Do you believe in the second coming of Christ?
By cassije74
@cassije74 (247)
February 28, 2010 9:25am CST
Hello everyone! i am just wondering if the coming of Christ is referring to a physical or a spiritual coming. What are your views and opinions regarding this matter. As far as i know, it depends on how individual accepts and reacts to this kind of interpretation still others depend on how the church explained to them and so as the bible.
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24 responses
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
YES! Big YES! As a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian, I truly believe in the Second Coming of Jesus. We also call it, the Second "Advent" of Jesus. You can find the truth in the Bible, especially if you read the books of Daniel and Revelation. Jesus promised He will come again and will receive us, and he also told of the signs that His coming is nearing. The signs are now fulfilling. In the last days of this earth, there will be false Jesus that will claim they have returned, and there will be also false prophets who will predict of His exact return. We, SDA's are advised not to predict exact dates of His coming. Just wait and be ready for His return. :)
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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
1 Mar 10
I didn't know you're an adventist.I did worship with them for awhile.I believe in the seventhday sabbath,but I disagreed with a few of their doctrines so I stopped going.I do know I'm excited for Jesus' second coming.I hate this world the way it is,so he needs to come soon for us.

@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
We believe in the second coming of Christ. It was clearly stated in the scriptures that He will be coming back. Nobody on earth knows when He will come back but only Him and the Father know. I believe that there would be signs and wonders of his coming and I think these signs are even happening now.
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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
1 Mar 10
You're right about that.You can only go by the signs of the end time prophecy,and Isee it going on now.I have to say I'm excited for him to come back.I do hate the way the world is.Jesus says you're not supposed to love this world,and I definately don't.

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Feb 10
Jesus Christ will return in a physical form, but it will be a physical form that is indestructible and no longer subject to decay. If one reads the Bible, one can see that HE ascended into the clouds in his physical immortal form and HE will return the same way. That way it will to the unbelievers when HE comes that it is not some trick, as it would be if HE came just in a spiritual form since normal man cannot see spiritual forms.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Mar 10
God speaks to us through HIS Holy Spirit that gives us the strength to resist evil and to keep from doing things that God does not want us to do. It is not like a phantasm that appears in front of us ala Harry Potter or a voice that appears in our heads and says "Thou should not worry too much." It is in our hearts now so we lose interest in doing those things that we wanted to do before. I guess that is what they call the still small voice.
But when HE comes in HIS glory it will be a physical form as well as the spiritual form together. Only the physical form will no longer be subject to decay.
@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
3 Mar 10
Hi! thanks for your opinion. I also read the bible and comes to think the same way too. on the other hand, Spirit form can also be an another way because God can communicate us with his holy spirit. That is why he is sending it to us.
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@canadiandreamsbig (173)
• Canada
1 Mar 10
To state it simply, yes, absolutely. Jesus promised he'd come back and he will.
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Jesus is a promise keeper so you're right.He keeps his word of what he says.If people think he's not coming,then they are calling him a liar which he is not.You just can't predict a time and date for his coming.You can say we're living in the last days because of the signs of the last days as told in the bible.
@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
God is happy to hear your voice here ! Thanks to all of you, we just continue to share our faith and blessing towards each other because He loves us that way...
@gracefuldove (1668)
• Malaysia
28 Feb 10
Casssije, good question. i always thought its the physical coming of Lord Jesus it also spritua?. pray can someone help us out? we must be prepared for that day as we dont know when it is. we must think of the salvation of ourselves, loved ones and the nation at large. thanks.
