find it quite hard to talk out to other people which is the other end of the scale.
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
15 Mar 10
Oh sure, all the time, all day, sometimes I even split myself into two people and have a conversation. I assume all sorts of accents and all sorts of things.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
15 Mar 10
That is a bit more than I do.
I have played chess against myself and I always end up winning.
@Dumpertaker (1187)
11 Mar 10
Nothing mad about that in any way shape or form hon!
I have done this one several occaisions, although it is usually when I am upset or annoyed when this happens.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
11 Mar 10
Do you know, since I wrote this, I have done it more freely.
It is so empowering to know lots of other people do it.
I think it has liberated me a bit LOL
@derek_a (10873)
25 Feb 10
Yes, I quite often talk to myself aloud when I am on my own. I think most people do it. Because you can hear what you are saying, it is a good way of sorting things out in your mind sometimes.
As a therapist, I often advise my clients to talk to themselves out loud and to write things down. When we are writing things down in these circumstances, we are writing to ourselves. It is not unusual or strange.

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@pandaeyes (2065)
26 Feb 10
Thanks derek :)
I have written things before which have given them more impact.
I find it helps to discipline myself if it is written down too.
When I was about 18,I started saving my wages and I found that by writing down how much I would save in a month, it made it a lot more likely that I would follow it through.
It seems to help with goals of all kinds.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
24 Feb 10

@pandaeyes (2065)
24 Feb 10
Heh! I think I am my own best friend.
I even tell myself to cheer up if I am upset over something.
It's surprising how giving myself a cheery word can make things seem better.
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
24 Feb 10
Hey, I always say, it's fine as long as you don't answer yourself! 

@Ingkingderders (3831)
• Philippines
25 Feb 10
I talk to myself a lot, though I try not to talk too loud because people around me might think I'm crazy or something.
I find it easier to do things when I talk to myself, or to think if I'm thinking out loud. It just really helps a lot. 

@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
yes me too.
I have been happily chattering away to myself all morning because it isn't odd at all .
I have a new found confidence in my self banter now I know I am truly not alone.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
27 Feb 10
Our family joke is that you are only abnormal in doing this if you find yourself answering your own questions. That said, I and I think every other adult in our family talks to themselves. I've caught myself doing it in public before and that is the only time that it starts to border on being strange and that is only for the simple fact that people start to look at you strange. The time that I think I do it the most is when I am shopping.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
27 Feb 10
They are probably thinking 'oh she does it too'!
I think if I was calling myself by name while asking myself questions ,maybe that would be a bit odd. I always have done it though ever since I can remember.
@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
I wonder then if everyone does it?
It seems like lots of people do after all.
I know that teenagers if being told off ,will answer back after the fact by telling themselves out loud how unfair it all is.
@bebe_bonsai (112)
• Philippines
24 Feb 10
I talk to myself all the time, but not when others can hear me. I do this especially when I need to come up with a good idea or a wiser decision. Like yo I do this to evaluate the scenario or situation. I believe it helps me more in a good way.
@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
I really think it does.
I have heard that some people are listening learners, some are doing learners so I think I am a combination because I like to experience a thing to learn it but it is so much easier if I also talk myself through it.
Schools ought to have classes where it is fine to talk to yourself, I am sure they would see a rise in progress.
@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
I don't exactly answer myself but I will sort of argue my case.
I might say 'how about if I do this?' then I'll decide against it and say' no,not like that' .
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
25 Feb 10
I do this a lot! And I don't think there's anything wrong with it, because I am talking to someone, and that is myself. If I was talking aloud to a person that isn't there, then that's scary LOL! I do this to help motivate myself, especially when I work out. Also when I am stressed out. Sometimes, I even make faces. Once though, our made saw me making faces from the window and I was so embarrassed LOL!
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@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
I remember being in the garden and a piece of tree branch blew onto my head in the high wind,it was only a thin branch still joined on to the tree but it was Hawthorn which has massive spikes and it spiked me quite hard.
I did say some choice things to that tree . I stopped when I saw my neighbour looking at me over the fence.
Hopefully she was too far away to hear what I was saying.
@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
They are just thinking you are super clever. It is a very fine line between the two.
@tdiamond33 (330)
• Canada
25 Feb 10
I love talking to myself. I feel a sense of release throughout my body whenever I speak to myself. If I were to hold everything in I would go insane. My favorite time to self-talk would be when I am alone in the house. That is the best time for me. Some days I will talk to myself for 2 hours straight. I'm not crazy, but I feel more comfortable doing it.
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@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
When my kids were small,my husband used to be on shift work and I would so look forward to the time after the kids were in bed and he had gone to work, not because I wanted to be rid on any of them but just so I could talk out loud about something that I was thinking about all day and unable to say.
I did talk all the time with the kids but it is a different kind of talking then.
@moonangel (8)
• United States
25 Feb 10
I talk to myself all the time, even at work. I do it so much that when people hear me they just laugh and join in.
@pandaeyes (2065)
25 Feb 10
Ah I like your work colleagues then.
At work there used to be a man that sung out nonsense songs just on the spur of the moment which I always really liked.