Why do other religion (some) trying to put down the Catholic Faith?
By purpleshy
@purpleshy (26)
March 11, 2010 6:52am CST
Some religion are trying to put down the Catholic religion, when i was young i already heard a lot of comment about catholic and some are not so good, and some are totally bad. People tend to break or shall i say they want to poison the mind of Catholic devotee to be able to bring or introduce to there religion. Why not JUDGE yourself before you put down people or religion.
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18 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Mar 10
Well, the prohibition is against judging people not actions or doctrine.
There are issues that may raised against the Catholic Church.
The mixing of Aristoteleanism with Christianity under Thomas Aquinus.
The persecution and destruction of one of the earliest Church, the Celtic Church, started in Galicia by men who walked the earth whilst Jesus did.
The altering of scriptural doctrine. Some of which have been mentioned by previous posters but also include:
Making and praying to graven images
Mary worship and the novel catholic beliefs regarding Mary's conception.
Creation of saints
Confession to a priest, the original practice and scriptural advice is public confession as practised by the Celtic Church.
The existence of a Pope, again forbidden by scripture.
Papal infallibility and authority, originally this lay with the council of bishops
Wilful misinterpretation of a scripture to support papal authority contrary to how the early Church fathers understood it.
Transubstantiation - herein lies Aristoteleanism.
Corruption with the Catholic Church
all the best urban
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@scja16 (322)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
Yes its true, However it is not only for Catholic religion because it also happen to other religion just to be fair with everybody. You may have a point and the only thing that we can do is have more stronger faith that we will have unity and respect with each others religion. God bless
@purpleshy (26)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
Yes right, it is just so sad inside my heart because for the longest time here in our country were there's a lot of Catholic, they kept on saying bad things about Catholic faith on the TELEVISION, On there Preaching. Why not preach with God's holy words and holy Gospel for that we can be one.
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
11 Mar 10
I have seen people put down other people's religion many times. It doesn't just have to be Catholic. I think that many people want to think that they are right and that if you aren't on their "side" then you are wrong.
I think this is silly and that a person must be very unhappy in their life if they feel the need to put down anyone for anything. I think it is great to see someone of faith regardless of the faith or spirituality. It may not be the same thing I feel, but if your faith makes you feel like I do with my spirituality then you are a lucky person.
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@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
11 Mar 10
I personally have no problem with Catholics except that there are a few concepts that I have a problem with. I will share them and if you can tell me why this is then let me know so that my view will be changed. I do not mind debating or admitting that I am wrong.
1. I went to a Catholic Church once and during the service I found that I disagreed with a couple of things that the Church was saying, after Church I went to one of the priests to ask questions and was rudely told that it was not a womans place to ask questions and if the priest said it was so then it was. That really was not okay with me, so this is really my biggest problem but the others are scriptual.
2. When speaking of priests the Mathew 23:9 says "And call no man your father on earth, for one is your Father, which is in Heaven. So that means we are not to call a priest father.
3. The bible also says that no man can forgive sins, except Jesus and God.
4. Additionally the bible says praying to statutes of Mary is Idoltry which is one of the ten commandments.
5. Lastly and by far the most important is that priests like other men are supposed to be married, when the first priests Aaron and his sons, and their sons were to become the first priests and all of them everyone was married.
(Just a note, that while I am not against Catholics, I just have a few problems with the beliefs and I have even more problems with taking them (priests) out of the normal function of man (being one with women) which caused them to resort to having improper relations with children.
These are the things I dont understand as a Christian.

@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
11 Mar 10
Couple things I dont say that all of them molest children nor are they under one brush, I personally have no problem with Catholics, a few of my concerns were mostly scriptural. I have been to several Catholic churches and none of them have been forthcoming. I spoke of one of those in my post. The thing is that for the most part the ones I saw expect you to follow without question and many of the Catholics (that I have met personally) have absolutely no idea what is in the bible, that does not mean everyone, just the ones I have met personally. I dont thing that everyone who is a Catholic is bad nor do I think there is something wrong with them, or half my family would be cut off, I am married to a very Italian man (he is Christian) with a Catholic Italian family. However this is my story.
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@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
12 Mar 10
I read The Bible every morning I am not a expert or anything just try the best I can to understand. And I do have Catholic friends and we don't agree with every single thing and yes I think it is time for the Catholic Church to update and take a new look at a lot of issues. We are very slow on doing that I have quite a few Catholics that would love to see women priestess as well. I also have a Christian friend and he will ask me questions and we share back and forth. I also watch Charles Stanley on a show called In Touch which is Baptist but I love him and how he spreads the word of God.
Sorry the catholic friends you have don't read The Bible they are missing out on a lot. Well at least you have your husband's family to help you answer questions and again I am sorry you were treated rudely.
I also know you are a very godly person I see a lot of your discussions and it is wonderful how you share your faith we others.
God Bless You
Ps Sorry if I disrespected you in any way I gotta defend my church. God has been very wonderful to me.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
11 Mar 10
I am Catholic and I don't pray to any statues. In fact I also have a problem with that. I do not pray to saints either. I only pray to God and Jesus Christ. I don't have The Bible memorized so I am not sure about the priests having to be married. I know a lot of The Old Testament is not to be taken literally. Jonah was not in a whale's stomach. People weren't turned into salt. I also only confess to God and Jesus.
I am sorry you had that bad experience with that priest. That was very rude of him and as a follower of Jesus he should have answered your question. We all know the story of the woman at the well. Jesus by law wasn't supposed to speak to her but he sure did and that is a beautiful story if you really understand everything that was going on with this woman.
Not saying to convert but you can always try talking to a different priests. We have awesome ones at my Church and they treat women with respect. I am sure all religions have good priests and bad ones.
Priests didn't molest kids because they weren't married. Those people were sick to be attracted to children same as teachers, sports coaches, boy scout leaders. Once again you are painting everyone under one brush. Do I like the fact it was covered up for so long no I don't. But that is for God to judge and take care of not my place.

