It's the Year of the TIger....

Regina, Saskatchewan
March 3, 2010 7:10pm CST
....and my claws are coming out, sharp and deadly. I have just returned from a meeting with a Family Court Lawyer to answer the law suit my ex-husband has brought against me, to get our Child Support Order overturned and let him off the hook for 20 years of outstanding arrears. The meeting was short and simple. The lawyer read through the paperwork my ex had filed,(and a copy of which I had been served by two officers of the Court) especially the sticky notes I had affixed correcting the lies, evasions and outright errors..........not the least of which was spelling the names of his own children wrong! I gave the lawyer my side of the story, and this is what he told me: This is an inter-provincial case, crossing the borders of three provinces. This means the Inter-Provincial Child Support Organization is in charge of co-ordinating collection and payment and the paper trail between provinces. They are notoriously slow and inefficient. It has taken them the last 8 years to finally threaten my ex with the loss of his yahting license, and other vehicle licenses, which is why he brought this suit. If he can get the arrears wiped out, he can keep his license. If he can't and can't pay the nearly $100,000 dollar debt, then he loses his license for his boat, his car, his truck and any other vehicle he owns with a motor. He faces jail time, liquidation of his assets, which are considerable, and revocation of his passport which means not being able to use his California Time Share and no more credit cards . Quite a loss don't you think? Do you feel sorry for the poor man? Don't. This is the same 'father' who refused to contribute to the out of pocket expenses of getting his oldest son into cancer remission. This is the same man who drove my classic and cherry Delta 88 car into a canal and then hid from the police leaving me holding the bag as the owner, and costing me my home and my business. This is the same man who twice refused to co-sign financial papers so his youngest son could attend college. This is the same man who because of his addiction to dope and total lack of concern for the feelings of others, drove me to suicide, his oldest son to clinical depression, and his youngest son into ODD overdrive. We have suffered such stress in our lives because of this man that my oldest ended up with stomach ulcers, my yougest with stress induced abssesses, and drove myself to a state of catatonia that only sheer grit and determination got me out of. This is the same man who always had new clothes, a car, a warm and comfy bed, and good food to eat, and all the dope and beer he could possibly want, while his children grew up in second hand clothes and shoes, tuna casserole twice a week and a lot of Kraft Dinner and endured the indignity of sleeping at one time on a dirt floor until I could afford a better place. His youngest son has no respect for him, his oldest hasn't spoken to him in over 10 years, and my current husband has spent more money, time and effort on my sons over the past 5 years than their father has in their entire lives. Do you feel sorry for him now? To be fair, I always knew that my ex was a deadbeat. I worked four jobs at a time to his one to pay the bills and care for the kids while he spent his income on dope and beer and other women. When I filed for divorce I didn't ask for support or alimony because it would never get paid. But the courts disagreed and made me change my petition to include child support. 20 years later, it has still never been paid except for a recent garnishee on his wages giving me less than half per month of what was court ordered. That has now stopped too until this suit is settled. Oh, and by the way, the fact that my ex inherited over a million dollars a few years ago was never mentioned in his financial submissions or the fact that he paid cash for an $80,000 dollar yaht. Instead he claimed he is on social assistance! Today the lawyer told me that for a lawyer to fight this suit on my behalf and prepare my case for court, it is going to cost my husband and I OVER TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! We don't have this kind of money. And frankly I am broken hearted at the thought of my husband having to put out one more single dime because of my ex. He has sacrificed enough for me and mine, and this is so far over the line it's almost criminal. The lawyer actually refused to take the case because of the inter-provincial paper trail complications and cost to me and my husband. He feels that I have an excellent understanding of my case, a slam dunk winning defence, and have already done a lot of the legwork that needs to be done. For his office to have to cover all that ground again inter-provincially, is a cost he feels we don't need to incur. So I will be preparing my case myself, submitting my own filings to the court, and representing myself before the Judge. It is still going to cost me upwards of $1,000 dollars or more, not counting what I have already put out for consultation fees etc. I am determined to be so prepared for this case that the Judge will render an immediate judgement. I will be asking for my ex's boat to finally be sold (I've asked for this before) and for me to be paid my due in a lump sum payment so that my youngest can go back to college and my oldest can pay the user fees doctor's charge in Ontario for certain treatments. It's the year of the Tiger and my claws are coming. I'm tired of being jerked around by this jerk. It's my turn to do the jerking, but I'll be damned if I will bankrupt my husband to do it. Who's been jerking you around lately? Do they know my ex? LOL
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28 responses
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Mar 10
I think I had better take out a hit on your ex before certain people get the idea to learn any tricks from him. But I'll wait until after you get your money!
