Never believed in the Surveys, It's Deceiving!
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
March 7, 2010 9:08am CST
Hello Lotters,
Most specially if the surveys has something to do with the determining the best President for 2010 Presidential Elections. i used to believed that surveys are helpful to us, but this time, i think it's different.
here's my story, i was editing and making a new version of the candidate that i have chose and soon i might campaign as a volunteer for him. then, my mom saw me and she is amazed on how i choose my candidate. she said she wanted to vote him but the surveys aren't showing any good results on him. i told her "never believed it, it's clear that surveys are becoming more deceiving than informative" after that she said she will vote for my candidate, which is very convincing.
SOrry guys, i'd probably be back to normal after the elections. it seems that the masses had been deceived by surveys since some networks are actually backing a candidate, using the survey as a form to condition the mind of the voters to rely on the highest rating of a pres. candidate to vote them. which is very deceiving...
so, now, after choosing and promoting the candidate via internet, i might start to campaign on the streets too.
wish me luck.

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19 responses
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
Well surveys covered just minimal numbers of people but it has a powerful impact. It can actually condition the mind of the voting public. This is why I would rather have this surveys banned. Whether we like it or not there are many people who don't want to think anymore. They will only vote on the basis of popularity without even bothering what kind of people are they going to vote.
Well Gordon/Bayani tandem is a good choice. Both of them have proven their good leadership in their respective places. Too bad they are not making it in the surveys. Honestly Bayani Fernando has always been my choice even when he was still in the Presidential wannabees. He lost over Gilbert Teodoro though. So now that he opted to run for vice presidency, I will still support him.
I've not really made up my mind who will be my President. It is actually only one between Gilbert Teodoro and Gordon. My third choice is Noynoy if only for my love for Ninoy.
So my the best man wins. I pray it is neither Villar nor Erap. Please Lord help each of us decide for the best man to rule this land.

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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10

@skyquest2003 (2)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
Hi Salonga... this is to join LetranKnight25 in convincing you to vote for GORDON. He is the only candidate with the best track record. He has never been involved in issues on corruption. He has always stood by his principles. He has always fought for what is best for his countrymen. He has been so humble offering much of his time serving this nation. How about joining us in campaigning for him, too?
Cheers to a progressive Philippines!
@dorothy09 (1520)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
hi there letranknight, wow you are really a Pro Gordon, I love Gordon also but Im sorry I am not pleased with Bayani fernando... I strongly agree with you I dont believe surveys, personally you believe Erap has more voters than GOrdon, me definitely not. I have lot of officemates who are pro gordon, I am still thinking who to vote, my aim really is villar not to be our president and erap of course.. I am ok with Gordon, i am for Gibo and Noy2x.. But I am considering noy2x also because I dont want villar to win, here in cebu we have a lot of pro noy2x and villar really works hard to get votes here and he give house and lot during the campaign which I think is againts the law of comelec for a candidate..
so much to tell but I really have to end up here my brothers keeps on asking the seat for her dota..
basta I dont like villar grhhhhhzzzzzzzzzzz

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@dorothy09 (1520)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
hi there letranKnight, I can undesrtand your stand for Gordon.
well forgive me about considering noy2x because I dont want villar to win,
I mean it really. For me, Lets face the fact, I dont believe in surveys but people really are for NOy2x and Villar especially here in Cebu. mY point is I DON'T want villar Win. I just hate him over my deads body lol
, if he will be the president Goodluck to us.. He is just so thirst and super,supreme over mega hungry with power. Why I hate villar? I am eyeing on him really I see a lot of controvercial issues that he did not address and I find him guilty especially for the c5 Extention Issue.
My stand is I dont really want villar to win, and for me only noy2x can beat him.
Thanks I am convince that Gordon is the most experience of them all. But
my aim is Villar be on backstage
Thanks for the response again LetranKnight..

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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
could you just choose a better candidate base on your conscience? i think am getting an impression you too are choosing noynoy because he's winnable, right? well, i don't wanna argue with you there. i mean, how should i know, maybe every one's thinking the same. i guess no wonder no noynoy supporter has ever answer our questions about him when it comes to track record, instead we get insults or being shoved away 
. we tried to asked them too inthe facebook fan page...
well,with regards to your aim, am sure it will work..but our side we want gordon to win for the sake of the country..

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10

@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
8 Mar 10
Most mathematicians know that statistics can lie. By design no survey is perfect. Among the reasons are
1) There are surveys with faked results. The perpetrators hope that the statistics shown will influence the majority, thus fulfilling the survey.
2) The sample size is too small to represent the whole population, thus results may be skewed.
3) The survey is carried out in areas where the population support the person or object under survey. The results obtained are genuine, but do not represent the whole population.
4) There is a group misrepresentation. I am not sure how to explain it but I shall use car drivers as an example. According to statistics women are better drivers because not many of them were involved in accidents. Wrong. Try making a comarison the number of women involved in accidents against the total number of women drivers, not against the whole driver population. There are other things, but women drivers are not unde rthespotlight here.
I tend to take the results of a survey with a pinch of salt. On voting for someone I base it on what I know of the person, instead of on popularity.
Forgive me for posting this response but I could not resist the topic under discussion which is about surveys. It applies everywhere.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10

@doryvien (2284)
• United States
10 Mar 10
Hi Letran,
Whenever I see these surveys, they make me feel weak, coz I know that though they may not entirely reflect the people's view, they are a great tool to sway people's choice particularly those who haven't made up their mind yet - this precisely is the reason why some candidates pay huge amount of money to sponsor these surveys. Not that I'm fazed, coz I've already decided whom to vote for, and these surveys won't change my mind.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10

