Affraid Of Getting Old

March 4, 2010 7:38am CST
Are you, like me, one of theose people who are affraid of getting old? For me it's not about the way I look that I am worried about. I don't like seeing new grey hairs everytime I look in the mirror, but I don't worry about them. I am more concerned about the aches and pains that come to us all with age. I'm affraid of not being physically or mentally able in my older years too. So, are my fellow mylotters affraid of getting old, whatever your answer tell us why.
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59 responses
• Philippines
4 Mar 10
its alright to be old as we ll do but i admit that im afraid of getting old specially that i dont have a husband nor a family of my own nor not even successful in my career. im afraid that i will be alone in the future. but maybe if i already found one then perhaps i will face that age with courage coz i know that i will have someone beside me whom i can spent the rest of mylife with yet being loved and happy since i know that my kids cant stay with me forever since they can also have their own family.
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7 Mar 10
I think friends are the best cure for being lonely. I have many female and male friends who have been divorced or who have never married and had kids. They just surround themselves with friends and make sure they keep active and busy.
@donna22 (1116)
4 Mar 10
I think some people are afraid of getting old in case they have not achieved all of what they wnat to do in life. Yes you can be old and fit and healthy enough to get out and about but it really dpends on exactly how fit you are as to how much you can do this I suppose.
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
4 Mar 10
Yes... I am afraid of getting old... I am 27 now and they say that I look much younger. Some people place me between 18-22 LOL... But still I am scared of old age. I am worried about looks and physique and everything that old age might affect. Only one thing goes well with the old age and that is 'Knowledge that comes from our Experience'. To remain fit all the time, I have started exercising a lot and eating healthy food... Everyone can do it, I believe... :)
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
7 Mar 10
Most certainly, stress plays a big role in degrading a human frame... Stress causes early old age symptoms- like gray hair, wrinkles, dark patches under eyes and it affects the physical stamina too...
7 Mar 10
I believe they can too. So many modern day illnesses and disease can be helped along by our choices in food exercise and lifestyle. I think stress is also a big factor when it comes to aging don't you?
4 Mar 10
LOL I'm growing old disgracefully hun. Grey hairs, I reach for the hair dye. Aches and pains, that's what painkillers are for. Don't be afraid of growing old, enjoy it
@marguicha (225344)
• Chile
4 Mar 10
Aren´t you happy, recycledgoth, that we live in a world with good dyes and noone will find disgraceful that we dye our hair? And I always thank that I needed a back surgery 10 years ago and not 100 years ago..I´m seeking for adventures at my almost 65 years of age.And I find them.
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5 Mar 10
Go for it hun, I decided a long time ago that I have no intention of crawling into a hole and hiding.
• United States
5 Mar 10
I'm sixty-two years old and my biggest fear is not being strong enough to care for my disabled husband. I'm afraid my back won't hold out much longer to transfer him from bed to wheelchair and back again, or move him around to bathe him completely, or care for the bedsores that plague him due to his diabetes.
• United States
16 Mar 10
We are in that Catch 22 situation. Too 'wealthy' to get help; too broke to afford it on our own.
16 Mar 10
Hi Mysticmaggie, i really feel for you and your situation. Do you not have access to help from your local authoritied who can help you to care for your husband too?
• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Mar 10
Hi Beauty, I am happy to say that i am not afraid of getting old. me and my husbard are already prepared for it. we are so excited to grow old together. imagine we will be taking care of each other until the end the end.
• Boston, Massachusetts
16 Mar 10
thanks for your wishes friend. we are doing our best to still be deserving for each other until we age. for sure we will be a happy and loving senior citizen couple ones we reach that stage in our lives, in our relationship.
16 Mar 10
Aw, that is lovely. I wish you and your husband every happiness.
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@derek_a (10873)
5 Mar 10
Getting old seems to happen quite suddenly when I look in the mirror. I think there was always a resistance to getting older but I wouldn't say it was a fear. It is natural for this to happen. At first there was non-acceptance, and then once I realized it was inevitable, there was nothing I could do, so I accepted it. The worst part I would say is that I suddenly realized how short life is, because it seems that it was only a short time ago that I was a teenager! _Derek
16 Mar 10
I know what you mean! As you get older time seems to just go by so quickly. It's already the 16th March and I have no idea where January and February went!
@patms1 (521)
• United States
5 Mar 10
I much prefer getting old when you think of the alternative. I am 71 years old and yes I have aches and pains but 2 Advill in the morning and 2 in the afternoon if i need them and the pains are gone. Keep you mind active by reading a book or doing a crossword puzzle. How you feel and act is up to you. To me the most wonderful thing about getting old is I now have more freedom to say no. If I don't want to go somewhere or do some thing i just say no I'm not up to it. End of discussion. The most wonderful thing about it is I have wonderful children who have given me wonderful grand kids. I have lived long enough to go to my granddaughter's wedding and I hope will live to see my first great grandchild. Yes, there are aches and pains but what I have now is worth any pain or ache. Do your self a favor and instead of fearing getting old look forward to all the joy it will bring and I promise there will be joy.
16 Mar 10
Thank you for your words of inspiration. I am so glad that you have lived to see the important events and have seen your childrens children.
@skbh12 (2946)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
hi beautyfactor! i don't think i am afraid to get older. i even get excited when my birthday comes up because i am going one step ahead again of my milestone and somehow it makes me feel that i am entering the world of adultness. ahahah!
16 Mar 10
Urgh! I hate birthdays, my next one is on April 23rd and I am going to start counting backwards this time!