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
Yes please, do wait until after I get the money! LOL
1 person likes this
• Canada
4 Mar 10
Dawn, you are so evil.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Mar 10
That was my evil twin. I am a quiet, sweet person. Are y'all buying it?
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• United States
4 Mar 10
Not only are we living parallel lives so are our worthless, good for nothing, pieces of $h!t exs. My ex has never paid a dime of child support, going as far as telling the courts he wasn't their father and not showing up for a custody hearing and only changing his mind when my husband filed papers to adopt the kids. At our last hearing in October he got nailed with a payment of almost $1000 a month that was taken right out of his paycheck until the end of December when he lost his job. I filed to have his child support back dated to when I filed in 2007 and he said they weren't his kids. Since then he has been proven to be the father. Shouldn't he have to pay for his lying to the court? I think so. I just hope the judge agrees. I know you will blow him out of the water. Keep me posted on your progress. And no I don't feel sorry for him at all! Who would?
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I think there should be a special jail just for these guys to rot in.
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
Gert, it's always been my belief ex-husbands should be shot the minute the ink is dry on the divorce decree! LOL Cyn......I'll keep you posted. You should have seen the look on the lawyer's face when I walked into his office. He thought I was only in my thirties from our phone convo last week and nearly fell over to find out I was 57 and STILL trying to collect, let alone being forced into court!
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
I can't believe your state could overlook his financial status as to his inheritance and his buying a yacht in cash! What are they doing there? sitting pretty with their leather chairs?? And besides, how can someone who's on government assistance afford a yacht?? I say grill him to the last drop! On the other hand, if this is giving you and your present family more stress, hmm... isn't it high time to leave the past behind and move on? Just think of it as a bad memory perhaps? I'm pretty sure you fighting on this case would open wounds of the past and thus affect your present husband all-in-all? It's been 20years and nothing happened. More years to prolong this stress could do no good with your present family, I guess. It's high time you enjoy your new family, don't you think?
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
Oohhhh... I get it now, that's for clarifying! SHeez.. it's tough being in that situation, but I guess you don't have a choice but fight! Good luck! and I hope they'll suck him dry!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
5 Mar 10
Laydee, I live in Canada and the rules here are different than in the states. And for 20 years I didn't bother at all about my ex not paying his support. As I said, I knew from the get go (well after 5 years of marriage) that he was a deadbeat. It is not me that has opened this can of worms. He owes the gov't and they want their money. His only way out is to for HIM to take ME to court to get the court order for support thrown out. So HE is the one doing this, not me. But I HAVE to respond (by law) and show up in court or he gets off scott free and the gov't will then come after ME for it and that is not right and I won't allow it to happen, because that indeed would cause stress in my marriage and I won't have that because my ex is a selfish jerk. He made our children too, and I'm finally at the point in my life, and my current husband is insistent, that if the gov't is willing to go after him, that it's time I stepped up and did my share of ensuring that my ex finally be held accountable for his responsibilities.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
5 Mar 10
Well suck his boat into dry dock at least! ROFL
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
4 Mar 10
regardless of what ive got goin on here.. i read this and HAD to respond with a resounding /applause! you know very well who is jerking me.. dont know if he knows yer ex, but they sound rather similar dont they? .