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@gracefuldove (1668)
• Malaysia
6 Mar 10
hie, i believe like you do. have faith and trust in Him. cling on to HIM. He never leaves us or forsakes us. i love HIM as He loves us so much and we can never comprehend the height and depths of HIS love, patience and compassion. Everyday i ask God to help me to cultivate the fruit of the Holy Spirit ie love, peace, joy, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness,goodness, patience and self control.The HOLY Spirit is a gift from Jesus Christ when i accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour. i continue to pray that all my loved ones and my neighbours know Him and receive salvation and be redeemed. i also pray that the Gospel reaches out to the 4 corners of the world. God never give us a spirit of fear but of sound mind, discipline and love. at time i am fearful and i know this is not from God. i stop and ask Lord Jesus to help and hold my hands to comfort me and talk to me. i really believe in the second coming of Christ.the finishing line is near and let us pray together for the salvation of mankind. GOD BLESS US ALL. We give HIM all the praises, honour and glory.
@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
3 Mar 10
Hi!grace, i also thought of it before to be a physical because that was what we are being taught and heard not unless later, i realized it could also be spiritual because, God can do whatever he likes with just his WORD he can change everything else unstoppable and unpredictable... He can communicate with us with his Spirit why not? and i am also thinking, if it happens to be physical what's next? i guess, it can only triggers other people's personal interest to DECEIVE and be deceived. With all the science and technology and everything. Great people can do great ideas and fulfill it in their own way with all their human influential power.
Not unless if we expect it by Spirit... Only those people with God's spirit knows that He is coming...
For me, He is already HERE? so why wait? right now, He is here inside you...why wait for his second coming? the most important is, you accept HIM right now and this moment...

@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
28 Feb 10
A lot of people can see the same Scriptural truth in the Bible and interpret it in different ways. How do you know which interpretation is correct? The Bible can't interpret itself, there has to be human authority to interpret it. In my case, this authority comes from the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
1 Mar 10
You can't have humans interpret the bible for you.You have to read the bible and let the bible interpret itself,that's how you'll truly get a correct meaning.I learned to do that myself and now I understand the bible alot better.I used to be confused because I allow others to help me,and it don't work that way.

@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
1 Mar 10
definitely... i believe 100% in the second coming of Christ as it is stated very clearly in the Bible especially in the book of Revelations... if God doesn't resurrect and didn't promise to come again for the second time to redeem His Holy people, then my faith all these times will be useless and i will be waiting in vain... not only me, but all the people who believed in Him and worship Him will be waiting in vain as well... take care and have a nice day...
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@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
Thanks lingli, at least i know that a lot of people knows the existence of God and believe in Him spiritually... including you. I'm sure our faith will not be wasted because His name is mighty and worthy to be trusted all the time.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
1 Mar 10
First of all God inspired men he selected and chose to write down his laws and his word. Men who were willing to walk with him. Mankind always think we are supposed to interpret the bible. The fact is God wants mankind to talk to him. He sent his son to die for the sins of all humanity and to bring salvation to any and all who will accept it. Being a Christian and being saved goes far beyond declaring I believe in Christ. It means walking the walk and talking the talk. It means following the laws of God not the laws of "Moses" God just reminded ancient Israel of the laws he first gave to mankind. God gave laws simple to understand and simple to obey. Mankind from the beginning has wanted to disobey them. One of the biggest laws God said to keep and to remember is his creation day Sabbath it was never changed by God or Christ his son it was changed by mankind and rationalized and reasoned and interpereted here and there to fit what many want to have. You can pick any verse out of the bible and make a "Religion" out of it. But it is not God's church or his body or his laws it is doctrines and traditions of men. Yes Christ is returning to this earth to set up HIS Father's Kingdom. Yes he is bringing with him the souls of the slain and saints and there is going to be some living changed and there is going to be a physical realm still as well for 1000 years and Christ will rule and teach mankind through his rule and reign exactly with no doubt as to what he and his father mean or want how we are to live. Then comes his Father's kingdom and there is NO end to it. The bible is able to be understood if one opens his/her heart, mind and soul to God's will, through prayer, mediation and listening asking the Holy Spirit teach and guide you. The truth and word of God is like and onion it has many depths and layers. You won't know certain aspects until God knows your ready to accept and understand them. The LORD is my Shepherd I don't need to hear the voice of other hirelings.