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
6 Mar 10
I'm not afraid of GETTING old because I'm already there. At least that is what the calendar tells me. My advice to you is to take care of yourself now to prevent those aches and pains of old age. Maintain your weight, but do not do it with crash diets. They are hard on your body. Most important, stay active mentally as well as physically. Eat right, lots of fruits and vegetables. Drink milk or take calcium supplements.The calcium in foods is more easily absorbed. Thus, it does you more good. This is very important to consume calcium rich foods and do some weight bearing exercise every day to prevent osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Learn something new, and work puzzles to ward off Alzheimer's disease.
16 Mar 10
Excellent advice bellis, thank you for taking the time to post it :)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
Hi beautyfactor, We all know that someday, we will get old. But its a part of our life and there is no way we can't stop it from happening. In your case, I think you need to prepare your self physically and mentally by having a balance diet and exercise. There are lots of TV adds on maintaining a healthy life and its all around. All we need to do is do it for our own benefit. If we smoke, expect that it will have a bad effect when your older. That only means if we don't take good care of our selves, we will suffer on our older years. Just always remember not to abuse your body since your health will suffer if not now, it will be on years to come. :) enjoy life and make it meaningful because we all live here for a in this place is just a temporary.. :)
16 Mar 10
Excellent response, thank you for taking the time to post it :)
@marguicha (225344)
• Chile
4 Mar 10
My dear Old Lady, I am 64 years young. I´ll be 65 in June, but I say 64 until I have the party. There are things I like about being older than before, others that I have grown acostumed to. I dont like grey hair but I can chose any colour I like. Noe I have highlights of lighter hair. Quite becoming! It gets more difficult with age to retain new things (I have given up on retaining nonsense and I make lists)but on the other hand you get wiser and have more capacity to separate the important from the useless. Yes. Our body aches sometimes. But quality of life is as important as life itself so you can have adventures at any age. On January 2009 I went to a 3 week adventure aboard a sailboat. I had never been on one: it was high time I did it and some friends invited me. Mind you: I was part of the crew. I helped with ropes, cooked some times, played cards with the smallest sailor aboard when the sea was rough. When I look at myself in the mirror I say to myself: "God, with his infinite wisdom, gave me wrinkles and presbitia at the same time." I say it in Spanish as it is my native language. But as you are from Spain, I´ll put it in Spanish too. (Dios, en su infinita sabiduría, junto con darme arrugas me dió presbicia) I´ll post a picture of my 60 birthday. That´s the way to live! Take care!
@marguicha (225344)
• Chile
4 Mar 10
Birthday party. - A picture of my 60th birthday. I had candles, ballons, family and friends.
Im trying to upload a picture.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
26 May 10
I am afraid of getting old as well, but my reasons for being fearful are quite different from your own. I look at my grandmother (who passed away three and a half years ago) and also at my mother and that is the reason that I am somewhat scared. By the time my grandmother passed away she had lost two of her three children, her husband and one grandson. For my mother, who is far younger than my grandmother was, she's lost her only two brothers, her husband and also a baby to miscarriage. I don't want to have to face all of that loss in my life.
• Philippines
31 Oct 10
I think everyone is afraid to die and that is one reason why everyone is afraid to get old... and yeah, I'm afraid too. But I think it would be better that we get old and have those lines and aches and pains than dying at a young age. At least, we could have some more time to spend our lives and live to the fullest.
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
yes im afraid to get old. but unlike you, my concern is all about physical changes i may encounter when i get old. like i wont be able to wear clothes i like because i need to dress up according to my age so from t-shirts and jeans, i should change my closet to polos, sleeves and slacks. huhuhu. plus, those marks that will come out from your face, skin changes and many more! waaaaaaaaa. i wanna stay 19 :(
16 Mar 10
I loved being 19! Just becasue you get old doesn't mean you have to change the style of clothes you wear.
• United Kingdom
4 Mar 10
I'm kind of resigned to it even though I'm only thirty-four years of age! I'm not worried about old age, it's coming whether I like it or not and I suppose I just have to accept it. I wouldn't be that keen on any aches and pains that may arise as a result of getting old, that's the worst thing that can happen come old age I think. I exercise regularly now and it's my hope that I can remain able bodied throughout old age! I'm still intending on continuing with my cycling at the ripe old age of ninty! I hope I make it that far! Andrew
• India
4 Mar 10
absolutely right why to worry...juist prepare ur self...keep urself fit.......
@ralphido (842)
• India
4 Mar 10
well.. i remember as a kid praying each night to be grown up overnight so that i could stop my older brother from bullying me .. but looking back now.. i would give almost anything to get back those days.. now, whenever I look in the mirror and see my wrinkled face i just loose my heart..
7 Mar 10
You should have just stood up to your bullying brother anyway. I remember how I always wanted to be older so I could go out with my firends more often and stay out later. I think kids and young teens do wish their lives away then regret it later. Thanks for responding.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
6 Nov 10
I am old, and a few silvery white hair had sprouted beneath my jet black hair. My age, I don't feel it. I have much more things in mind to allow fear of old age creep in.
@freymind (1351)
• Philippines
31 Oct 10
i fear old age not because of how i will look but how will i be for my family. i don't ever want to be a burden for anyone even if their my loved ones.i still want to have a use for my family even in little things like taking care of the young ones, my grandchildren. and i don't want to end up alone in the future. that no one cares for you since you are of no use and is not needed anymore.
• Bulgaria
4 Mar 10
Yes, it's the same for me. I'm afraid from illnesses and pain, for that if I'd be able to take care for myself and also I'm fear of that I may be alone.
• Romania
4 Mar 10
Because when we are getting old, we are getting ugly - too fat or too thin, our health weakens but most importantly, we won't recieve so much love from your dear ones. Our children grow and build their own life and the relationship with your husband/wife will become colder and colder.
7 Mar 10
Thats a bit negative isn't it? I know what you are saying, but life is just what you make it.