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Mar 10
Right back at ya sweets. Glad to hear the night terrors are less. I still do my 'cloaking' as I call it at night before I go to sleep. Have found that when I don't, the 'dreams' are worse.............hugs.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
Good to see you sweets! And you know, I thought of you today on the way home. My ex can 'get to me' psychologically but not psychically, and the thought ran across my mind that with what you are going through, I hope to the Goddess yours is not hurting you that way. You know what I mean. Will keep you informed if you do the same. Miss you!
2 people like this
@tessah (6617)
• United States
4 Mar 10
have gotten out of the house finally.. so the dangers of that are ..less.. im sleeping for the first time since, well.. since this all happened. ive got good people around me.. yerself included, i wont ever forget the support and help you gave to me and mine *squishes tight* and Karma & Justice shall prevail in the long run, for us both. even if he isnt forced to give you what he owes you, They will see to it he will pay in ways yer wildest imagination cant even comprehend. have faith in that.. its what gets me through some days, and just be happy with yer life. much love to you always sparX.
2 people like this
• United States
4 Mar 10
GO GET HIM TIGER. waht a so.o.b he is. I very seldom ever feel sorry for a man, sorry about that men. It is ridiculous that he has gotten away w/all this crap all these years. I raised 2 boys but myself so i know what u have been through, Cat. I also know that u are like me & don't regret a thing u did for your sons. U just wish they could have had better but u did all u could, kept them together & looked after them. Kudoes to u my friend. I hope u get everything u desewrve from that sorry thing. How do men just walk away from their kids & think of only themseles. good luck. hugs.
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 10
Geez Jo, how did I miss your response? Spank me with a wet noodle! lol Yes, I did do all I could for my boys, even to the point of never taking their father to court for his support arrears. It really galls me now that I didn't. I could have ended this stress a long time ago............but I wanted my kids to love their father. What a fool I was! But all that's about to change now, because there is no way he is going to win this case. Hugs to you sweets.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Mar 10
• United States
12 Mar 10
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• United States
4 Mar 10
I dont feel sorry for him in the least bit its guys like that that make life difficult for men like my husband who DO pay their support but yet the system stills tries to bend him over backwards I wish you luck in your court case and I hope you screw him blind and take every penny that loser will ever think about making
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
My current hubs always paid his support too. Came right out of his paycheque. But year after year he was audited by the Income Tax Department because his ex always claimed on her returns that he wasn't paying. He even paid her when his son was living with US! His ex turned his daughter against him by telling her he never ever paid his support! It was a mess for a long time. I don't want to screw my own ex, but I will be demanding!, that he be forced to sell his precious yaht to settle the debt, should the decision of the judge go in my favour. That would be sweet revenge because that boat means more to him than anything else in the world!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Mar 10
It's a difficult situation for you to be in for sure wont.........don't envy you. Will keep a candle lit for you though. And don't stress too much over your step daughter.....hard age to be at. Went through it with my own step son and now he's proud to call me step mom. lol Not sure what I did, except keep the lines of communication open and step back and let him make up his own mind about things....