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@sunnycool (12714)
• India
8 Mar 10
I never decide the worthy one depending on Surveys they can be promoting some thing else which isn't real with the candidate.I always try to have a look at the present candidate and what makes the anoother candidate more deserving than the current one---this would help us to find the pro's and cons which makes our selection easier.great day.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
10 Mar 10

@Eppie2010 (509)
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
Hi LetranKnight (schoolmate ^^). I agree that surveys are really deceiving not only because it does not really present the majority but also because it is done randomly. I feel sad about this because Im also a supporter of DGordon & FBayani and so is my Mom, but she told me that she will vote for Noynoy instead, so that her vote will not go to waste, and her decision was based on these surveys that kept on appearing on TVs. :(
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10

@Eppie2010 (509)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Don't worry, we're not giving up on our Mom just yet ^_^(Me and my sister both). I pray that we'll have a clean and peaceful election this year! God Bless!
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
I am glad that you are sticking with your chosen candidates. I think if people will be doing what you are practicing then Philippines would chose the right leader. I won't ask who your bet is but I guess you stick on what you believe is right for your and your candidates and no matter what happens in the May elections, win or lose at least you exercised your vote in a conscientious way.

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
Hello rsa101,
Unfortunately, some exercised vote and then they don't know exactly why they are voting for this and that. so, who do you think is good for you? i have chosen my bet am sure you have seen that on my other discussion.
as for me, this time my vote is not wasted because i have voted for who i believed is right.

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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
well, don't just have the names. research on them, watch how they answer in debates. listen and feel who is the best candidate for you..
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
8 Mar 10
i also don't believe in surveys. as i have mentioned before, i want to see these candidates in forums, aside from their accomplishments, track records. but i also don't believe in character assassinations. well, good luck to your choice of candidate to support in the presidential elections.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10

@Ingkingderders (3831)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
I remember our conversation about the surveys.. It's really annoying that they show the survey as if it is really what the Filipino people are thinking. They should make the disclaimer bigger, the one that says how many people participated in their survey, cause usually it's really just 1000 people or even less. I have once seen a survey about the elections, and the number of people participated was only 10 people! 

@Ingkingderders (3831)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
That's true. I think surveys are used to condition our minds that this person is not going to win so why even vote for them. 

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10

@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
Surveys is just a threat for me, whenever I saw the latest rankings now, I am so much annoyed. Because the no.1 in the survey should not be in that place, he should not win because he is a total corrupt. I hope that what you said was true, I hope the surveys is not real.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10

@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
7 Mar 10
I think it could be and it could not be. there is no surety of the genuineness of them. but if we think scientifically about them then we will come to know that we cant just judge the human behavior by let participate a fraction of population. many time it could give the indication but not correct every time.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10

@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
Personally I also don't believe on surveys. We have different perception so I guess some people can easily deceived after they heard that their candidates are ranking up they been convinced that this one I would vote on the coming election. Money is useful nowadays to deceive someone for their own pursuit, like some politicians doing. They would do everything to have power and authority that doesn't take place by anyone. Anyway my candidate for this coming election would be Eddie Villanueva or Gordon...and Loren Legarda for vice-president. hehe
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@workingmoms (195)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
For me, I really don't believe in surveys.
I would like to appeal to all Filipino's to please vote wisely and don't base your votes on popularity and survey.
Whoever we vote for will be the one to rule our country for the next six years.
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10

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@arreolabryan (853)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Gordon Bayani will make the Philippines but popularity is a key thing in the Philippines. Hope this changes.. FPJ almost won or lost due to cheating... Erap won before... Many other actors are in the government... Hope we change this things.. Vote for people who has proven to us that they can make our country better...
And please priest should stay as priest and not go over the line man...
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
7 Mar 10

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@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
I do not believe in surveys too, I never see people conducting a survey at home or in the street. I do not believe on it, sorry for the people who are working on surveys company. But if I meet one I will post it here in response to my response. I do not believe in surveys, if there is presidential candidate that is high in rank, I will believe that they just pay for it. I need to say what are their plans to improve the country and their solution to present problems. I don't rely on surveys as I do not have to chance to participate on that and I need to see the questionaire first before believing on it. For me surveys are not transparent.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
10 Mar 10

@techgurl (451)
• Greece
7 Mar 10
When if comes to elections, I never believe the surveys. They are most of the times deceiving and made in favor of one candidate or the other. even if they were truthful I still wouldn't base my decision on it. But then again I have voted only once because they all turn the same, at least where I come from.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10

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@saurabhs (52)
• India
8 Mar 10
i totally agree with you my friend as surveys are deceiving because last time when our country had elections,one of the news channel did the survey before elections and found out which party has chances of winning, but after elections were held and results came out it was totally different as country which topped in surveys was nowhere near the party which topped in i can say this as a perfect example of how much surveys can be deceiving. Nowadays survey are of no value as these all are in hands of ministers and just by paying little sum they can get what ever thay want.......
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10

@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
As an Statistics graduate, I firmly believed that surveys are basis of opinions. And it is actually the basis on how our leaders will do in order to act on what the population is feeling. But if done in just a small part of the population could not actually air what the population is feeling. Most surveys that is being done right now here in the Philippines has respondents only coming from major cities, and mind you they don't even reach 10% of the total population. The most common respondents are people coming from low income areas because they do feel what the majority of the people is feeling. And most of the social scientist concludes their opinion as the opinion of the majority.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
10 Mar 10

@natjohn20 (200)
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
For me I think survey is not that accurate when others said it does, it only takes a portion of the population to get the results, I know its difficult and impossible for the researchers to acquire the whole population to get the results that's why they only get a portion of the population for their surveys to take place and make it accurate. I really don't know how this survey works hopefully everything will turn out right.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10