Anxiety Treatment

United States
March 2, 2010 3:27am CST
Anxiety is a very freightning thing it can cause you to lose family and friends simply because people really do not understand people with anxiety. The medications usually have horrible side effects and I wanted to know if there is any one here who is completely natural with treating their anxiety. I think it would help a lot of people including myself to read about your natural treatments of your own anxiety. I will say that I only have used massage for it and it does help a little bit.
3 responses
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
6 Oct 10
I use to manage anxiety, listening musiq, playing violen and i like chocolates, and i feel i get refreshed after having my chocolates. And best remedy is Meditation, try breathing exercise, it will help you balance and handle anxiety.
@careal (25)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
Anxiety is a just a natural response to our body, if we are in a situation that is unknown to us or simply because of a certain events that we want to escape. Anyways, anxiety could be treated in many ways. It is like treating once fear. All you have to do is face it, and accept it. but if you really can't do it at first. If you are in that situation, you can do breathing exercise or simply transfer your attention to a certain happy memory-think of happy thoughts. For me, If ever I am faced in a situation like talking to an interviewer- I just think my interviewer as a monkey-and with that it made me laugh and made me relax more and could talk to her more efficient. Another is through the help of praying-it helps me too. Also, as what you said do some massage therapy-like back massage and go to a reflexology and have some reflex therapy. If all else fail, you can go to a psychiatrist and ask some medical help. Don't be afraid to seek care from psychiatrist, not all people who seek for their help are mentally ill...
• Philippines
2 Mar 10
If you would know the story of my life, you might be inspired to know that you don't need medications always to deal with anxieties and stress and tensions. First i would like to give credit to my faith that has really helped me get through. Together with my faith, i have tried to always think positively and never stop believing that all things happens for a purpose and that things will always get better.And they did get better i tell you. There are times though when i would really breakdown and surrender,but this is the time when my faith will sustain me. I am lucky to have a computer and have access to the internet, cause it has helped me interact with people and have friends so that i have someone to vent to sometimes.Unloading whats bottling inside you will help u a lot.It is not good to keep all your fears and worries inside you, as they will grow bigger up to a time when you feel like exploding. That's why we should have real friends, so that we can talk about how we feel and it lightens the load inside us for sure. First and foremost, it starts with us.We should be willing to help ourself first.Otherwise, no medications , therapy or counselling will really be effective.