
United States
March 8, 2010 9:07pm CST
What is your thought about this. This topic is truely something that upsets me. I just want to know what you think, and if you would have/or you had an abortion, why did you?
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10 responses
@doormouse (4599)
9 Mar 10
i had an abortion when i was 14,i think abortion is ok in the right circumstances,but not when women use it as a contraception
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@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
10 Mar 10
Thanks for sharing doormouse and like I said I don't judge people on why they do it or don't. I do not know what was going on in your life at that time. And great point not to use it as a contraception. I am sure that was not easy for you and at 14. Did you get a lot of support before and after? If I don't get back to you right away it's cause I have to go to work soon. But I will check back and again I do understand that is not a easy decision to make. You had to do what was right for you whatever your circumstances were at that time. God Bless You snoopyfan
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@doormouse (4599)
10 Mar 10
i got no support from anyone,my mum has never mentioned it since that day,and the doctors never spoke to me about anything,they spoke to my mum,after i had it done the doctor just gave me the contraceptive pill and sent me home
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• United States
19 Mar 10
I am pro-choice.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
12 Mar 10
I would not ever choose to have an abortion because for me that would be the wrong. I believe that life begins at conception. Abortion is legal in my home country up until 24 weeks pregnancy. A lady can have an abortion after that time if her life is in danger or her baby is severely disabled. I know that because I got the shock of my life when I was offered an abortion at 36 weeks pregnancy. I said no way and I let my disabled son be born. He has got spina bifida and hydrocephalus. In my home country 98% of abortions are for social or economic reasons. 2% of abortions are because the mother's life is in danger or the baby is severely disabled. I feel sorry for ladies that conceive during rape. I understand why a lady that suffers that terror might choose to have an abortion. Because it is legal abortion is seen as right to some ladies and many of them regret what they have done afterwards. They don't know about the depression that many ladies have years after having an abortion. Ultra sounds and tests are done during pregnancy to see if the baby is healthy. It is always worth giving a disabled baby the chance to live and not aborting him or her. In the case of social reasons I suggest adoption is a fantastic alternative to abortion. I think an abortion causes a fetus very strong pain. There is a movie called The Silent Scream.
@iridium (431)
10 Mar 10
i think it's a simple medical procedure that should be available to all women. regardless of the reason they're pregnant, if they don't want to be, its their body and they shouldn't be forced to carry a parasite for 9 months.
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@deedee328 (1122)
• United States
10 Mar 10
It is wrong. It is murder. I think that it should be illegal. I have never and would never have an abortion. Babies are a gift from God. I believe that a baby is a live human being from the moment of conception. For me, there is no justification in having an abortion. There are too many ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and too many options available in case of accidents for anyone to have an exuse to abort.
• United States
18 Mar 10
[i]There is adoption. The government has even made it easy for you to dump your kids off at hospitals and clinics if you don't want them. [/i] THe government does NOT make it easy. I'm in court a LOT for my job as I'm a cop. I've seen MORE than one woman in court for child abandonment because they "dumped" their child at a hospital. It's still considered child abandonment even if the woman walks in to a safe haven such as a hospital or fire house and says "I don't want my baby. You keep it" and walks off. As for adoption, that solves the problem of an unwanted child, not an unwanted preganncy. would hardly call raising chidren as SENTENCE of any kind. For those who don't want kids, or don't like kids, it would be. [i]It is a joy and a privaledge. [/i} I have a 2 year old. I agree. I don't believe it is our choice to make. Again, children are sent from God. Actually, they're not. Abortion is murder, as the baby is a live human being from the moment of conception. We do not permit murder of people outside of the womb, so why do we allow innocent babies to be murdered? Because the "person" inside the womb has no rights. I doubt if it ever gets rights. It's not self sufficient. It relies on something else. I don't think I could ever have an abortion, but I'm not going to tell someone else what to do with their body.
@yresh12 (3210)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
I believe that abortion is a grave sin. If my friends did this I had to support them no matter what there decision maybe. I just give them options and respect what they decide. In my own point of view, abortion is not the way of eliminating the problem it could only worsen it. Think about it, every child is an angel and your killing one of them.
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@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
9 Mar 10
I think its an horrorful thing. I have seen things related to this that are so shocking. What really impact me, was the life of Bernard Nathanson. He used to be called the King of abortion. He is responsible for more than 70000 abortions in usa(directly and indirectly). He even abort his own child. The thing that made him change his mind was after seeing and eco and saw an abortion through it. He made a film(Silent scream i think is called) where he show the movements the baby does when he the abortion was realized. He is now a big pro-life activist and even convert to catholicism. Truly a redemption of his sins. Even after so much sorrow he has repent and has done so much good since then.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
9 Mar 10
I never had one nor put myself in a position where I had to make that decision. This is very tough for me because I don't know why the person is thinking or having the abortion. I am caught in the middle since I do agree with both sides. It is a life and you don't have to wait 9 months for someone to tell you that. As far as I am concerned it is a baby the minute you have conceived. It is growing inside you and life has already begun. I would rather if a mother couldn't have the baby or take care of it look into adoption instead of abortion. There are a lot of women who can't have children and would love to take care of this baby. If a woman was raped or for medical reasons they couldn't carry to term I would clearly be on their side. I hate the fact people go to these places with signs and set the buildings on fire. I could never understand they are for life yet have no problem if the doctor is killed in the fire. In a perfect world as I said if they couldn't take care of their child then by all means put it up for adoption. No one can judge women who have abortions. It is something they have to live with the rest of their lives. I don't think they ever forget or wonder what the baby would have been if they lived. That is hard enough to live with than people running around with sings screaming at them. Sorry for being wishy washy. For me this is one of those issues you can't paint everyone under the same brush.
• China
9 Mar 10
Yes.This topic is not only upsetting you,but is also making senators and public opinion representatives muting for years.Abortions,as far as western value is concerned,is a violation of living right.As posed by the legislature of America,people cannot deprive other people of their right to live.At the same time,the US government provide a relatively consummated welfare system for those who do not have the abilities to raise their children. But in other countries that have not established such a social security system,people do not abort after their accidental pragnancy can probably face with financial and social pressures after giving birth to the babies.It causes social problems that the problems can be even bigger than allowing abortions for woman.Also,the harmful effect imposed on women is much larger than on men,which we should always bear in mind.We should discover a proper solution for this controversy matter.
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
9 Mar 10
Woah this is heavy stuff. When I was pregnant with my third, they said that she might have the downs syndrome. Even with that we know we shouldn't abort the baby. But it was terrifying thinking of what the future might be. I was so scared and God decides that we aren't special enough to handle a special child. I do admire those families with special children. I think they are extremely special to raise kids with special needs. They are the ones who are outstanding in any community. anyone who raise these kids with love and care, they are the heroes.