what is unconditional love?

@jobmoone (442)
March 1, 2010 11:00am CST
some say say giving to others your life. Sacrificing life for the sake of compassion or passion.
9 responses
• Australia
2 Mar 10
I would say it is loving someone completely without expecting anything in return. It is pure love that wants the best for, and is happy for, the person no matter what. It is the type of love our pets give us. Even if people are mean to their dogs, the dogs still love and protect them and are happy to see them. I think dogs are better at giving unconditional love than humans are.
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
2 Mar 10
For me unconditional love is loving someone the way he is, love his faults and imperfections, love is not asking for anything but giving your best for everything.
• Philippines
2 Mar 10
its loving the person inspite of their wrong doings...
• India
1 Mar 10
guys you know what some times i think i can love too but loving a girl i think thats not in my nature last month i saw two girls i think my self yes they can be my love but i think really i can love a girl more than myself how foolish is it.just joking guys don't love any one just married and love your bride and moone sorry i don't have words to describe how i feel about sacrificing for love.
@prasunsam (356)
• India
2 Mar 10
Well i think unconditional love is giving more priority to the feeling of whom you love than to yours,without thinking about the pros and cons.
@frissph (130)
• Philippines
2 Mar 10
For me unconditional love is an all encompassing feeling of love for someone that's hard to describe in words. It's just a feeling of you loving a person whatever happens to that person or however they may turn out to be. I didn't think it was something real before my kids where born though but once they were, it was a very magical moment for me.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
1 Mar 10
I guess the best way to describe unconditional love is to look wild life.. The animals, a female bear will do anything for her young.. There is no thinking about it first, I guess you can say its instinct to feed, shelter and protection. Another way to describe it would be the love that I have for my son.. Regardless of what he does or doesn't do I will love him all my life.. The reason I didn't use humans for this discussion would be the fact that most relationships they may seem like they are unconditional but in my opinion that is not the case.. We have the ability to choice, to use logic, and emotions to decide what we will and will not do.. I guess it just that I thought I knew what unconditional love was.. and I thought I was receiving it from my ex.. I was so wrong.. So in some degree I am in the same boat.. True unconditional love, is a mystery to me.. I may be receiving it but I just do not see it or believe it.. I guess unconditional love has a main factor; trust, trusting someone completely without any doubt.. having it go both ways..
@cloud31 (5809)
1 Mar 10
Uncondtiional Love-to accept him/her for who is he/she,no exemptions.
• India
1 Mar 10
Unconditional love is just love where the conditions are not spelt out explicitly; they are implied nevertheless and taken for granted. There are always conditions. There will always be conditions. Regards