• United States
4 Mar 10
\Sparks your current hubs and mine would have alot to talk about LOL right now we are trying to rebuild a relationship with my hubs' daughter after her mother has told her so many lies there is bitterness on both sides and she is young and doesnt know how to use tact which usually sets him into a bad mood and I generally get the wrath of it.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Mar 10
WTG! I do know you are a fighter hang inm there even tho you have to do it your self a $1.000 is alot less than $20,000. I feel the lawyer did you a good turn doing this. You have all the paper work and all and have covered the paper trail across the country . I do think you have armed yourself real good! Also the judge should judge in your favor thats my way of thinking!. Here in the states dont matter what state you live in the court will get the child support! they did from my son didnt matter if he wwas in Tenn or Utah he had to pay. The thing was with him and x was she had tried to get payments from 2 states! they had the same amounbt that she had got from welfare and food stamp I think she should goto jail for that but no they go after my son both states. I had to talk to one state and tell them that he was already paying to the state of Tenn for the same amount son and his now wife worked for years to get that other state to stop sueing him as thats not the way it is to work I think his x was doing fraud and dont know what they did if anything to her I do know her case worker didnt like how she was treating my son on all this so she worked more for son. Any way it is all over now he has paid all back support and owes no more! Good luck my friend in all you do Energies going to you to get what you want hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Mar 10
Very cool glad it worked for you hugsssssssssssssssssss
• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Mar 10
You betcha I'm prepared Lakota. Up here the gov't doesn't give up until the arrears are paid in full as long as judgement for them stands. And your energy hit me today about 2pm when I met with the Registrar General over this, and he listened to my side, and told me that I had a winning case and not to worry about the outcome of the court proceedings. That gave me a lot of confidence and I left there feeling truly energized! lol
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Oh sparks, I'm so sorry to hear all that has transpired since we last talked about this. Your ex is a duffus. I'm sure I could find better words for him but that would not be allowed here. I think he and my ex know each other and took notes. I too never got a dime from him while my children and I ate weiners and rice and beans all the time. We rarely had a decent place to live because I could not afford much on what I was making. At one time we slept in the car which thank goodness we had. All the while he had plenty of money, our home, trucks, boats, motorcycles, etc. He runs around all the time, there is not a woman that he meets that he does not hit on. My children all have mixed feelings about him. He has never done one thing for them. In fact, he does nothing that will not benefit him. He is always asking the children to pay for this and that for him. Give them their vehicle, because he needs to take their sister to school and his vehicle are broke down. He just won't spend the money on them to repair them. He never takes care of anything. Men like these do not deserve to be able to have children. They should be forced to have themselves fixed where they can not have them. They should also be forced to provide for the ones they have and like yours even years later be held accountable. Here in the States though we have no recourse to get money when our children are grown. I feel for you and wish you many blessings in your endeavor. I know you will present a fine case for yourself and your sons. ((((HUGS))))
3 people like this
• United States
6 Mar 10
I think it's great that the government is so keen on helping the people that are owed child support get it. But I want to know where was all of this help when you really could have used it? When you were struggling to raise the two boys on a meager salary and had no help. I'm mean, help any time is good...better late than never...but it sure could have been used way back when...
• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Mar 10
The hubs has been home all week and we've been to the city every day for meetings and consultations and such. Everyone agrees that I have a good case and will win. So I'm more confident now about presenting it myself. I'm glad that here in Canada, Child Support Agencies have now made it mandatory that the receipient can still pursue collection even after the children have reached the age of majority. And they do it now without any proding from the mother. That's what my ex doesn't's the gov't initiating collection now, not me. Dufus as you say, doesn't even begin to describe him! LOL
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
4 Mar 10
ya know, there are really good reasons I'm single... You nail his hairy butt to the wall, I knew a gal who got her ex prison time for non-payment, maybe you can be half that lucky and if he goes, maybe his happy butt will make other people happy too...