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
28 Feb 10
Well being Christian we all believe that Christ will come back to us. But as we are told we do not know how he will return back to us. There is even a passage that this event will come that only the father in heaven knows when is this and is not described in bible specifically.
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@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
Exactly right, only God knows when and will it happen. For sure, all we need to do is to be ready all the time so that when it happens we can walk directly with Him for His glory endures forever.
@LifeGuru (922)
• Canada
28 Feb 10
The bible portrays the world to be a small place, but it's much much bigger now with
billions of people. If there was a 'second coming of Christ,' some nonchristians
would probably not believe in that. You've got your Buddhists, Hindu, Muslims, Jewish, Jahova's Witnesses, Satanists, Wiccans, etc. And not all of them believe
in the Christianity stuff, like sure they heard of it... But they'll be sticking
to their own beliefs till there is actual evidence that the guy who will be
claiming themselves as the 'second Christ' is the real deal. If I walked into a
church one day and - hypothetically speaking.. I said, "I'm the anti-christ."
People would look at me like I'm some kind of crazy person and laugh about it,
till I start using some supernatural powers beyond human control - it sounds all
too fictional for people. I'm a believer in God, but I never stuck to one faith
although I kept the Catholicism dominant to the rest to have a better
understanding of how people portray the world using their own faiths. And yes, it
all depends on how an individual accepts and reacts to that interpretation. But
think of it... One guy, or perhaps girl - who knows what God will choose for the
person as the "second Christ" will lead billions? Do you think that they'll all
listen? Some of them if they're hardcore believers in that particular religion,
and the other half... ;; They'll be very skeptical and doubt it and think they're insane and probably have them locked up in some asylum or something till
they can work their miracles to pull off a 'Houdini' to get out of there. Some
people might think it's a threat to their religion because of hundreds of years
are put into what they've got and soon some people are converting? From what I know
I see God can pull of Armageddon any day and I don't believe in that 2012 stuff
since some things in life are just inevitable. That's why people should just enjoy
their life, make use of their time, and live each day like it's their last. Since
each day is a given gift. People are just lucky to wake up every day and embrace
the morning, some? Not all that lucky if you catch my drift. But yeah, it's up
to people to decide what they want to believe instead of having others force one
thing upon them to make them believe, because it's their right to choose what they
want and accept. That's why there was so much controversy when missionaries did
not help cure the sick instead some of them in the 1500 - 1600s in history would
force religion upon some native people and use some torture to some people and
read bibles instead of help treat them which wasn't the right thing to do at all.
Nor is the ones with pagans vs christians in ancient Rome. Neither of the two are
any different to each other with their ways of treatment to the other religion.
It's an all out battle of faith! Sometimes I see religion as a way to make people
more civilized and try to have a better understanding of the world so there won't
be so much anarchy. If Jesus where to come as human form, there's going to be
another virgin birth although that theory is highly explainable through a
scientific theory, but not a proven fact. With so much skepticism in the world with
the whys, whos, what ifs, whens, buts, etc. Who knows what's gunna happen right?
If the Christ thing does, then so be it.
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
1 Mar 10
The Bible is evident enough for me.You have to interpret the bible yourself and not allow others to do it.That way you can see for yourself the true meanbing of it.He is coming again .Jesus promised he is,and Jesus isn't a liar.It's all in the bible.People just become confuesd because of all these4 different religions.As for the religions I feel they all can't be right?I believe we'll find the real truth out at Jesus second coming.I don't expect you to believe it.Everyone will have a chance,I'll leave it at that.
@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
3 Mar 10
hello!! i am very impressed to each individuals opinion and comments, One thing i noticed now is that we commonly read the Bible. Well, for me too, i think religions need to take extra care of people inside the community... so as not to mislead and misguided everyone. There is no such thing as reliable source of person because we are only humans therefore we are subject to errors. I therefore, seek the Holy Spirit for He is the PERFECT and instant.
