Do you prefer giving birth normally or by cesarean section..

@cloud31 (5809)
February 27, 2010 11:38am CST
How do you feel when you're about to give birth your baby,have you think to do it normally or do a cesarean way of giving birth? Others may choose normal way but painless indeed,or cesarean way to avoid the pain and effortlessly way of giving birth. My friend will due 3 months from now and she is considering which way is better as she has a fear of pain when conduct it normally or cesarean will ease the fear? What do you think the right way for her? What she need to expect for both ways? Mothers out there your opinion and views are highly appreciated..Thank you ! Happy Lotting!
20 responses
@glords (2614)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Cesarean is definitely more painful then regular child birth. If your friend does not need a cesarean I would strongly recommend having natural child birth. If she does not want to feel pain she should have an epidural. Its not like you see on TV, the woman is not screaming in pain. If she is the type of person who makes grunting sounds when she is lifting weights at the gym or using a public restroom she might make noises but in general (if you have an epidural) its just a strain to push not a painful episode. The Cesarean section is also a strain, but instead of pushing or lifting your bottom up off the table it feels like someone is pushing really hard on your stomach. You will tighten up your stomach muscles because it will feel like you are being squished. The pain kicks in after the baby is born. It is far more painful to recover from Cesarean then it is to recover from natural child birth. With natural child birth you will feel tender and sore like you've been hit hard in a sporting event. After a cesarean you will feel like your have a big open wound, and every time you sit up it will feel like the wound is going to tear open and your insides will fall out on the floor. You will want to cry when you have to sit or stand up to take care of the baby because the pain will be intense. Cesarean are also more likely to spread infection and make you sick afterwords. If you do get an infections the antibiotics may cause you to not produce enough milk to feed the baby. I would avoid the Cesarean at all costs if it is not medically necessary
@cloud31 (5809)
28 Feb 10
Thank you for your opinion and advise! That's so kind of you sharing what to expect within these 2 options. happy lotting..
@amijor (234)
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
It's really not about preference, it's about your baby's position inside your womb and many other factors that would make a normal and CS possible or dangerous. As for me, I'd prefer a normal delivery since I want to feel how motherhood is like.
@cloud31 (5809)
28 Feb 10
That's what we have to watch and consider before choosing what would you prefer. That's nice idea. Thank you..
@fianne (1057)
• United States
28 Feb 10
i prefer normal birth. it will give you more attachment to your child. when i was pregnant, i thought i will be deliverning normally and so i thought of preparing just enough for it. when my labor day came, the doctor said i needed to undergo the cesarean operation since it's been 3hours that i am still in 7cm and my child's heartbeat is going 200, which is very alarming. so she ran to my mom and asked her for consent so i can go for operation. when the baby came out, my baby was bluish and that his cord was around his neck... good thing that the doctor is very efficient and very controlled. i love her for it! but yeah, 2 weeks i was not able to move much.. but i did just fine.
@cloud31 (5809)
28 Feb 10
That's was a so much of pain, trying to give birth normally but it really can't make it.I am happy your doing well and fine at least you know exactly the difference of these 2 ways of delivery. Thank you for sharing!All the best!
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
i would prefer, normal aside of less expense, also its not hard for recovery, as far as i know if its cesarean its hard for you to move for almost 3months. am not a mother yet i just heard from a friend who had cesarean way.
@cloud31 (5809)
28 Feb 10
i agree with you and thanks for responding!happy lotting!
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
I prefer giving birth normally as what I did with my son because I have long treashold of pain but its not that painful. Although a lot of people say that the ceasarian section is the safest way to give birth but you have to consider the pro's & con's after undegoing the operation. Its better off if we can do it in a natural way. I can say I can give birth to 12 kids if I want to.
@cloud31 (5809)
28 Feb 10
Wow,that's a lot!lol,You are so lucky having a normal birth,i just wonder how many mom can be strong in giving birth like you said its not that much pain you bear.I just hope and pray i can be that strong and firm as you when its my turn to have this choices. Thank you and Happy Lotting!
@vince06 (98)
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
its very ironic if i comment to this discussion brecause im a guy but to share my opinion i will..i would choose in giving birth by means of normal delivery because mother can really feel there motherhood if they can really feel the pain during labor and in CS there is no challenge because you are only sleeping while the procedure is done. the only challenge that the CS has is the studies says that children who was delivered normally is more love by the mother because of the pain she feel during labor..but i dont know if this is true to everyone...thats my opinion..hehhhehe happy my lotting......
@cloud31 (5809)
28 Feb 10
That's really a practical choice, I like that,hehehe its true that being a mother you have to feel how much the pain and you can say a words of motherhood. I appreciate your views ,Thank you and Happy mylotting!
@Niah1976 (739)
• Paranaque, Philippines
27 Feb 10
Hi there! I gave birth normally. Though I didn't experience so much pain like my friends told me. Because I was admitted in the hospital even I am not in pain. I was there Sunday evening at at round 7pm. Then I went to the delivery room Monday evening at 9pm. And I was still not in pain. So what my ob-gyne did was she gave me an oxytoxin (did i spell it right?) and after half an hour that was the only time I felt the pain. So I was in labor for a couple of hours. For me I prefer to give birth normally because the recovery process is quite short. Unlike when CS, there's a wound that takes a long time to heal. And not to mention the scar. Well, if she is in good health as well as the baby, she can go into normal delivery. But it all depends on her and what she thinks is comfortable for her. Hope your friend gave birth safely.
@cloud31 (5809)
27 Feb 10
Hello Niah, That's very nice advise, i find most mom wants to deliver normally because of the healing process and it has been traditionally belief that a woman must bear the pain like what her mom felt when she gave birth on her,that so called "BEING A MOTHER" in nature. I appreciate your sincere respond and thank you for responding. Happy Lotting!