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
4 Mar 10
their FAVORITE kind!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
LOL Elic, you have a streak of evil in you girl! Well done! And yeah..........jail would be a horror show for him. He's a good looking man who is REALLY homophobic.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
Yep! I'd give my eye teeth to be a fly on the wall if he goes to jail.........with a cell phone so I can take pics! LOL
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
4 Mar 10
I agree with Sky in wishing you the best of the best for this case. You go, girl.. get the fangs all out. You deserves nothing but the best. And your children too.. I felt so sad reading all that you've written, didn't know that could have happened to you and it had. Hoping you get more than the yacht sold..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
16 Mar 10
Your heart is purely gold there.. you have the best interests for your children and that's just so awesome. I hope you win this case! You go, Tiger!!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 10
I'm not greedy zed. If I get a lump sum payment it will be evenly divided between my two boys anyway, not kept by me. Selling the yacht will more than satisfy the debt to both provinces, and I'll be content with that. I just want this over with. I've had to deal with this man and his drunken wife long enough I think. Hugs to you for your support handsome. Means a lot.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Your ex sounds so much like mine (except for the inheritance part) that it's spooky! Mine actually came to court once and told the judge he lived in an abandoned warehouse, but came with his new wife and child! Once the judge told him to shut up, my ex pleaded for mercy because he had a new wife and child to take care of. THAT didn't go over well with the judge, either. He ended up being handcuffed and marched off to jail. I think you have an excellent chance at winning this, Sparks. Judges generally have seen enough liars in court to be able to tell when someone is lying and I know the judge you see will be able to see right through your husband's words. I have to say that our Child Support system here is a bit better than yours, though. If the absent parent does not make payments for 30 days, their driver's license is automatically suspended and they have to make consistent payments for six months to be able to get it back. Of course, it's the job of the custodial parent to do all the legwork if the deadbeat moves or changes jobs. (Mine has always been all too eager to run and hide like a roach when the lights are turned on.) I'm sorry you have to go through all this because I've been there, done that. Still am, as a matter of fact. Mine doesn't owe that much anymore (only $14,000.00 at this point) and recently had a bad scare with cancer, which I'm told he's recovering from but, even still, a small part of his disability payments are sent to me every now and then. I've always been good at detective work and tracking him down. Give 'em hell, Sparks! I know you're going to do just fine and will probably present your case as good or even better than most attornys would.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Oops! Second paragraph, I meant "your EX'S words". Sorry!!!!
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
LOL, no worries on the second paragraph error. I knew who you meant. It's awful that mother's left holding the bag have to go through so much crap isn't it? In my next life I'M going to be the man and my ex is going to be a cochroach! lol
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
5 Mar 10
Hey Sparks! I would say that you sound pretty much ready to face this Judge right now! And, I also think that your claws are sharpened, your roar is loud and ready and you will blow the entire Court away in just one swipe of your paw! And, I wish I could be there to see it! This "ex" of yours is finally going to get what he deserves! I truly believe this in my heart of hearts! You are bound and determined to win, and you have all your little tiger cubs in a row! I worked for a Matrimonial Attorney and I believe that you are more prepared then she ever was and she was a Shark! So, go get him your Tigressness!
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 10
Aw, gee Opal, you make me feel so empowered! Thanks so much sweets and from your fingers to the Judge's ears! LOL Big hugs to you sweets. I've missed you!
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Honey, I thought we determined a long time ago that your ex is my ex!!! I'd love to see the shredded body lying on the courtroom floor so I could step over it & just keep walking!!! You know I'm ON YOUR SIDE ALL THE WAY!!! I just wish I could win the lottery so I could pay your lawyer fees for you. Does this fool really know WHO he's coming up against???
• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
I'll take pics of the body for you to step over LadyM! LOL And you know it's ironic that you should ask "Does this fool really know WHO he's coming up against??? because my hubs said the same thing! And what my ex doesn't realize is that in doing this to me, he's also doing it to my husband and my husband doesn't mess around with fools. He calls the Prime Minister if he has to (and has done) and gets immediate results. So yeah, the ex is a fool and has NO idea who he is really up against! lol
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Mar 10
I don’t know your ex but I know someone just like him; it was my sister who had the misfortune to get involved with him and bear his child and now she has to chase him for child support on a regular basis. He is a guy who earned over $100,000 last year and yet had to take out a loan to buy himself a car. He is an idiot and a loser but enough about him, he’s not worth typing energy! You go and get your ex good and proper sparks, I hope you win and he has to crawl away to wherever he came from! What a jerk...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Mar 10
All the experts in cases like this agree that it's a win win for me. I just hope I can phrase my defence well enough that there is no room afterwards for the ex to appeal the decision that's sure to go in my favor. Will let you know...........