@agnescmary (75)
• India
1 Mar 10
Yes. I believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. Surely he will and then only we will get the eternal life.
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@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
I'm glad you believe too. Together we will walk hand in hand with Him eternally...
@yoursjannat (839)
• India
28 Feb 10
Logically if you give up faith from any of the statements from Bible,you have to give up faith from the whole Bible.The point is how the statement should be interpreted.Just think about the consequences that would have happened if Jesus hadn't returned.It will lead you to the answer,I believe.
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@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
3 Mar 10
yah, right. I believe in the bible too. It is just like a compilation of true stories during the times we are not there to witness the true events of the situations. To seek for the truth is our nature way since we are capable of having senses and thinking. To seek for spiritual truth is another way of expressing.
@cassije74 (247)
• Philippines
3 Mar 10
Hi! thanks for your opinion too. Everyone are always right in our opinion and ideas because that is ours. We just want that during that judgment we can stand with our head eyes on God and no guilt feeling left behind.
@Reyk22 (131)
• United States
1 Mar 10
My views are that Jesus was a real person, and not only that a very good guy. He helped a lot of people and taught great morals. However for some reason or another, people forget the morals like 'love thy neighbor' and instead hate other people when they don't believe in Jesus. Jesus is probably not the(bold) son of God(he probably meant one of God's sons) but he certainly was a great guy that taught morals that should not be forgotten. This means that there should be no basis for Jesus to rise again for whatever reason. I personally think it is dumb when people interpret the bible literally, because there are bad parts like stoning witches and stoning Achen after he was the only one to confess to stealing. Also the Old Testament is a bunch of questionable borderline crazy stuff, just saying. But there are great morals in the New Testament (except for maybe revalations lol) and I hope people follow them instead of bending them to polygamy(no offense mormons), money, or some kind of justification for genoicide.
@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
1 Mar 10
which ever way one interpret it, if one knows what is written in bible, it is very clear this second coming will never happen. dont wait for this to happen. in my opinion the whole episode of second coming is aimed at those who refused to convert to christianity. i belong to the camp who claims that christ never even existed. so the question of second coming does not arise.

@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
1 Mar 10
@doncruise21 & @Java09
both of you stay it is stated in bible. quote that verse.
I still say it wont happen. this thing has been talked about ever since the christian church was founded. its almost 1700 years since this LIE is going around the world fooling people. I did not ask where is he? I am saying the time has passed and now its time to throw out this lie.
There is nothing called Judgement Day. Is god incapable of delivering judgement instantly?
@doncruise21 (394)
• Philippines
1 Mar 10
I know it was stated on the bible that the second coming will happen with all not expecting it. Christ will be here to judge between the doings if a person during o judgement day.
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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
1 Mar 10
The Bible says Christ is coming.You should study the bible.It does not say that it is aimed at people who refuse to convert.Jesus is coming here to set up His Kingdom of God,and His Government that he is gonna be a ruler of thye earth.That's why no human goverment can ever be successful.No human is intelligent as God.You'll see when He does come.By you saying he isn't ,You're making bible prophecy come true.The bible says in the last days there will be scoffers and mockers saying "if he's gonna come then where is He?"Thanks for making it true.

@doncruise21 (394)
• Philippines
1 Mar 10
The coming of Christ will be unexpected for everyone so we need to be ready. Readyness means we should have a good relationship with our God. The coming of Chris will also be the judgement day were each one of us will be judged according to the things we have done in this wolrd.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
2 Jul 10
No i dont believe in second coming of Jesus..he is already here with us.
@babes_day (4)
• Philippines
6 Mar 10
True, I prefer it to be spiritual coming because it creates a deeper and not deceitful for everyone.
@christian97 (4)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
Interesting Huh! Well said... for me, i would stick to what i believe i have. If i have to choose between them i prefer it to be spiritual because physical can be deceiving.Who knows, someone might portray as the chosen One but the fact is not the real One right? with so much technology around...