@ip5217 (1655)
• Philippines
7 Sep 10
Almost every mother that I've talked to said that it's better to have a normal delivery than to have a c-section. They say the aftermath of c-section is worse than the delivery itself. Also I think I will be more fulfilled as a mother if I deliver my baby the normal way.
• United States
27 Feb 10
Neither of my two labors were normal, and both ended in c section. It was not a choice, but a necessity. For my second child it had been four years, and my doctor said I could try normal birth. Like my first time my contractions were close, but I never dilated effectively. I had to have a section because my water broke, and the baby was in possible distress. You don't always get to choose. Pregnancy and labor is very unpredictable.
@cloud31 (5809)
27 Feb 10
That's really unpredictable, but i respect your view,its not really your choice but sometimes things just suddenly happen. happy lotting!Thank you!
@myramae19 (667)
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
hi cloud When i was 9 months pregnant with my son I also thought of cesarean section,because I am afraid of labor cos I know its really painful. but my mom told me to just give birth normal and that I need to bear the pain cos this is what real mother is. If she think he can do it normally then its good,she'll spend a lot of money in c-s and the wound after the operation is more painful than the normal birth. so i'll suggest normal birth if she can. Goodluck to your friend
@cloud31 (5809)
27 Feb 10
Hello myra, That's almost all mom advise giving birth normally is the best options if you can make it the better,its true when the pain reliever or called anesthesia the effect will subside after the operation it cause you more pain than normal birth.And CS will cost dime as you have said.Thank you for your opinion and advise.. Happy lotting and God bless!
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
27 Feb 10
There i cannot give you an answer. But as far as i understand it, it is for the docter to decide, which will be best for her. TATA.
@cloud31 (5809)
27 Feb 10
Thank you saph, maybe i will ask her to consult his doctor about this.. Thanks ..Happy lotting!
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
4 Apr 10
Well i pray my wife should have a normal one. And thank god it was. She was very feared as this was her first one. I was worried too. But happy when she had normal delivery. Well it depends upon how healthy the mother is and how the baby positioned.
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
There is no best way of giving birth for a mother to a new child because she wants to see her child healthy and complete after delivery. If the mother has no capacity to deliver her child normal choose the other method like cesarean or painless. All pregnant woman afraid on this stage of pregnancy because of pain. My advice is pray hard and condition herself. Choose the method which is safe for the mother and child.
@cloud31 (5809)
27 Feb 10
Its nice to hear from you, i think your the only man who answered in this discussions,I appreciate that you gave your time and opinion regarding this topic.Praying is the most powerful tools to have a successful delivery either of the two will materialize. Thank you and happy lotting!
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
21 Apr 11
I gave birth through normal deliver. I really preferred it that way. They say you wouldn’t know the essence of giving birth if you haven’t felt the pain. I really don’t want to undergo caesarian operation. They say for every operation you have, five years of your life is taken away. Women who had normal deliver have a faster healing process than those who had caesarian operation because they have a smaller wound thus they have more time to take care of the baby. When the mom undergoes caesarian, it’s not only the baby who is being given special attention but also the mom who needs special care because of her wound.
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
28 Feb 10
Unless your friend has a medical condition that requires a cesarean section then I thing she should deliver naturally. The recovery is much easier. I have four children and they were all born naturally, and I know I had an easier and happier time of it overall than those poor women who were bed-ridden and sore from surgery for the first few days of their baby's life.
• United States
1 Mar 10
I only have one child right now and I didn't get the option of how I wanted to have my child. They induced me and were going to let me try to have him regularly. But I ended up having to have an emergency c-section because the cord was wrapped around his neck in 2 knots. Now if I have another baby the doctor said I could choose and I would probably go with another c-section just because I've had it before and I can schedule what day my baby would be born on.
@iridium (431)
28 Feb 10
in the unlikely event i ever have to give birth is the one operation i want to be unconscious for!
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
of course normal delivery is still the best she can go with painless. though in my country if your cesarean the government can give you more money than normal SSS or social security system if shes a member but i guess she is . i still want normal coz i dont want any scar in my belly if its normal it will look like theres nothing happened aside for the fact that you already have a baby
@jlcanete (22)
• Thailand
8 Mar 10
You better ask your friend about this. She will decide on this herself. If she thinks of her baby, then she'd better go for the normal delivery. My nurse friend told me that doing this is helpful especially for the baby's lungs. Sorry, I can't really explain it. Anyway, she'll have to bear the labor pain though. And doing the C-section is also another option but the pain after the operation is really awful plus the risk of bleeding. She'll have to stay in bed for a while, avoid lifting heavy objects and stress ofcourse. I had C-sections twice. My kids are now three and one. With my 3-yr old son, i tried the normal delivery, but it was too painful for me. I had labor pain for 7 hours and i gave up coz i was already weak and the baby wasn't ready yet. I thought I was gonna die..anyway, I talked to my husband, my mom and they said that it was really up to me but my doc just smiled and said it was too early for me to decide. Then I told him that I couldn't make it. That was it! I have two lovely kids now and i just love them!
@RangaGirl (103)
• Australia
3 Mar 10
Given the choice, I'd have children naturally. As it was, I had to have caesarian deliveries for medical reasons with all 3 sons. I am glad I was awake for the surgeries because at least my husband was allowed to be present the whole time and I got the "it's a boy" announcement from the surgeon. In a way, I feel left out because I didn't have the natural experience, painful as I'm sure it is. Sure, the actual c-section is painless but it is major abdominal surgery and the pain and recovery can be long. Here, the woman doesn't get to choose a c-section. They are only done for medical reasons. I can't imagine going through a caesarian by choice. Good luck to your friend.