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
6 Mar 10
Best of luck to you!
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
4 Mar 10
There is not much left to say and you said all that is needed. I was going to suggest that you get a lawyer on a contingency fee, until I read the bottom half of your discussion. I hope that you get him and get him good. And may all be good for you later when it is all done.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
This law suit should decide once and for all what the future holds for both me and my ex, and the decision can't come fast enough. I just have to be sure that my side of the case is presented well enough that no further room for him to screw me or the system around is left. That will be my challenge. Thanks for the support Gerty.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
4 Mar 10
I had done a really good, long response to this. When I hit post response, it got wiped out. It makes me so mad. I haven't got time to redo it. Sorry. I am 100% on your side. My situation is VERY similar.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
4 Mar 10
Hi jenny............if your situation is similar then you don't need to rewrite your response. I get it. lol And I feel for you. Here's to it working out for both of us eh? Hugs sweets.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
4 Mar 10
wow, this is unbelievable. I know it is hard when things go upside down... I dont know why they dont keep their word by just paying those child support. I think he tried just about anything to keep him away. In my country, whenever you are divorce then the mother always take the children and the Dad leave without paying anything and not even that, he could marry a new young wife right after his divorce. And I hate this so bad... He has to take his own responsibilities
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 10
It shouldn't matter what country you live in, parents should always be held accountable for their children. Men can be such, well, pigs at times. lol
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Amen and AMEN!! Take him down and cut him off (or cut THEM off)!!! I also tried to opt out of child support but was overruled by the state of Utah. Mine wasn't in nearly as much arrears, but he didn't pay for years before finally beginning to pay rather than be tossed in jail repeatedly. It wasn't until the state began to fabricate a case against him claiming that despite paying for 10 years he now owed almost double what he did at the beginning and claiming that he'd missed six months of payments when I'd received every one of them that I closed my case against him. I wish I could help you financially, but I currently have no income except the monthly stipend from my mother's estate that barely covers living expenses.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 10
Aw, thanks for the offer/thought Jerz, but I've got it pretty well sorted now. My affidavit is written and my financial forms filled out, and as the burden of proof is on HIM, I'm good to go and quite confident that I'll win. Big hugs to you sweets.
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
4 Mar 10
Sweet Daffy, If I could get my hands on that scum bag, I'd wring his lousy neck with my own hands. Where do those kind of animals come from? Do you have any kind of Legal Advocates or Aides that can help you? There has to be other lawyers who would love to take on a creep like that. If I had the money, I'd send it to you. I took on a workmans comp. insurance company back in 1994 and won. I kept such good and accurate records the judge was totally impressed. I have no doubt in my mind that you can beat him and take him to the ground, Make him pay because he needs to pay. My ex has been helping me through these last 3 years. When times were the worst he came through for me. He wasn't always this generous. he had to grow up first. Honey, you know you have tons of friends behind you so don't despair. Keep us posted... Love Ya Leenie
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
5 Mar 10
Hi Sparks! Haven't been around much lately. Quite a case. In my work in payroll, I get the "privilege" of garnishing wages of individuals who haven't bothered to pay anything for their children. It irks me to no end how any one, even with a meagre income could not ever TRY to assist their children. When I speak to the garnishees, it is invariably that they speak of their former spouse with a sneer and with the attitude that the one to whom they are paying support is a grasping selfish harpy. Good grief! If I was looking after kids and trying to make ends meet with the "support" amounts I've seen, I can't imagine how these people look at themselves in the mirror! Keep up your spirits. Maybe this time the winds of change will blow a gentle breeze in your direction!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 10
Hello sweetheart and good to see you! Yes, I do believe now that winds of change ARE blowing a gently breeze in my direction! Several experts in this field have told me I will do find in court and win the here's believing in gentle winds of change! Hugs to you sweets.
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