@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
11 Mar 10
I am Catholic and why is it necessary for any religion to knock down other religions? I am so tired of people who aren't Catholic taking the stereo types that they have heard and judge all of us with one brush. It is the same with racism. Each and everyone of us is different so let's stop saying all Catholics are this, all jewish people are this, all muslims are this,etc. I don't judge anyone and I have never said my faith is the best and eveyone else is wrong. I do not judge people for whatever faith people believe in. No one can ever poison my mind. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and no one could ever get me to turn on Him.
To me it is very sad we have people running around and arguing their faith is correct and everyone else is wrong. Why not be happy we have faith share our own experiences and learn without fighting about. I wouldn't stop talking to someone just because we are a different religion. I actually have friends with different views on religion. We don't fight or say my religion is better than yours. I am praying to the real God. To me that is just stupid and a waste of time. Especially mine. I love talking about God and what He does. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart and am very proud of that. If someone wants to put me down because I am a Catholic that just tells me they are someone they are the ones with the problem not me. It is pointless for me to debate with people against Catholics because all they do is insult me time and time again.
I love your last sentence about judging yourself before you put other people down for their faith. I don't know a lot about the other religions but I have respect for them because it is what they believe and it is where they are getting their faith from. I am for people having a relationship with God that's what I like to see. Whatever religion they go back is fine with me. I don't think Catholics are better than anyone. I know them to well and we have flaws like everyone else. The only perfect person who walked on this planet is Jesus Christ. No one has the right to put anyone down for their faith.
And if you don't believe you can say it without insulting the person who believes as well it is not that hard to do.

@purpleshy (26)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
Thanks for that wonderful sentences that I have read on your comment, its a great feeling on my part because everyone has entitled to get respect and be respected with others. I heard a lot of debate which pertains to the Catholic and why not just respect each and everyone for we are all God's Children. We will all be back in his hands and no one will just GOD.

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
11 Mar 10
because they tend to find that in our religion were so free to do what we want
so free? I'm sorry but I have to disagree..The Catholic denom is actually one of the more STRICT denoms within Christianity
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@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
11 Mar 10
Agreed Ravenladyj!
I believe that in most cases that the extensive charity work done by the Catholic church is good, but...
Aries12... The Catholic faith is often received as oppressive and as being stuck in the dark ages per se due to stances on birth control, divorce, for celibacy/marriage ban within the clergy, denial of things/issues proven to exist/occurred, and in some areas for the "holier than thou" attitude. The sad incidence of child molestation from members of the clergy as well, have put the Catholic faith in a bad light.
And I'm sorry to say, most people that DO make fun of the Catholic faith certainly aren't jealous of it...
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
11 Mar 10
zoey I am catholic and I don't have a holier than thou attitude like you are clearly showing. Make fun of me all you want I just look at the source and there is nothing of you to be jealous about either. It must be so nice to be perfect like you. I noticed you didn't say what your faith was. I am proud to be a Catholic and will be until the day I am with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
14 Mar 10
It is wrong to put down any religion! If it isn't your path , that's ok. I am not a Catholic but I do respect them! I could never follow their path and that's why I respect them.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
11 Mar 10
Its because they made themselves the top dog. They claim they are the church of Christ. There is a saying in the bible: "The first will be last, and the last will be first." If you were to say "I'm the best." Everyone will come after you with bad things.

@urbandekay (18278)
12 Mar 10
A statement by the pope
"Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true churches."
all the best urban
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
11 Mar 10
I have never said I was the best nor does anyone in my Church say that. We are not taught that either. Don't know where you are getting your info from. Or is this something you heard?

@pierone (1893)
• Italy
12 Mar 10
I guess that the true problem is not the religion, is the human tendence to impose our own choices as the right ones.
Like some countries wants "export democracy" to other countries, without asking themself if the population of these countries wants import that democracy, any man with a religious faith think that his own is the "true" faith, and try to "convert" other faith people to his own.
I'm supposed to be catholic, but since I was litte, I think there is something wrong if there are at least 3 or 4 different Churchs that claim to be the right one, and any one of them is talking about the same God with the same son Jesus.
And there should be something wrong if the 3 monotheism religions (Christians, Jews and Muslim) are born in the same area. Nobody got the doubt they are referring to the same Entity? Nobody asked themselves why, if in different forms, they are talking about the same God we could not simply leave anyone thinks to God in the way they prefere?
And the biggest mistake anyone of us usually do, is make a big confusion between the religion and the men that officially or unofficially represents the religions.
The nazi during the second world war had a motto on their belts: "Got mit uns", God is with us!... And for sure military priest given their blessings to the weapons before attacks during that and other wars. Want we says that due priest done that, God is in favor of wars?
Religions are the natural response to the most important question anyone of us ask himself since the beginning of the humanity: "why are we here?".
So I guess anyone of us, should respect other people's religion choices, because there is no demonstration that "our" religion is the right one, and there is no need to impose our religion to everyone.
I feel good thinking our Father is an alien, you feel good thinking is the Jews God, others can feel good with their own thinking. That's all.
Nobody can knows the truth, because anyone of us can only read books that were written by men. And as we should well knows men have the tendence to "modify the story" according to their own designs (do you remember the iraqui massive destructions weapons?).
Live and let others live.
@ziyadahinc212 (552)
• United States
13 Mar 10
Catholics are the ones who started ALL the Bad BLOOD for their religion by persecuting "THOSE WHO WERE DIFFERENT or DIDN'T BELIEVE AS THEY DID!" "CATHOLICISM" is one of if not the, worst known religious orders for persecution in the history of MANKIND! They had the Christian Crusades AND later the Salem Witch Trials all done in Name of Ethnic Cleansing. Thousands were tortured, punished or killed because they were either "DIFFERENT, NON BELIEVERS or just WOULDN'T REPENT. So, no one person needs to "put down the Catholic religion" THEY'VE DONE A BANG-UP JOB AT THAT THEMSELVES!lol
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
I am Catholic, too, but I don't idolize saints or images. I only pray to Jesus Christ. I just wish there would be no more judging one's religion because it is a very sensitive issue that we humans normally get defensive of. I just don't like it when people say that we Catholics are not Christians at all. I mean someone here said that Catholics wouldn't be saved because they are not Christians. That just surprised me because that didn't make sense. Bottom line is all Christian denominations focus on one God--Jesus Christ. No need to argue or fight.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
13 Mar 10
Hi mjcookie, (one God - Jesus Christ) My question to you is how can a man born of a woman be God? I will give you the benefit and agree that God - Jesus Christ himself interfered with Mary to produce Himself but Mary being human, would make Jesus half man and half God. What do really think? I think and know that a horse put to a donkey produces a mule.
@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
21 Jun 10
Hello i am hindu by religion, i do have christian friends, but i don't know much about branches of christianity,
Thanks for sharing. Why should others try to play with faith of others?
Welcome always.

@rijovjohn (428)
• India
22 Oct 10
This is the thing i also dont understand. Why they have to oppose the catholics belief when they spread the word of christ among other people. Catholics are the one who are formed very early and is made by St peter. Many of the other christian religion originated recently and they are saying Catholics are wrong. Some people who cannot go with the idea of Catholics start new religion and they are saying they are the original Christians created by god.
If so i can also make some religion if if some views of catholics are against my interest and say my religion is true.As we all know God has created only one and i believe it is Catholics
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
10 Jun 11
because Roman Catholics are the number 1 believers of Superstitious Beliefs even they know that it is a sin against 1st commandment of God....
second reason is the Roman Catholics are fun of celebrating Halloween every November, wearing Satanic Avatar Costumes and enjoy they are evil....
they used to pray for Virgin Mary but i never heard they pray for Saint Joseph,
aways the mother and neglecting the father,
the father becomes jealous because always the mother and child hehehehe
they always say they have a great Faith to God, but they didn't know their faith actually are watered down bit by bit....
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
11 Mar 10
Well why does ANY person of ANY religion put down other religions?? Its not acceptable by anyone regardless of their faith/personal religious choice...
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
12 Mar 10
There are so many different religions and faiths in the world. I believe that people tend to put down what they d o not understand. I think it makes it easier to dismiss.
@arreolabryan (853)
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
Many just believe that some things in the catholic Faith is wrong and should be change. We are people we judge we look at things we comment on things we find wrong. Sometimes they won't say something bad if really there is nothing bad to say.
@codycooper (28)
• United States
12 Mar 10
it dont mater the religeon i like all people and i think thats crap